HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-08-02, Page 5rrt • -• 'THURSDAY, AUGUST 240, .1951.. — • . • • .-4,1-rrif#!irAirr,4114714-170041r •ememe,e. "N• - • LUCKNOW, • • PAGE FIVE • Lyceum Theatre •W I NGHAM Two ShOws Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 • ThLirpday, Friday, Saturday • AUGUST .2, 3, 4 t )31JATI,ANCASTiR, . • SALLY F9R.REST Vengeance Valley MATINEE SATURDAY Monday; 'Tuesday, w edhesday AUGUST 6,, •7, 8 TEliESA NilitRIG/K11, •' MARLO 13RANDO — in — THE MEN • Thursday, Friday, Saturday August 9, 10, 11 ..' •Gene Autry in "INDIAN TERRITORY" • oChildren don't. always •walk on • your new lawn Sometimes ,they PEOPLE LIKE 6_f5e1.1 WHERE -146T WORK DUNGANNON •The Dungannon Women's In- stitute Met Thursday 'afternoon Tor the annual grandmother' meeting in the United Church. Mrs. Cecil •Blake presided. After the roll call:. thegrandmothers were tailed for two -minute talks on "My social life at twenty- one", Mrs. G. fledges took • the chair for. the pyogram. Mrs. Al- lan Reed sang Solo; Mrs. Arthttr liaMilton Of Atwood gave an in- teresting .address on her II...lyres-. Slow •whi10,. at the CoPenhagen conference, of • the •, Associated. Country Women of • the , World •last year. Mrs.Durnin and, Mrs L tirigel played a piano duet,,,,and•Mrs,. Herb Steth-, efS gave •a reading. Lunch was .served. , Mrs. ,Stothers moved a vote of thanks On 'behalf of, the igrandmOtherS, seconded, by Mrs. J. G. Montgoinery. Mrs. Phillips. • accompanied at .the Piano .for. the 'national anthem. •• . .• • ' Induction. on Friday • Rev. and Mrs. George Watt 84' two children • arrived this .week • from ShellbrOok, Sask. Rem. Watt, has taken over the • United. Church • circuits •of Dungannon', Crewe and Port Albert and Will' 'be inducted to the three-point. ather,4 charge.on Friday evening by his Rev.. W: :J.• Watt, retired' Minister of Whitechurch, assist - •ed by Rev. C. B. Woolley Of*Ash- • • 1Virs. S: J. Kilpatrick has bought the village residence of 'the late Mrs. B. J. Crawford, .which '18 .across 'the street &pin that of her 41.1g4ter,1•Mrs. Cecil Blake. Mr and Mrs Ivan Rivett hay . returned from; their honeYnioon: and are res'iding' ,.the bride- groom's farm.,. Con. 4, AshfieK .the former R. J. DUrnin farrn, • BOUNDARY WEST Mr. tPete Cooke of Brandon, Manitoba, visited -with his cOusin, Mr. A, Cooke. It is forty years since Mr. Cooke visited in the Cominunity. His home was on • the Gibson sideroad. -.- Mrs. M. • Covey, . R.N. and her .on 'IVIichaet are visiting her Mother, Mrs. A. Cook. • • • • •• Mr. and Mrs. Dexter spent Sunday - in Owen Sound. • • Mr. Jack Macintosh, 1VIr. and IVIrs. Robert Hamilton and son •.Lorne.,, and IVIiss -Susie Gibson spent 'the 'Week -end at 'Sauble ',IV.Iiss Irene Elpbiek and Harold •are spending , the holidayst. Pinkerton.. ' Miss 'E. Cooke, R.N. of bWen, • Sound. is visiting her father, Mr. , A. Cooke. • • A' number of Ladies of Para° mount enjoyed the bus trip to Niagara Falls Al Tuesday. It was chartered 'by the .Kairahea Mr. and. Mrs: to, Iteroux.(nee Eileep Ensign).from Parry.Sound and three :children are ;visiting, with Mr. and •Mrs. Waiter 'Dex- ter a niece of the latter. and 'Mrs. Borden 'Culbert •and .son Of Detroit .visited With' •.1V.r. and 'Mrs. ,Tas, Hamilton. . • K.INLOUGH • • :ArthUr lia3Z Mrs. eriby and dau- ghter,Shirley and ,Mr. Torn Coll- , Ingham returned tO Toronto after visiting With relatives here. •• , Perry Lowry of Pine •RilVer visited during the week with his cdusibS, Nancy and Helen Need ham. Miss :Donna; •Nkholson' return- N000Omitilloi.041111.941/04141.0,;M.004•100M1104101110.1041M0.1100MION14010111.1,41111iilemow(limmix.imoo.MO4041molioirialWO ,ed home after visiting with . her I, cousins, Kenneth and -Colyne • Cuyler and other friends at he estosniplaire Mr and :Mrs. Norm:an Fry of • COST OF NEW LIFE HOG GROWER 1950=—$80.00 - .1951—$72.00 1 SELLING PRICE OF FINISHED HOGS I , 2 1950—Much Less than 1951 , • •. • , • • • ` . . • . . ,• • regular users of New Life. •i ..., PROFITS are LARGE [.. . ! Free Delivery —Refunds on Bags — Contracts it Desired. /. 1. y • . • , • . • • • •. CRAWFORD'S.*Feed.•Store 4 'PHONE 165 • •LUCKNOW, ONT . , .. • .. • . Wyigharn were' recent, visitors with her. parents, :Mr. and Mrs. / y.' Miss. •Vera Boyle left on Mon, - day for , her home at Mopie3.av y, :Sask., after spending : the:, past month with relatives here: • Mrs.:. George •Haldenby, Mrs. W. E.. Haldeirby ..arid Mrs., 'Art Hal- denby visited. on. Thursday with Mr. • and Mrs. 'Clare . Sparling, Walkerton. • . • The Rev. D. Fuller will. be the • I :guest speaker 'at the . Presents >$1 . —r• Fri4y, Saturday, August 2, 3, 4 Yes, the funniest -thing to comeout' of World • War II!, We all.knew ,a1Put ifver brides,. but' Ai* one ia I ,IAlas A Male, War Bride with CAR Y 'GRANT and ANN SHERIDAN. • . • . • • N Monday; Tuesday, Wednesday; August 6,'7, • A real holiday treat—see a •movie that ,will please you— , with MYRNA LOY and ROBERT MITCHUM and all in glorious iechniewor. ' 'TWO SHOWS NIGHTLf:-=, STARTING .AT 8.00 • • • • • 1 • • •1 •1 toop.o.o...o.dooiozifemOtkoomocr.ampormo44i11004.160.10114041001•1411011,41.4 aste*Nairris •!ntplenients'-, "A • 1, Offer The Latest In Modern Farm Machinery +. + Harvest Time Is Yuist Around The Corner . BINDERS AND COMBINES 1.. , NOW ppi klikr . , • • •i • . ALL SIZES OF. M -H TRACTORS PLOWS, MANURE SPREADERS, • • DISCS," RUBBER -TIRED WAGONS FULL LINE OF REPAIRS ON HAND BEATTY BARN SUrftlES 0 , ; • • ,; LUCKNOW • Giris' Aux-. Located, In The Former Boyes' Implement Shop., • diary .ineeting, at the.; church 'oh 'Friday afternoon at 2.30: The • • . . , • . . . . ^ . iprorrottorinktiourie:imooks rooOpt.wieloo.....irlmoitilm000rekprOmoiNdo.c' iiimoli.m.40ortmcmmorrimoodoo04. isminorikdo. ' ; 1 Presbyterian EXplorer, members' of 'the Sr. WA. and all .ladies of the 'congregation are invited.. The .H.W.I. 'will meet at the: ,--of--ef--41r-&-jim-,Smit-h, Thurs.- day evening. (tonight). Conveners, Mrs. Jack Ackert, arid: Mrs. Earl Hedging; roll Call, Swing .hints; -current events, TOrn •Hod, gins; topic, home econemics; mot- • to, A stitch' in time, saves "nine; •, contest A lunch cloth from a flour sack; lunch; (s) 'MISS Edna MorleY Bushell, 'Mrs. WM, Eadie. Mr. and .Mrs. Bruce 'Ryan and o t' • • • Feeds, Fertilizer PhOne 71 •:0 0 ' Has proven' itself over the yeat.s. , • •" • • •• STOCK ON HAND" • Groceries • Phone 27. 1 . • . . Car'o' I (lie.,sOut on. Tracks. . ORDER YOIJIt WINTER ,SUPPLY NOW Hay Fork Rope, table, Forks,' Cars, Pulleys., :and Other. •E'quipinent available. B1.JY ,CO-OP QUALITY PRODUCTS ,• . . • at • , ' • , —• th.'eirnephew, •Billy Stride of TorontO, „are' Visiting 'With Mr. Gordon. Hodgkinson and renew- ing old acquaintances here. : Mr,. 'and -Mrs. Ezra'. Stanley • spent a few' days with relatives. • at Flint, ,Michigari. Floyd. Stanley who has been holidaying'. there returned. With' thein. •• • Fredi 'ROusorn of ,LondOn visited during the week with Mr: A.. E. Haldenby, and - other ,rela;:•• ;fives here, ., •. , On Wednesday • p.m. last. the. ExPlorer Group of -the Preaby-. terian Church ..entertained the • Anglican Girls' Auxiliary. at the church,. The president, 'Miss Win- • nifred MCFarlan, took charge., • The hynin:'`Dare to be a Daniel!' was sung and all repeated the Lord's prayer., Mrs. Frank Maul - den read a psalm. ,Sandra Percy, • Sang "Jesus lovas me". 'Mrs. Bert • NieholScin read a poeim Mrs. Har- old Hald,eniby. favored ' with the .;,'•hymn "There .were Ninety and, Nine". M. Howard Thompson' • read 2 short poeins, Erinial.percy • and Winnifred Merarlan 'sang a duet, The guest speaker, Miss Helen Malcolm; told the story of Daniel and, illt,istrated it by th use of flannefgraph. The accom- panists for , the l program were 11/fissba te11te Malcolm andErb-pa Lucknow Distiftt (o -Operative • WE TItt TO PLEASC • v.0 r • Percy. A.collection: ,was taken and given .tO.-Miss Malc011n to ,assist in Child: Evangelism ,which she' is. engaged in in Toronto. jeannette43rUntori;H-wh has '8pent the past few weeks With Mr. and MrS. Maptice Hod- gins; returned t�'her home at Toronto.•• • ••• • '• 'The P.-Y.P.A. held - their regular Meeting at the home of Mr. and •Mrs. John :Eminerson: The op en• ing.hymn :was,751 with Bill Blirt rnerson- led in• prayer. Itynin 545 was. sung. Minutes and folloWed. On AugUst 3rd a weiner roast • Will • be''held at POPlar' Beach, are. to 'Meet at. the • , • ,. church at , 7.30.. A -reading was ' • . . given by Jean 'Guest and a con-- test by Florente IVIacDonald, solos by Frances ,Scott and Sandra ,, . ,, ..- - •-.' - Perczn-also7a-piano-solo by• Winz-------7--7-------7", nifred IVficrarlan. This was , fol - Lowed . with community ' singing • with Mrs. Emmersen at•the piano. 'Hymn ' •494 was sung and ,the meeting closed with the bene-, diation. • , / Sunday guests' with Mr.. and ee_ daYing here returned home with . MI'S. Wm. Wall were Mr. & Mrs_ therm • ' • • • • • . . Ryan andllit y rise, . Gordon Hodgkinson, Mi. & Mrs. • ; Jack Schumacher.. Miss Helen ' • ' Schumacher Who' has been hell- . . .. The Machine For The Job IS T ALLIS-CHALIVIERS ALL 'CROP 1-tARVSTER , . . . We have them New and Used. . . , • , - For Fast .Profitable thins and 'Prime Finish FEED PURINA STEER.FATENA.. , • — Andto:Make the Most o Higher 'Egg Markets try • Purina ChiCk Startena, Or,oWeitaanct. ' •• Growing chow, • • • • ,• • . HACKETT and S 1.111CKNOW, ONTARIO • • • . • • 4. : • . • o•