HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-26, Page 4('R • MEW • PAGE FOUR, ...mill .t 111 .#,UCKNOr1V SENTINEL,• LUCKNOW, 'O; TARR) . • TI•luli DIA.Y, XXX '2011, 1951 "WANT. AD" 'RATES-'---1stinsertion 2, cents a ,word,: subsequent' insertions; 1 cent a w ord ; •” Minimum charge 25 cents. Zeplies • care of The Sentinel 10 ' cents' ;extra. Legal advertising 10 cents per count' line first insertion, 5 cents; Per line subsequent insertions.. • NOTICE. Anyone. wishing 'transportation to Western Canada enquireat' once at Greer Radio; & Electric. • HOLIDAY NOTICE Calnpbelrs Garage,. Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store, Wingham, will be closed for hol- idays from July 30th to 'Aiigust 2nd inclusive: • • . ' CAR FOR SALE ••1932 Chev. se- dan, cheap. Apply to Elmer. Um- , Bach. ' • FOR ..SALE 1939 'Studebaker, $295; Frigidaire,, excellent condi- , ,tion. S. Rider, Lucknow ,_• FOR Id() 10`0 ' Pullets,,`. 33/2 moxiths old,; • Peter 'anderley,: Dawe'Stewart, R. 3, Goderic. h.. • FOR RENT OR SALE—house on. ' Havelock St. Apply to John Far- rash, . CAR FOR SALE. 1950 Ford. coach. Apply at Greer Radio and Electric 'Lucknow. FOR ~SALE. -•-cement septic tanks; approved thy the Health Unit: We deliver them., Forster's Welding Shop,, phone 206-r-1,1, Lucknow. FOR SALE-- child's folding play pen, real good shape. Apply Mrs, Henry MacKenzie, phone 80-r 12, Dungannon:; n . TRAILER . FOR SALE. house, trailer modernly equipped wir- ," ed. Apply: to Chas.. Robinson, Liicknow, thone 80. FOR SALE -••-kitchen cabinet,;cup- board;,kitchen sink, cistern pump, • etc. Call any tithe.. Mrs. Annie Jewitt, Havelock St., South, I:,ucknow; FOR SALE -general' store busi- • ness;,with •gasoline pumps: Prop erty includes store 'building •. and living' ' quarters, • garage,' 14 , acre; of land and barn; • Good opportun- ity 'for merchant-rneob anic , Pric- ed 'reasonable. Apply at Sentinel :Office. • 'BRAY DAYOLD • chicks, mixed, :and pullets. Also started pullets. Special July prices. `•Iminediate delivery. Get these for the' good continuing egg '`markets. ", Prices •from. agent-- D. R. FINtAYSON, LUcknaw. 20% ,DISCOUNT 'SAVE ,20 Percent on .these •Gif- son°•appliances, until. August 110th --Electric 'rigs, 10.1 and 8.3 cu. feet, and . heavy duty electric. stoves. Forster's .Welding . Shop; ,; Phone •206=r=11,-'Lucknow.. • IN MEMORIAM F.T.T;toT —i loving memory .'of a dear son. and, brother, Raymond West Elliott, Who Was drowned two years ago,. July 25th, 1949 How little we knew, when We woke that 'morn The- sorrow the .day would fore-' ' tell, For it was hard to part with one 'we loved, • Without a,, last farewell. But ',gone from us, that 'smiling. face; • Those pleasant, cheerful •ways; The . heart that won so •' many friends; ' In happy bygone days . If we had all the 'World to give; We'd giiv'e,, yes, :;and more. • To hear his_ voice; .and ` see his smj1eo• And greet him' at• the door.. ,Lovinglyremembered by Dad, Mother, Sister. and Brothers. NOTICE • CLERK'S NOTICE OF `FIRST POSTING ;OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1951, Municipality Of West Wawano4h, County . of Huron:: Notice is hereby gi;yen that I •havecomplied: With= Section .8 .of The. Voters'• Lists Act and that,!' have posted UP, at ,my office ,at Dungannon, on the, :14th day .of July, 1951; the list ,of all persons, entitled to vote iii the. said Muni- cipality ;at.Municipal :Elections, and, that. such list remains there for inspection. • And I . hereby call Upon all vot era to • .take. immediate proceed—, ings: • to have any errors. or ()Mis- sions corrected according.' to law, , the last day .for *peal being the 4th day of August, :1951. Dated " this 14th day of 1951.:.. . FOR, SALE—one electric Console: DURNIN PHILLIPS, Clerk: ely.. over hauled-artid� X�EC J'T COM1 Np QEVENTS .DANCE in the ,Comanunity .Memorial Hall, Whitechurch, • on Friday, July 27th to the music of this Junior Farmers orchestra. Ad- mission 50c, tench , counterevery- body verybody welcome • DANCE'�AT HQLYRO,OD There 'will be a :dance in Holy rood . Township Hall, Thursday, July 26th .sponsored ;by Kinloss • Juvenile Hockey Club. Carruth- er's orchestra., PIPE BAND AT FORMOSA St. Andrews"' Highlanders, Can- ada's youngest Pipe Band, • of Mount Forest, will -be featured at the Palace Garden, Formosa,, on Sunday, July .29th f rotri 2 . to. 5 CULROSS COUNCIL is, assuming the, liability .for a claim of $675 entered by' James A. Little, fol- lowing three separate° raids on his' poultry flocks; presumably by dogs. Council in turn will en- deavourto recover the amount of the claim. from' the owners'of the' canines . believed responsible. ' DOUBLE YOUR. INCOME Become direct factory. repres- entative f ,o r direct. company established 'over 25'years. Lovely dress and lingerie styles,'newest range' .of fabrics 'and, colors; . also, children's and men's wear. Every. •garment f a c• t `o r y ''guaranteed: Highest conimissiohs, ' bonuses. British Knitwear Ltd , Simcoe, Ontario: •uni , comp e guaranteed $1119.50 • :complete.; also .several good used ,shuttle 'Machines ' -and cabinets, one ,at $39.00; andtwo at '.$52.00, com- • pletely overhauled and, .guaran- teed.. guaran-teed. Singer Sewing Centre, Dur- harm' Rd.,. Hanover, phone 403. or • P CARD OF THANKS Anne' Todd'. wishes to thank all the friends"' who .so kindly .ret membered her • with cards and .gifts. while 'in the ' hospital: These„ kind. acts were much• 'appreciat- We : would •lik• to express . our :thanks to neighbors,• friends and relatives for.. 'attending the :re= ception. held for us :last' Friday: and for, gifts 'received, Also; to those who .thoughtfully arranged. and conducted the reception. Myles and Theresa MacMillan., Harold'. Campbell . wishes. - "to ' heartily thank friends, neighbors. 'and organizations for so .kindly.' rernenibering .him ' Various ways, while in the •hospital. ,The assistance of . neighbors on the farm was also. deeply appreciated by he and Mrs. Campbell.' •I wish ' to take this opportunity to thank all.those who.•were so kind to . me during my illness Dr's •McCosh and •Dr. Couch and staff .' of Kincardine Hosl3ital and, e e o ors a . . f.f `ictoria-1- Hospital, London, ..and neighbors 1 'and friends'Who sent cards,- flow-.; ers and treats. • ' LLOYD BELL: of REAL AND. PERSONAL. • ESTATE Of The Late EMMA SPINDLER The undersigned auctioneer has received instri.}ctions to sell by r „ a,. tr- • r. ti ATTENTION 'FARMERS! Henry Amoneit Pays top. price for : dead • or •disabled animals; • ,Day : or' night and Sunday pick- up. 'Driver. pays cash sat •'tiirie of• pickup. Phone cpllect, Clifford - -39. Also buy old hogs. at $15.00 (';per emits For farther• information see me• each'RWednesday at Luck- now' uck-now ' Community Sale. • T;EN'DER.S : WOOD, TENDERS 'WANTED Tenders will be received by the. 'undersigned until August '7,• 1951, for 25 cords of . elm wood 16inch' es long, and–,not less than 6 -inches or mo4•.e than 14 inches in diameter,' to abe" delivered ,to'. the . Town Hall, . Lu cknoW, by Sep-- tember 15th, 1951. Lowest or any ',tender not necessarily accepted. JOSEPH AGNEW, plerk, Municipality , of the Village =of Lucknow APPLICATIONS WANTED i APPLICATIONS Will, be received by 'the undersigned for the ,posi- • tion ' of tax. 'collector for the Township of Ashfield at a salary „,..., of $.300.00" a year. Tenaers to be received not later`.th°an August 6th, 1951. , §igned, Donald M. Simpson, Clerk -Treasurer, Township , of . Ashfield. The Residence of the Late Emma Spindler, Campbdell Street, .Luckno"w, . • SATURDAY, JULY 28. 1951., the following 'Personal: Pro - peak and Household ropeaty.'and.Household Effects: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: One Frigidaire, 11 Beatty Washer, Kit- cheri' Table and Chairs, 1 Hoover ° Vacuum Cleaner, 1 Dining ` RoomSuite, 1 Living 'Room Suite and extra Chairs; 3 -'Bedroom. Suites, End Tables, Lamps, Rugs, = Sew- ing • Machine, 1 Couch, 1. Exten- sion Ladder, Quantity of Coal and Woodana too ria and' many other articles ous to mention.. . , TER1V1S:'CASH . REAL. ESTATE Real !Estate • to be `offered • 'at - 3.00i .p.,, m" . sufbj•ebt, to a . reserve bid Conditions of, sale to be made known the day of sale. Ten per- cent. of the purchase money to be paid on day' of sale' and bal- ahce•' within thirty ;days. Consist- ipg of the following, property; . Part of Lot 8 in the 'Village of Lucknow on which is erected a double brick ,house, and double' garage. • Sale to Corriinenr at 1.30` o'clock sharp.‘vt. ; ' S P. ,' MacKenzie, Solicitor :for Jean McWhirter, Executrix, Wellington . Henderson, Auc tioneer: w.. ; C a G. ALAN WILLIAMS: Optometrist Office ; on .Patrick' St., just off the Main, St, in • WINGHA1Vh..• Professional. Eye ' Examination. Optical =. Services ' Evenings by ;appointment, Phone; Office 770; Res. $. JOHNSTONE'S ME . • RAL O TUNE HO_ • { 'Phone 76 t Day orNight ` Ambulance Service USE:.OF FUNERAL . HOME': At No Extra Cost Moderate. Prices MadENNAN :and: NZIE. '•MacKE FUNERAL SERVICE (Funeral Home:'Available) AMBULANCE SERVICE (Day or Night ' Service). FURNITURE 'Phone' 181,: Lucknow,. Ont.. • (Day.. or Night) • news Agency: Howard g A gnew -- JosAgnew MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents'. Association GENERAL INSURANCE Est€blished Over 30 Years' Ago Telephones: ; ' Business 39 ' Residence' 138 Service and Satisfaction INSURANCE Co -Operative Life,'Insuranee Co -Operative Automobile anee • Mercantile' & ` Farm Fire ,Insurance • : ' • Economical and. Reliable Plub:ng and Heating New Automatic'* Qii Furn es Installed -Now In' St FURNACE REPAIRS' • 'Bathroom Fixtures : & Repairs SEE ;THE •OIL RANGES EAVETROUGHING AIR CONDITIONING' Art Gilmore R R 3, LUCKNOW 'Phone 61-r-13, Dungapnon. Insure WithyThe Culross' Mutual FIRE INSURANCECO,' for. : Reasonable rates, sound pro{ • tection & prompt, satisfactory_ settlement . of- claims. FAIuSH .MOFFAT Your Local' Agent ft'3, Teeswater, V1 intone Teeswater 574-41 DR. T. B.CLELAND VETERIl1iARIAN' Havelock. St., south pf • Superte$t Garage . 1.UCKNO.W .Telephone.175 • . BUSINESS and.. TAX SERVICE.'" • ,MONTHLY AUDITS For The' Small .Mer hant, Professional' man •and" the . Farmer. 't S. J.. ' PYMM , P.O. 'Box 74• - Lucknow, Ont. 'Office in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone 23'=w ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST. GQDERICH :. FOR APPOINTMENT 'Ph'one 1.100: • For Appointment or Information • ' See . Wm.. A; Schmid, ''Phone 167-w.. Lucknow:' Insure In Sure Insurance WIND Western .Farmers' Weather 'FIRE 'Howick 'Fanners'' :Mutual • Car, ' Accident Sickness Consult. , ;. JOHN FA•RRISH: 'Phone. 169-J, 169 J, .Lucknow I;NS.URANC.E' FIRE;,CASUALTY';' :AUTOMOBILE AND; LIFE . To Protect Your I:Jack, nsure, With Jack Today, J. A...McDONAGH . .R..'R. •3,.•Luc now,. 004. ." 'Phone.. 01-5, .Dungannon= See . CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone 704-10 Dungannon W. ANDREW Barrister and' Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Kenneth. J. MacKenzie 'R.O. • Optometrist • ' LI'STOWEL,i ONT. Will be in Ripley ,. ev6ry 2nd Wednesday -at Eugene Wrona's Jewellery Store.from 3.00 to 10: ,p.z. Eyes 'examined.- Glasses fitted For, . appointment 'phone :Roy ,'..MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. •d ice in e oyn Telephone ffice 135 `.a , ' Residence' 31-J NOW IS. THE TIME To•wQxde A i• DIO: _ Thies ini .Machine 3 sloes- 22x32, ;22x38, 28x48: holler Bearing Complete 'ARL H HODGINS R. R. 1, Holyrood, Ont. 'phone 364-13 Teeswater "_�. �.. ... �.�'i �'.v•�4M'M. f �rl��W'..�..� .,..,.... �, 11:• 11.:.. o 4 '. Stuart: MacKenzie Barrister and Solicitor 'WALKERTON, ONTARIO N .I:N 'LUCKNOW • . Each Wednesday • OFFICE` IN . HENDERSON1$LOCK Hetherri ingtonK.C. g Barrister, Etc' • ' .. Wingh nt and 'Lucknow .• `k IN' LUCKNOWW Eaeir Monday' esila and . Wedn. Y Located. on the ground' floor ' in the .fropt„ of John' KilpatricOs Building '1(hone Widghan 97 Office. 4g ' • ltesideneE t. 1