HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-06, Page 1A • • .7! affigiiiiraXWIR.011444r•WPFIPWAITIVIIII*111r1IPPMFF4T. ,,•, a, ;$2.50 Yearly In Advance 50c Extra to U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, . SEPT. 6th, 1951.•' • •NEIGHBORS IPI{:t SENT:GIFT TO 8IIIRLgY 'JOHNSTON , • The neighbors on "Standpipe . , tPAGES.' ote:' •s....f....NRoLLm.ENT.,. • SETS NEW RECORD tree ' • On Tuesday,. Qctober:9th, prop- , 'erty owners • of LueknOw ' .have the ottoortunity 'of Votin•g:' • -for or against IA.' proppgalgo hard- , top. seconclarY.':ro. ads- in• the muni- . ciPality.' • •• • Cost of.. the PrOjeet will be $21,000 of .whicir.the.Departrnent of -Highways awill pay 50 percent,' leaving an $11,000 e*Pencliture, to • be finaneed ••by the Municipality on.• a • .10 -year dtbenture ; issuse ;bearing 4 percent. interest; which would' raised by an anntial debentUre levy, of 2,2• • It is...estimated that a half reduction Would che 'affec.tecrby the savirig maintenanCe Coats. for' the. -upkeep. of the present gravel roada.. • . • • . • " Streets to :be 'paved Wilt. be „ . . governed by those on .which .the Highway,s subsidy apPl.Y•: A 2 -inch bitumiaous top :Wpuld Jae, applied fby Bru.ce ;County ecittip: merit under. the superVision 'of; Coanty'. Engineer Georgo' Ste- . .pherison. • • : 1'0 'Issue., Well Debenture , CpUntil 'approved' proceeding. „ With the' isSUe of debentures in the amottrit, o'f $26,000 for, a well • and puinphouSe soiith-pf•the.flax mill; The debentures, certified by the Municipal Board, will bear' interest at 4 percent, and will •• be•isseed on a 20 -Year term: They. • are to: 7.be -offered' for locally., ^ • • • . • • Council will meet a. represent- . atilve of: the InternatiOnal. Water • Supply .Company at a special meeting to .finalize'plans fer pro-. • ceding With , the. project.. • . Wants Ilome Licensed • Wni..W1b, Warden of Bruce • County,' was w' elcorried; to the •meeting by .Reeve. J. C. McNab. He accompanied. Mr. Ea Baker, ••who had shown Mr. 'Walsh through his convalescent home • and was seeking to ....have It licensed.by a town. by-law: .. Warden Walsh said thathomes 'such as this Were badly 'needed in the County and • should be licensed .11?y• a municipal by-law, • SO that they.wOuld be under the .control.of, health authorities: He expressedthe opinion that there were some, hornei in, the County ',. that. were • far, from 'being.oerat, e • Proper y. • The' financial status of indig- ent patients and Old -age • sioners who .might be admitted •to this home Was • diScuSsed,and it• was expected that indigent regulations would apply •the same as in hospitals, but would first ave e approval of • County Ceun.cil. •• The local . Council 44T ire' in. agreement that Mr: Baker had a lovely modern por,ne which was • a good thing foit-thecommunity, but Council' deferred any :action in licensing the home, Until a copy • ,of the • Department Of Health by-law could be obtained ,.,and studied. • • k.1 • 1A dikposal Sale of Aberdeen - ', Angus cattle Was recently held et. the .I.tatCh Forms, at 'Oakville. ,The top priCe, ainial of the sale \vat a cow,, Blackbird BlosSort, that came from 'the herd of , G. Todd and Son: She whs. told to he Hatch farm as b calf. She brought $1500 at- the', sole.. . I at • :FINDS 8 -LEAF 'CLOVER, • If fourfleaf.clovers mean 'luck, Kelso MacNay should be in or a double share of it, for here's • what she &arid the ;Other 'day 'On their Ashfield Township farm 'an 8 -leaf. a 6 -leaf, a 5 -leaf and, ...three 4 -leaf clovers. •° We saw them, and they are rio freaks. All are individual and fully formed leaves. Mrs. Mac - Nay has them pressed in .a book. for Presermatien. COW 'FRCiM TODD HERD • • iiitoUGg'y TOE. SALE PRICE • . g XOgrarn ILLNESS ATTRIBIJTE4 SUPsINTE4 ' • .. • • A sonP.lbOne: splinter ;Mich had nearly strangled him abouta year and a half ago -is now believed 'te be the cans, Of a•slengthY ilh ness• suffered by ',Victor, Emer- son,, and whose ail11'ent :had baf fled doctors for some tirrie: In a recent. spasm of coughing, towhich . Vic has :Ibaen .subject, he coughed' •up the bang -forgot- ten bone about a month ago, and since thentherehaa been a mark- ed improvement in his condition. Mr. Emerson has •eaten. more he Says in the . pat month than he did intheprevious year, and has' gained .good deal pf 'Weight. .. The bone evidently lodged in his lung in a position. that. x-rays failed to reveal. •He • had 'under- gone ,all Manner of bronchial and althrnatic , tests and:x-rays, but no cause nor relief for the mal- ady that was dragging hiw down:. ht11. could be. found. That bit', of :bone now:. seems .• to • have been, the answer. • ' • .- ORGAislIZATION MEETING . The :ladies , Of the LOcal As- sociation of • the, Girl :Guides ,are :holding .a meeting to organize the fall work in the Community.Cen- tre on.Friday:eVening,, September :7th at...7.30. All lathes who are in- terested in: the . work ot the Giri Guides are WelcOrne. • • • • . SIX 'TEACHERS NEW IN 1(10LOth There are six new teatheri-in Kinloss - Township.. schools this term., Only at Kinlough, the 10th' • Concession and Langside schools are the teachers unchanged.frorn last year. • • : , • A coMplete of:teachers In rural ,schools in the district ' is as follows;. ' -lifitflos • . S.S. NO.',1 Icinloss,'. Mrs. Doreen Young; S.S. 2, Kinlough, Miss Catherine Gibson; S.S. 3, 10th. Con., Mrs. Dan McInnes; SS: 11, Holitrpod, Miss Marian. Ritchie; S.s.,a, 6th ,COn., Miss Joan Camp-. bell. S.S. 7 2n Con' ki 1i • , garet Turner; • S.S. 8, Langside, Miss • 1VIarjOrie, MacDonald; S.S. 9, Murray's, Miss. Helen, Walker;. • SS. 10, Whitechurch, Mrs. Annie Norman : • West Wawanosh. NO. 17, "Miss Ruth •Pent- land, S.S. No.'3, Doh Cameron; SA: No. 4, Miss'Heatrice• McQuillin; S.S. No. • 12, Ross Errin'gtOn;. Music "superyiSor;• • Mr., Sheldon Baxter.: .• / • • Ashfield., Township SA. No.. 1; Port Albert, Aardn Hoak; S.S. No. 3; Kintail, Dun- can Megay; 4, LochalSh, • Mrs. Roy MacKenzie; S.S., No. 5, Zion, Miss 'Madeline Bogie, • SS., .No..• 6, Con. 4, Mrs..War. 'strart; S S No '7,Lpthian,' Donald Mad - Kenzie; SS. No. 8,Dungannon, Eric •,Moore; Jr. ROciin, Mrs. ':T. M; ,purnin; S.S. ;No, 9, Finlays; Ray Stanley ; „S'S. No. 10 'Lanes, •MrS, Jame § Little; S.S. No• • 11,. .ShePparcIton, Miss Lois Feagan; S.S. „No. ,13; Belfast, lgiss ,9„Wen Stewart; 5...St, No. 15 'Hemlock City, Mrs, dairies McTavish; „S:S. No,• 16, Crewe, Miss Ada .• Web- str S.S., No: • 17 Cedar Valley, iss • Olive Payne �f- eafotd. Music supervisor, Miss Marion MacDonald.' •• ' Huron TO•vnship • S.S. No, 4; Mrs.Bob Courtney; S.S. No. 2, Miss Lois Pollbck; 8:S: No. 3, Miss Ada Gawley; S.S. No. 4, Mrs., VietOria Smith; S.S. Np. 5, Gerald COIViti;S.S. No. 7,- Misa „jean Cuyler; 8.8, No. 9, Misa, Jean Pace; S.S. No. 11, Mrs. Olive Vogap; S.S. No; 12, Miss Meriel ;Ella Scott; ;S, No. 13, Miss liene, Farrell; S.SNb,' 15,•MiSs. Gloria Mead. • • • a • ; • , SE E... . r ' SENTINEL. THAT .115r. arid Mrs. Ralph Hod- gins and farailyleft fOr London . the 'end of the week,.."avhere Ralph has bought a home and where he will, follow his • trade, •as carpenter'. Ralph was. a 'val- • ue d• member of the United -Chfirch choir, and will be es- pecially missed. by • the • male• • quartette which has been a • popular foursOme',in the :com-• . munity.., • , . THAT .iregular services n the Presbyterian, and '•United ' Churches will be .resumed on • Sunday with ROY. C. A. Winn' and Dr. W. J. Mumford in their Hill" gathered pn Thursday ening • at the • home Of Mrs. Ed Johnston t9 honor her - daughter Shirley';' who leaves this week to commence training for a,. nurse. A..'pleasant ' social .'evening was enjoyed and the..ifollowing • ad- dreSa, aceorripanied...the presenta-, tion of the gifts. 4 . • Dear Shirley: ' • •., • • • 4's,•your neighbors on "Stand- pipe ; we have followed your young* life in school and social activities and at a,11' times you have' creditably acquitted • your- self arid we know this will -prove a good foundation for your train- ing• in .the nursing profession. , •..As a:gentle reminder, thatktime • never 'stands, 'still,. 'please accept this alarm clock Even if it•may give you. a rude • awakening • at times, let it still remind you of your neighbors back home who wish you all 'success and hapPi- ness as 'it, ticks away the btlsy hours. We; have also. added; some- • • thing for, your leisure time. ' . • • • , • There'. are two changeson the • : • respective. pulpOs. , • APPLIES :FOR.: RATE.' INCREASE • ' Attendance this year • at . now• District High, School will set an all-time' record. The en.... rollment an., the basis of Tues- day, 'morning's 'attendance will • ..• ' ' create, of 15 over last, ,yedirs'lig.47 ' -' • ure, ' which . at • that time. set ..2. . new high' in attendance at the local, school, „ .., . • I • 4 ... , be 140 stuelents,-'Whit- is an in- . . , .• .. • • • -Grade. 9 (First Ferna) had an T... - • :, -"•,... •,.,.., ... . ,•il ',.: - f • :' .. • ',.. • V.. opening day registration of 52 students, with a few more like-. ly to register yet. As was nee.; • ,. essary a . year ago grade 9, divided with one group occupy- ing the•downstairs room formerly • used for Grades' 3 and 4, of the PUblic' School. 'Again this ' year • these grades have their •classroorn • - ' In the• Recreation -al 'Centre with • Mrs..'LlOyd Hall as teacher. • • • • . • • . „ Grade 10 of the High School • is, overcrowded'and the installa- • tion of extra seats in the class- room iS required to accoinodate ' this form.• . •, • • • Three Staff, Changes , • • • THAT Mrs. John Little, who is • 90 years of'age;. is Making her home with. Mr. and• -•Mrs. Bert. • Wad. The Gleason home which, Mrs.,Little has vacated will. be tenanted by Mrs. James•Purves. ' • THAT Mr. and Mrs 1\11„,t. -"Mike" Sanderson had their household' effects Iranaported from St John, N.B. •• last week. The' trariSpert arrived- here on Fri.: THAT .a hospital bed...advertised' in last Week's' Sentinel was gold by '16 'a.m. Viirirsday If you have' something to .sell •• that's in public demand and at ,*•the :right 'price; a `.`want ad" will• db. the trick pronto.: • • THAT Gordon S. MacIntYre, an inspector of pull schoo s, has been transferred/ from Ottawa to Bracebridge. M and Mrs. • tlacInty(re and • Donald Spent the Week -end here after mov• 7 Mg to their new 'home, :which is midway beiween .Toronto and North :Bay, • —o— • , •• .oi. Blackhorse have soldtheir • general store business to Frank Colwell of Peterborough; • who •• will take over :the'business the first of the Week.• , • , • THAT Mr. and -Mrs: ':Gordon • ntgorrier-y--Were---horro •• a wedding • reception',in the- . 'C'earimunity Centre on.,' Friday eVening. A purse of money was .presented/the bride and •grOcirra,- • arid a welcome :extended Mrs IVIontgorriery„ who come S here from Newfoundland. • • —0— THAT Miss Helen. Weiler has re- turned hcane,after.speridirig the summer 'iW.Orking in. Preston, and' haal-tornmeneed • her ,stuct- • les in LateknOw District. High • School. • •• —o— ,• • . , THAT Stuart Collyer has 1een • nanied personnel counsellor for. ' thii Vicinity by the R.C:A..F. and any, young man conterta- NVAS NINETY TWO ,plating joining...this branch of • • ' • • t. - • , . Incre,aseS'of 25 cents per month • for •two-party • residence telephone .service in Lucknow and of 45, centsfor residence individual lines are proposed in Bell Tele - Phone's application for 'reVised.. rates , filed 'in Ottawa with The Board' of Transport Cortunissien.:' erS ,for . Canada, according 'to D. A. • McArthur, •the Company's manager for this; region.. The COMpany seeks to have the • new revision effective October 1st. . . The proposed increase for in- dividual line business service' is $1.00 in'onthly• and for two-party business service .it as .75 -cents' monthly. • . • • • r• ••No change is proposed in long distance rates, ;; • . • A comparison Of present 'rates, for typical classes of servicewith proposed. rates in Lucknow fol - High School "staff,. the personnel being as follows:: P. W. Hoag; . principal, • Miss • Jean Osborne,• '1111r. Wm. Macronaldo 'Miss.' F. S. Hornby * from Richards Landing and Miss Aileen Hewitt o Ber- Vie. The latter .two are the new members of the Staff. ' • . , Residence - Pres Prop. Inc: Indialdual line 175 3.20 .45' Two-party line........;.:2.45 ,2.75 ' .25 Rural /25 160 :351 Extension'''1.00 1.00 siness • ••.7-2-13--res,Propzinc7 Individual line .• 4,00 5.00 1.00 .TWO, -party line • 3.15 4.00 ..75 Rural. • ' 2.75 3.50 .75. trunk • 0.00 7:50 1..25• *Extension • 125 1.25. The standard charge for locA .calla' from ,public or semi-public -telephiarieotrid-be7raia.-edi0 cents from. five. The company • proposes:•to effect' this . increase during 1952 in . only the larger •exchange areas—those with more' than 20;000 telephones : In 'the others,. it would .be instituted if and when!conditions.jhatifY mak- ing the reqUiSite inOdifications in coin-bOX equipment ..The exchange areas where the prdposed-107cent charge would be introduced' .during 1952 are. Mon-. Tpronto, Hamilton, Ottawa,, Quebec; London, Windsor, 'chener-Wateripo •and • St. .Cathat- ines-Therold. , • . • • . ..• . • .: 54* • the„ service should first contact • Mr, Collyer. . '. • • THAT..last week we referred o. the *rush'. of grain to the Luck; now Elev.ator. • • Another busy . spot is Gebrge glliott's seed plant where large quantities of giain , have been unloaded far • into the ,night at 'times. By tranSPort, including Brooks' Bros. "box' car", the'grain is • being hauled away almost as •',fast. as ft is .urabAcied. •• •, THAT T.13... testing: of cattle fin Kinloss Tovirnhiplip, at prese t Vpdetistay, under a, Couriti /wide restricted arevprogfam. •. LAST WEDNESDAY •77-7T-' ' t Mr. Joseph Mallough ;quietly Ogserved ,92nd birthday' 'on Wednesday, August 29th .at the, home Of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Al. ton. • • • . •L The day, was brightened fOr. MaIlough with relatives 'call- ing and by the receipt of carda, and letters of congratulations arld best wishes, all 'of ,which bilinght -him flinch enjoment. • Though bedfast or the ' past year, "Joe", as .he is 'familiarly known in the community, is very bright and -cheery and take s an interest iri. everything, especially the .local.'hews in .The Sentinel. • The --Public School principal is • Mr. Stuart Collyer, who, suceecls Mi.:John D..ROs& The other three '. staff Members are unchanged, Miss Ruby Webb, Grades 5 and', ,6; 'Mrs Lloyd Hall, Grades. 3 -and 4 4ha. Mrs.; Roy Havens, Grades 1 :and 2, Miss Marion MacDonald, imisic:stipervisor. Sixteen beginners trudged off to school for the first .time on • . Tuesday - miarning, They are • Thomas George. Andrew, Lynda . Dianne :Button, Dale Congram, Glen Howard Cowan; Garry Ross Gammie; Roy Alexander Gardin... • er, Francis William Gardiner, . Ross Alfred., .1-lamilton? Laverne. Gordon .Hodgins, Dianne , ,• beth Jamieson; Gary.'David, 'John= • ston, Anthony Johnstone, Ronald Richard PasSinore,:eTeertje. Post - ma, Roelof PoStma, Elaine Lois •• Rider, : • • • The. Pu4blyi_llic ScIcF.hrupciol enrollment • . . • . • • o „ with not a spare seat. in . Fourth • Room or Second Room ;. • ., • • • • THIRTY :.TOOK BUS,. TRIP; TO . THE aVleMbers of the Kairshea W. L enjoyed a bus trip to the Toronto.' on:1-Wednesday-----ofAast-7- , week. Mr. Alvin Sherwood's new • • , bus, waschartered for the' trira. The bus left town at, approxi- mately 6.15 a.m. and arrived at the Exhibition grounds at 10,36. Here, the party broke tip into pairs eaeh going their ,own way. .All ',Were fortunate in getting, on to the grandstand for either the .. .afternoon or •evening perform- antes. • , •' • • The party made the' return ,trip in the :wee sina' hotirs- of the • Inprning, all tired and sleepy but feeling 'that the: trip had i been an enjOyable and worthwhile eat. .Those making the, trip were • Mrs. Gecirge Lockha'rt, Allan and • Donald1,MacIntyre, .Mrs. MacCor- mick, Mrs. Ramsay, Mrs. Orville . .• Elliott, Miss Jean MaCitinnoh; Mrs.! Harold CamPbelLand Helen, Mr: and • MA.; Alex, 'Sutherland, Mrs, D: L. MacKinnon:Mrs. jack. Henderson, Mrs, Harry Lavis; Mrs.:Thelma MacDonald, Mr. Ira Dickie and. Denver, Mr. Lloyd 1VlacDougall„ and, : Mrs. Clarence *Irwin, Mrs Walter Kerilie, Mrs. Fred. Gilchri•-' • 1.1 Bobr Mr. ,W:•‘, Gwen Colwell, • Ma TA7 B1i'? '- ui11in, Evelyn .T•Ihnst-n, : • Sutherland, 14 s, Wm, Skett, aric Mrs. Wm.' r N* a ri.s, ..• 1, • • , • . ,e• . " •