HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-06, Page 5• .
PiPASPAY, • SEPT., 6th, 1951
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• :AG g FIVE
• R°S1E*ARY • 'PI .•
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Tomato time. Is 'there anything
in all the world that tastes as
•goOd, or even half as .godd," as a.
..tomato? To me there isn't... I eat
Them with my -toast for break-
fast, With my duncb,,and with
VW. dinner, and for. a bedtime
• ,snack with, toast again; or out of
iy hand iike an apple. „And all
the different things- You can, •do
• with thern! • • • • • . •• . •
sure you' Can 'Plenty of
• tomato Juice while they are Plen;:
.titti1.. to bathe the clog. •Ye$;
that's• What 1. said. But maybe I
have- the cart before the. horse,
• or the dOg,before the skunk. Let's
start, at the beginnini. A feW of
my friends are primed to send
me any good tips they know. for
this colurim. A, few weeks ago
a.friend in Detroit sent me, What
she described as,...a "dilly" of •a
• tip, that a veterinary had'•given
her'. . . to•de-odourize a clog that
has inadvertentlY met a skunk
,batherhini, in tomato juice-. "Not",
she 4aid..',"that I hope anyone
ever needs use the tip, the
Skunk bei an irnal,' like the
purple coy that on never hopes
to meet.
That's the way I felt too,
the very -net evening, a Sin.
OlvIenipg, we came •home abou
10.30, drove up to. the garage and
stopped: As SOCill as the car door
•opened; the dog, of course, jump -
.ed Out.. There was a scurry hi the •
bushes at the other 'side .of the
garage, a slicmie sharp yelp,' and
Frisk Y immediately began wild -
13r rolling in the 'du,* .•of • the
neighboring driveway. • -
• Ther e Was no doubt that there
was a little black .and white ani-
mal in the, immediate vicinity,
but it could haver been a. --great
deal worse,. .,'it apparently was
• not' a• direct hit, bLit the air Was
decidedly malodorous,, and so was
the poor dog. ,And now was the.
time, to tet the tip. But, as I said,
it • was 10.30 ' Sunday, night, and
I had no gallons of tomato juice
in the house. In fact I didn't think
• I had any. I phoned restaurants,
but they had no gallons o. juice
• • ••
However, light still shone from
,our next-door 'neighbors" windows,
• and O. friend husband went Over
to ,borrow some. Meanwhile I re-
membered that' i still -had several
quarts in the; basement that
had canned last year.
We were •ready to the
experiment • the great ot4.--
dOOrs seethed" to be the place for
our bathing activities, but we
were taking no chances. -op Mr.
Skunk's still lurking ;about, and
so we took a little tub • into the
• kitchen. We put the poor dog in
the tub, and 4g .seerned to real,
.ize. that. We Meant well. I poUred
the • jUice•-over him, Wbile;friend
husband rubbed it well into his
coat. .'You: know what 'happens
when 'a dog gets. wet?i That's,
-right!. lie shakes-ihilriself .
tomato juiceor water,. critrAiit-,_
phen or the great .oUtdOors,' it's,
all the same to him.',110wever it
worked. We didn't Wash the juice
ou• .
Next day I returned tomato
juice to rny -good neighbor; Her
husband said, "Did it work?"
opened the door, 'There's the dog.:
• Smell him". • • •• ; •
"Guess it did alright", he sniff-
But try them: -often :some 'of
these way's . . . ..
Stuffed . . Cut 6 deep slices
i the sides of each of .6 Mediurn
tomatoes; but don't cut all the
• way through. .-Spread sliceS. apart
fan fashion. Coarsely shred
enough washed arid drained spin-
ach to make 1,1/z cups, and add
1 tablespoon chopped • chives.
Blend together: 144 tsp. salt, ,few
e:rains pepper, 1 tablespoon •vin-
egar, 6 tbsp, sour cream, and add
to spinach' and .chives, Arrange
tomatoes on lettuce, and fill areas:
between the fan'ned slices with
spinachunlikture.-Or . eut and
arranger *tomatoes in. the *.same
and fill areas with cottage -
cheese into which chopped chives
-has been7 -, .
OR fill with the' following inix7
titre , .sinall' Can (614.• oz.)
flaked tuna fish., Mixed .viih
.Cup• ,choppeds celery, 1 tbsp:
inced ft;inion,. Coni-
;bine- with one-third c.ip mayon-
naise .mixed• with 1 ,tbsP-. lemon.
• Iiere• are a couble of recipes
for Tomato Butter . . .pet re-
cipes of my sister's. Bbil
tomatoes until there is One Pint
of thick pulp. •Add1 pint. of ap-
Ple Pulp, 3 cups sugar, jilice and
rated rind of two oranges.. Cook
until mixture is thick and Cleaf.
• Minato, Butter (2): 10 lb. ripe.
tomatoes; C4t_-up and let stand
over night, If very juicy pour
juice oft, Boil till thick with 1
pint 'vinegar, 3 lbs, brown sugar,
1 tsp. salt, I/2 tsp: cayenne pep- ,
per, and 1 thsp: Wholeigloves, 1 •
. tsp.. allspice and 2 Stick A cinna- ••;
mon in a muslin bag. That is the •••.'
recipe, hilt I have done it with,- . , " • ,
out letting 4taod overnight, and • , . ••„: '
"I don't know what is the adyan
tage of that: . .
And •here. is 'a Green Tomato
Mincemeat that .gets a big hand
at .out table . 4 qUartS (about
24 19 sfiect:).
choppd green tomatoes; 2 quarts
(about -l0 or 12 medium sized).;
.pared and finely iChoPped. tart . •
ples, 1 lb. raisins 4 *lap, minced: -. •
citron, .lemon or orange peel,.
tbsp. . ground '' cinnainor4; 2.- tsp.
1/4 tsp, ground' allspice, ½.•
tsp.. ground. cloves, 0/4 cup vine-
gar, 1/4 to ,1/2, cup lemon juice, 2: .
cups 'water. i Cook all together .
Slowly until apples are soft, then
add 2 .cups ',granulated .sugar and .
2 Cups ftrthly packedbrown..
•sugar., Stir frequently to Prevent
Sticking and continue Cooking un-
til thickened Peour:ipto hot, ster-
ile jars; fill jars to top and seal.
Store in cool, dry place. Makes
about .3 quarts. ; '
' , •
• $ 4 •
I . • '
t ' '
- •
• 4
' ••• • 4,
•••• :••••••••••',..... •
. .
:ommissionea Officer
•Armour • Artillery. lnfantry
• . ,
. • ,
Young hien -recently- graduated. from High' School
with a minimum educational standard of
Junior Matriculation, may become officers in.
tbe .Canadian Army 'Active .Force. •
If accepted you begin training at Camp Borden as an officer
cadet to' qualify as a Second Lieutenant in the Active force,
• .
:You will receive Second Lieutenant's pay while in training.
alis training will epngist of three courses otalling a period of
twenty-eight weeks. When you are gta.nted_a commission
you will then serve for periods of 3, 4 or 5 years as you choose
under the Short Service Commission, Plan. At the...end:of ---
this.service you may apply for a permanent commission.
, • I k
This is a chance to serve Canada at a time when defence stands aS a
'Most important national concern. The training and experi ce
• -stialfadership will be invaluable assets to any young man
, • .
, • •
, • •
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. • .
. ,
. , • ,
• .
throughout his whole •life. •
• '• •••
'40' Single ';•. • - • •
Fitt' • .
••:•Between- jto. and 25 years Of, age
• 41iinicioMciftictitiofi-Oh",Giilduate •'••• • .:1"--••:•.;
APFLY. TODAY' in W.:TOMg to;
N. :'13OpOt, ,WitAtti
Ms deciUdna Cly';q1Otte 5ts., Otio4.06,
, No. 5 0,erSootial3epOt;e
'Iltat King
OI 3,Peesonnel . • ."; ' •
.ctinadiori Reirkiites) 5tatiOtio 90' ItittrieOnil 10.„ Tarerrio, Ont'
NO.:1 Peisetinel Depot, Welseley0 West, No
Bairsicki, Etizobeth et, toOkiOni ,
• , Artoi, IReCruitinti Centre, 23Moin.5treet rthtoy, Opt,
Arm 1tectuiting Centreilocees Sireet kiltroi0Ottjalties St. North,61110.in; beti
Strength s
0,4,..deci.to eienf Aggtissionl
• •+ • • " • • .," "
. .