HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-06, Page 6, *En ocusE wiDEsrREAD GEt OPEN SEASON • •, An •Oer-abundance a deer in ELuro District daring the past year haS caused thousands , • of dollars in damage to autos, • fanners' crops and. orchards, ac - 'turtling to conservation officers Ontarid Dep*Itment ;Of. • Lailds and Forests. • The officers have ough1y es timated that..$30,000 damage was • inflicted on cars alone as the re- sult\ of ,collisions with deer On laighwaYs in the District which covers ten counties. A total of 450,' deer Were killed in this man - O laer and the aVerage •collision is believed to hartle cost the ,Motor- . 1st $200•• in, repair bills. ' Farmers are another group, who . • sre welcoming the tifiee-day, open, 'season to, be held this year, The, )4" • •• idee.r, once the Y had eaten up' all' , the• nalOral browse, turned to farm cropS for sustenance. One , ar,rner eomplained that he had ...lost 100 bushels of corn during the winter months, while Many • *then reported losses -of 25 bus.. lor more. Considerable damage, • "they told the vVrildlife officers, Pad been done to, their hoe ',crops', ' mach as turnps and mangles. . • Fruit growers have been w#nt- the:deer PoPil/ation 'reduced ' for some time. Young orchards .4 • • , • • . • TITS LITC1cNOW SE in particular haVe stiffered heav- ily, 'The deer' are said to: have brOWsed on th4 tender branches Of young trees and when 'these were eaten turned to the tops, aridthen the. bark. One grower estimated that $500 damage had • been caused to one:Of his young stands. • Nt#4- had ..exPressed f‘i: that ap open s,eason would cause # heavy influx of bunters, but the fact that the • open. season will.be general throughout the Prpvinee will alleviate any danger, a.over- Concentration of deer hunters, wildlife officers are of the opm- ibri.• • ' • • J. P. JOHNSTONE has announc- ed, that he will Seek the' Con-, serVative ,nomination in the Pro- vincial riding of "Bruce. J. P, who form,. erlY" represented' . the • ricling,.. was defeatd at the last election bY Kenzie Foster. • • Mrs..: I ,imas a 'fool 'when I 'mar- ried You. , Mr.: Yes, 1314 I Was. so in•love; I didn't notice' ' • • "How are lny chances, doctor"? asked an anxious patient.' . ."Oh, Pretty good", replied the doetor cheerfully, "brut all. the saane 1, Wouldn't start .reading any continued stories". <if .• tCONV • ONTAM° 1 „ BACKWARDS. ..SENT.0.1.a.^. • FIL.E$- . . Sixty Years A:go tatiori•rviAS' made to' Ralph" F3Ve- . , Mitchell Bras. closed their mill ,in ilate May after a very success- ful season during which they shipped* 40,000, maple rollers, to the , Old Country, - the largest amount ever turned out in one, season. 0" • • •• • The June'. session pt Bruce: County -• Council was Weld in Lucknow and ;narked rthe first time Council had met at ah in - glass, who...had Joined the 110,th Battalion at Stratford. 0 Constable R. J. Cameron. was, inatruCted by the :Village Council to,_see that the ...Speed limit a "nine miles an hour" was, 047 Served. . . •• Dan MacDoria/c1 wag wOunded 'overseaS; having his arm" Inidly shattered ilisy a 'shell fragment, The•Cher. (red popular with land point except . at the County loCal motoristdelivery of new cars having. been ;:•recelved by T. Town •,Walkerton. ,Headed by Warden MacDonald: of. linion COunty, the Councillors Came by traiwito LuCknOw and were met by the' town band under the lead- ership of Professor Standhaft and g reception committee cOrnptised of Reeve 'James Bryan, Coupleil- lots Lyons, IVIcQuaig arid aviur, doelf arid ex -reeves Campbell and Tennant. :During the session Bruce ;Council 'drove to Gederich to fraternize With Huron County COuncil which Convened ..at the Same' tirne. It was the first tiine thetwO bodies had met since sep., arating for County ' .purposes 25 Years before. Prior to. : that the ,united Coinities: of Hurdn and Bruce .had been supexlvised by a :joint county ebuncil., • • THIS' INNER. CHAMBER HOLDS AIR WHEN TIRE:BLOWS TIRE •• ,OUTER Air • CII.MAgD LIFEGUARD CROSS SECTION As. the illustration • shows,. a tiro' • with a Lifequard Safety Tube retains • air in,the linner air, chamberevel, : when tire hiorvs. Tire does not• go , • fiat inimediately,,,cor does not 1,urch or.. • ' sway but respaint under col: ntro ••• S. 'Reid,' Johnstone .Wm. Madicenzie; W.. WJ.' Todd; Mel u.'Greer, A. E. Durnin and Jesse Button. - he MeGatrY House :Was being 'offered for saleor. rent. . At No, 1 Kinloss, John A. Lockhart was teaching Torn • Mil- let, Pearl Geddes, Annie Stanley, timer Arrnstrong; 11,turie1 Rich- ards, Norman McDonald, Willie 'Stanley, ,Twenty Years: Ago The standpipe was completed in mid -June -For testing piirposes the tank was filled with a, 21/2" fire hose thrOdgh . the manhole: at the .top of the t nk. It took 50 hours to fill it. • •' ' A barn raising • was • held'.at, •' Mrs. C.,••L. Xberger (nee Car', Ale* Cameron's, con: 14, West tie 'Geddes.) piTie4 in. Toronto in Wawanosh. Robert McCarrol had her 37th year. •• • ' the ,•:Centract. and •James : McCPy :1 , George Twarriley of ...Ashfield did the framing 1 died ',:froin• a heart attack 'litchis -Early , in •June ,the' death oc- 68th year. • , • cur,red of Sir John A. MacDonald, A jury 'failed to •reach 'a ver - referred to as "Canada's greatest diet .in .the second trial:, of the .Statesman, and ablest .•political McNeil Brothers charged with leader. • - • bank robbery at BrusSele... A third W . 3..Freleaven of „Ashfield trial was set for the 'fall assizes ' • • • Was struck on the eye by a-nailat Goderich. , • U DAY, Sgi")T.6tb,, 1951 THE. VOICE OP:, TEIVIREAANCE isnotleg. is put-lling, legal whisiceY • in the United States", This was!•the. startling neWs Item copied by the London Free Pl'ess, from the New York Herald-TH• bune. It .continued—."rnore, shine—is being 'produced today than during the Peak of prohibit. • ion". Licensed' beverage indug- ries .had furnished this' informa-' tion. That confirms, What this ,paragraph has always mairitained —liquor outlets do not, abolish boot1e'ggirig,.,7-- rather they. make More ' liquor available . and they enlarge the . drinking. with the result that there is more iboOtlegging as well as more, legal sale*,-"—Adv.ti: • • ..; . , , .• 6_vir(a S and •it was •feared he Would lose •Lucknow Junior ,Farmers oft- • ball team :Were' the winners of the -sight Of the 'optic: • ' ,• •Group 2 in "the ,Rural • 'Softball Thirty -Five Years' Ago League. The local line -Up ' was:. . • • . 13.! LaviS .cr, C. :Greer 3rd, In fate April the death occur- red in 'Toronto General .Hospital of Mary Little, in bet 23rd year: She was ttie only daughter' of Mr: ;and. Mit.' W. J. Little. Zion 'comMunity. held -a pres- entation for Nelson WebSter. had enlisted 'rn the .1"6,0.th Bat- talion, and at Laurier. a. presen: • A 11 Hacliett p, S.: Trowbridge ss, L. Woods 14, A. Thompson 2nd, F. 1V11CQuillin c, W.' Hunter if, G•;. .Fisher rf. '• • A barn raising. was ' held at the farni•of jack and Finlay' lVIc- 'Donald Kinthil. John Cameron •was.,in eharg-e of Proceedings and tearri captains were Donald Mac- Lean. and Frank Johnston. -• .• Mrs: J. DaWson. received word of the death Of her brother,. J. C. .1VfitehouSe of North Dakota and..a. native of /Laii,gside. '' • • • • ' is easy on your purse How"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousands who never could gain weight before, now' have shapely, attractive -figures. No more bony limbs. Ugly hollows. They thank Oiftrex. It puts - flesh on, bodies skinny because .blood lacks fron. Pens You up. too. Improves appetite, digestion so • food nourishes youbetter. Don't fear getting too fat, Stop ,wben•you gain figure you wish. Introductory xir • get -acquainted" else only 60e, Try Ostrex Tonto Tablets tor new pounds, lovely curves, new pep, today. At &1 drug . . • ':WEEKEND • •F • • 'A. ,-'nevi step forward : in the his tory ,Of Canadian publishing will be • 'marked' ..Saturday, : September ••8,. • ,when The LoriE don Free Press will „include as 'Vert of Its.. regular • orday editions ..a sparkling, new feature, .WEEICENb• :Picture: Mag - iriclriaiOn 0(0-4smart, new ' .y,otograVvire and color :tabloid sup- pleniont, brings .t� readers, Of :the :London 'paper a. weaith. Of 'meek - end reading•-entertainrnent, .features : On all tQpIc, spec1al articles and •',Pictures. and .Photonews stories of •'the • Canadian as well,. as world wide -seerie; , • : • ' .Advance :ir,iformation epneereing the new supplement :indicates that c.t..` reportorial. 'staff is' second to . , 'none w,ith such. top names as 'Rate' itliezi,•,,Ilelen„.Gdugeon, Jock Car-. • O'Brien, Greg Clark and • ianhostrgrns, Ofri' other handling ,th.e • • ,A :staff-. Of skilled eanieranien; , :such as 1:4;onis Jactlues whorecently, krained• hi's: lenses on ;Princess: Elii- • • abeth' and theDike Edinburgh aild: their. charming •Childre* will , 'CaPture- news and feature pictures , throughout, Canada and the. rest Of : "the wOrld. •• • • Short. st,ciries .and, other fiction. . . c:101.41,rie , 8: it. f. tiocitri ,ttkoh. oetie,eillustratedtoeiwnsli4ppepaliern• .. [trice and readability and color and. rotogravure reproduction, the new, , Wili be •'printed, Cat- • itOrals printing ;plant.st''and11??st.rxi?de•rn cci additiciri: -tri the inclusion • WEEXEND-Picitire'Magazirie all, regular: Satiarday: edition, . The .Free Press has announced the •- , expanding Of ts full color comlc section' Jo• 16 pages to MUlte the. ..rnost complete package of Week-. end readfng nterta.inif!ent•iriingine-:,,' ".' ,44 Ten Years Ago 2: . Rev. R. IC.. Todd' of "Liielmow United, c,hureh accepted 'a cali to Georgetown. . . • The .death4f—Rothert7iT•ohnAon, reeve, of LueknOw for 10; year, .occitited Goderich early ,in May. He, waS inhis 60th year. • Dr. 'Grant MaCKenzie•teceived • the degree of Doctor of Medical .1,Science in Otolaryngology from • ColuMbia ' 'University, New. York" • ' f•i) Allister. Hughes f wasinatilled as president of the *newly organ- . • ized,LucknoW_Branch of. the'Can*:- •achan LegiOn., • Bob. Courtney of ArnberleY'W:ds. badly btirned aboiat the face when, a wagon . lee& of flax' chaff .on •whiChthe WaS riding caught fire. David Armstrong died" in "Tor. onto in his 6th year from spinal Meningitis:. His father was over- .• seas at the timewith the dental corps. ' He was the grancISOn of 'Mrs.. Sadie -Armstrong; of; Luck,. meeting held late in 'May te fill- the Vacancy on the ..Village 'Council 'resulting from Harold TreleaVerfs resigna- 'flan,. failed to obtain' a candidate /or , the offiCe. .•- *;-'• Gus Xinihan of St: Augustine • was elected president, df. the'netv- ly organized /West W#Wanosh unit • of' the :Pedetation of kgri-' • 'cultt*ti-e. • ' • '• ' • 'sg .,0.bServer W. Lloyd Weldon Was reported Missing:in aetion Orerseas eWS, 'a son a Rev. ' • 4 4 ' , ,!!., 4,, •: H141.551, ' • • • .1- • : ' •4" Vi•4a.4 ' • "4. 2 • • , A ,441' • ' • • 41/ f !'t • 1.! -• ..41 if 4 2 ,r, '••• •- A, • '44 PRIVE CAREFOtal ONTAR*10 (" DEPARINI,ENT OF -HIGHWAIS„ 't .Gios H. DOUCETT. Minister „ . • • G. Walddn; of Braritforcl and forrnerlY of BerVie • At a gathering 'at the •horne f Mr. and Virg, Sohn Kn., ,patricic,' heir ,Parents, Mr.: '8i Mrs. Wm, Robinson celebrated -their , 56th wedding 'an n ivertary, „ The death :decur,tecl a Mrs. Wm. G011an in her 31st year. $ .Councillor . 'Harold Treleaven . • resigned his Seal on the, iflia:ge onticii" over :the,- procedure • the ‘i'llq.gPetd:dASeeosti'PitaBetdlibocnnis".17Wne°.ive'at.i.rn°na �de.f. by „ • .tihhefeel-',r;c7,4nnygterliiiaerin_cwogogtrotiocnnietto: ed the. ministry. Rev. -George L. .43::orritisag6ilhcla.sa' WiD.11c)iatj..1%.14A5, Ivietiea'nF Gordon Ball, Viilt) fei.1611/Kg at Larigslcle, joined, the 11,:q,A.F. Triih.AlN edeeatamhoic7i.dirt,edis:.!.ddc.91Y.o Wm. f l'been. recalled from Forrnflsa. e cause .of 'conditions, in the!, FarT at.;p. spoke from e n,..trtir,a`cih91,,Ptiot the Of large ,dongregation, : 4TanMcR• " • ' ae wasl'inled'dbPlitY:: • " • Magistrate for M, iddlesex- 4114- • • • • ' A , • .44'444 , ***