HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-08-23, Page 3F•'
rt. ,
H:..B$DAY, AUGUST? 23? 195X
Oca an
0.4- i d :•
al', W A., Ru ^ !l is conva1esc=
ing frOM2 an i ness with .pneu
1VIr., 'and a1!f rs. Merle Middleton,
Bobby :'and Carol of Burlington
were visitors with Russ Middle-
Mr."'arid Mrs. RQy. MacKenzial
1'andchildren, Roddy and Barry of
>Shawa spent the week -end with,'
elatives in :the,. com!rnunity,
ncy Lou• Hewat of Elmira
si 'ed last Week With her grand
parents, Mr. . ,:and '.Mrs.•;. H.
Mr, and Mrs: Calvin.MacKay,.
Blaine and Lawrence of Windsor'
spent .two weeks, with. relatives in.
.the community. ' . ,
1VIr. 'and Mrs. Theodore Ratzer
of Chicago were holidaying with
Mr. sand Mrs ,W. .L. MacKenzie
and • Mrs.' Jessie 'Algin.
dill Chin; • Art Baker,: • Bruce
"baker and' Allan Chin lar?" spend-
ing the week. at Robert 'Moffat's
cottage at Point Clary •
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh .Cunning,
Gloria and •Billy '.vacationed re
+cently at "Toronto ` and., Bruce
Beach. 7,4
: Miss Ai donna Johnston, tud-
ent, 'nurse of .Londe» ,:: visited;.'at
her home ,here ths week,'.while
tier brother Bill: is::on .furlough..
Mrs Robert Webster , f Clin-
• ton, visited over • the , week -end
'with her. sisters, Mrs.. Pritchard:
and Mrs. : Campbell 'and' : with
Otherfriends. in :the community,
Dr; Fraser ;•MacLean and his',
sister-; Sarah -.Jane .MacLean c.d.
Evanston Ill., are holidaying with
-their uncle, Mr.'Don.al'd MacLean.
and at Bruce: • Beach; '
:Mr. and ,Mrs: Town Reid .and' son
Benson .of Vancouver are visiting
With friends • and relatives in the
• tommunity..Mr. Reid is a son of
the 'late: Paul Fl,eid.. It is 20 years •
sine.e Mr., and Mrs Reid have'
been..baek to I ucknow. At that
time they "spent the winter here:
They Neave ;next. . week. on °their
•return trip by motor.
Miss Melva Halyard,. R.N. ' of
the 'staff :Of Toronto • Sick Child-•
'yen's `. Hospital %.was, a week -end
visitor at the, ;homes of her taus-:
` Gordon and Melvin- Morri-'
son,• 1She, ,along with; ten =other
classmates . of the .1950 'class,
Guelph. General' Hospital, .atten-'
ded: thewedding • on Saturday af.
Miss Jean ` • Thompson, R.N., ' at
Salem :United•Churoh, T.eeswater.
u ' --Stewart0-Bees-leatr--Aii
Port flow MrS:, Stewart;. Dawn:
''::and Judith Ann to Sky Harbour;
..ai'r.,port, :Goderich, andwere met,
there' by • Mrs:• 'Stewart's parents,,
Mr. and: Mrs. Wilfred Drennan.
They have;, returned honne after
spending ;a. pleasant two weeks
hda Gth ri-guests —wer'
and .Mrs. • Wilfred • Plunkett and
Gordon,. ,Mr. 'and Mrs. Donald
1)1ux , ett,:Andy. and Billy _of Au_
burn;"1VLrs.. at Mowbray of Wing-
lham ., and .Mr; and Mrs.- :Keith
Flackett of Toronto:,
.. _
Anglican (hurch
`Rev A• S. Mitchell, L. h.,*.,
The Right Reverend Bishop
L•ucton 'adnuri4ster
the Apostolic Rite of the Las'-'
•in ,bn :of Hands, in,St..Peter's
church, Luck"now, on Sunday
Servi,ces' .at 'both Dungannon,.
and, Ripley •will' be withdrawn
fa ;order to attend • the Special
service, at L•ucknow at .3,30
`St, Peter's Church; LucktitiW
Pith' Suntlay, after T4•jnity,.
AU,P1.1S11'26.th, 1951,
11 a.m„ Holy Baptism:,
340 prm: The Laying 'ani o£
Miss. Margaret ' glue of • Detroit
(visited last week with Mr.,. -and
Mrs. Cameron MacDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. Jun:, Gib'sori .of
Blyth` were Sunday guests 'of Mr.
and: Mrs, John 'Parrish.
Mx' and = Mrs:' Donald J, . Low
_nd,son Ian of Union, • New' Jersey
ere recent -visitors with Mr. and
1 rs, Allister.' Hughes;
Mr. and Mrs: Eric Cox and son
Jimmy and Jimr iy,Mallet of Tev-
iatdale called ori friends here on
Sunday. . •
Mr. and Mrs. G L Frye of
Dallas,, Texas, are visiting with
their aunt; Mrs.',Sarah ' Collyer
and family.': •
, Miss Phoebe Pinnell of . Strat-
iord, Miss Jean Allin of. Toronto.
and. Mr., John Kelley of • Lindsay
were weekrer'id visitors' • at the.
home of Mrs,,' Jessie Alliri.
Week -end visitors with Mr. and.
•Mr's: Harry• Nixon ,and Mrs: John
MacLeod; were .MVlr,,and Mrs: Fred
MacLeod• and daughter 'fluby of
Detroit, '
Miles Helen Thompson .is
Toronto this week as 'a delegate
from.' 'the.,South Grey inspector±.
ate, to the" Women Teachers' Fed
oration' convention.
Mrs John Carruthers, aid • her
'sister, Mrs: Catherine Maltby,: are
,occupying the 'apartment in the
Anderson, Block, formerly ten;..
•.antd ' by M. and Mrs Rio:
Havens. •:
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred 1k/fin-Cloth,
Gail.. and Karen of Toronto,• who;
were • vacationing at ,Bayfield,::
spent the • week -end, with: Mr. and
Mrs. 'Cameron ' . `MacDonald and'
Mr. W: W.: Hill.
Mr...J. R McNab, who under:- •
#sent an. eye operationin Toronto,
two. weeks . ago, is progressing
satisfactorily and it is 'expected .,
he, will be . permitted.' to `return
home 'today.
Mr. and .Mrs.' E D.: MacQuaig'
and `children, :Jaok and Sally. of'
Toledo, Ohio,. spent !their:..vac--=
tion . here ,..and ".on'; their return
were accompanied by. Miss: Cora
MacQuaig 'who is holidaying • in
R; Ti`TR :
The death of .Edwin . Purves oc-
curred suddenly on Sunday even
ing at.the home of his. son Rob-
ert, east' of Lucknow,_He."was-,in:
his 79th year 'The funeral service
was held on Wednesday afternoon,
at the MacLennan" and MacKen-
zie Funeral Horne, conducted •by
Rev. C, A. Winn., Interment was.
in South.,Kiriloss' Cemetery.
Mr, Purves is survived by two
sons, Robert,, and Goldwan ' of
Gilbert Visit ,
The death, of Gilbert Vint ' of
Ashfield !Township 'occurred early
Wedaiesday' morning in, Winghaix
Io&pitala.after a brief i1111ess, •.He
• Was. 76. Years of age, Mrs..
i ormgrly' ,Elizabeth: Taylor, pre-
deceased him 6 Years ago. He_was
also predeceased by a daughter."
Elsie. One daughter, Mrs.. Clif-
ford .Hackett (Mary), survives,.
Olivet' W; M, S.
The Olivet . W
. MSS. entertained
the .Baby; Band and• other. child-
ren at their August meeting. Mrs.
J. lVjacTavish presided. ,After 'the
business session' the children sang
several '•hyalins, Margaret Mac-
Tavish read', the Scripture. 'Donna
Osborne and Ruth Black sang a
:duet.: Mrs. Alex ' MacTavish told
'the children a: story. The meetin
was closed 'witch-a'prayer. by Mrs..
H:. Henry..
Mr:' and 'Mrs. .J.; E: Bannister
and .children Sarah, Elizabeth,•....
Robert -and Mary are occupyin
Wm.' Schmid's cottage • at Amber- a'
ley;'•.. Beach,, Ma: Bannister �,va's'•••
transferred here -.to • the Batik. of
Montral •to succeed!,Ted. Brewer
but, so 'far • has'; been.;, tunablet'o•.
ahtain 'Housing'` accornod'ation for
hos-f-am'i+ • •
Mr: anad Mrs. Finlay' MacDonald
and. children, Reddy',•and Eli„ca
betho'f .:Ch•ati-iarri,. are: visiting" at
Lochalsh with his -parents, ' Mr,
and Mrs,' D. Alt. MacDonald. ; Fih
lay,:. who teaches shop work i'n •
Chatham 1e '.i .resent.
engaged in .building .a new hoarse.:
an Ch�athaan, and is, doing the .job'
.himself with' the assistance 6f .a
teen -'age; lady , : ,• -
Miss Isabel Rus,ell af,Londori,.:
Mrand 'Mrs. "Stewart;l usse l anal
cl:tui titer Judith •Of Regina, Mr;
;rid 1�1ts:' Jahies C.: Russell,. Susan
and Cathy,', of• Otta,wa 'havebeen •
the horn e o1': their. pat{
i ttt.;. TVii'. urxicl, Mrs. W. A Russel}.
i'hd:. with •tltc+i1 :;inter,. Mrs. W A..
P,rc l i,hhon'.: it 1_i;nc ardinc. Beach,
i,t}icr v isitois • .at ,'.the .Russell '
!cope were. ;Miss• Iles4ie 1Vf.ii`wOQd'
"rf 1-c�ndo►.n tnd..Miss Beth Steak t.
of, New -111)0101e.
Reconiifit'slog License Su,pensior
A i'oa'0ne1:.fury' ail Kinea'rdin•e
• i, st tnurtd that' the death
of !i'fp v{,,i.i• c51(1•, 1)rihme•t
pos5ib0. nicht •itav Dern avoid-
, Ed 'by . 111t.T.' exercise • of greater
judgem^tri:' ,and: mote• cmpericnc-
+`sol drip it;,p , cirr the the
• drier"... '
violin Tl q' itt,:tbe .driivvet cif the
trtat�l. h kilted the lzlel, ;tva`;
, w'itliiil •;t clay. .'of' his '16th birth- • at, 1!te timc of t.l�;t5 �iceic'nt.
The Jai y ,i"f„comme 5dt'4 that his
drivel:`s license the suspended un
til •lit hrc'cimes .21. • This recon.
endati was "based ipri the
:deriee herd and...the'. knowledge
of .the your'g• niai'.S gg eral dtits-
Ing 11aliitJ'' : • . '
OILDRILLIN( ,HAS: •' • :which 'he ;contended extended ac .=
PENINSULA EXCITED '•• . 'far' •south• .as: Greenock Sw_,.
d ev-
and. into''Kinloss Township
Three oil" companies, including
Imperial Oil Limited, have. taken. A skunk
up land; leases in . Bruce 'Penin- .fluid drive;
sula where the prospects of strik-,
is a pussy -cat 'with
ng 'oil' seem bright. One cont;-
parry, has already started. drilling
'operations and interest is at fever
pitch in tht .Peninsula. •
W. 'bines Pate on, who made
his': home here for a few years,.
was emphatic in his (belief that
oil would be discovered in Bruce
' County, . but couldn't. manage to
.drum up enough enthusiasm tQ
have drilling operations ' funder-
taken.. '
1Vir:' ' Paterson; in his cursory
trips -through Bruce, said . the
geology of the terrain was a cer-
tain indication of 'oil deposits,
Miss Emtria . Richardson .was:
hostess ';for. the ' August meeting'
'Of the W.M.S. Mrs. Neil Madam:1:-.
ald presided. The•:topic was given,
by 'several of the Members,'
• The Ladies. Aid met atthe,
ehizrch. Mrs. EVans''presided: Miffs,
J: Richardson prepared the •pro-.
gram Mrs.' :Charlie Tiffin gave. •
•a paper:' on "Men' :build houses.
anis Women build the .home
The chuiwch 'picn'ic will bp" held'
on .Friday afiterrioonvat Teeswater`
Park. •
That's all you need to start
building up that'nest-egg of .cash,
you've always wanted.
.. Y
, n
I•tttakes scarcely ,more tytne to
• open' a"'$• of M savings accouttt than,'
it does to tacit your pay-,c[ieque.;
4t's :f air. more satrsfy+,i:ii•g,too •
for that' dollar' doesn't disappear,
• like the rest ofthe
ThtCe•minutes .and one doltlar
use thwni for. you.rsel f NOW,.
• ',LUcknt w :Branch
woRtf.iN W1tTft CAN'ADIANS iN.
C. 1 fiT') ,Manager
Rv ,•W A 11C CY 0 L t .0 S.is'et 1 s•1T' 1' •
• 11 osier..