HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-06, Page 9• 41•010,0•411m7110147101Kmriollifilmilw..r.;r,
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11.,MICSP4Y.1: '19,§„1, °
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The Whitechurch. Women' - In-
stitute will celebrate Gfaridnioth-
er's- day at their September
• meeting ,neXt Tuesday at 27'3,0
The 1airShe4 Institute are
guests, for the meeting. Hostesses
••are Mrs. Earl Caslick and," Mrs.
Lance. Grain. Roll call, ' Prand-
mothet's cures. An. exhibit of
-your Wedding Dress" Will be „a
•;feature of the meeting. Prizes are'
to be given 'tor the 'tallest, short,:
est, yo est; oldest,. and the
grandmother . with' .the most
• grandchildren!' ,'Members :please
• bring 1unh, „ ' • •
• Mrs. Walter Lott spent the past
'with her son Wesley. and
his :wife atWaterford • '
• ..,.1YlessrS.. Robert and Lavergne,
• Mansell, Mr,. John4GriffiA •of De -
:▪ Loft -spent the • week -end at the,
home of Mr. Mlles
The Whitech'urch Ladies'" Aid
met •at the home of Mrs. Robert
• Rs on Tuesday and Wednesday
• • cf last ,Week and quilted a' 'quilt
or the bazaar: . •
• Mr. and Mrs: Miles MacMillan;
Mrs. John Griffin, Mr. and Yips,
Pat IVIacMillari and Mr. and Mrs,
Myles MacMillan,. Jr.,. attended
the MacMillan-Biernan wedding
at Merritton .ori Saturday.•
Messrs. Robert and Lavergne
Mansell of London and Master
Donald Jantzi, of 'Milverton spent
'part nf last week with and
•The marriage took place on
August 4th'at Queen's Road Pres-
byterian Churcly,St, John's, New:-
foundlancl; Mario-
ightei of Mrs. W: W. Halfyard
and the late. Mr.. Hallyard,of St,
Johns ,to Gordon, Taylor ' Mont-
goinery, son of Mrs, J. O. Mont-
gotriry •of DungapriOn - and the
late Mr, Montgoirkery-, . The .pere,
MOM': was performed. bY •R.
The bride '4‘.vas giJvie away by
.1V1r..Aaron I3ailey,, close friend
of her father and chose a. gown
of chantilly. lace over satin with.
full train. and, .floor length veil
of, Syviss iriarquisette held in
place-. by; . tiara 'of seed pearls
:arld;bugle beads which .matched,
the Peter Pan collar' of her gown.
She carried a shower. bouquet of
gladioli andsweetheart roses,
• . Miss •Margaret° Garland and
Mrs Robert P. Hunt attended the
bridein gownsof blue and. orchid
brocaded. .taffeta. They wore.
*Juliet • ;caps of tulle With :tiny
cluStets of • Matching flowers,
• Mr. Robert Hui-le...was best
nian 'and •the ushers Were Mr.
Gordon ,Halliday and Mr. Robert'
•S. 'James,
The • guests werereceiVecl: at.
Frost's by Mrs'..'Halfyard • in a
goWn .of 'and. S.Wiss
' •
• Mr arid, Mrs. Thos.,Moore re-,„
• •
Residents in the vieinity of the
asphalt mixing :plant have'. been
_protesting,ithe.clust nuisance', but.
it appears there is, little that can
be done. The matter Was taken.
before Kinloss 'Township Council
which requested the Warren
Paving Company'. to tai4
mediate action to remedy thq"
nuisance. •
t dust 'trap ' Was tried Out but,
• fail efOoperale satisfactOrly,
•'The. residents 'of the Vicinity
COMplain that the, dust, which is
lalown from the crushed•rfaCk' be:
gardens',..- and infiltrates „their.
'hoines : despite closed doors and'
iondow§, It .ig, elairod ,to be 41,2
most choking at tirnes;•Workinen,
. at the pit have been affected by
it. and' an extension waadded :
• to the, stack to help relieve this
About ail that can be done, one
Fenilernan •commented, was .to
pray for a fayora,b1;e!,.wind.
import laae with rose aceessorieS;
_The bride and grOom flew to
Sydney and from there motored
• to Dungannon. They will reside
• in Lucknow,
turned home last Thursday,0„ .She
was 'a patient Victoria Hospi-
tal, London, for a few-Tweeks;
while Mr. Moore. was: in: Wing-
-ham Hospital for a- fe* weeks.
We hope they. . will have better
health. '
• Mrs. Mac .Ross eft last week:
with. her daughter,_1VIrs: (Rev.).
Graydon Cox a,ncl. -,•Mr. Cox of
Fonthill 'where she- will Visitfor
.a while, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier
E? tt ended Toronto 'Exhibition one
' lase -Week
,rogy . •
Mr Torn Inglis, Jr and his
ter, Mrs. Robert Adams, 'attend-
ed' Toronto ;Exhibitidri on Friday
and' visited relatives. ••
•.Mr.. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood
k7isitqd, on Monday of this week
With their daughter,iMrs; Clifford
Heiffer and Mr. Heiffer of near
Wingharn. •'
Mr, Hail. and Miss % Clara Bell
Cow of Kincardine. Visited last
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Ezra
Welwood. • , • .
Mr.' and Mrs; Perry Thompson
:and, familY'.' and- Mr. ',and 'Mrs.
Steve. H. Thompson' of Caledon
vigited Monday with Mr. $i'Mrs:
Stanley, Moore; and Mr. and Mrs.
Frecf.Hall of near London spent,
the week -end With Mr. and Mrs,'
Stanley; Mooie.
Mrsi. MeQregor return,
ed home from Wiz liospit41
last Friday where she yvps, a pat:-
lent for' a week. •
-- and --Mx.'$,, ,,Clark•'`Moth-egOrg •••
and ' son Bruce; are: moving this •
week into part .of Miss, Mabel
Piii.clon's house' • •
Mr.' and Mrs. Archie Watt' and
• farriily of Toronto, Rev. and Mr.
George-Watt.and family of bun-
gannon yisited on' Monday .With •
their parents, Rev. and Mrs, W. -
,J. Watt. Dr. Donalcl,Watt of Tor: •
'onto spent .Saturday with,his
ents. • • •
Mr, and Mrs. Russel Chapman • .
and 'sbri,Garry' spent, the' week... • :,..
end at Aurora. and attencled, a•
wedding there:. • .'' • • 7' •
Mr. Joseph • Tiffin; Sr.; was
taken to Wingham, Hospital on •• ;
Sunday in a serious cdridition.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier are •
pending a few days in nirorito•
this week visiting relatives. •
Mrs. •Lorne Durnin of near •
,Lucknolir visited on Monday 'with •
her mother, Mrs, David Kennedy.
Mrs. George Fisher. ' . •••. ... . ' "ft•••••••77.,.71-,--N,j.,7-,..N,,..-...... ... ' ",,..7-.,s,..7.),::
Mr, arid Mrs. I -lank Kreuger of
Lincoln Park, Mich. are visiting
. with Mk_ Jack GitheslOr a .few
' Mrs., james Forster .ipent . a -
week recently with'. her niece;
• Mrs: MacArthur of Paisley.
School resumed this week with
Miss Walker: .6f - near 131uevale
••• teaching at: S.S., 'No'. 9. and Mrs.
NOrinan of Kincardine ..at S.S. No:
10, Kinloss:
•.MrS. 4.nnie, Carter of :London
.:is visiting with her brother, Mr,
Rcbett Hutchison and his wife.
Mr, Russell Gaunt and his da,ii.,
,..: ghter Janet and Jarries.:Richirtd-
son are attending. Toronto .Ex..!
. gri! P,hail§..1,1114th,OA /1-01:,'Ogro-
•,lyn and Mrs.'. AAex,.Hackett:ifient.
last week at port:Elgin Beach.
A truckload of flax seed came
* to• grief • early last: Wednesday
Morning about. three miles *est
of Lueknow, with :little damage '•
• except to -the racks of thetruck,
John, Dahmer; thedriver, and,
Bob Middlemiss.whO was asSist-
ing him bring .the ;load to town,
• escaped injury. ••
ck '
Gaunt Truckers have' been work
ing night and day trying to tope• „
with the'-hugel-ctop-of:grainthat''
• is being •rnavied: John and Bob
• ••were, doing an, extra: nocturnal
• trip to bring a .big load'Ol'ibagged
flax to the local
•• ear Orland Richards a. front
••:wheel of the lruick .slipped off •
the' -blacktop Onto.the soft should-
er. --The .driver •was:: .sueeeeditig.
in, pulling .the vehicle back when
the rear *heels ',mit: down,
turned the truck over,'
It was daybreak before a
wrecker. had the truck s righted,
• and .the loadgathered, up. with.
. iepairs to the rack the truck was
SoOn, back in operation again
• „ , "
• 'An' amusing incident occurred
•.,daring the.. Neighborly •NewS
. broadcast .on '•Sunday ." morning.
• Mrs. John 1ViacLeari, age 95, had
• been previously interviewed .and
• Do n Fairbairn* Was in the midst
of his brOadcaSt..Vou could have
• heard a pin drop. 'Mrs. Macpean
unconsciously started a toe tap-
ping routine that sounded like0,
trip hariuter staccato: Don pro-
ceeded outwardly, unperturbed;
• and Reid( Forsee, the prodticer,• ,
t,arne quickly: to' the rescue by
hanClkeithieT tina0r,
• 14.1's• MacLean's. foot.113efore 'the
broadcast ended he' had 'to
adjust" the ,haikler4ief of 'which
•-Nfrs. MacLean remained inno-
cently unaware. It SaVed the shOW
• 'and gave the audienep...a clultt
, qclitickle„ :
• • ,
• ,
The pauTsPAec'Etiii't"G
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• *from* euta4ice4 7etemostireaopsom,
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The big, new, London Free Preis featureWEEKEND Pictiire•
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