HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-26, Page 2►�� .� ,,;awr resitl"'t:.*►' THE L 1c1S. TOW :SENTINEL,, L :K N W,' >ONTARIO HUROI.,BR111CE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION , I • at .8,.3.0 p.m. SPEAKER:. :.alter -Thomson., Leader• of• The ' Ontario L iberal Party; ME ER.S OF P AND MB ARLIAMEN. . BUSINESS . • Nomination Candu ates for, your .hiding: . General .:Business., Election.. Of Officers. Huron -Bruce Libera'I..ASsociation.: GOD :' SAVE : THE KING. Mr.- Scam :.Colwell . of Calgary spent a few days in this''" neigh: iborhood, and with Mr. and Mrs Earle'; Hodgins. and Shirley:.„ • • 'BCxRN in WiinghaTr>< Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. Ross' of `Wroxeter, :a daughter: .... On Monday , evening Shirley Hodgins hadseveral girls to a presentation . , by Beauty Counsel- or .Cosiinetics. CULROSS CORNERS Mr- Bill Johnston was ' visiting iii this neighiborhood and with his ltirier, Frank. ,Johnston:' —1�r and' Mrs. Elwood_Merritt nd.''fazrnily of Listowel, Mr.• and Mrs. Bill MacDonald'. and family. of Cornwall : and ' Mrs. Thos, Mac- Donald of Listowel. spent ;Sun-: Sun- day with Mr. and 'Mrs. ,Earle ins and Shirley. ._.. and Mrs Chas..Knight and *gaily of Toronto spent;an even Ing: with Mi and' Mrs. ' James 'Wraith ' and Gertie. ' ` :,• ZION Mr. and. Mrs. n' Brown of Tillsonibur:g and Mr. and, Mrs. Samv)Durnin and Betty of ,Luck-• by now visited on Sunday with,. Mr., ROSEMARY THYME • and .Mrs, 'Jake Hunter, . .,. Mr. Chuck McDonagh, from IP-, w h visited for tile' week -end . ' THURSHA'',, .JULY 2f6thi Still'' :eking cherries and. cur- •rants, red and black? °'Very 'nice fruits, Ito have Cherries are sort of tedious to 'work on • • • you may work .about nine hours and wind p with . nine quarts,:: At Our o'clock in the •afternoon, you thunk you will never be finished,' You are covered .with, Spatters of juice, � and that is,;when your. cost immaculately -clad friends will. .per , as with his parents, Mr,. and Mrs, Jack McDonagh, Mr. and Mrs: Harvey Ritchie 'and Donna visited Sunday with Mr. and Mts. ,Jinn Smith cad . s- Molex worth, , Mrs. Henry Horton of Dungan non r eturned home after 'spehel ing two weeks With,.Mr, tItc Mrs Gordon, Kirkland. Mr ands Mrs. 'C'eci'l Mullin of .'choose to ' call. However" yowl will Listowel visited Sunday With tIIr THE TAX:;RATE. in Seaforthis 59-.8 mills, an 'increase, of 14.4 mills ' over last , year.. be able to'laugh about it,.when Y.61.1 are eating. cherry pie in Jan - wary. ICurrants.*are most satisfactory jellies • ,ams .and fruits. to ,rrin+ake j . j out of. They jell . so nicely with= Out added pectin, .and , I do like a, fruit• that will, do that. They will 'even yell sortie extra fruits, ItIfat .don't contain enough pectin .to jell thernselves ,Here's a good recipe • for Jew el Jam ... Four cups .pitted. 'cherries, ;_,'four. cups, gooseberries,, four cups red cur= rants, four cups, raspberries, eight cups sugar. Wash' fruit: Pit cher- r%ear thp; and:tall' gooseberries, stem currants. Combine fruits, crush .sliightly. Bring to iboil_,and:.. boil, Uncovered, 15 minutes.. Add •sugar, .bring to .boil, uncovered, to jam 'stage, about 10:.' to 12 min. `usually: Pour into hot, sterilized. jars., .Cool : and 'seal; Yield, about` 10 small jars.t " Here are a feW• tips' form jellies and .janis: . Mash berries .and' soft fruits be fore putting on to cook. Add -fiery ,little ;water.Ward fruits, should be cut.:up. When.. not `• adding Com-` menial- pectin.., use three. quarters cup'. sugar to 1 cup fruit ' juice. ,Sour, fruits,..currants, , gooseber- ries, plums, . need /1 cup . sugar to 1;. cup juice. A: perfect jelly test '., dip u 'spoonful of boiling; p a; spo o. ing . syrup, and let, it run baek--into the ket- tle. When it no longer runs;• out of ;. tithe spoon in` single steady stream, but divides in two lines of .;drops,. -which, .sheet together;' stop cooking, 'stir ant air bub- bles. ;Skim off '•fown.,'Pour. Let.: jams and conserves cool ;in : kettle, stirring :' occasionally. It helps to plump the fruitand keep it .fron..floating:. . :. Don't add'. another few spoon- fuls) or part of 'a cup, of sugar, for : luck, or :generosity's sweet sake;'"It is, in fact, better to . use 'too .little sugar ' than. too much. Stir to dissolve sugar. Cook quickly •to_ retain color and flav, or. It is advisable to •: work •in small—qualnti ' ,. 4 or 5. ,cups. Jani .should be:.ten der, not 'thick and tough.. Over= cooking darkens the product. Jam thickens'„considerablyon cooling,. so make allowance ' for this,' or it will be' over -cooked. It is a good plan to warm the sugar,' to speed 'up , things. When ou ar •usmcommercial' pectin, follow. directions carefully, and read 'it over well before .you . begin, , to work: The timing is so important; Don't • count an extra five• for 'luck It won't be ` luck ; , , it .will be Your •undoing. I made •thimble- berry d j a mone time that I . juat berry jam one time 'at I just to myself, "Nowis, that a roiling boil?” Decided to let her roll a bit' more. I' shouldn't have. s If you are using shouldn't. cherries fright now, a cherry ,pie ' is. the' very best pie of all pies, I •think. Some' .one told 'me' the other day that .black 'currants are "super" :Jn pie. I've never done that, but I intend to., . . maybe to -mor, rowf YOU. can Makes a Cherry Roll,. 'served with .'rich milk' or, creel i. Rich biscuit dough, "rolled in rectangular,' spread with 'thick layer of cherries, 'sugar, dash., of nutmeg or mace (good in pie too), Roll up like' jelly roll, Bake till :dough is done: . Here's • another version of . the berry shortcake idea; . Rich bis- cuit dough in the pari., Cover thickly, with berries, sweetened, Bake until dough is cooped and the berries have • formed a lits cious sauce on ' op Serry with milk' •or cream ith blue- berries. Yumniy-yumaiay, F' Eating beet 'greeds these days? Pine. That •what 1 like to' hear, ,b . YOU On MORE .FOR YOUR TELEPHONE DOLLAR .J . ABBREVIATING certain words in our '. telephone directories can .often reduce. a listingfrom•two lines to one. This 'not only makes. the .directory thinner•.and easier,to read, but . also lees costly to produce. In one of 'our bigger directories, for. 'instance, taking out just one line saves enough. paper ,to 'Print 1,010• pages Or 1J4 directories! This . careful - attention to little 'things. L typical' P.ical of how all departments work. P. • to keep costs down. It's one' of the . . • ' ineeasons why your telephone is. one .of today's hest buys. .;iiipeni Aso oleo I OWA S durisii the pest i* ye* POOD4• UP 11194 .. A n.w stool who, •so strong that only half as many poles', are needed' to ,support tt,. extends "pacing between' poles to 400;,, feet or more. This saving is important as eonssteuetion ' Costa" continue to go up. . • COST. of LIVING*' UP 64% #poalinion Sursou *4Avsraps nasots'in coif of ssrivaes at Slotiitics . in the Hniforr .we lir** • TO/OfiiNirie servile it ,Me of toiidlty's 1001. tiers' TELEPHONE SERVICE**. 'UP 21% tong Distance operators now dull many..•out.of•town calls just as easily le people. dial . flambe .. This not ' only mes . aster, mire '. con anent vice for .you, 1 '•bet ,:means our operating dol .. go further. �o Vico ' fr qu.ncy umpll- Mrs have been.6itueeaed, in • size until. today amplifiers 'Y^ that would have filled' a whole building ,now ea,Y'tbe ' put in a Single wrung Result: important savings in building ' conte. ... 7t7 G'b' -)Va B/OGEJ�Q' egVat liGr/24/ke 'THE SELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA.. • and Mrs Nelson R*aynard Mrs:: , Cecil. Gardner arid.. boys: f • and .50 n _ are -spending a. +week, at the :lake on .Th n;, at uaacert instiMe', the e' at Point Clark. ` • first group will don'1aa�thing suits, ' . at - while M rs J oke Mr and while, the previous swimmers will tended the, funeral of Mr. John . ..- • leave . the : lake .and prepare to Deyell of Wingham on Monday help in the ,dining hall; • afternoon. Keewaydin has large, �bri,glit Mr. and Mrs. ,Ross Chapman & dininghall and kitchen; housed -Mr. C •eor e Coleman of. Seaforth .. • g 9 : m a pine building, , and' a lodge • visited Sunday with 1VIr. and Mrs. 'where the girls `h.old India: SE1O'N GiROU P AT- 'KE. T 'KE:EWAYDIN' The second • group, of, . Girl '. Guides "to be under canvas at "Keewaydin" in Ashfield Tc)Wn ship, will break camp at the end of 'the week after a• ten-day' per- ' iod of badge work, swimming' and other Guide Damp activities, "Keewaydin, which ' ' tri e a n s; +Land of the 'West Wind"; was acquired ,three years ago as''' a permanent . summer camp for, • . • Huron,:, Area. Guides,. 'Boastinga ,, long frontage on the lake, the camp, • is • sub -divided into,. four• camps,` including .a pioneer cannp,' The ,camps rotate the activities so -that:. one, group .W_. 1 be' per forming 'its kitchen d' les: •while another group. its r eivin i• '" Will.: Ritchie. r " Mr. ', and Mrs..' Arthur Jervais. and Mrs. William Kelly of Ham- . ilton (visited , Sunday with. Mr. '& Mrs: • Henry Gardner. Mrs: Kelly remained for a' week. . There will.. be' no church' next Sunday: but Sunday ,School will be at .10:15 in.: the morning:: The.. -Zion . W.M.S. meeting : •vitas held• at the home of Mrs. George. Hun ter .with 12 members answer: ing the roll call. • Mrs, Gordon Rit- chie .presided. The meeting open- ed, ed, with a ;hymn and the repeat- ing ' of .• the . Lard's prayer in uni- son. We were favoredwith an. instrumental,;' by Carol' • Gardner.. after : which. Mrs. Raynard . read •the Minutesof the last meeting Eunice' Helm sang ,'a• solo: Mrs. Allan Ritchie is -'oto get the ..;pro- gram for the next meeting to be 'at Mrs 'Cecil Gardner's; it beiti the Light -Bearers ;meeting. Mrs. Wes Ritchie gave a report on the talent money Abazaar: was :dis- cussed: Roberta Helm,: played' an. instrumental.- Mrs. Jim- - Hunter had the • Christian Stewardship::, trice Gibson and Mrs.' Bill ter -gave readings. • Mrs. Gor=e don. Ritchie. closed •with,. prayer. The hostess served a -dainty lunc? arid ,a social hour : was spent. Night; 'formal :balls: , and: other suich , eve'rits The campe s sleep under canvas, and are taughtall the rudiments -of • caring for. a: tent, in' fair weather and foul. The first ' group of Guides at •Keewiaydin this season h�ad. the • unhapexperience, id•t `halving ten, .tentspy flatteneduring a. 'storm: Guides •from Brantford, .Brant and Perth -Huron divisions. make up the laresent camping ' body;: while Brantford, Burford, Listo_ wel, Mitchell, Stratford; St.' Marys and Halsall among the .commun.. • ities ss representeiad:. a Mi ' Jtil• Mary's, is . Damp commandant ;Miss Joyce, Sanderson, :Listowel, is business manager ••and quart- er :master;: Mrs. M. E. Barkwell,'• Lucknow,' 'is •cook, and Miss Sa die Johnson, R.R.. 3, Goderich, nurse in charge:` of the; infirmary, : '... . Sharing. the responsibilities, of swimming.:. instructress • are . tw;n• : sisters; Mary and, Elizabeth l.ati* More,St. Marys.; • ,THAT the Wiarton Echo explains'' : r. its ' 50c•, increase. in, ,subscription • priceto $3.00' a year,? as':corres- ponding to about half a pound of ,beefsteak: t you ea ever Doctors recently . discovered 9 Ways T� A idHF •er . heat fever in children may 're- sult f om ._ indoor heat'. as well • as' front the sun.. Learn the %; symp- toms and treatment of heat 'fever. Read, "Heat Fever" in • The 'Am- erican Weekly,:' famous magazine' with, . this Sunday's (July 291 is sue of The. Detroit Sunday Tittles. New idea.: Shake . some grated cheese, or slivers of cream cheese in your cooked greeris, keep hot until cheese •has meted, • 'Nother new idea for dressing; for fruit salad. Equal quantities of lemon juice.: and light coni s ru . addin few crushed mint leaves. .Refreshing flavor. TOOK ZION SERVICES J During Iiev. 'C. E. Woolley's vacation, the service on July '15th was taken by Messrs. -W. L. Mac • Kenzie and Stuart Collyer and. on :July. 22nd by the 'Young Pea-:.. ` pie. Mr.. Collyer . gave an •inter ;: -esting-addr-ess-on_a-passag : from: ` the Lord's Prayer, and Eunice Helm sang, a lovely .solo..' • ' Last Sunday , evening. Arnold ,' • .I Alton had 'charge of the service.. Cliff Kelle of; Belgra re was the guest' spe er and Donald Young-, a Soloist with blof ' was udt uburn a' . o • :.. nt. b.• Howard Blake. '. . {♦0I4110Or114111,04111.//41111111�11.11111011M11111111Q.1.;U4‘114.1111111,11116/ .. •. (*41.4111.1.0401.'!..".4 • rEl nsn�u al . 'N qua• Day ve r. uric �Holidia*,..Aug,h 6 THE PORT.'ELGI N Junior. Channber of Commerce is just about'' all set to • launch their "Greatest Annual' Show of 'the B1ueNrater District" -1951' AQUA DAY:• They have lined • ug the best possible enterta'inrnent for 'such an event .and hope '' to;.hla\re all..: of you enjoy it with them. ' • ' • , 'CO e NCING at. 10.30 in. ornin : the • daywill be m g filled with activnty until thea cthoforful array ew' . • ' marks the closing' at night The program: will feature fir• -iiorksgh- land " amaes, which *Will' include competitions inDancing, PipeBands:and Individual Piing. As 'an: added attraction Johnny Cobb and ;his Toronto Police ,Force .Sport :Team Will ",. put, on. a' Scottish sports, demoistration..:There still' also ;be. , ' Water. Skiing, Both Competition• and exl�iilbition, SWir9iTlin .:Contest; Boat 'Racing; •Parades;'Carnival; Hydro nes' oft4 -. _ _:to .mentis few, of ball Game; O the highlights�a,'s Model Aircraft Show, • • SEE IT FOR, '' Q'CURSEL `, Plan to be in .;Port Elgin .on Civic Holiday. The ' afternoon admission is 50 and' 5 cents. At night the exhibitions' on the beach .ar'..... FREEt'Contestants can still: enter any event' by writing to 0. T`I. 'H'yrnmen, Set- Elgin Junior Chamber of Commerce. • rebary, Port • , LAND'`w.. WATER i SPECTAOh AY+R„ ., afiNiliNruii�q��Nii�ilisi/l'fill'I�I��OIiN1�1>lOirilow�o�INl�s►.arii,•u•iri•+._ , 1 ' • i"�1er�riitd'dw ,r