HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-08-02, Page 1',A • • 4. 4.'1* • 4, 714"1111111.114"Illga allrirligra‘71.00.141111W VW radrainrAMOW41041114n4156444V 0111111r$1.1.11401,31.1.WA4 . 1,..0 • .1 • • • • • • • • • • . $25O Yearly In-AdvanCe 50c Extra to U.S.4"; ' .• ts• , • • . • „......, • , • . . , LUpKNOW, ONTARIO, THU•lioSPAY, AUGUST -2nd,» 1051 • • •LIBERALS PICK ELMER ,FARRISH - Elmer J. Farrish p,,NoWicli' •Township. and a native of Ash- field; was chosen on Monday night as Liberal candidate for the • provincial riding of Huron;BrPee-: ' '•••At• the next provincial ,.electiOn,' • forecast„in some quarters to be •, slated for this fall, Mr. Parrish • • Nvill oppose John W, Hanna, Con, servatilve, who has, represented • the -riding at Queen't. Park for several .years past , . :Mr. Farrish: as the unanimotts Choice at the Huron -Bruce • Lib- , eral. Association'S annual meeting • and ribminating convention held in Wingbarn:Town Hall .on Mon- day night. Other nominees were A. H. McTavish of Teeswater, Hugh Hill of Colborne ToW.nship and- McKay ,of Ripley: Farrish and Mr. }lilt Were. •e- the only two nominees to Stand. • Elmer is a Son of' John FarriSh of , LucknoW arid was born in Ashfield • Township, where he ••grew to .ritaillitiOd and fariried fOr a time. He moved"to Iiowick ,township some .15 years •ago,. to' derGeldp an expandinghatchery r business: Elmer has' ,a brother .:Lorne and a sister, rs. Lloyd , Rabb,' who Still reside- in Ash - .The 'new, candidate' is prOmin, ent in municipal, civic' and church ' Work in., Howick. Hewas a Mem- • ber • of Huron . County Council , from 1946' to 1949 .while serving deputy,seeve and reeve of • Howick.,He , a ;Member of. the United' Church and chairman of • the Board Of Stewards. 1VIrs. Farrish was formerly -White of Holstein. Theyhave 3 sons' and two. daughters,: Jasper •'With the R.C.A.F. at;Centralia;' - • Bower of.. Gerrie; ; Johnstone at : home; 'Mrs. ''George. Adarni •of Gorrie and Mrs. Donald Leader of 'Hespeler. • Leader Speaks . Chief speaker at Monday night's n4 convention •was ,Walter Thomp- 'sori, leader of the. Ontario Lib- eral Party,. who • urged. Party 'kg - lowers to get down to, work now. • in order to elect -a Liberal Gov- • ernment the next election and. make Ontario "a: better :place to . . . • live'!. • . The convention was ••preSided over by BroWill''Sniythe .61 West WawanoSh;'. President of .the rid- ' atiociation:' triee -Presidia is •H.• .MacTavish of • eeswater •• an or on Elliott • of . Blyth is secretary -treasurer.. .Y?Other sPeakers included Don- ' ald Blue, M.P., Philip Ball, eXe-- • cutiVe' •diredtor of ,the ',Ontario • Young • Liberals" Organization, • and the, two, candidates • for the • nozninati••• • ' • " 01- re- • Of ay, DITi Oa; at kir ar- AGED :FOLK INJURED: , IN ,CAR ACCIDENT • Friends here 'iiegretted to learn of the car accident On Monday • in which Dr. J. F. and. Mrs. Mac- Kenzie of Detroit and 'other pass- engers in the car were injured. • The accident `, Occurred ' at the intersection at Con. 8, Huron •Township: and, the 13luewater Highway,: when a Car driven by •,Dr. MacKenzie 'and driVen by L. N. Howell -Harris .of Lon- don were in collision. /. In` the 'MacKenzie Car beside • the °Doctor and • his wife were Sherman Stanley, 78; his sister, • Letitia -Stanley; 79,. of Ripley and Mrs.'11. J. Harnwell, 82, of Walk- erton. '• All Were taken to Kineardine • • Hospital. Miss ,Stanley was the • Most seriously hurt, suffering. •chest and head injuries. Mr. Stan- ley had his arm broken and Mrs. • Harn*ell suffered minor cuts •• • Pr. and Mrs. MacKenzie- are both 80 years of age. He Suffered' A back injury, but not serious, • and Mrs. MacKenzie received facial cuts. • • •• • Injuries to the. passengers in the' other car were 'minor., • . NUDIST.• GETS 'TWO ,YEARS • AN.D STRAP Albert, Lenoir, .27, was seri- 'tericed. to two years, in the: re- 'forinatory and 10 strokes Of the strap in policeicinirt in Walker- ton , last ; Thursday. Lenoir was captured in: the nude near Am- berleyafter alarming the sun - mer. resiOnt.s• 'along- the lake- by his fleeting aPpearances, •and his alleged atteinpted asSault 'of a ,13- y•ear-old , ," • • Lenoir' was.4, conVicted on a. Charge' of indecent assault,ancl on three. charges of . indecent expos - tire and . Was, sentenced . to • six .moriths 'definite and six months indefinite o each :charge, :the terins to run ,consecutively. • • was acquitted on the fifth i charge of criminal assault: •• • After being taken into custody,. LenOiri-,gaVe, no explanation fOr his. behavionr. He directed police to the POint Clark'-district,mirth • Of Amberleyi to ,reveal where he had, .cached his clothing under some shrubbery, 'There was $5.00 in his pockets:. • • • Of no .fixed abode, Lenoir said • he Was heading 'southward. ,• "The grand old' party", as .11/Ir. Rarrish called it, is on the 'way back in Ontario, 'he said, and this • was ,the 'Spirit of the meeting -,as expressed by every/ speaker. . NURSING HOAAE, READY TO -OPEN • . Mr. E. 'V. Baker,who:is con- verting the former Moorehouse • • • gitchell residence' into a conval- • escent home plans on opening the buildin next Thursday, Alig' • , WEBSTER—in Winglittri General Hospital on Thursday, July 26th, :1951, 'to Mr. arid Mrs. Wellington • •Webster,, -.R.• 3, Lucknow, a son, JarneS Martin., • , • Mrs, Garfield MacDonald and ton,' are • visiting , at -Sault Ste. Marie,. U.S.A., with •the. latter's brother, IVI.r. George Donnelley. They made part of the: trip ' with • Harold Greer. whowas' enroute to Saskatchewan. •'. • ••• • • • Use 9th. * • ' ' . • 'Fifteen neW .beds and other • furnishings ,,,arrived ;this wee, and when fUllY cbitipleted Ed ex- Piets to.' .have adcornodation for ;i5 persons, •1E4 nurse,, will be' charge,. and it MOS Andrei, cbrigrani; a train - is expected 'that a,' staff of at least six perionSr*ill lbe neces- sary to handle the ihorrie. • Work ha -been going on apace in renovating the building, in- cluding painting, and, decorating, rewiring, and- •ecluiPPi"of a modern kitchen. ' Some „ bbokingb have already. been made. here :Li „a great need • for such services. as this home . 'offers, and no doubt its accorrio- dation will be .10 -constant de-. inand. • • \ • ENGAGEMENTS • • The engagement of Alice Gwen:- 'dolyn, eldest daughter of .Mr. and • Mrs. Philip.:S: Stewart, Lucknow, and ,IVIr,IJohn R.' Wilson; soh of .Mr. and Mrs. John G.Wilson, 145 Church. St., Stratford is annotinc-; ed..:The Marriage will take place, On August' 25 at 3.00 pm. in the Presbyterian Church, l,ueknom.P. The engagement i$ announced of Altison joy RoWleY'r•dr•IlY aatt ghter,of Mrs. Rowley'pf TorbritO, and, the late Mr. William Rowley to Harold JaMes 'Herity;• son of :Mr. and ',Mrs. Jas; ,Henry, Wing - ham Ontario, the marriage to take :place •at St. Marks 'Mei= ,can Church, Toronto:, on .August, 17th,- 1951, at 17.00. p.M; • • . • •:Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Castle, God, erich; announce the engagement, of their younger•daughter, Aileen Wiinnifred, to William .Stalker Craigo,son of Mr. and Mrs." WM. Craig, Aiiburn; the .inarriage to tOe place On Saturday, Aug ;18th at' 2.g0 prn n St. Au- dit' 'United) Church, 'BOYfield., • SENTINEL THAT the cut stone work is 'prd4. gressing on the Memorial Gates at South Kinloss Cemetery. The • Cemetery Board plans to cir- ularize plot owners, informing • them of the project, being un- • dertaken and sOlicitink finan-! • cial support .for the' undertak- • ing, Cemetery maintenance is • financed from the interest from the. perpetual Upkeeprituid, the • interest alone being, available for the Board's use', and which • provides nothing for, such a • Capital expenditure ae' is heing' un..dertaken.:ThUs, the Board is , dependent, on •the good will of • those who *ould like to aid in financing this beautilication of a. burial.'grotnd that, has been. . iri use in the community. for over: a. century. • „ —o— • - • ° THAT Mr: and. IVT,rs.:Roy..McGee. 'and, family of Strathroy have moved to town • and are' oe- cupying 'Temple' Clark's reSi.-1. • dence, recently vacated by Mr. • and Mrs. Arnold- Ross, 'Mr• . Mc- Gee is' sawyer‘ t the Lucknow • • --o— . • . 'THAT there 'was a • large crowd at .the auction sale on , Satur- day :of the household effecti of the lateMr.. and Mrs., Win. J. • Spindler,. The home,(rivned by. • Mrs., ,Spindler.'s .niece, Mrs. .Gordon Maithirter (nee ,Je.,an -Farnell) was offered-sUblect-td-, • a reserved bid, ., and was not disposed of_ at the Sale.. • • • • ' • THAT .Les Purves • has his • right hand free of a casthe.has worn •„for six weeks following a bone • grafting 'operation. Les suffer- ' ed the hand injury. last • wilich has troubled., him, 'ever since and he underwent--stirg- •ery a few Weeks 'ago in. hope of• correcting the trouble. THAr rnie Crawfo . •4.4 • . • ed. a lawn . and made •a child- • ren's playground behind his • feed 1 shoP and hateher3r ,on Main Street. Ernie has put up • sWings and teeter-toters foethe children, and a horseshoe pitch-. ing, court •for, older •folk who • enjoy..the•gaine. • . • • THAT the household effects of' the late M. D., M.. Thoinpson will. be sold by:auction 'at the Hall in. the Johnstone • Biock on Saturday. The , dence will also be .offered 'sub- , ject• to a reserve bid. The ef- fectsmay be seen at the Hall. on Friday *afternoon. 1 'CARMAN McqUILLIN. HOME' FROM IlgSrITAL, Cartnan McQuillin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb McQuillin, Second Concession. Kinloss, arrived home' • from Victoria Hospital on Tues- . day at thenoon hour. " • Carman •inade thetrip by car,. and stood the journey well. He is able' to be up and ,abont and drovetheir truck intotown tha• t afternoon. ' • .• " • .• Cannan Suffered • a 'very grave :head' ,injury op July ',13th and was rushed to London to under-' go surgery: His fate hung in the. • balance, for a time, but since then his recovery has been nothing •short of miraculous. , • ' TOOK POU:LTR, COURSEIOWA , • A • Ernie Crawford of Crawford's, •Feeds &: Hatchery, Lucknow, was one of 43 hatcherymen, druggists, produce and feed dealers who completed a 5 -day' dealer •train- ing, school::cotrse in poultry, dis- eases and management in • the States last week, This sc ool was •held from July 23 through July 27 at Dr. Salsbury s Laboratories, Charres City, Iowa; Ernie reeeiv-, ed a certificate at the conclusion Q f. the ',course" signifYing. 'his' sat- . • isfactory completion of the train- ing schOOL Only three from Can- ada were in attendanCe.• • Practical:. instruction was re- ceived by Ernie and the other students On. poultry diseases and flock management problems from professionally trained staff mem • berg Of Dr. -Salsbury's. Labora- tories who are manufacturers of poultry and livestock ,Pharrn • aceutics. The course coniisted' of lecturei,-Crinical lectures,clinial discussions -and, laboratory deim- ontr.ations relating' to such • sub - jectiaS anatomY of poultry, :poul- try germs and Parasites, develop - t of disease, poultry merit and sanitation, methods of disease prevention' and control, merchandising, and •selling and poultry service' -work: . Dr. •• 'Salsbury'S •1,aboratories Co,nducts frequent schools of this kind' for. the purpose of giving' 'd ea ler s practical instruction • which 'I'm e of (value to them iitser'ving'thh poultry raisers of •their. cOnlinunities. • • • . . , - 'SENTINEL H2OLIDAY •! • ISE7-AVGVS'f-16t1! • •There Will; be Akissue of The Sentinel on Thiirsday, August 16th. Holidays. will be held from August 9th to August 18th, :dur- ing 'which •period the office Will be closed.' . . EIGHT PAGES . L • DOUBLE gBAiCI NG PRIZES AT FAIR Lucknow Agriculttiral Society's 86th annual Fall Fair is less than • two months, away. It will be. heir as usual on the last ;Tuesday and - Wedn.esday of September the, 25th aga • ' • The Fair this year will 'be of-, .• ficially• opened , by Mr Robert 1Vlocubbin, M.P., of .Strathroy. • t :As 'Well as such regular feat- ures as the 'Calf 'Club' and T• .; . Eaton ' Company Bacon Hog corn- petitions, some nelv sPecials have •. been'added. Among these are pie and take competition by Canada Packer's and a ;class for Junior Girls Club; Work. In the b Wank section in general, prize-aiiOney has been doubled • . throughout and in -the fruit class there have been increases in prize . •The prize listsare,..in the course • o1. being ,printed and will short- .. ly be available; • ” -•• ' Fair night entertainment and .... ., music for the ' dance will be pro- . • - videct by CKNX . artists, Details , • , ,.. of Special, . attractions on the , ,...• • grounds in the afternoon are not . . .0, . yetPrce6smidPelne:.!odi"the 'Fair ..thiYear '• ' '. • ' ''' ' ' . is Andrew Gaunt and the 'sec- retary is 'Alex' MacNay. ' • • 4. KING AND HIS ,COURT TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT • • • , • ; • ' , • r That the King and His Court , • / • are playing a repe t rformance • at the C.N E, this ea , is, about on needs to s about this . , • • , • foursome who are tops in the • softball entertainment, field, as . well as being super -special trick- sters-• withTqlle- horpehicle. •. • • The closest these performers will be is Owen Sound. They .„ . hadn't -an-• .op.ep day to Play In • London and will only make Six appearances in Ontario before settling don at the .Ex; •• •• One of, those six performances will • be in the Caledonian Pak, Lucknow,• oft Monday, August: 20th. . • • Those who .saw,..the foursome • in 'action at the Ex,'claim they would drive miles and miles to' see them ,perform. As •ive said last week, one of. their achievements at -the CINIX. last -year, .hold the World Champion Tip Tops' to a-tie-score-irr-9 iiuirngS Watch .for further particulars. . • YOUNG .PEOPLE TAKE SERVICE • For the last two Sundays July, while Rev. G. Baulch and family were • holidaying --at Hope Bay, north Of Wiarton, 'the Young, People of Sduth Kinloss 'Church 'conducted the services. . • Last. Sunday Ted Collyer, asZ • sisted' by Misse$')taiy MaaritYre and Mary MacMillan toe* the devotional part .while Mr. Philip • Steer gave the address. Margaret., Ruth and Phyllis .Steer sang. a number.• • On Sunday previous'. Ted Collyer and Graham MacDonald took the devotional part' 'of the serVi`ce while. Miss Helen Mal- colm, leader of Chitdren's EVan:. gelistic Work. in TorOritO gave a sP address. Mac It eith• sang a ,s0,to while .rrankinuacKenzie. played the organ at both services. AWARD TO SON. OF FORM** LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER Selected froth a group of 12 contestariti, George H.,• Free,. Brantford ' Studio 'photographer, has been awarded, by, the On- tario SOCiety. of PhotOgraphers, • a three-week course in SPecial- • ized • portraiture' at , ,the Winona • School of Photography, Winona. Lake,'„ Indiana: He has the • dis-, tinction of being the only On- tario rznati attending. The course is -sponsored by, the Photographers! ,Association • o f Ainerictr. '“Mr. ' Free submitted .4 portraits to; the lantgrio ..Societyi and yas areStilt, „was' one of 12. candidates. selected from a large claSS of entrants to attend a speeial photographic' „clinic . last From • the 12, Mr. Free emerged as the ',society's , choice fiir the present .CourSe. • Mr; Free is the: Son of Mr. an Mrs. Sid Free of "Brantford an formerly of this commun ity,o his father having operated a photo graphic studio. in Lucknow at one 'time. His‘ Mother was formerly. Mary Campbell of Lucknow: • George took over his father's • photogi.aphic business in Brant- ford five: years ago, which 'he has carried oh quite SuCteSsfully and is to be congratulated on -the 'retent honor conferred upon him. ' r • s s • 1 I . . 7., . . . . PENSION -,FORMS NOW AVAILABLE Applica ion orms for ole •• age pensions are novir.available in all post, offices • throughout Ontario ' the .regionar ditector •of Old age F.• O. Jackson, has an7.i notinced.: •• , • • •Persons WhO are already re-' ceiving ,Government olclege Pen- .4 bans do not' have to fill out new, application forms, ,Mr.. Jacksdn. emphasized. Ontario has approx- , Mutely ' 91,500 persons in *is • grim). Wise who :are receiving a $40.za-mOnth 'pension will 'have it • . continued at that . , flips& who are gettini0,-a. partial pension will ,find it increased to':' $40: • , • • Ontario has between'. 179,000. and .180,000 persons aged 70 or over not ' now getting pensions who will be eligible fora pension • . under • the. new proraril,. Mr. Jackson said. It is essential, ,he ernPhasized, that these • people send in their application's immed- iately so that proof of, age and residence' irt Canada' • may be checked and "all arrangernents comPletedi 'for the first cheques ,to go out toward the'end of next. January*, • Delay insending in an applica- 1 tionmay mean that the apiic• ' tion cannot be' put. through ' E: time for the jantiary cheque is- • , sue,. e longerthe delay the less chance there is that the. applica- ,tilon can be. handled •in time.„ Nt• • • " • . • . • • • . • 4 • 14' • : • 4 • • 15 1, , 1