HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-08-02, Page 2a
'THURSDAY, AlIGUST 2nd, ,19.51:
by p
�i � ILD
Mrs. Duncan Simpson was hos-
tess fora Dritish. knit . demon-
stration, •on. Monday evening.
.The' annual Eibie School was
held, each morning, ,of last 'week
in the. Presbyterian' Church, On
r Thursday afternoon the picnic
was ...held at the Ashfield Park.
.0On Friday evening the , open.
;meeting was held when the par:
ents. and :friends of the pupils
were'; invited. • . •
Next Sunday the service.in the
Presbyterian Church will Abeheld
at 2,30. with Sunday' School at
Rev.,7. "J. R. MacDonald :wr11 be
on vacatick duringf the month of
August Next Sunday . the service
will be in ;charge •of Rev. R. Mae -
Dr.. R. B. Treleaven, who has
been .associated ' with. Dr J. R.
Riddell of Palmerstonfor' the
^ past tWa --years,,, tool - over -.they.
medical practise of Dr,. J. B. Mil-
e ve bod .'
- TI e
Holiday. ime _• op. ry . ,y .
r gets some . You'll prdbably wind
••up more tired than ° when they
. ' started, but you'll have a' lot to
thunk about and live over in your
• rr ernories. • •
, We're spending,some of : ours,
visiting friends. a a 'lake shore
y resort town:: Rememiber, the.'Per-
• r `I .old y ou bout some
%ct.Drone. t - , ..Y about
ti time :ago?",Well, we are siti ig
wu, ' :th'em and .already .I. have
..., n 'four pounds ' J m
• Eked, .
to think, its .time T took my,
departure.. • Its the sort of place
that draws people like syrup
yaws flies. We'counted heads at -
ter everyone had. gone to bed;
and the net count 'Was thirteen.
However no untoward occurrance
;resulted from the presence of• this.
unlucky• number, exept ,that I
• was going •to' .have •a .'bath at bed-
.- tirne arid locked` myself in the
bathroom.. The . lock' stuck, and
•I had ,visions' of sleeping; in the.
• = .ever.. they handed me a
'talo However eY
:pair of pliers through .thea awn-'
tdow :and I managed . to use them
•.successfully - • . •:. .
low the .Mistress' .of the
.I•,.fo,l .,
house about at .her cooking 'act-
ivities.. "How do.., you • do' , thrs?:"'
``What•. did .you' put in that?" And
I've .Come ups; with :some `good
• had'; a •delicious .dessert one
clay. Mint' 'FlU ►pours' l i/2 ...cuPS;
boilih'g . nater over a. few sprigs
of mint Let steep as you would
tea' for 10 minutes, Stir' in a pack-
age, Of lime ,jelly powder.. Let cool_
"until 'b ronin' `• to jell. Beat' wi -1i
.eg , g
speeds •.
'e � beater � (o er i�C�e� • sp p
_: the jab) • Until fluffy. Then blend'
ler of Mildmay on .August 1st
Said the Palmerston Observer
"That. Dr, Treleaven will be able.
to satisfactorily' .administer the
practise is ' beyond. question, and
•the, many friends Dr. and Mrs,
Treleaven`; have madein Palmer/
sto.n.over the past two years, ;will
regret, seeing then leave, but: will
wish them: every success 'in their
pew 'venture,. .and • .hope, to see
them frequently ,in the future"
G Th.e. Kintail Branch;, of the; Wo
in thoroughly 1 •pint .vanilla ice
cream. Chill thoroughly.,
Another dessert was a choco
late :cake spread with 'whipped
cream, and covered with bananas
dipped in Melted semi -sweet
'chocolate, ,Cut t' the.' bananas in.
halves crosswise and • then In
halves lengthwise., Dip ' in the
chocolate: Place on Waxed paper,
and thoroughly chill • in ice box.
She made more of the than we
used that evening, so we had
the. remainder sliced •: on top of,
an orange jell() and ' :peach, pie.'.
Make. an'orange 'jello; and. when.
almost set, foid in, peaches, cut
in;. chunks, to which have been
added a little extra 'sugar: Serve,
with' whipped 'creani:, 'More • re-
cipes next. week. .
Our. small fry's having the time
of his young life, playing : in the
sand behind the e , s ' lashing
i e lake e. beacih. �.. an
a e o !dozen ' times a' a • ,:
,one 'e .children will say o
me, "Mrs. Thyine, •Can't. ' Jo
stay ith us when you 'go?"-..
to their mother, "Can John to
with . us': •while • the .Y . ' g o o ' • the
rest of their holidays?: ' The
rcncithers say, "Of course, he`.ean,,
but •you 'know his mother',, old
,Mrs: Spoilsport".. That's. ;me ! ! 'I
This may •, sound• sort of , dis-
joined, but . if you could see
where and Under:What conditions
I'm writing • this, you wouldn't be
surprised.. •
? sz{ a'..vt.•, :r.:: >: ::, ' :'.•r.%fS••:y . "' .d .crcr:b • ; ;.: �p::•.:ff,:x'5:
Institute meets this Thurs
day evening at the home a 'of Mrs,.
J. Little..
.The, Presbyterian Mission' Band
herd 'their meeting on Monday
afternoon at Mrs.: Gordoni' Finlay-
son's hone, • •
•.The Girl Guides broke camp
,on Friday . of . last; week and • a,
new group .are', coming in this
week. • . '
The girls.. from • the Summer
"School • at Kintail attended the'.
morningservice in the Presby-
terian Church on Sunday.
Port Elgin Junior • Gh•amber of
Commerce has'' lined up ' an 'out -
'standing • Aqua Day .entertain-
ment to 'be''staged In that Lake-
side town, on Civic Holiday; It
advertised as the biggest holiday
showin the Bluewater District',
and ;from 'the program listed, in
an advertisement : in ; this,' issue,`
that statement is'no:exaggeration.
The, big day opens at 9.30 a.m.
with' highland ;dancing and there's
something doing every minute.
till the concluding fireworks dis-
play that evening
• And best; of all from'. the spect-
ator's: standpoint only •charge for
the big show is in the afternoon,:
with' a. nominal 50c' ' fee for • adults
'25 . cents • for children ' and, free:
Mr::,. and, Mrs ,Shaw' of Toronto
and Mrs. Millie Anderson of Buf-
falo. spent a few •d`ay's at, the
home of their sister, •Mrs, 'Mac
Ross and; other . relatives, Mrs.
Mac ;Ross -of _.Galt spent ;Sunday
at•the J saxne home. ; - '
Mr. & Mrs, James Laidlaw are
visiting, with their son Kenneth'
and family at North $ay.
;Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Reid arid.
Mrs. Tichlborne. of Goderich, also
Miss. Nettie 'Sharpe .of Hamilton
spent last Wednesday With Mrs,
Kennedy • and called on .old'
friends in the village. .•
Mr.; and, `Mrs. Arthur. Newman
spent ent the ' week end with his
brother, Fred and. Mrs. Newman.
We are :,glad to report Mrs.
Roane is home,, from ,.Wingham,
hospital much improved after her
• Mr. •James Falconer ' is ome
after, two months in •' ingh.ain
hospital: He ,is• not able' to do any
work but we hope for • .an im
pr vement; '
Mr. and Mrs: Harvey Wilson, of
Kincardine• spent the • week en
with 1VIr. and Mrs. Walter James:
Mr. , and • Mrs. ,Basil Thompso
and 'family of Preston are spend-
ing •sorne• holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore.
•• 1VIr.. , and Mrs.. Reg .Scholtz o
Auburn visited with: Mr. & Mrs.
Ezra Scholtz. . ° •
'Mr.; James' Morrison of Wind:
ser is. visiting his parents.
Mr.:Victor: Emerson is 'not; as..
. well .as his many *lends would'.
:like to see him.•
William J. .Sage 69, ' of Ash
field township, died Thursday in.,
Alexandra Hospital, Goderich:
Born in Eh ali.d . he ratan; .to Can
'•ada when eight years of: age and,
was a resident. in Aslifield for 55
years., He had no known relatives.
The funeral service on. Saturday
was conducted ..'at the• Brophey
funeral home,', Goderich, by. Rev;.
Mr. Bright of ;,Fonthill: 13urial
was in, Dungannon cemetery.
:x:: •>. •
�2S ;:y ... ........• ::, �C ''• k:4J4vSS.'>if.4xrrf.
Al mens orad women who will be 70 or over on January 1,
1952, and who are not•at present receiving'old age pensions,
ishould apply now for /pensions payable by the ;Govern
ment of Canada . under the Old Age Security Act, 1951.
I f you .are. already 'receiving -an old " age
pension, ,do NOT apply.
Your name and address will be taken from
present old,
•'age ' pens
ioru lists,andyou will
receive yo r penSion
at the'' eiid 'of � January ,
1952 without furtiler action,'On your Part,
I f ;you are not reeeiiving an old age pension,
you, should apply now. Do not delay.
lion/ to apply.' An application form is Wait
ing for you at your nearest post office. If you
can't come yourself, send someone for it. Fill it
in athome and mail it as soSri as 'possible.
To 'avoid de/ay in receiving your pension, apply now !
iLJv rYF.vGllr f f'4,4arer e.4
q4 a
Issued by the 'authority of Hon.:Paul Mei in,
later' of National Health and Welfare,
•Having rread for years; of the
acnievenlents ' ,of ' such baseball
stars; as Joe Dimaggio and Ted
Williams it was quite a thgill to.
see them., in person. When I had ,
the chance to go to. 1)e York
with..-'-sorr,. e7 Tor -onto•', fails ly l st, _...
,week -end, I was glad to, ' ' bet
threeo ,
cause f
.teams, the Brooklyn • Dodgei ,
New York Yankees and, Bostbn'.
Red' Sox were to be in action. Be-
sides the players I will menti
later in connection: with
games, we also saw Billy Go
man •,of • the Red ox, last ye
batting champion, Johnny
Yankee slugger; . Al Waitku
first baSenla h
• '. •was ost ..
shot by a gi 1 adrriirelast sure'-,
mer, Gil Hodges,' • present hom, .e;.
run leader, Jim'' Konstanty,..most
valuable player in the National
league 'last year and others;
' 'The • w.
bebween.firstthe Yankees and Red
Sox. ,before ,over 3'9,000 'fans at
Yankee Stadium, It was ~pouring -
rain •
ouring•rain•' just half an +hour before..
game time . but ' the crowd, kept.
coming just ,the same and sure
enough , Joy oy game time ' • it : had
stopped raining, and tarpaulins
...had left the field in, jood .shape.
It turned out to, be an interesting,'
well played ,'game Iwith, the 13 d
Sox winning by a score of 3 to 1.,
What impressed ,ine most about;
these! major leaguers was the en-
thusiasm 'and alertness' of. their.
playing. The infielders seem to
sense: from_ • the crack.' of the 'bat
whether there will. be la chance
of a double play .Or not and .in
one game we saw three lightning
fast' double plays completed; Sinn-:
• ilarly the ' outfieldersar'e' on: the
move at the, crack' of the bat: and
Joe°'Dimaggio. made a fine run.';
ping • catch of a' long- fly hit by
his, brother Dominic. `of the Red..
Sox. The !batting , style of the,
right handed batters 'varied . quite •
a lot and there just doesn't seetn
to be any set style.. Vern Steph-
ens, power hitter of the Red . Sox
has,'quite. an unusual, style in•that .
he akniost; faces the pitcher;, On.
the good t
the' other..• hand g d lef
handed 'batters. did :look . ,quite, a
`bit alike at the:Plate. plate. Ted Wil-
liams has
il-liarns..has .a very impressive batt
'iii •g. style le and he 'takes •a: terrific
cut at . the ball. The .'longest' hit.
of the game however was a home
run ',drive into the stands by . the..
flat-footed 'Yankee catcher,. Yogi:
Berra, Three of the' stars' .of the
Yankee team, ,:Rizzuto, Dimagglo ;
and 'Berra • are , of Italian..; parent-
The` second.' game we -saw was
between : the Brooklyn Dodgers.
and • Philadelphia Phillies. at Eb-
betty Field in "'Brooklyn., This
;g,; a was played before some
.00—favi, nd was nbv' the '
Dodgers by a score of 2.0 Thous;
ands of these fans were Negroes
who Were . an hand 'to. cheer the
colored stars, Canpanella;-:Don'
Newcombe and Jackie Robinson;
all ,of the`.Dodgers. This was also
'a well ;played,. interesting ',game -
The playing field was a . picture •
to see and ere were a ,ors'.
during .the .gamne,• The Dodgers'
were outhit by. Seven to •'one but
they made that one hit count by
•getting alt with'. two Men' on base
That is typical ' of ,major ,league.
baseball: One hit 'Qr; one error
often means the difference be- ,.
tween winning and losing and the
tearin that can coixie.'through the:
best in the ,pinches is usually. the
one,that wins' the pennant,
Art 'Andreyv..., •
James Hinton' of Michigan drew
18 mint• s definiteire the reform
y °
ator fo theft of a'surn of,;nrofeY
at Wiartonafew weeks ago, The
sentence was imposed after, Hin-
ton hadfailed to mike restitution.
tie ,had•beenWarned :by the court.
that 'his sentence would depend'
on whether or not the money
was returned e.
• Hinton, a colored •. youth .from',
Detroit, was the 'battery mate for'
Freddy Banka. The pass were. iin-•
ported by the. 'Wiarton softball
club, but were let o , early in
the season. Lipo their departure.,
a sum of,rrione3 was ,found 'miss-
ing and they were picked up be-
fdr'e getting across -the bo;;der.
The charge against /Banks ` ia.