HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-26, Page 6r.•
A •
PA.C4 $1.X.
4,11MITA., 4timisAtirsairri,
. i•••••• •
srM. •Lirelc.N1:*••PENTTNE,Tly. LUCKNPW, ONTARIO • • amSRsDiNir4: JUW 26th, ••
• . •
. , • , .
:.•r$34.s.Set Mere, 4rY wreck-
.. jalopy.heap or Wliat hayyou,
• was hitting on high last, Thurs-
day night•ond crashed the Luck -
now. Legionnaires broadside for
a 4-1 spill. It was ori the
own speedway in Wingham
'•:town.• park that they out-idan-.
4. oeuvered theLegl'Onnaires, by de..
tying most,I:every :regulation in
• the book, and -got away with, it
--,teinpora.rily :at least. '
CrosSet .`-`mechanids" must have
(worked overtime An. rebuilding
.,MOnday: night's ;wreek? for this
iMportant Thursday night, heat.
The speedway was lined with a
' record crowd Of roaring fans and
when the dust and "dirt", had
•'cleared the Meres had outlapped,
the LegkonnaireS..4° to .1.—but un-
• der Ord:test, andthis titrn§tile
clicker' has been ordered re -run,
• Which 'will •be causefor joy in
Webster's Haberdashery, •n d
Won't. cause too mudli grief, :we.
wager; in ,CrOasers Greasery. '
.Hughie Hall, didn't have
'1.161 •
•In a . gam,e--before the
largest :crowd •of the season,
Walkertonblanked the Lucknow
Legionnaires' 5-0 in the Caleclon7.
ian Park on Tuesday. .'
The Legionnaires never Seemed
' to be. in the, right spot. as the
Walkerton nine baited, pomed
and dribbled a total Of 11 hits
.off Hughie wracked up 18
StrikeOuts .a d pitched good
enough win the game, but
• his suppOrt lacked We • spark and
'drive that you've' got have
• *heti Plaxings ,the ,,fast and in-
• spired ,Walkertonians:
:Zuk's mates gave his errorless
support as he scattered foto hits,
three .of them two: baggers by.
aiming, G. Chin and Miley, but
which netted nothing:
.Walkerton got one" ih the • 4th.
H. Dentinger laid •one • down
• which Hall fired high to first.
ZUk lifted one .high b•ack of. 2nd
Which fell for a double between
three players, ScOring. Dentinger.
' In. the' 4th they, 'got two. More
. as MacDonald popped„ back Of
first and °Knox beat 'out a roller,
doWn , firstbase line:. IL• Dent-
inger drove in bOili.runnerS, ••
• Walkerton salted it securely in
the 6th.• L. Dentinger beat out 'a
bunt, 'wept .to second on A'.passed •
ball,and scored on 'Bradley's hit.•E
MacDonald' dropped on .in left'
in frdint of tGeorge Chin . and, a§
'it rolled past -him, 'Bradley beat
the throw to the ' plate ' a
or .• rather,' didn't use it, •on.
• Thursday night Arid gave Up 7
hits, while his • strikeout , :tally
• clroPpecl.. to 13, -not bad at • that.
• Until' Thursday night Hil had
• . averaged 'about ,2 ,hits a.. game
.for the first 12 games of the,
schedule and 'i7 to 20 strikeouts
• • was a regular' occurrence, '
Sparidw had only three strike-
, put§. but scattered .3 hits, .two:of
thein ping to .Harold, Greer. who
lashed a triple • in the. .8th for
LucknOw's lone"
'• Dour Won. It ' •
Wingham won it; the third
with Ddug •Aitchison the hero.
With the bases loadedhe 'cracked
double toleft that. drovte
hree runs George Chin' was
playing• a shallow field for thiq
left -hand hitter .and Doug's fly,
• was. too deep:for him to get, badk•
Terripieinan had grounded' out°
-.4 • • .tall' 14.iddlemisa. Seli and
. „•
Crewson singlecl lb. succession
Westlake drew.. his second
walk in as iniany trips to ;load
• the sacks. • Miley -made ,a • nice
*catch of Groves' foul :to the screeri
ani Aitchison cracked .out the
pay-off hit. Gardner stru4 out.
The 'Mercury's 4th: run M . the
5th 'was a gift.•:Seli .was safe on,
an , error, but was, , retired On
tgrewsOn's fielder's Choice. West -
•••,lake was safe when Hall.bObbled
- •
his. burit .and tCrewson beat •the
throw to third.. Miley had raced
dowp. to back up third, and.:'With
rio,;' One : moving .in't.to 'cover tile
p a e, . it. ho
Walkerton: ' Knox 2nd, N. Dent+
inger cf, Craig ss, Zuk 'p, L.. Den-
tinger lst, Bradley if, H. Denting-
er 3rd, Lougleen rf, McDonald c.,
Lucknow. C. Greer rf,' G.,Chrn
.lf, MileyHa1l p; H. Greer ,2nd,
MacDonald ss, Cuming 3rd, Mid-
dlemiss 1st,' AC Chin cf.
Score Innings. , . r • ,h •e
Walkerton . 006122 000---5: 11 0
1.1uckuoW ....., 000 000.000-4) ' 4 3.
1[40.riONNA,IltES WIN :
The game in Wingham 'last
Thursday ' night was played un-.
der protest. by ithe Legionnaires
after Sparravir, hadrefused t� do
anything .about the piece of. tape
on a finger of his pitching hand
•-rwhich is quite contrary to the
reigtUtationS a the .rule book •as
was pointed. out in the quiddles
around the mound, as 'the' garrie
got .underway k The. umps , didn't
.even bother to. have.the tape re•L
MoVed ". to, take a • peak at the
mp_cjigty and wt2t1,...ki:sai lied for
play., to be resumed .ManAger
Webster notified the •ball 'Limn
that they were playirig under.
protest._ • ' • ' .--. ' :.
• 'Sparrow clisdaipfully.,.. ignored
eyeryorie; and later in the game
literally "fingered his nose at;the
umps", by rubbing a ball„in:.•the
dusted it off a .bit, and handed
it back .to Sparrow. : • .., • :
,Still later in ., 'the • game the
giraffe -like Crosset hurler walk-,
ed 'over to the, bench, immersed
his hand in •the water bucket,
then returned to the inotind.and• ...
PainStakingly 'dryed . off the hand
with his red bandana..
•In the 8th when Hall §trucl.c•
him cut on a 'thiuble. mind -up
"'pitch, Sparroyi,'all but 'threw the: •
...timp out of the game› so vehern-,.
Frilly did. he ,prd%est. The next
inning Sparrow used the same
• pitch to, retire Cuming and Was.
all smirkover it, s. ''. .
Butthat's what the crowd goes
for ----and, it all pays off 'at` 'the.
box office, ' ,* . ' . .,.
League official's .in upholding
Lucknow's ..prOtest, .pOinted out
th; ,9.1 the Legionnaires were ' Otte
justified, in ;their action.: The
'game has been ordered replayed
Wingham • or' ,Friday; ,August
17th with the two teams splitting
th,e (gate after -expenses, .. -•
• The Management of the Leg,.
ionnaires :has 'been ,officiallyqad-
vised in corinectidn with 'the
protest that, "This- decisibri was'
reached,. On .the'• bas ' that the
umpires ,erred on Mile 26, Section
of the rule book". • . . '
Those Sensational ..day' Of the
* * *
old' Bruce Baseball •League are
ltucknow'S'Ione tally. came in
the 8th. George Chin flied out to
centre field.. Miley walked and
-a.dvariced when S'parrow' .threw,
Hall. Out • at first, Harold Greer
faced a long hit int left field
- • _ • --Ltha..30,..,Apes)._,,•,,t_d_r, three. baSes,
Miley searing.' Greer, overran
• . bag at,:third. but, Gardner. drop-
ped the ;ball Japer' tagging
and • one, of the other Wingham
• players .rushed • in to • arid
• • • • try
. . :hold Greer• .fr'om igetting :back to
• • •
• the sack while..they searched for
the horgehide.. Which' was. under'
Greer as he fungecl•, black to the.
. • ' big. 'He had a . hold° on the sack
- ; when Wingharn reddvered •'he
• . •. •
•bali. , The base; urn, 'who had:
Viewed .:, 'the excitement froM,
afar,: called Greer out; to end the:
. Legionnaires' best• bid for runs.
Lucknew:'C. Greer rf, dh:t.
lf,. Miley c, Hall p, EI. Greer 2nd,
, MacDonald s§.,• Cuming
dlemiss ist,•°M. hin' cf. • •
,Wingham:',Templernan„lt Sell.
Groves c, Aitehison 2nd, Gardrier
8rd, Sparrow pi; Foster cf. Hanna
• • batted, for, Foster ancl Forton for
TemPlernan in the 5th; •
t 1'
" • •
, .
• V,'
• •• ;
.ki;'•,; 4•
•;.„1. ,;" •
SCiire by ,Iniings • • r h 6
Lucitn6w opo oio—1 3, 4
Wingham 003 010 00k,---4 7 '
.• . • * •to •4
• Merv, •si.illoot" Gateman; 'ac•e
• pitcher fitkr. the Southampton,
• • . •Fisherthen, ..has been underob-
• , servation at Westininster
•tat London, having: gone there-
' for lc -4'43s and 'a 'check -UP. be-
cause of stotnach trouble that has
been bothering him. • . ‘,.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fields • of
Lagoona Beach; California. visit-
ed fpr, a few days ,with Ir., and
Mrs. Ernest Ackert. •
•Mr. and 1VIrs, • McKenzie' of
•Leamington and Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Ackert of -Kincardine-
visited at trneft •A:okert's on
Monday, ' ••.
,• Islay Riddell of' Kipcardne
• Township is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Max Bushellrand Mr..Bush-
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith, • Har-
old and Bobby spent Sunday with
her: brOtheri: Mr.' and Mrs. ,A1ex
Donaldson, TeeSwater.
1Vir. and Mrs. Jack Actsert ad
Mr and Mrs. 'Raynard Ackert
Ernest :spat a 'Week at Manitoiii-;„
4ti: •
• Mrand iiIrs:Jimmy O'Donnell'
have as their.gtiests her mother,
Mrs...Dineen and her niece; Doris
Dineen of;kepilvt?orth... •
SnowdenMiss :Mariiyn of Tor,
onto is visiting per. aunt Mrs.
George -Hiltz,
Had DOtible Trouble
VI . •
r. and 'Mrs: 4
George Hiltz
teriled the 'funeral 'of her, iinele:
at ;Stayner. on Friday. On their
returnjhey were accompanied by
her. father, Mr. Fred Weatherall,
Who is visit4.4, with them. ,Mr.
Weatherall vclas bereaved, by the
death -of. his wife Six Weeksago„,
and about a week ago had his
barn destroyed by fire •
Move To New • Home • •
Mr and Mrs. .Lloyd ; Ackert
moved into theu new home the
end. of the week. Their residence,
is the former Meehanicrinstitute
'Hall at Holyrood :which they
have renovated' rid ,MOdernized
jnto ar"'attra'ctive ° hOrne on
recalled. by an item in ,the South-
aniPtOn BeaCOn last week. Gdr-
dpri Irwin .Was,pitching for !reps-.
'Walter that Season.- "Remember
back 193:1when Southampton
ancV•TeeSwater,•bottled to a 1 -all
tie after 13. 'innings? It' Was the
first game .."Lefty".:GOldsmith
pitched for -Southampton; and he
started off in. great style \by. strik-
ing out.•.,27 men (9:. in the first
three innings) and: alldvving only
Six.: tuts His opponent Irwin;
struck out 12 men, and allowed
12 hits. The lone 'Fisherinery tally.
came in the • third :inning when
Alf Brown.singied. JaPk, Wain
'was. ciiit . on a close play at first,
Brown advancing to 2nd on the
out'. Normy McKay then- singled
to drive • Brown with the lone.
run. The score:stood at 1,0 until
the..nintli inning when Cassidy of
Teeswater reached' first on.' a hit
and 'scored 'when Indoe . • •' ,• • . 's . •
- -.miss. ,Sam Emerson underwent
an operatign in Victoria Hospital,
London. Her many: friends wish
:her a• speedy recovery;
Mr,. and Mrs. James Pwan , of
London visited at the home,of
Mrs. Dan McDonald : of the,
South. Line visited at the home.
Of W..1104011 Stanley last 'week.
,Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robert,
son and family of ZiOn visited
at Mi. Calvin Robertson's on Sun-
daY. ' • •
• Mr. and Mrs. Burton 'Collins,
Mary Lou and' John spent Sunday.
'with :Mr. Jerome Schrnid:' • ,
•• Mr. and Mrs. Jalin. Bell & Mr.
;and Mrs: 1VicLeary Bell were
itors lat week ,at the home of
their daughter, 1VIrS., George Em-
erson; J•r. '. ,,*: ;F• ' ••••.. •
Mr. and Mrs"' Don, 1VICCosh . and
• family .visited 'with Mr. 'Walter
Forster' recently, ,AnnettaForster
returning with them for .sorne
holidaYs. • ••
• . ' • • • • . .
main.There4will be a mod-
ern. apartment On the 2nd floor.
• Miss Shirley. MaCCallurri . of
Listowel is visiting With ,her sis,
ter, Mrs. Lloyd Ackert. and .Mr.
•Ackert • • . •
. , . •
• . . •
• •
• Ke8114..$11EA.,
• .
The Kairshea Women's insc,
• tute held their regular 4neeting
on the evening Qf July' 10th in ilk
the 6th' school hOtise, with Mrs;
Chadwick and Mrs, liOss.nacMil-
lan hoste.S$ea. '
414,17§.._140ey Houston presided
:ior the meeting, which Opened by
singing the Ode,. and repeating the,
1orcl's prayer. During file ousi,
ness part' of themeeting a.
.mitiee was appointed •to arrange
for a bus trip. to. Niagara Falls,
•The following Program was en.
•joyecl: ieUrrUit events by Mrs:
ROSS MacMillan, .a duet by Pbyt;
lis and: Ruth Steer, and a solo by.
Harold, McGillivray: The mit
call .waS2ariswered 'the smost
noighboily thing • that ever ha
pened to me". While Mr. Colly0
was preparing2.to show movie
films, the group enjoyed corn, r,
munity •
Miss Martha. Sutherland made
the closing. remarks and' a social ,
• holf hour was erijoyed. • ..
• The August Meeting will' be• •
held a.t: the home. of MrS. Alia
MacDonald: With , the following
directors iP ciiarge: Mrs. Walter
• MacKenzie, Mrs. R. Martin,, Mrs. •
D. -Ho tarintherS and Mrs. 0. •
MacIver.• •
• 11, • '
111 1951 CHEV, Belair Hardtop Convertible, 2 one in -color, 'air 0
• conditioning, undercoating, custom radio and many •
: . extras. . • al "*. J •
• 11. • 1950 C/IEV. STYLELINE SEDAN. , ')
• 1949: CHEV DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, custom rOdfo,
air conditioning. . • 111
••• 1949.PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH, custom radio and
•, • air ponditioning.., . • ' • , •
• 1941 Cog*. COACH. • •
L. • I
• 1940 DODGE SEDAN 1939 • " • • 1939 CII4V, SEpAN. •
. a. .
1939 DODGE SEDAN. • - 1938 caty, coAcyrirl
...•‘ 1936 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, • 1936 •DODGE ,SEDAN.
11, 1949 CHEV. 5 -PASSENGER COUPE . .... 91,5;4
‘. • •
II 1947CHEV. •SEDAN , • • ... . . ... . . . ... $1,i50
threw •Ihigh to .third' base on ; • ,t • •
wies'singl.e” ' •
Jitne3k, Winners.
AkrinnerSa at last •Week'S
• •HOme of Better VSed Cars" •
,rniked jitney At the local greens
Were Marjorie Solomon, Gordon 10:.
• Cities. Service Dealer 'Phone 73x, Brussels •
MacPherson -and Fred J6•6ks04. • .
•,•.!•••.!•"•••"•'• ' • 1
Federal Sates' and E104ii•
•depolit peo Dottie.
4 4,
AutIirzstboftier 01 Utitigma unist otltrHf lithilltiOleviosil 631X
. ,
; • • • ` ficok." is a aOlilared Wide -mot*
• .
' 1 41. 4,.