HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-08-23, Page 5THURSDAY AUGUST ° 23, :1951
. •,
In . just • a few weeks time you can own one 'of these brand;
new bikes ... a smart table'radio for your. own room .
or one;..of 12.0 other • valuable prizes. 'just for saving Kist
Bottle Tons. Here's how to do it.
Whenever you get a• Kist .Bottle Top, 'lift the .cork 'lining
.and look forthe letter. K -I -S or 'T printed on ;the , inside . .
metal surface. Then, go to 'your nearest Kist •dealer's store
the man who sells delicious ice -Cold Kist and ask
for your copy of Kist Contest rules. They'll tell you, how •
you. can .win Your new bikeor• one of the. 120 valuable.
prizes. Start saving. lucky Kist Bottle Tops right away. .
Gerald Alt of Formosa has been
sentenced by Magistrate McCle$is
• to 18 . months definite : and ' six
months,, indefinite.: in • the Ontario
Alt. was arrested , on June • 1.7th,
charged .'with :theft and assault-
He was alleged to have stolen.
'Henry Hodgki:nson's wallet con
taining' $164rancl to have atilt
ed him. He was Charge with
robbery with violence.,
Accepted' .as evidence was. the
testimony of •. Mr. ,Hodgkinson
stating'hov Alt had attacked and
robbed' him while driving his
truck; in Formosa early .iii the
:morning of June 17.
Evidence showed that • Hodg
krnson; on co..out of.a For-
niosa' Hotel found: the switch of
his car :broken. All repaired it:
'for him and the tWo men drove
down the street ;in Hodgkinspn's
truck, where he was'beaten ,and
robbed of $164.. :
Provincial Constable Jack Craig
of Walkerton also ..gave evidence •
of his_ investigateons when he;,Was
Called around 3 aim to the home
of Oscar Heisz, : where. he 'found
Hodgkinson;:with his face .bleed-
'ing and in an incoherent state,'
Constable'. C. aig' also. reported
going to., the home of Alt's sister
where he found Alt; lying -asleep
with $161 in his hand. -The bills.
were presented as evidence, iii'
court along with twig wallets
:found in Alt's bedroom, .as well
as the latter''sdbl.00dstained`' wind
• (Intended • for Last ' Week).'
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Armstrong,
Anne and Beth of Brantford and.
Mr' Cliff $orthwick of St.. •Cath
art ea -were ' recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. James, 'Hodgins.
A number of.. relatives, and
friends from • here attended the
funeral of the late David Dahmer:.
which was held on Monday'
the home of 'his parents at Mil
larton. Mrs. Dahmer w,as the for-
mer Clara I.3aldenby, ;daughter, of
Mr. and Mrs '°Roy' Haldeniby. We
extend. sympathy to. the bereaved
fa?nily. i
Mr•. and. Mrs Jinn Harrison, ,of
Eirantfoxd` visited ''over •the .(week-
end With Mr. , and, Mrs 'Frank
Brown:. , .. '
Mis's Nancy Needham was a •
recent visitor with Mr. and Mr. s..
Allan Colling. . •
• Little Donna' Halden!by of West-
ford visited. her aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wall .• during'
the week. • • •
Miss. Ellen McBride sperit, a
few •days • with . Mr.: and Mrs.
Frank Brown. .
• A ruer
mibof the village .child-.
ren attended ' . the vocational
school at Dervie last' week.
On Thursday, 'afternoon the Sr.
W. A. ladies entertained the Lit-.
•.tle Helpers' and. their :Mothers at
the church. Mrs. Toni Rodgins
ipresid d .land nweEcomed every-'
one. The :hymn "Jesus'
shine was sung; .Rev: D Fuller
led in•' prayer and all, repeated
the .Lord's. • prayer and Little •
1elpers . prayer, ' Donna ; Nicholso II
:read the scripture Mr.' . "Georg i
• Haldenby called the Little Help-
erg roll., and; the' little ones .pre
sented• +their mite boxes.: and each"
'receiivd a treat Miss May Boyle
told the children: the, stor-y, .of
hoyw the Little Helpers'�began.
little folks. sang in chorus,'"Jesus
loves me" The. Rey. '.0 Benson
Cox then .gave an interesting talk.
to those present . and the hyrnn
"We've a story totell to the
Nations". . The Rev.: Fuller' clos-
ed the meeting:.
Mr.. and• Mrs.• Arthur'Haldenby :'.
of Toronto visited . over the week
end with relatives here.
• Friends from. here attendedthe
funeral' of the late Joseph Wall
Which was held from the ,Tonle of
daughter, MTs. Russell Need='
Yi m.••
r. and Mrs. Karl Boyle; Mar=:
i nd Carol, Mr and. Mrs. Wm..
Lloyd,'`Doris and: Ivan .of•.'London.
spent the week-end.with relatives
Mr.' and Mrs.Earl 'Thompson
of Colborne, Miss .Betty. McLeod• :
of Ripley, • Mrs. Dudley. of :
,Lucknow spent,' the . Week -ends
ti -Mr -audits. rm. a ens y.
Misses. Erlma: Jean 'Percy, :Win-
nifred McFarlan and Jean Guest
z ttended 'the- Presbyterian Girls.
Miss . Barbara: Murray spent a
few days° at Sawble Beach
Miss Sandra Percy : returned
a tic
YOU:R'TELEPHONE is one item that takes• a smaller
part of your'liudget than it used'to.,Its cost,
hasn't gone up as .much as most other. things.;" .
.''And the way works for,you . e', the'errands
it runs . . the shopping; it does ' the time, '
Steps. - nd *Orly oris' it sages! It's• a
s• always on.the .
job,: ready for any emergency. • :
In another way, :top; the telephone' is bigger
value today than, ever before. ,Now You can : ' '
yeach twice as', many people as yo>i ,could ten.
years ago. . ' •
• Friendly, h
el j f ul telephone service is one of y ,
today's' btg bargains.• ' ••• ,
You can be sure your iieighbourhood'uall be get'vedi,
and your place on the list protected,"'laking Bare .
of people' without . service as quiekly as ,possible,'
is one bf .our, biggest and most' iniportatlt tasks.
Mrs. E. 'Mitchell of Vancouver'_
is visiting 'with 'her .sister, Mrs.
Wm. Cox
Mrs M. Hall of Kincardine vis-
•ited over the week -end .with Mrs.
L Thonipson arid Mr. A. E. Hal-
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Seiloff, El-
roy and Calvin` and Mrs: 'A.. Hod-
gins of Detroit visited' a ,.few days
with; .Mr. arid Mrs. Maurice' Hod-
gins •and other relatives- .:
Mr. ' and . Mrs Charles Stahel--
land of. Toronto visited over the'
week -end, with Mr and Mrs. Jas. •
Relatives, from here' attended 'a
family dinner on• Sunday last at •
the home of: Mr .axed Mrs. Jack
Scott in• honor of Mr. ' and Mrs.
W. Lloyd's silver •'vwedding an.-
riiiversary.�, "
Little •Donny- Pa'ge of-Kincar-:
dine is holidaying:' at, the home
�zponoaf 70rncrn0, p. -
`C=Omr�r770=7rn1-7vr m Z =
rrrri tntoN7orn, r -c'
oc . 3 • �.rnWt1=1r!rtrn=r„,„-p'.O rn�:AP3.0rnz73—
F` ill x':
-`l Cl..•
of Mr.' an,d'1Vlrs.. Tom I4odgins:
Miss' Marion Percy has 'been'
holidaying At the Trafford home;.
miss 'Sadie ,Pollock df Brant
ford has 'been .visiting friends
around the Grove this past week.
The Preibyterian1 Young. Rect.
pie will meet at _Lk, home of
Miss lVlargaret Rbbertson this
Mr, and, .Mrs, John Emerson
were at London last Tuesday.
Mr. Bert Nicholson of Kirilough
vi§ited, with Mr. 'Calvin; Robert-
son on Sunday. '
Mrs. Will Walsh and Miss Sadie•
Pollock spent a day with Mr.,
G"Arlon Avis of Tiverton 'last
Mr.,. and Mrs. Donald McCosh,
Miry. and Dickie, Mrs ,J, 'col•l'v01
and Mr= Robert McCosh visited at
Hayfield ori Sunday.
Miss. Edit} and Lawrence Stan,.
ley of London spent.th:e week -end
at' the home of thi`eir father, Mr.
Milton ,Stanley=
Miss lVlargaret 'Robertson Visit—
ed with' her ,brother; Mr. Kenneth
"Robertson of Zion on Sunday.
Mary and Dickie .McCosh are
a ieMing Some of their holidays
at Ripley with their grandfather;
1Vlr, Robert McCosh. •
■ ,•