HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-08-30, Page 4•5• "PkFQX Navy- .111M*M41111.-tir.fignewiri ..UCIN1! 'SENTirNEL, `� ONTARIO,,., LUCKNOW . • THVESi)--A*V., AUGUST 30th, 1951 r 1 • • • • t. ,+nr� "'WANT'` AD" RATES• --1st insertion, 2 Gents 'at word, subsequent insertions. =1. cent a word. Minimum 'charge. 25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel 10 cents extra, Legal advertising°.10e,ents per count line. "first. insertion,. 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. FOR SALE—two French .doors, CAR FOR S41 -4E-11934 Ford se 2', 72"•x 6', OW' with, bevelled• dan in good condition, Apply ,lack •plate glass, complete with binges, MacDonald. Apply at Sentinel' Office,. • •• FQR .SALE—hospital bed in good condition, Apply to tAirs. Mar garetMacFarlane., •`.BICYCLE 'W'AFTTD---party'.wisheS' to buy ,.girl's bicycle, in .good 'shape and with balloon tires: Ap- ply at .Sentinel Office, • • CAR FOR . SALE -- 1950 Ford • ,coach, white' 'wall tires heater and Slip cowers,: 8000 miles. Ap- • ply to Mrs. Wen. Hornell. YOUNG MAN desires employ- ment at office work or, ; book-• keeping. ,Apply at Sentinel Of- fine; .• • FOR '•SALE=-cernent :septic tanks, approved by the Health Unit. We .deliver them. • Forster's Welding • Shop, phone '206-r-11,. Lucknow. FURNITURE. FOR' ;SAFE -=kitch- enette outfit (table, 4 c1 airs, bid- fet) :, iri red and natural, will sell buffet separately. Kenneth Cam- eron, tucknow. . 1VEW •CAR•=Canad ari Make, $250 •` discount, for immediate sale, .coach,, black,'wvhitewall• tires. Sohuett Furniture Store, `.phone 2�L, Mildmay.: THE READER'S DIG?EST' tq' new subs'cri(bers only, .8 months for $1 00. • Offer for limited time ".only.' •. ,Order taken at''The. Sentinel Of- fice. '.. FOR. SALE -B, P1ece `''oak dining' room . Suite, combinationµ" china ,cabinet, buffet, table, and six chairs.:'Will sell :: separately; also •a chest of drawers.,'Phone 154-w,: Iucknow. .• FOR SALE in Kirlough, ;1. kitch ,en . range 'in' good condition,with ' wa.r ing,. closet. and tank. Good baking oven, wood burning: "Mrs. W. J. McLean, Box 169, Kincar- dine; phone 364. PIANOS Select from 12 used, • 'refinished,. .plain case pianos , at .the ' Mildniay Furniture' Store.. Also '5. •:new • pianos, including Willis;' • Sherlock Manning and Mason 8i Risch at bargarri prices. •''Trade-ins accepted. DEAD &. LIVE ANIMALS Pro 'm p 't pick-up. of cattle, ses gs-ai dLsheeg-a-t-pteVa-' idg prices„Live horses fit for `animal food picked up at .your farxn,' averaging. $35.00 C. Bru=.1 backer, R. R.:4, : Wingham. . 'T of cattle :`HavRAY=several: heade :strayed. to the • • WANTED4a graduate druggist, or . a: male .or. fernale 'apprentice,,,Trade 13, Campbell's Drug Store,, Goderich. • MUST BE SOLD BY ..'SATURDAY ., Rangette-in excellent condition and,,:: am�g plifying uitar• Ralph, Hodgins, ' Lucknow CATTLE A,S CARD T KS . 'Robert Purves and Mr. and most sificerely• thank. • all those who were., sti kind, ;helpful' and, gYmPatheid at the ,time of the death of .their father. • Mrs. Elmb Pritchard wishes to :sincerely thank friends • :a n d neighbors who so kind1V remem- bered her in varions ways while. in the hospital. All these thbught- ful •remembrances were indeed appreciated. ' • E. •Wall • are sincerely grateful and wish to express their heart- felethanks AO friends and neigh-: bors who were 'se. kind and sy•rn- pathetic at .thel _time .of 'their be- feets 'at the residence"' of 'Miss St:, LticknOW., on S.aturday, Sep, cash.' Gertrude TreleaVen, prop.; Well. HenderSdn, sEAI,rm TOTDER. Will 'lie re- ceived by thesrindersigned •up to the conStructiOn of the 'Harris' :Municipal.,Drain* consisting of tile,' 2900 feet of in. tile, 900 ft. tile, 2 catch basins. and reinforced ,concrete proteotion at Station 31, and .1050 cubic ards of o en • Branch_ 1-1275 feet 7 tile and catch basin. • ,Branch 2,1828' feet 12 in. tile and catch' basin, . Council to suPply tile -delivered on the ground. A certified cheque: coniPany, each tender. -• . •,Plans and specifications may be seen -at Clerk's office or the of, flee' of Jaines.; HOwes, Engin- eer, Listowel, Ontario. .es'sarily accepted. Owner may have.same by :prov;,1 penses: Lorne MacDonalck R. 3, CLERK WANTED 'AT ONCE--; Store clerk `for Variety stere ;in Small', town, . single or :married. young. lady between, ages, 18 aud any) .and ieferences. Information at The". LtieknoW Sentinel, phone 35. . ATTENTION FAR Rg! ',for, dead or disabled animals. Day 'or night and Sunday Pick- up. 1Driver, pays .Cash .,at time of ' pickup. Itone,„ Clifford per eWt..goer further informatiOti see me each Wednesday at LuCk- IN 11/140ItIA111, KENNEDY—In. lovng memory of ,Mrs. John' Kennedy whp passed away.one year :agO on September' One° year has passed since that sad day, When one we, liuted *as, dallied God took her home, it -,--,was His But hi our heartS she liv,eth still. —Fondly -rern_enibered by Hus- band and Famft. COMING EVENTS 'AIL THE. PALACE GARDEN Fdrrne,,sa, Sunday afternoon, 'September .2nd, talent' will be Wee .l3c1bby Clarke, ternedian; Jack Kingston:, Canada's singing eo.Wboy; Lloyd Bank with . his steel guitar'ancl, Levigne, Old time, fiddler_ thampiew FOURTH CONCESSION ftlbin .,SUdbury. Friday and Was 'hiS wife and \four 'Children :Who' tiveS on- the Fourth. Mr, Murray Thoinrson .home frOM.•summer'school and is sPencP- before .teturning to. his, school, in brother-in-law Of .,•Mr: Rod MacDogdall,. Mr: Morrison of De- troit has bbeo visiting relativa TONNA° 'Were visitors. Oyer the ,i• .Farmers, are 'busy \tiarvesting Mr. and Mrs. Jack,. Harnilteri and family of Clinton ;visited With Don MacIver •lasi-Sunday. BUSINESS COLLEGE OPENS . AT: GOBERICH 'SEPT; 4th Businesi Schoola 'Assoc tion with ,„the high' qualificatiOnslor Which this aSSociation, calls; the Goder- •ich'.BusineSs College' opens on, :SePtemberi 4th for the .acaderniC year; ,Registrations ate: ex'peCted pot, only. from the town' Of God- erich.buti also from the rural area and variOus ' points' Of Huron the principal and •the.knO61, is •in.• every. way' equiPped to give-t•the. best in business education. The beCoine established arid "en their. bus .serVice is' available for .the benefit Of rdral striclents.•Numer- tO time at the sehoOl for quaWied stenekophers' and office Workers, and G•oderich Business College. can Place in •good PoSitionS•grad- CARD Of THANKS Mr. arid Mrs, Cliffo4 Haeket't and bey§ wish to • extend, many thanki te. all 'our friends and neighbots ter -their Many kind acts and expressions of synipa•thk- during QUIT' !bereavemerit ,Thanks 1044 , and • visiting brethren' for their serVice, also Reif. Wo011eY; -MiSs Elmira ,Alton and Mr.•Ehner Umbach. 'for their serviceS:,, Service and Satisfaction In..tiite Estate of Elizabeth Martha - against the estate of Elizabeth lVfartha Arabellkgrawford, late of the Village :Of Dungannon, in the County IfurOn, WidoW, de- , ceased,' who ',died •On or about hereby notified to Send ih tO.the undersigned Executor on or. t• fore the 25th, day \of' September, 1951, full 'particulars • of their of September, 1951, the assets Of. the .estate will . be, 'distributed thereth, ..having 'regard only to :the claims of Which the EXeOutor shall then hAve notice., . 'Dated at,Liicknow, Ontario this R. W. Andrew, his Solicito,0 111111b1114 and Heating ew Automatic Oil Furnace FURNACE REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs "'SEE THE OIL RANGES AIR CONDITIONING Art Gillitss)re 'PhOue 61-r-13, Dungannon InSure ,With The' (tilioss• Mutual 'FIRE :INSURANCE e.! Reasonable rateS,,'sourxd pro- - settlement .of 'craimso 'Phone TeeSwater 57-r-41 14. Evenin Ts: by appounment Office 770i: Res. 5. pas!. or ISTight USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No :Extra Cost Moderate Prices; MicLENNAN and... .MacKENZIE - FUNERAL SERVICE.' (Funeral Home Available) - AMBULANCE.. SERVICE, . (Day or Night Service) "Phone 181, 'Lnckno,w, Ont. ,(Day or Night) .goevo geocy MEMBER OF • .'•`Cintario Insurance Agents' Association • GENERAL INSURANCE Established gaiter 39. V'ers Ago P Telephones: BusinesS 30 ReSidence 138 INSURANCE Co -Operative Life Insurance Co -Operative Automobile ' Insuiane Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable Thciiie 70-r-10 Dungannon DR. T. B;CLELAND VETERINARIAN '' Havelock, St., south ! SuPertest Garage. LUCKNOW 'Telephone 175 TAX 101yICE MONTHLY A -OBIT§ man and the Parnyi,, Office in Kilpatrick l3focjc T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST cobERicH 'FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 See Witn. A. Sch Insure , In Sure •InSPrance Car, Accident,. Sickness INSURANCE To Pretect Your 'jaCk,, Will ,be et.4.3rY 2nd' 'jewellery, Store, from 3.00 .to Eyes examined. GlasseS fitted' For appointrnent 'phone Roy AilacKenzie,, 96'7r-24 'Ripley.. • NOW IS, THE TIME Threshing Machine 3 sizes--.2iii32, 2.2x38, 28,618 '! Roller Bearing CoMPlete EARL H. il0D*GINS lito 1# tiolyttood, Ont. NDREW Banister and Solicitor LUCIENOW,, ONTARIO 0 ice in' the Jeynt Block Office 135 • •Residence 31-J Barrister and .Solicitor IN LUCKNOW, Eao 'Wednesday OFTICE IN Hethering,t0i; K. I Barrister, Etc. / Each Monday and :VVednesclay, Located on the ground floor' lin the. front of ' •