HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-26, Page 7tt. e ri• g s, „ 16. • • • , • ;* •• . • - , ^ • ..1T4rwat. '..mP.710062,_AFRIICWITAMIREA11‘741t•Wrir4TAW , • oe THuRSDAY,' JULY ,R§tb 1951 • THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE The Democratic community is always in danger from the prop- ganclist. and . the gossip, The inapogancust has an axe to grind and has 40 scruples about Mis informing the public. The gossip spremts- the Stbry. • The listening Ublie-4111„iSt, learn to iproteetit- elf by being. skeptical about , tiqueisy, -sort c'of .,agitation -4y re - sing to. be Panicited ;by glaring head lines •or purple stories and bringing everything t9 -,the- test of . acwal personal exPerience. The people otlitiron have been subjected to a lot ofwet prop- aganda and wet +gossip, Out of eleven years', ecPerierice ih Hur-' • 'on I :say that ,these wetabrica- lions' are. not true. They are not bove ,out lacts--41urpn:Ta not the blighted coMmUnity 'they, picture. There, is to more fortunatecommunity than Hui-. on, That's ',what 'every citizen .of • lluron' will see if he uses' his town eyes.-7-Advt. . • • . . .MRS. HUGH. SUMMERS,' Font -- hill, neWly elected 'president of • the Federated 'Women's Institutes. of Canada, has :been an active, 'Member of the Decew Falls Wo- men's Instittite for 20 years hav- ing held the position of Branch. president, Welland District presi ,ident and convener,. of Social Welfare. In 1946 Mrs. Summers was made • a' 'Wornen's Institute life tnember in " appreciation of er unselfish service. •I. • "; A w GODERICH COUNCIL is up in arms • over. another°. increase of $445,765 in, the equalized. county, •assessment .and "talk of :with- 'drawal' • from • the , county. was again heard". *:• • . • Prof.: Name the outstanding aCcoMpliShmenti of the Romans., • Student: They understood Lat- Skinny men, women ga!e. What a -thrill So-ny limbs1111 ,out; ugly hollows - 611 up, neck no longer scrwwny; body . loses hall-. starved. sickly "bean-pi:de' look. Thousands of girls, women, men, Who never could gain before. are now proud of shapely, healthy-ooking bodies. They thank theapeetal vigor-bWIding, flesh-bUilding 013treX. Ita Waite. stimulants. invirators, "Iron, vitamin B1, calcium, enrich blood, Improve appetite and digestion so, food 'gives you, more strength and nourishment: put flesh 011 Ilan bones. „Don't fear getting too fat. Stop when you've gained *the 5; 10, LS or 20 lbs. you need for normal Weigbt. Costa little. New "get acquaint,ed' • else 11/111/.1100. Try famous'Ostrez Tonle 'Tablets for new vigor • and added pounds, this very day. 'At all druggists. VVE'LL !AY . • .• CO ..,14..C14, ICINILOSS TOWNSHIP ° Kinloss Council met in the hall July 9th, 1951, as per acljoUrn, merit. All members present, 'Moffat -McKinnon that the rni - utes of the last regulaLineeting4 off' Jiine 110i- ag-Veaci be approv- 'ed and signed. Mtn -ray -Moffat that the, petit- ion of Harvey HoUston re,an im- provethent • on the Ackert Drain, i)e accepted -and the Engineer be 'asked to report. .1Vioffat-Percy -that the Clerk write the.' Ontario Veterinary. • College at, gli;elph.rfor further in- forrnatioh' .reH.E. Hanna's beast and NV:arble:, fly Spray. Percy - ,Murray that yue-now adz joUrp. and conStitUte 'the 'Court of Revision on the Nine "Mile. River- Improyerrient r- Law.' After; signing • their declaration, the - * Reeve acted as chairman. .Mr. -John .,'Ilicha'rdson 'had che only, .appeal; it being against "acreage. Murray -McKinnon that the. ,aP- • peal of John •Richazison-be 'sus- • 'wined, and. his' ace ie reduced 20 acres, and his asSessmerit ac- • cordirtgly . and • the reduction 'be • added ti.9, the„Con. 3-4, road assess Moffat -Percy, that: the Court of Revision ;on the Nine Mile River provement By -Law • t!e closed, and the By -Law' be' given, first „and •secondreading; and.. ,the Clerk forward 'to the -Ontario* • Municipal' Board for approval, • and that we now resurnefor era]: business: . • •• Murray-McKinnOn that Ernest Ackert be' employed to Construet, .,2 :catch, basins on Con. 9-10 in - r e • .THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUOKNOW, ONTARIO; • MAIM LIFE ° O ASHEFIgLD -W.M S• ' ' The July meeting of the Ash- field W.M.S. 'met at the hon -ie of Mrs. (Rev.') 'McDonald,. Mrs. Rueberi Wilson, vice president? was in .charge 'MF Henry MacKenzie _offered , the opening prayer. • 'The scripture was .read by • Donald 'MacKenzie: Mrs. Neil G. MacKenzie gave the :meditation' Qr., it. Mrs. -Earl Howes read a paper on 'the' life -work'' of 'Rev. George , Prentice, a hymn writer: W. sang 'Wore love' to .Thee" one Of, 'his lovely' hyrrips. Mrs.. David Mel,Vitiretiy offered: praYer, A 'atom:nary 'tile Glad ,Tidings. Was given hy Miss Sadie Sadie John.= aton. ' . • 'Miss' Date froni Kintail byterian camp.was guest 'speak er. 'She gave an outline' of the lactivities•carried on at the camp. • Mrs. Parrish and Mrs. Wm. Ross .gave readings. 1VIrs„,,R. 1Y1e- Lean 'offered prayer. Mrs: Dun- can MacKenzie, read .a • portion, • frOrn the study book on "Araibia Sixty' Years 'ago and Now". Mrs. Duncan' ;MacKenzie, :tireSident, took charge of ,the business... Miss $adie Johnston. was Made the •recipient of a" Life Mernber- ship certificate from the Society. Ws: Simpson' . read • a ,`,.`thank you" letter from: ;Mrs'. ban 'Mc-, Donald for cards of sympathy . during her ' illness. 'Mrs, Allan McAuley's letter of regret. for not. being. able -to: attend our . 60th anniversary Mr* read. • Anna Mae ,MacDonald:,offered to take the August meeting. 'Af- front of Lot 11,' • PereY-Murray that , we set the 'tax rates .for the year 1051 at •the' For CountY. rates 414. Milli For Township .,rates 15, General sChOol,rate 4,j mills Fed. of Agriculture :4 mills. and the 'Trustees' levies to befiri, accordance with. the Several; re qUisitions . and alsO:f. the High SchOol.,,Area rates as 'Per requis- itions' f. needed, ,the Clerk to. Prepare: By-Lavv: confirming the • ,aarne.• •. Percy-MOffat that Ave do, now • adjourn. to meet. again 'on -1111.ori.- day, the 13th 14ST of August 1:951. Cheques. isigied: Fed of Agri, culture, 1950 levy• •of One-fifth Mill, $27216; Ted .HOwey, 0 fox: • bounty, 6.00; Elmer James, 9'ioX bounty,: 0.00. Irwin Carruthers, 2 fox-boinity,, 2.00; Geo Colwell, 2 'fox., bounty, 2.00; Al Hedley, 1 fox. bolmty, 1.00; JarrieS •• ran,e 1'fox bounty1, •* 1 00. Elmer • IVIeFarlan, 1 fox bounty, 1.00;. R. 'Forster, 3/I4n. . pipe, -'' 1,60; Peter . Carter, Jr„ cattle claim,. 140,00f John D. McLeod; insp.—above • News,, drainage ad, 20.00; Luck, noW Sentinel,. .drainage by=laws and 'adv., 299.45; Dr. J. A. Mac- e "• • ' - Donald,. school dental work, Tor any• 'size 120.00. J :R.' Lane, Clerk's ,fees, a ny b _ .durna_einiTkap,gleoy.weornrnkt 2I7p5.$0.0;.s.ttmE;sLaavd, , • 0 -A -P :pcistage,- . . 4.001,_:.urgr_orpesinith_eare any typeof. etc.,- 12.10; Miss • Dena Mac -. • Kenzie, assistance, 20.00.. . Highway cheques: Pay Roll No. 7., $376.16; C. A. McTavish,,fuel oil, etc., 88.074. Harry Adams, bulldozing, 125.00; • 'Chas. Tiffin, !bridge timber,, 60.00;. Department of Highways, gas tax, 34.10; W. Breckles, motor' labor, 2.50; E. 'H. Agnew, insurance pronium, 6500; Rae 84 Porteous, gate valve, 3,25. •".;.« J. -R., LANE, Clerk. I • MIEN YOU TRADE 'IM 111 FOR GOOD Priced els • Si 812 LESS • RADE-IN ALLOWANCE SEE US FOR, •THE BEST 'TIRE DEAL IN TOWN, YEARS Montgomery: Motors hone 4O,: 40,.1Lticknow , . Ford Salts' Ss' ;Service • • A SPEED TRAP has been hi - stalled in Teeswater in order to curb motorists' who otherwise will Continue to ignore speed regt ulations. •, ' •— STtHENT TO ASSIST" Wt. GEAR ' lames Brown; Tiverton, an un- dergradttate ' of OntarioAgridul- , tural College, Guelph, nas.' been appointed • field:man. ,,for Bruce County foih the Summer Months. tie will, be assisting George Gpar, Bruce County, agricultural; representative_ • • " 1' A new assistant agricultural repres,entative. has not been Pam, ed to Succeed: bonglas 'Tipper, who 'Was transferred to ,Hunts- ville and the IVhiskoka,•Parry SOtind , district I aS' •agricultural rerpilesehtatiVe » r ' • . r 1 41 „..111PIMF-011f _ • , • 1.«...«,..*•••....••tom••••••••• 4.1.«..10•••••••••••!« • el149,1,,70 • • • • , • • 10. ,PAGE sVgis,T • e. Its 40 -year record undergrotind proves' that' time is • kind to No -co -Rona PIPE. Once installed, gives #fetirne service in house to sewer ophouse to septic • tank connections, downspouts and other•tindergrounci non -pressure uses. That's because NO -CO -RODE PIPE iS built of time-defyirig materials that withstand cracks or breaks due to soil settlements and because • TAPERED COUPLINGS prevent leaks, keep out roots. Let us show you how to save time, work and money . • _ A.: _ by installing No -co -RODE PIPE. Get perforated type for septic tank disposal, foundation "footing drSins,. field drainage. - , • UN NDERsoN • • • L MBER 1:11,uMocINT0EwD ter singing hymn: 571,..Mrs. Wil- . • son offered the clo in ra er: 'Phone $ g p y 150 , , ONTARIO • • • WHEN ON YOUR VACATION :r • • • DON'T SPOIL YOUR HOLIDAY BY',DISREGARD, soiTy RULES ie *4y0:.• • .Seashore: ' ,• • SUMMER' TIME CALLS FOR EXTRA EMPHASIS' ON 'SAFETY. .e , • • r• • SAFETY OEITOO.s-.ON THE INDIVIDUAL ; Practise Care, :Courtesy and Cornmon Sense. • • 9 9 • • ' . 4 • Space contribute in th • • . . • t • : I ervicefof the.conununity by John Labatt, Limited; 5. • 4. • • ' r 1 • •