HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-08-02, Page 3; •
it •
• •• 1(7" 1/4' • 4, *. •
TRURAY, 4,9 i16:V0.71e914,0) : 1951
.and IV/iss Kareti
Davidson of Hamilton are visit-
•ing with Mrs. Russell Robertson.
Liss. Winston and Norman Lai-.
• sen of'RouYn 'Quebec, are spend
ing • their -thilidaYs with ,their
• aunt, Mrs. Etta Roberts,
Jim Purves who is stationed at
AylmerWith the R.C.A.F..spent
• ' the week -end with his 'parents,
• Mr. arid Mrs. Les Purves.
•Mrs. Jane ,,Percy 'and -Mrs. Al-
• .win Percy -r of Detroit visited rela.,
Lives here the first part of :the
Miss, Beatrice Armstrong, and
'Mrs, ,Annie Ba0tt' of London.
are spending a ikeek...•vvith. rela-.
•tries here. • ,
MI% . and Mrs. Alex Hatrens.'
spent last Week On a motor trip
• in the :London, Fort Erie, Melt:
and and Niagara Falls, district:
Mrs, Joiephine', Cameron . of
Belgrave /and Mrs. George :4J -in--
• ley' of. Detroit visited, in Lucknow
and vicinity this week.
" Mr.
and. Mrs.. Harold Burns
and. son , David l'of Fort
have been visiting':with. his par-
ents, Mi arid:•Mrs. Thos. Burns.
Miss Edith Munro, P u b lic
Health •,ntirse, is Vacationing. at
. • her hOnie at Apple Hillnear•
• Cornwall. , • , •
Harold Greer and Mrs..J• .
Greer. left •on .Monday by.. motor
•for. iSaskatchewan.. .Mrs4 Greer
wijl !visit thtee. sisters at Eliose
'• and, Dunblane.
. :Rev. Harry Lockhart and Mr.
• . Et.nd. Mrs Armor Lockhart ,and
• 'two...girls of. near Mosshank; Sask.
,• .visited, Mr. 'and Mrs...,Geo,
iips of FordYce. . •
Mr. and Mrs. Russell,' Phillips
•:and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer • Foran
'attended the ;Wedding of Mrs
• Phillips' sister, , Phyllis,. in 00d.,,
erieh on Saturday.
Mr. and 'Mrs.- W. F. Thorrrpson,
Barbara .and: Elizabeth Of Tor,
• onto and Mr. and Mri: Andrew' 11/1:
Thompson 'David and 'Sheilla• Of
• BoWmanyille • visited , here last
• • . • "
Miss' Joye Lee Ibbotson 'of Flint,
Mich.,. spent 'last week, and Ted
England and Miss Jacqueline
"Ackerinan df Elora spent the
.we* -end with Mr, and Mrs., John
England (n (n
f Monday Mis Eng-
• .1[Ind'acCo !pried thern • to Flint'
when Joy Lee' returned, home.
4, Sd0
14.9114. 19140.04414414:4
Th Morgans:
Telep one 9-19, Ripley. -.1
• We ha
• porch;sho
invite o
and rust
! and' se"
• ,
e opened our new! 'CARS • COLLIDE .' • .
this WqeJc-end and 'I NEAR *IIOLYRO.OD
r.. Lucknow 'friends i'
Tilers to drop around The 8th Con Of Kinloss, near
our varied .selecti-,03-&-the village' Of ,jiolYrood, known
• Mrs, •Minnie Horne and Mrs.
Lillian E11is were week -end vis-
• itors with Mrs. Walter HOrne.
• Mr." and •*.: C. M, Johnston
and Douglas. of Sarnia -who have
returned from a vacation in the:
Picton district, have been visit-
ing with her. •Parents, -and
Mrs. Richard Webster. . •
and Mrs, Harvey Houston
and four sons, J. J., tlugh, Ken-
neth and Wallace of illolyrood
returned,on Friday from _a Motor
trip in, .t114 Barrie, Niagara and
.r • •
LOndori districts,
Mt..MrS.s ,_Kep Ray,. and
little son, Joe, of Chatham; •spent
• a 'week's holiday with her par-.
ents, Mr. ,arid. Mr. Frank Moran.
Mrs. Morn's brother, Eldon Mac-
Namara of Detroit also visited
;With them last week.
• Mr. and, Ms. Ralph Sehefter
and Karen •of :Toronto visited
--over the week -end with 1'1r. and
Mrs, -David Hutchison Wing -
ham', 'and with her niece- and
nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Watson of Holy,robd -while ,on
•,Mr.. 'and -Mrs. Art Young of
Montreal have been visiting with
• Mrs, . Edgar HoliYrrian.• As a lad
• Ait often spent his holidays at
the Hollyrnan' Rake ,Shop land.
Went to school here briefly. He.
served with • the R.C.A.F..ir
World War .11,' and, was 'a .pfis-
orier of war• in Geri -punk for some
. . • •
Mr. and Mrs: Bruce 'Holland of
Clint4n; Mr. and Mrs.. Peter Cook
and Susan GibSdn, of Ashfield.
spent 'a week visiting in Northern.
Ontario. with Mrs; Elizabeth.
'Webster' Of :Clute and with Mr.
and Mrs. George. Hackett of
Cochiane, ' Mt. Haekett is the
"P.Otatin •IciTig” arid this ,year414:s.
23 acres ofstids4 • . •
From Walter Dexter of Para-
•meunt we have recelYed, the loan
• Of an interesting illustrated book
"Men of Canada", published in.
1895. Walter, got it .from hi
father-in-law, ' Mr. Kennedy'; who
recently !bought a home in Rip-
ley, where the book was found.
• The book •contains ,thumb.nail
sketches' of variou's ibusiness: men
in this section of Western • On-
tario, arid fr' time time,' We
hope to repr$,,,tice some. of these
Sketches. - •• .. ••
One which: first caught our.,eye
Was as follows: . •
•;:,`"I'HOMAS,.,LAWILENCE, hard-
ware' merchant, Lucknow, Was
born 1n•1831..in Retfoid, .Notting-
ham,-tnglend. He came to Canada
in 1854.- In 1860 ,he .entered the
employ of John 'MaClary; Lon-.
don, with whorn he • remained 7
years, In 1867 he begah. business
on .his own 'dccOunt, at 13e1fast,.
Ontario, and .one year' l•ater. re-
moved to Lucknnw, where he has
since continued With SuceesS. He
wag' a member of the first C.oun,
•cif OfTLUCknoW and' thirteen ,con-
secutive years on the Lucknow
'School 'Board,. In ,religion he is
an adherent of • the Methodist.
Church and has, been, for years,
• treasurer of the church in Luck-.
•now.; •Mr, •La.wrence WaS married
in 1863 to Margaret, daughter.of
• the late iChrisopher Lindsay of
Go.deriCh Township. His fa?nily
,censists of five sons and 'three
daughters.." , ••
Ever Hear A 'Bee Talk?
Discovery that bees „"taik";
sets an Old: theory about- • lower
forms...Of life. It nOw' is knOWn
that when a working- bee leaves
to bring back .food, he has lbeen
told what' to look fot. Read."pees:
De. Talk", in this Sunday's .(Aug.
5) issue of -The American -Week-
exclusively with Detroit Sun-
day: -Times: .••
0 L have
•:been taken up by, Imperial Oil
Limited on several thousand*.
acres of of land in GOderich.. and:
Colborne Townships ,• •
; • . ;
WAGE '81 aktER , •
This superb tea gucirantees,
• the flavour oj every cup •
s: •
"" .
• 1
:Hereby Proclaim
. . :
A ,civi:c _.110LIDAY
And call upon All Citizens to observe it as such. .
• 1. C..:McNAB, Reeve. I
'er 'nixie organdie over taffeta with
• hat and gloves to match and car-
ried ..a bouquet of Shasta daisies.
• The groomsman. was :George
Rdbertsori, brother of the bride;
and the usher .was -,Mt: Bill: 1.1.:Ola,
:ettson, also a brOthet of the bride.
The Wedding :Music VgaS, played
Miss Shirley Itobertson;•
C, T., sister' bf the •btide.:During•
.the :.s"ervice" Mrs. (Rev.). Clair
Clark, Sang ."The Lord's, Pyayer7,
andduring the...signing., Of the
register "Because" At the'reee0,
tion held•later the bride's mother
received • wearing a delphinium
blue faille 'dress. withwhite ac,
••• Mrs: Nace Martin. and Mr, and
Mrs:' Ray Dalton were at:MartyrS
-ShrMe on Sunday. • .
Mr and Mis glare, Lannan are
visiting with his ,parents this
Week, • :
• Mr. & Mts. Ra Y Murphy spent
the week7end''with .Mr. and Mrs.:
'P. J. Murphy.' • .
Joe Reid visited...Mr. and:
Mrs' Jim Wallace ci:7.er the Week'
lgi•SiPatSy Sennett is visiting
in the burg. •• • s'
'Mt, and "Mrs, T. J,. Lannan.are
§Pending a ' week with Mr. and
Mrs. Lyal Lannan. •• •
Mr. Eldon McNamara has' been
visiting his relatives • the past
week. , • ••
I. . We carry an asSortthent ofj
odd chairs, little. tableS. andi
beds, ete. • •
OUP • n e •Shiprnent .of
• ••
blankets .have been ,held
••• f but there are a few left atI
Febtuary .15ticeS. •, • •
e •
•I• Closed Sundays. Mondays I •
by. appointment •---; An' other
day of the :week juit drop in!
Anglican Church
Rev. A. S. "Nfitchell,
,• Bector.
11.1th 'Sunday. after, Triii4y1
AUGUST 5th, 1951'
'St, Peter's Church; Luchnow
11, The Holydothrunion
St Paul's Church, Dungannon
Ev,eriing Prayer:
.St. Church; Ripley
'ri.30 p.m. Everting Prayer; •
as, •
scene of a. Minor car ....crash on
Saturday, night of last weel?.. The
cars invobved-wete-lhose of Her -11
Vert Spitzig of.Chepstow and Wil-;
fred Smith •of G'oderich,' • the
'Mad:lines sideswiped on the high-
way. The Smith.car suffered to
.the extent of $250.• fepairs
Le the ,OhePstow, car, will require
•an .expenditure of • $300. Fot-
tnhate),y the .beenpants ,both
vehicles escaped' With only
es and a• severe shaking '
Walkerton ifetald4iihes. •
• • • •
FOURTH :CONCESSION parents on Saturday, July 21st,,
when Emma Kathleen, 'elder dau-
ghter of Mr. arid .Mrs. 1-1.'Rob-
ettsOn of Colborn;e nship; was
unitedin marriage(;T Ohn Ivan
RiVett, son:Of gr.. rid Mrs. John
Rivett of ,Dung.anxio Rev. Clair
Clark petfottned • the 'Ceremony
before :a bank of•delphinium land
hydrangea. The bride, given' in
marriage by her fatheiL, looked
lovely in a gown:of. blush -pink
satin featuring a lace yoke With -
long ,fitted sleeves ending inlily
points over the'tharicls. The gciwri
had -al fitted bodice and full Skirt
With short train. 'Her fingertip
French illuSion, veil was held by.
a .eoronet and She carried a east
Cade bouquet of Stephanotis. Miss
Edna Rivett, the. igrooin's, sister,
Wag Ibridesmaid. the Wore. pOwd-
• ITV T•.4
• .. LANGSIDE ••cessories and was assisted by the
groom's mother in printed nylon.
The Y.P.S. have been in charge Eich'••wore a carnation corsage.
of the churchservices during The wedding dinnet was Served
July. " Sunday, August 5th,' Sun-
day .School will ibe at p.tn: and
church .service at 3 pan. Rev.
Currie will bein charge.
Mrs. Neil, MacDonald :& Miss
Emma Rkhardson :spent Satur-
day with friends in.Goderich.
• Mr. and •Mrs, •W; J, Moffat of
liamilton called on 'friends here
•on .Thursday • ••
• The. July meeting of the Lad-
ies: Aid was held in the church.
ibY five,
, former pupilS, Rnth Mil-
lion, Ann Ann Pentland, Kathleen Mc,,
Dermid, . Verna Rutledge . and
. .
,Margaret -Anders n... The bride's
table was Centred with a three....
tiet: Wedding Cake' flanked. with
. . , • .
•taperS..,•Fot a motOr trip through.• '
the • Northern States -the • ;bride
donned a • poWder, blue :suit with • .
Pinkand white accessories. On •
'their 'return the. coiliple. will .te- •
Side on the groom's) farm west eef
st?6nrngeaowerennenheld..SeveA i:a,1Pi,ntiia
eous shower was given at the.,
home Of Mrs Clive Allin and
M, iss Joan Clark, president' of . the
Dungannon junior Institute, held
a.Foup. and .satiCer shower at' ter
home. The bride's another enter,
,tained..at trOusseau•tea in .1"10n0E.
her :daughter. POr the Oast 3
Years the bride taught school at:
Owing'to•the absence of the pres- •
• • •
N• •,
ident, IVIrs Farish Moffat pre -
'sided. Plans were . made for a
quilting which was held at • the
.horne of Mrs. Petet G. Moffat on
Wednesday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Farih • Moffat
and Gorden Visited..,on. Sun. ay
• . • • 1,4 •
ivir„rd Mrs.Oswald Anderson:
& family of Galtfspent last week
with ,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Don-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. EVans and
;Ted spent ,SUndaY at. Innerkip.'
• Mr. Dave Scott; of TOronte 'has'
been visiting with Mr., and Mrs.
Wm Scott. • •
A pretty .surniner, wedding took
:place at the home of the bride"s
• Visitors at the home of L, Mac-
Iver last Week;were Mrs. L.'
•rip of San, rtancisc6;• MrS, Taylor
of Windsor'and Mr, Tom Ross'
and 'grant igandson ' arid wife of
,Teronto.. • .
,• Mrs. Woods. of' Guelph • sent
few days.Week at the herne
of R. Martin,
• Mr; rred Gilchrist has put -
chased a• til;shing.machine,
Mrs. Cliff Rourston 'and chitcp
ten are visiting with relatives at
,Mrs. Margaret 'Srnitharid two
daughters 'and ,tWO granddaugh-
ters and a' friend 'from Toronto
rare visiting at.h of Mrs.
Smith's brother.,.Joh.ri
,aid. •
• oiO
• "
" ' • o' •
• • • - 4. • •
•, ;
' . • .
. , • , •
•••, •
'•o•••:.• :
• „ • • :
. . •
• ••,. • . •
, •••
1951 CHEV. Belair Hardtop Convertible, 24oneln color, air .
extras. '
,94.9 CHEV: DELUXE STi,LELINE SEDAN, custbin ,radio,
air conditioning.
: 1949 CIA,EV. PLEETLINE C OACH. ••• • "
1948. PONT1AC" ELEETL:INE, COACH, custom radio and • .•.
•• ' air conditioning.. . • , •
1939' CHEV. SEDAN.
19,38 CHEV. COACH.
1647.. c•HE.V.'COACH . •
139 ", DODGE SEDAN. •
•1111 1936 pLim:014TH SEDAN.
193t FORD coACIA..
:COUPE .• s •$1,550
• m • 1947 CHEV.' SEDAN ; „.. .. .. • $1,150.5
os •••
• •
: • 'NEW CARS •
Olds, Ford, Meter'
•:-Approydpia.tiely 24416iir srviee wlLh choice of ,colOrs# ••
I . 1
r .
.. .o .:-.
... ,.ss..1•p 'ors,.. .
, "The Home of Better tied Cars"6^
,a , •. '.6asl, Trade, 'Term''s'. -p'en - -. I' A
' : : • ,
; Cities Service Dealer,-. f• : •-•.: '• • 'Phone 13X, Brussels
• is . • i , ' • '.. I ----
• I•
I •