HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-08-30, Page 1ra'
7. •
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$2:50 .Yearly.„Ip, Advance .50eg41a, to U.S.A.
Ruth derson, Grade '13
student -45f the. Lucknow District
High \SeboOl, -has V$0n.• I .$250.00
ScholarshiP awarded bthe Uni-
versity '6f WesternOn iC). The
sohdlarshiP is a 't*OrYear award
with a tuition 'alue of upwards
to $125each year. •
Thith,was• one bt. four students
to win the scholarship, ' which 'is
'open to. students of continuation
ichoolS, 'high schoOls or' collegiate
institutes in the i4 counties men-
tioned' in the charter of the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario,
The minimum qualifying Stand-
ard is an average of 75 -percent
on eight Grade 13 papers.. • .•
Scholarships, 'w e r e
awarded to phirley, Cainphell, a
Student at •Listowel District High
Schocil;', Donald Carnpbell of
Southampton Hig1 School. itind
Lucille Gracey of East Elgin pis-
• •krict High School.'
'Although there were applicants
from other schools inside the 14
• counties of. Western Ontario, in •
eluding Clinton District High
•School, Stratford Collegiate, and
Seaforth.• District High School):
none of the „students in these
three schools had gained high
enough grades to qualify for this
particular :scholarship.
to Talt4.$0cretarial Course
• Ruth* is the younger' daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Anderson
of Lucknow. She plans to attend'
Western this. Fall to study sec-
retarial science. Her sister Mary
will commence her 'second' year.
of a siMilar, course. -• • .
As well as ari‘Otititanding..stii-
dent at Lucknow Ffigh,Jtuth, was
a Member' of the Glee Club and
a baritone player n the High'
School Band.`, ' , • • .
Thisawa4is 40h# in a
long Ilit'ot '1won
otudents of•Lii.CltrioW High School,
hose ,successes have 'fbroudit
unusual -distinction. to the School.
, • •
'SANDY -" ,RIDER :101S
' Lionel "Sandy" Rider has join-
ed the Stratford Police Force and
will assume his: new duties the
firit of September. "Sandy." has.
.been emPloYed. for some time as
raecharlie at Montgomery. Motors.
Neighbors of Miss Helen. Ham
ilten, rhose marriage took plaee
on ThUrsday, • gathered at •the
home of, Mrs. Wm., Robinson lait
week to. honor 'the bride-eleet°
whose igenial, friendly manner
made' her a' general favorite in
the' neighborhood: • .
Mrs. ,Edward. Dexter read the
address and, Mrs. Margaret SProlit
rnada*the Kesentatien, of a 'love-
ly trilight laniP.. A •program was
presented •a.n.d refreshments.
served to round out a. pleasant
evening. .
Prior to this event, a, MiScel-
laneeu.s shower was held at the
home .of Mrs. Gerald Rathwell
attended by many. friends of the
bride -elect who presented Helen
with a variety of lovely gifts and.
in addition,!\each One contributed
a redpe. Marlene MacLennan
sisted the guest a honor in open-
ing and displaying the gifts.
. • •••
, . . .
A cOngregation •which . alrnoSt
filled St. Peter', .Church on :Sun-
day last greeted.' the Right Rev-
erend. George s.IN,L Luxton, • Lord
13ishop, of Huron when he paid
his annual 'Vasa to the joint Ang-
lican, parishes. : - . ..
• Prier to •the afternoon service,'
there had been a, Service of HOLY
,Hapkism: at 11: a.m., when Hugh
,James; infant son Of Mr. and Mrs.
James -Clare Johnston 'wal bap-
.tiseci .bY the . Rector,. Rev. A. S..
•Mitehell. • ' : : ' : % •
' • The ' :Bishop's service Of The
Laying On of Hands was donduct-
1 ed at 3.30: pin. when HIS LOrct-
ship WaS ,assisted by Rev. K. c.
Bolton, Rector of Walkerton, Rev.
in out '.
. H. o . as u -
ler, Retcer' ;
of Walpole Island
and the Rector, WhCf presented
the Candidates. - ..•. • , '
• In the •
congregation was. Rev.-
Canon J. H. Geoghegan who hai
been 'taking a •coniplete ',rest 'un-
der.drictor's orders. Mr. Geoghe-
gan who was formerly rector' of
St; Peter's Church was congrat-
48th consecutive year
ulated by his many friends on • • • •—o•
ARIA IlluRS,pAt ApGusy 30th, 1951 •
loob Thompson, son of Mr. and • ' - -
Mrs- R. H. Thompson, will report '• , Oscar Hodgins, „ 46 4 Year - old
in. Toronto next Tuesday to COillr Lucknow resident, is in Wingham
mence a' refresher course, upon Hospital with •a double fracture
. ,
•-•-•-. •
the completion of which he will ,of the pelviss and other iniuries.i• • ,
beemployedas a radio Operator
• by the Department of •Transport,
•, Bob served as a radio operat.Of
••iry- the Canadian' Navy during Campbell -Of :the A.Mberley, 'clis,
World War II. Ori ,completion of trici: The accident Occurred on
•his .course...he will- be ,44b.itTt to
posting anywhere in Canada by
.Greer observed , the.Transport Department. • : . • •
Oscar is employed by the 'War,
THAT GeorgeA
his 85th ihirthda5i on yvednes_ . '` • ren Paving Company, which has.
clay; August 29th Mr.. Greer is
.UNLOAD : GRAI N ' the contraet for paving frein • ..,1 '4
enjoYing fairly good'health at '-'' " • Lucknow to AmberleY' Traffic is
' present and is able to, be about 7•HALF. THE NIGHT.; .
‘Hesiif'fered. the injury about
o'elock on, Friday afternoon when • .„,"
struck by a car driven by Albert ° `-; •
! • •
of Walter
8D%iicptefrr..orit: '9f the.,firrn • •
allowed to use the 'road, •and is • •
the neighborhood en Stand- , • - ., flagged. past the. paving Machine
,, . , . .
pipe Hill'',.. and takes a ride The Lucknow Elevator, operat-: on which Oscar • was ,oinployed. ,.
'Mr. Campbell was 'passing this
. down Ttown .oeCasionally. Con- ed 'by,, the, Treleaven Milling machinewhenOscar;was hit and
"•gratulatio s and • best wishes, • CoMpany, is d, busy spot these thrown. sonic distance,
George. s' . • ,... days as farmers. are harvesting Aid was summoned by : phone 't
• : . ,. Q7L- . , • ,. ' , . and Marketing a bumper crop
THAT Miss Eileen Purves, a gra- ,Malting barley.. • .. - ".
of frord the Dexter home, .and_...a
door was used to reinove the in- . .
•cluate of St Joseph's HOspital, It is not une mmon to See h jured man from the highway pm., ..:
. .
/..ondon, who is•holidaying.with string of trucks and trailers ex-. Aii„, an arribidanee arrived to rush . .,
her parents,,Mr, and Ito.f.rs. Leslie tending to Station Street, -waiting him to. Wingham Hbspital where
' Purves, will commence her &it-. their turn to he unloaded., Two he ...will be. cOrifined , for some
ieS en the' staff of Clinton; Pub- 'shifts are employed' at the eleve
• time .Oscar has been sufferhig a
:lie Hospital on September lst. tor, . and unloading :,•operations good .deal. from his inyuries.
continue until is late as 2-60 and . In addition :to the 'pelvic frac- • .
THAt ;Rev. A. S. Mitchell Con- 3.90 in the morning, ..,...,' • ture, O'scar has a broken 'thumb . k
ducted the service 'at Serve on : ..At that the elevator, has the, and two broken . Wrists, ,and the,,,,..,
Sunday evening, ReV...H. Doitg.. rnost. modern T. equipment . for first: of the week :was, reported
.. :las Fuller, who has had terripor speedily handling.. the grain, •A
..larY charge of the Anglican Her- new truck hoist was installed this ,..:- • •., .• - ' • ''. ,,,,. ':: .
•, •
to have developed. pneumonia
yie,Cireuit, has been .appciinted, year that will handle most any
Rector of Walpole 'Island and truck. The'haist,is attached tOsthe,
automatically emptied of its con'
Vehicle Which is raised
.. . . . . to.: he• AT CONSERVATIVE•AAELY • .; •
•The • Htiron•arnee Progressive
• ,
. .
r •
.\ •
for;• duties1V1 •
left is now on onr
THAT Bob Lyons, Jr.,.and Jack
Aitchison left. on Saturday for
Western Canada on the har-
vesters excursion. '•
: •
The elevator is "full end in- Con.senvetive nomination conven= - ' • *'
corai,ng grain is being blown dir- tion and rally will be held in ,
,ectly, to freight cars, Whi• ch • art, the Wmgham. ToWn•al on
being loaded at the. rate Of five Thursday, September 6th• at 8.30, '.
Guide' calOP ;at the, "Foot of. odrw:lasmda
. . • • • orable Leslie M. Frosti-Pr,emier '1
. ' ' Guest speaker ,Will be the.flon..
1 , . .
yw.:ART ij; 'womb •, John. w. .Hanna ' 44P.P,,.• who.
• of.: Ontario. . . •
THAT Camp'Keewadini the Girl
the Twelfth'''. in Ash•field ToWn;', ,
1•41t.gri$011,7114k.•*VENTS,-2•,...:..:,„ , 1.1 representect..-the..,ridirig..lor
.,•Ship;'"',cieci ''J'asts‘',Waleltvz(Four: •• • , , . .-
•----,-...'-r, f • • • the past three . terms, . has stated
camps of 10 -day duration each ' i
Several lovely pre -, nuptial he . will again be caridiclote and , ,•
were held this stinther. Mrs. events were held in honor Of it is a forgone conclusion he . •
Evelyn BarkwelP•of town Was
Miss. Gwen Stewart, to her will. receive the noriiinAtion by,
__.:camp gQ0k, . ,, . - .. : ..
, ,_ _ . marriage' in • the Lucknow'Pres- acclamation: ', . : ,. ' • ' •
0•--" ,
. byterian Church on Saturday. - . . . ' ... •
THAT Win.. D. Good 'ef '•Wau•-• The staff of.the Stratford • ' ' ' • ' -: ''.; ':
• .: Chope,-Sask.;, has renewed his '
Beacon -Herald : of which she is ROSS FAMILY MOVED
Sentinel subscription . for tlie '
a member,' presented her With a' LAST'WEEK TO -CAIUGA ' ' ' . • ,' -• ••
trilight lamp anciN, a Cheque' for ". ' • • • 4 ' . '
$25. . The girls of the H. -H. staff The 'ROS farrillY moved to CaY-
held a social evening at which uga last week Where "John tr ,
Gwen received a *hathrOOm as he• was popularly known, will ' ' • . •
clothes hamper, . assume his duties as public school
Twenty-five guts were prey principal,. a 'position he held , in,
-ent-ata shoiver—in-pStratfdrd--ar--"LU°know „Public—Se-hook: for-4,2--77----t---.‘-e-
ranged by ' Mrs. 'Lloyd Stewart
and Miss Lois Wilson,: at which, :Mr., Ross, who has" spent ;the;, . . - • : ' •,,, . .• ,' '
the bride -elect received ntimerous ionnner on the lakes, was. nxit ,• . • •
his happy recovery. , .; THAT HersOn Johnston of Ail-
' The, Bisho'p delivered. •
a very mer called on 'old friends here
•now 49 years ago he.finds their
• ' •Amon the candidates Were three nuinhers dwindling.' Mr; John
'MAR•KET' STORE . • jewels on his Pectoral ,Cross:
• •ba d the last week and having left Liick-
:11ANGES ,
. •
Ownership of The Market Store
changed hands on Monday when'
Norman Wellwoocl •of Wingharn
became :the new proprietor, Op-
• eration of the store Will be in
charge of Jack Po
Rev. o n Pollock of -Wingham
tio • son is a conveyancer and hi
from the Weal, congrega n, van•
the insurance business. His
Edward Barry Lane
McQuillan and Donald James Ian. • Mother is well.remembered. by
• •
"old-tiniers" as 'having, had a
Marshall. •
large music class in •Lucknw
years ago, 'andfor the regular
• recitala which- her students
'presented. ' .,• • ,
_ 0 . • •
THAT Sob Courtney. and. -Joyce
• .Cmbell, Whose marriage took
• pace. on 'Saturday, were given
• On Thursday Mrs. Sewah
eittite •,,a send off ..".by -their •
vited a few friends to call :and
in -
friends. After the Wedding pro-
• • s • see c4wen's trousseau,
cessien reaChed Lucknow,
The Bishop exPreSsed his pleas -
tire at the Progress being made,
in the parish and as:a token of
• his appreciation ,handed a, sub-
-steritial-heque-td-Mr. T. J. Sal-
:keld'to be usedfor irnprc•vements
and • forMerly 'of WhitechurCh. • .0 h R t
e ec ory. •
The name 'The, Market" 'be- ' •• •
Came a bye -word in the business is.aometlimg that keeps
life of this community under the
figure's 'from telling .the trUth.
ownership and prc•motion of the
several, Months' ago the business
had been carried on' by Mrs.
Horell,' With the *assistance Of
Mr. liornell's brother, Dave
•.It is Oler 25 Years .,since the
late $11r. Hornell returned to his,
041 home town to enter the'
dry -
goods hUsiness• the. -firm of
Hornell -Mtirdeh. , Mr. 'Hornell
latex' took ',dver* the 'business and
expanded it to include a'. 4'5c, t9
•Ilfis. Hornel plans :to . return.
O Toff:into ,shOrtly to •inke: her
home,. '
The new,proprietor has a 'dri=
goods, and lady's wearbusiness
11. wiagan. He .a native of
Whitechurch and was a priSoner
of war in Germany for about,
three year i during. World War
• 4
store inariagero Jack POP
ock, comes here front "mean
W er he Was, in. the. drygeeds
• 'business. Mr, , and Mrs. PdllOck
and two youog-•dal4hters, Eliza-
beth Anne arid Arleata..Chrstine,wil‘
l reside in: the apart**
,b0Ve,•The Market ihd
Move here next week,' ,* '
OF OLD C4:100TR'1(„..
Misses` Helen . and 'Mrwet
Salkeld are • nearing cort,,...WOion.
of a bicycle tour Of England, •Ire-
land and Scotland: The tour Was
started 'aftr' Margaret reached
England. the latter "part of July
tojpin. her sitr•Helen, who is.
to take her sedond year in post'
...graduate • work- at Roeha pton
Agricultural College. '•
Magaret spend the ;year
teaching in ' England under ,the
each'r -exchange plan: Prior, .to,
leaving for the •Old Country
garee had been. teaching at Dun-
can, 8.e. • '
She sailed for the Old .Country
on. the Ascania on July 19th, and
after arriving 'there the tWo,sis-
ters set.out on their bicycle tour,
tht has taekri them to beth
southern and northern, Irind,
.through' Scotlrid, and •they are
-presently Idoing" England on the
last lap orthe journey: l'he dirls
have travelled as much as eihty,
miles in one dayson their cycle.,
. ,
• 49.•
. .
`‘. .•
' .
' . . •
•lvely. as she did at able to get home for the moving • • •
shower Staged by p the Lucknow operations last we • ek. • • , •
neighbors and held at the home Accompanying their parents, to
of Mrs. •John Wraith. , . Cayuga in the Niagara Peninsula
From ,the,,,Lehirnf_st:_,Ajidrp,,ws_ were : . • I
Presbyterian Church, Stratford, Ross. Bowen. will be 'employed at •
Miss Stewart received' a beauti- Grimsby. , • . '
ful eut glass cake plate , , , The best wishes Of many• ,•
friends here go with 'them to • ' • •
•their new home, • .
halt was called and Bob •was • • . •
obliged to wheel his bride doWnEIGHTY-SEVEN' iipcx.Novv HIGH SCHOOL '•
Main Street in a whelbarrow, • ', ,
.. • " ' ON ' SUNDAY ' . '. ... . At a specal ineeting of the Dis-
. .. •
THT. commencing next Monday '.' . ..,,, ...L..=_._ • . trict'High School Board on Mon -
starting time at The Playhouse Mr.. Sam 'Durbin, well-known day evening, bus reutes for the :, ••• .‘,.
Theatre will be 7.30, With two Lucknow and St Helens district 1951 :term were decided . upon. .. .• ,
shows nightly The Saturday resident, observed his 87th birth- birth, Allan Reid of Dungannon and
matinee will be..resurned on :day on SundaY. . .1 • • Gordon Montgomery of Lucknow ,. • . "
,•m• September Op. . .. . • To .mark .the occeSion Mrand: have thetransortation contracts
irH4T. Bob Hok, Co -Op store Mr. and .Mrs. DUrnin. and,, Betty 21/...___.bus ' sche411 051:and:....S.ePviCe A°
' • • .• —0- ` MTS. Henri Carter of Ripley and and Can give detailed information
Mangr' 'is:' laid -un with an of Lucknow, motored to Brussels thbe.,interested. ' • , r . -
attack of phlebitis .' , ' : that day to the, home of Mr. arid ' One rade will operate from • - ° . ,
• ` 1 •--r-o',---; ' ' , Mrs. Allister Bird where a birth. Glenn's Hill' to •Kingsbridge, up
THAT' Postmaster Kenneth Cam- day clinrieewas held in Mr Dr- the .Blirewater to Arnberley and
erorils on three weeks vacation nin's honor. . . • • ' east On 36
• Which he is 'spending by work- , Despite Ihis 'advanced age Sam • :Another will go west five cor-
ing at his new 4home on Have- continues quite active. Ile steps ners from Belfast, turn• north to
• ' lock St, South, and which will- iaround "like a lad?' and still does. the 12thtConcession and back the
be ready, for. occupation Very odijObs at carpenter Work which 12th to the Dungannon-Lucknow
.. .
scion. . ‘7----.•'',' .he turned to aftergiving lip 1toaa.
-7-0--7. ' •threShing. Mr. Dtirnin was w A third, , route will start lon'
THAT the Perma-Stone front was 'thresher Tor•niore than 31 years, corneriwest orkg,r. 9, Ashfield
conStructed last week Ed Mad- • He and the late Donald C, 'Mac- And proceed east rly into 'Wst
I..ennn arid IVfaCKeriteS fUrii. DOnald &Wiled and operated i Wawanosh to theASC Helens side-
' • iture Stere•and at the rieW'. fun, stearnpowered threshing outfit road and then north to Highway,
eral chapel which,is being built: fes about 25 years the St.'86
"diverthe river", adjoining the Helrgs.distrit. The itinliiss route will be sm- "*"f.
store. Different ,shades ' Of stone Sant's manyfriends orn in X- liar' to ,laSt year With sone
ex -
were used or, the Store front tending Congratulations andbest .tensong addedj These detaik
and the chapl front . withes. , ' • were not d for this issue.
• •
, • „