HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-08-30, Page 7THUI1SD.Y, 74:U00T 30th# 1951
' Rev, Mr. Archibald of Paisley
•NM in charge of the service
• the Presbyterian Church on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. R. Foster • and
little, son. of Detroit spent the
week -end with. his n-iotther,, Mrs.
J.• J. Martin.
s s , Loraine Harni4On
pending Yiaggion at Wood-.
Oen Camp near London., ;
Mr, and Mrs.,' Harvey. Martin
tiand boys of Albi.on, Miehigan and
Dr. George Martin of •Crosswell
visited with firencls here -over.t.he
Week -end. •
The Women's lnstitute'spgnsor
ed a f4shion' show'.0t,Brtish Knit'
goods t thp• home of Mrs, Dan
Wylds on Wed. 9f last.week,
• 11
1•S01th•-11CillIOSS: ''‘.sV wt. S.
The AUgust meeting. was. held
at the home of Mrs, Archie InMac. tyre. with a lar• ecrow di
• g at-
tendance. lvir.•"Bailleli presided
and •opened the 'meeting with
scripture and prayer.. 1-1Y4-41 .371
wassung. Letters of thanks were
read from -Mrs. John MacLeod
and Harold Campbell for- boxes
of fruit they received during their
recent illness.The. roll call was
ansWered by "A harvest verse".
The,scripture and meditation was
given by:Mrs, Baulch. Those tak-
mg part in the Payer circle were
Mrs. Tom MacKenzie,: Mrs. Alex
Sutherland, Mrs, Gilbert ton, M's. Mrs. Douglas Graham, Mrs.
Fraser MacKinnon• and Mrs. Ira
,Mrs, Steer favored with
a, solo: The topic:from:the study
on India was well taken 'by Mrs,
A/Tuner. Mrs, Harold 'Campbell
gave the closing ren arks. "HYmn
07.l was •sung and :Mrs. Angus
Graham closed the meeting With
.! Read The Want Ads..:ff'
1. ,hort Terrn-5-yecirs •
•2 1/2% interest:PaYabIP'6.011
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Priricipol 9nci interest:uticOn-
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6. AmOtints.Of $100.00 and up. •
may be invested
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-.401141.1r4IMPWALIIIk•.„ -..111/141811..• 1110.0.1g4TO,W, ,
. .
Standards of pink:, and, white
phlox ,decorated the l•rorne of Mr
,and Mrs. A,. W. Hamilton, Luck -
now, for, the rnarriooe of their
daughter, Helen May, to Mr. John
Lloyd Hall, son OfMr.: and Mrs:
John H. Hall Qf Lucknow. Rev.
Jarrte$1DOriari •of Tottenham of-
ficiated at the ceremony 'and the
wedding music was played by
'Mrs. Jessie Aiim. r
The bride,' given in •
.by her- father, wore a gOWn Of
white satin fashioned with laee
yoke and sleeves Her -Veil, in
halo effect, was, held withorange
blossoms and -she carried a show-
er bouquet'i)f red rosesand shajz1--
Ow °lace: •Miss Lois - Feagan, the
• rides only attendant; chose
gown �f pile green Organdy with
matching headdress. She carriesi
a nose•gay yelloW roses and
mauve sweet peas. • Mr. Grant
Farrish was -groomsman_
. Following a reception at.. the.
home • of. the bride's parents the
couple left on, a' trip • to Eastern.'
Ontario. .,••• • '
' • LIIIERIV-.130YLE •
-4• MU
1 • , , • . •. •
• •
it -4 ceremony at St. Augustine
Church; Wednesday ,morning,
August 22nd, REV. W. G. Smith
• united in marriage •Julia Mary
Boyle, Reg.N., and Mr. Lyal, John
Mulhern, -Chatham. The bride is
the °daughter .of Mr. and Mrs:
Joseph W. ,Boyle, St. Augustine,
• and•• the ibridegrcsorn is a son. of
James .Mulhern, Chatharn.• •
Giyenin marriage by here father;
the Pride wore: a gown of white
• nylon _with. French •late !bodice
and lacesleevesthat extended to
-.soft points .over the hands: Her"
hat of White taffeta 'held a•• veil
of illusion tulle, and she Carried
red Pinochio roses:. Miss Berna-
dette • Boyle 'attended ‘hertsiSter,,,
Wearing) a gown of pink organza
•with rnatehng hat, and, earrYing,
• ' •Talisman roses. • •Mt. • William,
• Meyers, Dresden, WaS, best man;
and ushers were Mr. Cyril Boyle,
.'brother Of the: bride, and :Mr.
Donald Shanahan. Miss May Red -
Mond played the wedding music,
•, and 1V.Er. Cyril Boyle was soloist.
For a reception at the GOdericp:
Pavilion, the bride's mother wore
• a:bouquet blue gown with black
accessories and ',corsage . of pink
,roses..:Mrs. •Mulhern, thebride-
groom's Mother, wore a nav$..blite,
dress' • with matching accessories
ciirsage cf Briarcliff e roses:
• Following the reception; the bride
• donned 'a dusty rose gabardine
suit, with navy hat, and accessor-
iesand a'corsage of white- earn -
When Mr; aind Mrs. Mul-
hern; return from their h ne ;.•
ingthe s oi
The gromaWU. las Irwin Irwin and the nshers• were
Mr. ,R9fbert Can -10011 and MT, ,J.
S. Robb,' • • •
A reception- follbwed• in the
community hallwhere the moth-
er of the bride received, wearing
• a dress of navy sheer polka dot
with navy accessories.; The moth-
er of the .groom also received,
wearing navy 'crepe with rust hat
and iblack•accessories•.. They both
'Wore .cortages• of red rose0., The
honored •guests included those
present from Preston, Detroit, and:
PembrOlcec ••
The happy young couple left
' on a honeymoon to ,Amerfean •
points, the 1pride:wearing a navy
thiffon.dress with naifry Otccessor7
•ies, yellow wool shortieleoat -and •
corsageofred' roses,'On their rei,
'turn they will reside ori ;the
groom's farm, 2rid •Concession, Got
• moon in. Quebec they 'will make
• their home in Chatham.
. • , • • .
Before • a1 bed of gladioliand
'ferns, a ,double ,ring ceremony
,Wat .performed Saturday, August
h at 12: titimic-in-Pirie River,
United Churchr: when the mini-
ster,,Rev. .7. C. Hutton united in
-marriage Anna :Joyce, eldest -daw•-:
ghter .of Mr. ' and Mrs. William
Campbell, Amberley, and Robert
Reid Courtney,youngest l,son of
XosscinWiss Radio or Any phi of.,
120 Other Valuable' Prizes ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Archie Courtney,
• • . , • • 2nd Concession of Huron..
AVHAT TO DO - Under ,the cork lining' of all Kist Bottle
Topsin Orange,Lemod-Lime, Cream' Soda, Ginger Me or ,
Root Beet " fiavours, there is the letter K -I -S- or T printed on
the inside metal surface of the top. Lift the cork lining and.
• The bride • entered the ch4Ch
,on 'the arm of her father, 'wear-.
big a ,itraple-ss gown Of White, net
Over . -Satin With bodice Of 'closely
gathered net. French 1#te trim
Med her dressandlong-sleeved
satin. bolerO.Her headdress was:
. 4 / .
a• Juliet cap of matching white.
short.meil. She carried,
a -Sinall white•Bible adorned witcr
red roses and white satin ribbon
-forming streamers -with red.-rop'ei.
attached. i•
A sister of the bride, Miss Joan:
Campbell; was matrOn Ot honor,
and the brideirnaidi Were 'a sis-
ter; IVtiss.. Janet CarriPbell; and
Miss Irene COUrtriey,', emisin•of
the,' groom, ,They' .were
'attired. infloorlengtia goWns. of-
.orehid, blue and pink taffeta ari'd
.Cailtied matching 'bouquets' of
roses, and Sweet peas: ' • '•
The wedding march was sweet -
1 rendered by Miss Geraldine
CourtneY, sister Of the groorn.
She accompanied the soloist, Miss
Mary McDonald' whot sang beaut-
ifully "Because.'before the cere-
011y and "0.F'erfect Love''
for the letter underneath. • , • ' '
. .
1--Bicycies to be'avtrtiecrto the first five largest numbers of
c.)•napiet#_onii,v; .; di3Os to be awarded to the. next five •
largest numbers of •complete 'units' and so On..•
COMPLETE UNIT consists of the word K-1-S-T•spelled• • out in e;.th of the:five contest flavOurs listed above. When
completed, your ;mit will consist of:
'made up. from ,4 Kist Orange top's ;
1c1.8 -T made up .from 4 Kist, Lemon -Lime FopS
lci•S-T made up from ,4 Kist ream Soda Tops
K -I -5-,T . made uP from .4 1<is,'Ginger Me Tops r
'• K -11S -T nutde'up from.,4 Kit Rnotol3der Tops
NOT in • ,
, (4,)s• ,
.• E: a coplete unit consK
ists of 20 ist BLIttie T•,(
gubtait,as many complete Unitsa,; you can rizes are awarded on ,the ••
ba•sis.of.•the most coo,frolete unit. s's'llbmittea. "
• •
3-eontOst closes 'rnitini4ht, Sdfurday,iSeptember 29th, 1951
•'Prizes awarded withia.tWci 'weeks of clpsing dtote.
. .
• : • . .
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s • .
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• •
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