HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-08-02, Page 7• • • AUGUST fld; 195i ; • 1Frommi..4.1.m.:4111Fir•WIRIF.41:11.„1111.4:-,..111.7 • • • THE LUCKNOW: SFATMEL, ' .l.PCKNOW, „w•••-4.•swilt.winssowspwww:vistAssminv„.A. • • .N PAGE) SEVEN • KINSMPN. KINCARDINE A.rena Fri., Aug. FirSt • Game 9 P.m. • Roors open 8 41485.00 • inebohig , . $1,000 Jaakpot,c... ADMISSION 0:60 includes 16 gimes . Extra Cards, Extra Games -25c Proceeds for •Service Work C4 EWE Miss Joanne Crbzier. is,spending •a -few' holidays in 'London, • 1VlisseS.•Huth and Sylvia' Curran: • 'spent a few days • in Lucknow . with Mr. arid Mrs. Tom'Anderson and 'Andy. Misses:Mary-and Dor- othy May 'Curren spent a few days with Misa Joanne Hunter hi Liieknow ,and. ,'Master. • Murray. ' Hunter spent' a few days with. s• his '.cousins, Grant , and Donald • Curran: • • .. the- week-encl.-in Lucknow cwith. her sister, 'Mrs.; Harvey Ross and Janette. • .4 • Mr; and: Mrs. j.: Curran'• and family apct. MrS. Amelia Trelea- ven c.alled On Mr; and'. Ed Johnston at Bluevale on Sunday. ••1111r. --arid. iVirs. .Wm. Duffy '(nee • Anna Mae Culbert), • whO were • married July, 2lst in Hamilton, .' spent part of, this week With her parents;,Mr.- and. Mrs. Tom Cul- and Mrs. Chester Finnigan • and Mrs., R. Finnigan visited the. Palace Gardens at •Formosa and then went to Belgrave, and visit- ed 1%/fir. 'and- Mrs. Lawrence Van- , . • Mrs S J Kilpatrick is spend- • • • . ing a few -days With her daugh- ter, • Mr.,. and, Mrs. Cecil Blake and family at Dungannon. Miss 'Carol Shackleton is spend, • ing her holidays With 'her grand-. • 'mother, Mrs. Matt Shackleton ,at D'Ungannon., • • BEEKEEPERS MET HERE AT MicSWEEN APIARY • • About 70 members of the -Grey= Bruce Beekeepers :Association, met at Innes M.acSWeen's hoey plant on Havelock',St. on July 18th for their regular .summer, • Meeting. • • • • Mr. MacS,Weeti extended a 'Wel' • corne to the ,gatheying and. also gave-atregprt-as--the-s- .delegate to the 91,11 Beekeep AssociatiOri. , • Speakers -at .Grey43ruce. gathering, inclutW T. H..8hield, • general •manager of the. Ontario 1.10ney Producers Co-operative. Mr. P. yi. Burke, of: the*.O..K.C.. assistant to the Provincial Apiar- ist; 11/fr: Thiesaen, newly appoint, ed Ontario. honey, inspector; and Gear,, Bruce cot)n.iy. Agri- Uitural representatiVe, • w h spoke on the association between arming and :beekeePing: Qfficers re-elected were: pres ident; -Murray • Reekie,' Thorp- • burr, 6,13.A. delegate; billies Mac-, Sween, LiicknoW; secretary4reas- tirer, Henry J. Down, Kincarditie. A picnic supper was served the. ,gathering at the honey ,Plant at° the Close of `the Meeting. skinn y men, women , . gain 5 10 15 lbs. 9 I *Letters To The 'Editor Vancouver, B. C., • " • July 27th, 1951. , Dear Editor, ' • . A few days, ago 1 nQticecl an advt. in 'The' Sun to the effect that 'the Bruce. Old Boys, would have, a get-together, at Stanley Park on Wednesday, July 25th in the evening.• • Being many years since IL had. had a iodic at, what . was left of the ,old gang, I, called T. F., my brother, and' we .agreed that we Would take in the festival; :for there was •one thing about the people Of _Bruce• that ;they were especially 'noted for and that w there was alwaYS some good eat- ing and Plellt.Y,:nt it as a Must Wheri they any Celebrating, So .at the time appointed we drove out• to the Park, a place that I. had 'pretty well neglected since I came back .to .Vancouver. That place is a fine -setting for any 'occasion but this year has been -quite a hard one on its ap- pearance, baying the very' un- • usual ' experienCe of about 57 rainless days one: after another so any. of these people that are interested .in consulting the . rings in the trees' will later on wonder why'. thering being made. this year .waS so 'abnormally light: I think we •have :reached an all - tithe record for consecutive ram- 'iess days,,and of course the dry as dust coridition .had to be coin - merited on, and .gave a• good send- off to a. getting -acquainted -again meeting. • . , • ,The customary .Variety of Mac's Were in ,attendanCe. Quite an am bitious card of . get-togethers for the AeaSon, the Urge • to dance seems to be still strong among 'them; nut I imagine: it is a sort of ilostalgia, for, for the.. Most: part those there would' not be any more graceful • the, dance floor than 'myself, and I would hate to think of . that. • • .Everybody seemed to be put- ting theirbest foot •forward. -I imagine in the back Of their head it Might .be lest the Grini.Reaper was',' about looking for the next victims they wanted 'to. get asfar down the line as. Possible. Dan Alton is the president and seeins to be very' ainbitious to Make ,as good a showing as • • ; • • ;The ambition, 'to compete in feats ofstrength has 'gone, no candidates for tossing the ,caber or thrOWing - the harnmer, • not -even a': suggestion for ,a tug of war •so far as'. I heard. So any- one. will' know from that that it is .IchabOd,,.the Glory has de-• parted with the most 01 them. •• After. the supper the Rev. MO, ville rehearsed the glories ,of the' Tgruee7that4-wasTandlt-Vms-tuite- a :lift to think that you h'ad been given the: ' 'of •living among Such heroic souls. Then •Mr. J.: L. McDougal, M.P., took up the theme and ;glorified the old worthies from another angle.' Altogether they made out a good • Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor • •Wht a thrill Sony ell out; OS y hullo a 1111 tin, neck no longer sthltivnir; body ,losee halt-,, 'starved, Sickly ," bean.gxde' look. Thousands' ot girls, vtotnen, men, whO never eotild gain betOre., are now Oroud•ot inanely, healtbHOoking bodleg. 'Alley thank the eneelal:VIgOr.blilldIng, flesh-bulldlog Oatrex, Ittt atIvotilanta.; itivIttorator0.• .1rOti, Vitas:Um Di, ealolato, shrift blood, mprove •Abhetite and digestion ,io tOod ttiVett, yOu ;more , • Strength ant vottrItihirnent% nut dein on bare b°11.14.4 Don't tear getting too tat. StOtritheU you'velitnineu '11d 6, 10 It. or 20 lbs, yotit need.tOTITOrtual Weight Costs little. New 'lett aconialated'A;SI204only 600. , Try titutins t)strex Twat))Tableta tor 'new vigor 411(PluiPealbottnds, this very .day. At druttlintt• • '1 • case for the' good old• days, , • As.' You went about hearing about the passing of this one and that one, giving a good account of themselves till the blow fell, one was reminded of a' Peem, by a gifted soul, I forget his name: • now. after -leaf drops oft - flower ;after flower. Some •in the. Chill; and some in the, warmer hour: Alike •thoSY flourish, alike • they fall, and 'earth that, nourish- ed' them, receives thern Shall We her wiser -sons be .less. con.: • ° tent, to sink into her lap, When 41, life is. sPent?" • • • ' YOU CAN WIN *':,4:.:!!Y: Of Girlfs 747— • , W,,,Innes,,Paterson, • 1433 Nelson Street, yancOuver, 0.. . , • „ Goderich Ontario. The Editor, • -' Lucknow' Sentinel. Dear Sir: , • : , . In view'. of the -considerable discussion that has occurred late- ly over the relative values of the Liquor Control Act and. the Can- ada Temperance Act in the hand- ling.of the liquor problem I would like to say a Word to the people of lila-on County. I have. been 'a reiident of the ,town of Goderich :for a year now, having •lived the previous sixteen •years in a town under the Liquor. Con- trOl Act, ' and have been able tO ;observe conditiOns 'in both towns as casual visitors would not be 'able to 'do'. I can Count on the fingers • of one.hankthe 'number of persons I have seen in God - Ouch in . a year who' • are, intoxi- cated, apparently. Only 'a 'blind 'man would be able to say that of the town, •of "W .-----•=" if he were about the • toWn, at 'all: .1 know that there 'is drinking in •Goder- ich, and liquor can be gotten. le- gally, since the.•C.T.A; is: not a prohibitory' lay. There. are boot- leggers; too, as I 'hare been told by some who are in a position: to know. There i, however, little' Open evidence ,of liquor sale. • , • The opportunities'. to obtain liquor:in the town. of "W--,-;" are so many that :one wonders. •how the bootlegger • could .poss- ibly be . in- demand. There are four- hotels, 'each With a' beverage room, and a flourishing 'trail:" as L one, in passing, can 'tell from the noisy raucousness .of both., and Women. There are club her enses to the CanadianLegion and to the Gold Club, as v‘r,ell as. a BreWers' • Warehouse and Liquor Store. • And yet ,the bootlegger flourishes as I .have -reason • to know •in the :sarrie way. that II know they are. in Goderich, and also from the record- of court :procedings which 'Showfrom time, to time that their work As.de- tected. Some 'people are anxibus to see the C.T. . rep ace y .t LiquOr Control Act in Huron be, cauSe they are so vastly concern- ed about the. incitements to drink among the young •people .' Under • the L.C.A. liquor 10 about as easy to obtain • as ice cream.In "W—" one As scarcer 'r out of i ht e • " • • * • • ONE OF. 120 VALUABLE PRIZES in just a few weeks time you can own one of these brand new bikes . a smart table radio for your own room • .. or one of 120 other valuable prizes just for' saving Kist . • Bottle Tops. Here's 'how 'to do it. Whenever you get a Kist Bottle Top, lift the cork lining ' and look for the letter K -I -S or T printed " on„the inside metal surface. Then go to your nearest Kist dealer's store the man who sells delicious ice -Cold Kist . . and ask for your,.copy of itist Contest rules. They'll tell you how you can, win your new bike or one ofthe 120 valuable. prizes.' Start saving lucky Kist Bottle Topa right away. •• • • • • • • , tetr r KIST NEw BOTTLE TOP CONTEST Aday/ • • Of the evidences ' of . the traffic— pe, in Our judgment and from the purchases, deliveries, 'the,:l: what -I have known and 'seen: I . • • crowded beer parlours, the con- Can only say that if . you -; want a.2'. course of people in, and 'out.. of ' "Wetter" town With incitements them, From whom are the ranks to drink on every hand, join the • -' ' of these customer filled if not ranks of :the agitators for ' the . :... . ultimately ,from the young peo- 'Liquor Control Act. If • you pre-.- -• . ' ple? To my .'mind, (and I. have fer a town of quiet sobriety, keep' , •been able to observe its working, the"-:Ganada Temperance Act. . ' , • per,sonally). the -mOst, dangerous ' Yours truly, , , • • thing from this ;point of view :is ' Es..,w. Williams; ,Minister, the banquet permit in connection Victoria St United Church; with conventions, town celebra- tions, : Wedding recepting,etc, a ENGLISH AS SHE IS 61POKE room May be secured and set :up . . • L__.... ,,,- as a • bar and the drinksare on .'This language, she i• funny . . the "house" and sometimes on As by many she is Spoke, . , . ,... thhiei,.htoarg•ivWenrn hatea have p ofconcern But BUt :Arx-iahne •171ne4eyd like et ginbea `.*rusinomakSr; . . for many - people both old and "Slo3v,;Men at Work" was ' on the youngThere is incitement here for a 4non-drinker who would not We saw 04: the . broad highway, be induced to run the risk of Change the comma, ..end youlI'.. lour? seen: entering a. beer: par -find Slow - men, at .work today,. Perhaps people' think ministers Some people ask for petrol, . : ' . .. ' ... ,.' are not in a . position to know' What they mean is gasoline; ' , ' ..! " • , : ••, conditions because they patronize To the, old a person may be dull, . • ' , neither, liquor stores nor .beer .But, to, the •young set, be's quite. ' • parlours' and do not, attend beer • • "keen". • : ... parties. More frequently We know Our children all read '"funnies" far better what Is going on be- Which mostly aren't funny at all, cause we hear and know •_rid„ And coMe_people..-4hoot--th • , . of the story .atthe point 'Where breeze" all the glamour is gone fromfy4The:n they - are "pulling 'off *a drinking and 'there' is only sor- : stall". ' • : - : . < i . didness, wretehedne§ and des- Here are some words of wisdom, '.. . . 'pair .• We come In at the stage of. If you're to keep in right, : • •• the alcoholics and the broken . You ay call, your wife:a vision, hoinea. We are in is good a posir •Bilt" n't call her a ,"sight"! . .. ' •• ' -...-. .. tion tobe_accurate.,as-most.-Peo. LeToY-Ftr8tingel ',11,114 , ,r• 1 • .1. • • . . , 1 :••,••••• . • • Inte tj»ab1e hAi-year!ye $100 or: more accepted • ,. . frg. b • ,Comparable rates' for: shorter -;terms. . ) ACZCORPORiTJ ) tive Joseph • Agnew, Lucknow; . i ortgage CorpOraton;, London; Ont. , „ • . • • • • ' „ • • ' ' . • v . • , , • ., •. ' • • , , •- • • • • • ; • •