HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-19, Page 6PiPE SIX, MEW.yf, '• E\;I,UCI 1 bw•, ISE TT 1vEL, •LUCKNO. TAi1IO "I,'Il;uRAS Ay, JULY 19th., 1951' M{ 4'r ai { •r 141.7CKNOW 'GAVE WING4A.111 •' 7-0•Ti<LOUNCING 'MONDAY : Lucknow ° Legionnaires gave • Wi gham Crossct 11/ ereurys a .7-0 . pasting in • the Caledonian Perk on' Monday night before a large and hilarious• crowd of . Lueknow' fans - The Wingham suPpox!ters• had • little ' to cheer about, They got a man to second in the :first. inning; . and Sparrow perched 'there. ;briefly'' in the 8th, '• while, ,Ile watched' the next three batters Whiff helilessly- • The two minor errors that Luckn ows did make accounted for both • Wingharn ,runners getting,to • second. : Doug"Babe" 'Aitchison robbed Hall . 'of ' 'a ' no-hitter when he ,cracked a clean. ' single in the 6th for the Crossets only•hiit,. West- lake walked in the 5th, . making a total of four' Wingham'.players' to reach.first safely. ' Hall: struck out 19, and when the .9th inning. was over. the ,Mercitry.:machine. was a battered wreck with: all tires '.co' letel deflated. ; , rr>rp Y The Crossets looked.. like a mil- lion' dollar outfit " in practise as "Mike"` .Carmichael chatted. thein through their warm-up drill, but when: the chips were: 'down they: .pulled 'several boners that. hand- . ed; the Legionnaires' ; four•'of '• .the, `seven runs., Sparrow. allowed only five,..hi!ts,, two of them 8th inning: doubles. ' 'H.e'. walked. 'three and struck out 10. Six errors by the' 'Crossets didn't, aid their :cause. Wi.ngha'm: t a.,g g� e d ,.the .''ball threateningly in the 'fiirst'. Gard- ner led :off . and .went 'out `second' • to first: Sell' pounded a hard one :. :Ito short and was Safe ;at first as Middlerniss ` .had' trouble picking up Jack 1V1acpona1d's• " thf;6w. .Crewson .smashed ;a hard drive ,to'first after Seli had gore'down on a- 'passed .:• ball, Groves struck: out to retire 'the' side and for the next four inriings,:Hall, •struck out 3: men an inning, with:West lake's' walk ; accounting for the only • exitra man to face him. In the 6tll, after Aitchison -.had .singled the Legionnaires had a; •sit: art' fielding inning.°Middletniss. snared . Gardner's pop-up ::.Chin took;.Seli's' long fly ttj left and' 'Curring whipped out Crewson 3rd to first. Hall rang un threemore, strike- • outs in the 7th, and. repeated in the. '8th .after ,Sparrow had • got , td second- : on an; 'error at first: It was three up" and three, down in the '9th.. Sell ,hoisted to :short. •euming, 'again. threw Crewson out and Groves dribbled one to Hall, Who ,Waved Bob on to first; be- fore picki d' irn off a e' from the sack. ' . - ° Open' Scoring. In. 1st . For Lucknow ,they opened the scoring'''in the first frame .:on :a gilt run..'Harold Greer' led off with .a' walk. • G. 'Chin" lashed a hit off Gardner who'„was playing!"in fe3'-a- -bur t Miley e ' e oth'• 174111 again jogged h,arn�e, In the 8th the Mercury's main ,bearing alsowent to complete the Wreck. G. Chin was, safe ••611 an error,. Miley blasted a cireuit clout under the .right, field rail, b'ut ground rules spilt him back' Around 70 ladies:'- Including to second 'and Chin third, Hall. guests ' from .Whitechurch, • the pasited. ole throughsecond to Brick church and the ,Ashfield deep:centre for two bases, • and Circuit attended the , annual 'two runs. Hall added another jai, meeting of the W.M.S. held when; MacDonald was, safe as in the United Clairol on Wed'-, `Creyrron, dropped Sparrow's bur--'. resday afternoon: •Mrs. W. I; Mil-..; tried irhr.ow' after Sparrow arrow . had'ler, the :president, was.' in the •Fa• bobbled the bin .le, p e ;chair. Mrs. 'Chas. McDonald read' Wi'n' ha Garan r' 3rd 'Sell' ss'Mrs: y ., g , ern, , e . , 1, , >. the- scripture, �11esson • and ., lake John` Cameron led • .in• .prayer. Crewson•. lst, Groves .e, West rt. Te .pleinan if, Sparrow p, Readings were giiwen by Mrs. Gil- Foster,f;• Aitchison 2nd • bert .,Heecroft of • Brick, 'Mrs.' Geo: Lucknow: C, Greer 'orf, G. Chin, Zane . of "Hac'ketts and Mrs. W. J. of Miley' c, Hall p, H, Greer 2nd, Watt of • Whitechurch. Mrs.' (Dr,) MacDonald ss, Cuming 3rd,. Mid- Grierson of • L' ondesloro gave a dlemiss 1st; M: Chin ef;• ' (talk on Korea, which she called • r h e the most iMportarnt subject in the Wingl am ,006 00.0 000.0 1••,6 'whole world at • the present . time: Lucknow• .,..:; ,100 111 03x-7 5 .2 As Mrs. Grierson.had beena mis- '� * sionary in Korea before 'the war, nus - MOVED INTO FIRST PLACE.. her. talk was most interesting `and •':informative. At :the `'conclusion a Lucknow s 'v1ictory over Wmg- ruriners,- on. an• infield out and Hal !roiled one to third. Greer.; .legged it ,for home ,and was safe as Groves Mistook ,the ,,play..for ., a force out and didn't 'attempt to !tag 'hint. .Even 4he.• • ump Called. Greer, ` out.,..and had• toreverse. his decision: ". 'In the .4th Hall lead off with a walk; and.when Hughie's on the'. pathway the ''opposition • gets the • j itters t—they'lu,st can't. keep .track . of hirci.. Harold Greer was thrown Out ;t1ir'd to' first .and.' Hall' pomp : ed to third. Crewson heaved;,high to.. Gardner at thehet corner. arid Hughie ambled home'. In the 5th Clarence Greer again :drew a: pass, went to second on' a ::passed ball,' and .to third as. George Chin;' beat 'out , 'a roller to the mound. George got trap- ped off !first and Greer. scored on the rundgwii, with Chin safe at second as Crewsort . d'ropped a. moss. ''George gotpac#ced, off sec• •.on.d,, after :rounding h'esack too far. :. ' • 1 ieknow' added another in the 6th. 'S'parrow .lobbed a high or'e to the `plate that ,Hall reached •above his head for to clout* a clean, single': A Wild pitch sent him to second and.Harold Greer's• Infie.ld out Gardrier 'to. Crewson ,advanced him to Ythii+cl, Hall was • parked. on the sack as Crewsop whipped to :third ...before. Soli; Moved up from short: to cover. • RECE 'TION FRIDAY A reception will bg held in the' Recreation.” Hall; Lucknow,;• . on: Friday, July 20th at 9.30 p.m. lin honor, of Mr.. and Mrs; • Myles, McMillan (nee Theresa Schnurr). Everyone welcom.e.. ST. HELENS' pleasant- social hour was ,enjoy - Amt>w.r.A�a�frAlf•„+i►nir..n14p, at "KINCARDINE nesday, ION Admission- - ' ' $'1.04 . 1 ewe/r1/..;q,,,AFe!•M�pli.l!..."Il.1111110ll•1011.l/il . . f.mp.Or'r PURPLE GROVE Mr. Goldie Emerson Was home. from Toronto for the • week -end. Miss Marville: Scott. cif Toronto visited around the Grbve on Sun= aay. tion 'at M.arkdale, IVIr. George Gordon of.',Kin c car,. dine has been busy ;this week irrg some repair work''on the 'in- terior of M. Calvin R,pbertson' • nous $ Mr 'Gordon, Patterson visited Mr..,1, and Mrs.:. James Anderson with - Mr. Burton• Collins 'on Sun, .. arid'' ''Mrs. Brice visited ;at the day,. •7.1 . home of. Mrs. George Emerson, . Sr., on Sunday.• • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill visited' the lather's sister, ,Mrs. Quigley,, at Lucknow• on :Sunday, " • • Mrs. Bell is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. George Emerson, A number' from the Grove at- tended the 12th of July' ,celebra TRADE MARK REG adds life and sparkle to any occasion ham on ..Monday night rnoyed 'the. ed' :over !the, tea cups. lima•mmimmi�■ ■■$uau!atlme Legionnaires Into first place with a 10 and 2 record. Crossets are right on their' heels and can sew 'things ' up, with' .a 'victory ..in• Wingham . tonight (Thursday) when, the two' teams . renew their "feuding'' ',again. "Half : of, •Luck now" will; be !there, no' doubt Next Tuesday the . Legionnaires will`'. entertain the Walkerton nineand.' a week from' ;today: hike Off . to Meaford. • *•*,•* EXHIBITION. TILT • , ENDS, IN' 2 -ALL TIES .Lucknow• Legionnaire a n d Brantford played .a 2-ali draw in .a 9 -inning exhilaition tilt on "Fri- day night. ,The .•Brantford 'Squad started their :second string pit cher but replaced: hirci early inr the':'game when they.''found the Legionnaires. were ,no ,'pushovers. TWELVE RINKS' IN.' TREBLES 'TOURNAMENT The first bowling' tournament of 'the season, staged :by the local club, was. on Thursday . evening :when 12 rinks .competed ; in' a trebles • twilight.. Winners :'were, lst, Brant's •rink.. of .Walkerton;, 2nd; , ' Garfield„ MacDonald; 3rd; Roy Finlayson; 4th, Harvey' Tre Miss• Anna Si�uart of Toronto ,is. a ,holid°ay visitor at her• home here. Mrs. G. S. Macintyre and Don- ald . of Ottawa are. 'visitors with, her patents',. 'Mr. and ,MVrs. W .1. Miller. . Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon: Miller. Ac LarrYarid Miss Doris' Taylor of London, were' week -end. visitors• !here. Mr.. aid :Mrs: 'Graham, Salkeld. of Isharxi,, Sask. and Mr. &: 1VI'rs. Irving Hunter and. Miss. M. E. Salkeld . of Goderich were: recent visitors . with . Mrs: , Gordon and, other • relatives. • • Miss W. D. Rutherfordspent' last,' week . in London' as the. •guest of Mr. and Mrs. •Gordon .Miller.,. Dr. '? and '.Mrs. Harry ',Day,. of 1Viedic'ine Hat were recent guests. of •Mr. and Mrs.. Wallace Miller. Mrs• Day *as forrmerly, Miss An nie Rutherford: , ' •Home Helpers Meeting A' spedial •Home .. .Helpers ' meet- ,inf of South Kinloss Church was held at the home ' of Mrs. Angus Graham. The :ineeting opened with hymn. 494 followed' by the Lord's prayer' '. in • unison. The seripture.:was read by Mrs. Fras-- er•.'.MacKinnon ' followed 'by' -pray- leaven; 5th, Archie • Blair, Tees- er by Mrs. Archie MacIntyr.e. The, water. -special= sneaker:was Mrs:- H.'Speer.:. * * '� *' of Brussels. She brought a'Very Big Ken, MacKenzie, son of -Mr. inspiring message' .and, chose as andrs oy.MacKenzie:o Rip-; her topic. 'Perfect Love Casteth ■ ..�se �..111 m ■ ■ ■ ■ ''. R , , ... ar .. `r ■ ■' • ■. } 1 ■ •. ! w 1951 HEV. Belair Convertible, 2 .one 'in color, ' air■. ■ C V. Hardtop 1d ■ conditioning, .undercoating, custom radio and many :■ ■. :extras. :1950. CHEV. S,TYLINE 'SEDAN 1950 CHEV. DELUXE`IS.TYLINE'COACIH i 1949 CHEV:•DEL UXE STYLINE;SEDAN custom ra'di • : conditioning- 1949 Ci`IEV: FLEETLINE . COACH. i•• 1949 '.CHE'V,' DELUXE1FLEETLINE SEDAN.. r" 1949. HEV:' STYLINESEDAN, ■ C ■ 1948 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACH. ■ 1948 • CHEV: FLEETLINE COACH:' mmmt .1939 DODGE .,SEDAN.. • ' °.1937 :CHEV: COACH: �• . 1937 PLYMOUTH COACH. ■ . �• 1,. ■ '_ air • 1 • 1 ■� .. ■ ■ ■ . ■ . ■ . ■ 1936 DODGE SEDAN.' ■ 1936 PLYMOTjTH SEDAN • ■ THREE. EXTRA SPE.CJALS THIS WEEK..., •! ■ 11949.'.CH•EV : -P ' : ■ 5 . A.SSENGER � COUPE ' . ' .....'....,. 5].,.550 ■ . 1947 CHEV.• SEDAN .•. 51,1;!1) •, • • ' ! 1939 .CH > - .' ■ . .�.: . � EV: `SEDAN. � .. ., • . '' $ 2a0 ■ • ■ �. .• . • ■ M R fR' ! ■ for •. the.Listowel Legionnaires', wasenjoye`d.Mrs: L. C. . Mac r.ley; is setting the pitching pace: Out Fear"..A solo' by: 'Mrs. Steer..... • russ e . ve=eved—i3to-third-p1aEe lig wave the closin: ma -r in the Intermediate' . Inter -County Hymn 552` was sung , and 'Mrs. baseball league: Last ;:week K'en.. Alex Sutherland : closed the meet - had five; wins :.against one lois., ling with prayer: N 1N • ■ , e ome of -D -et -t us—etr s"' • Cities : Service Dealer „ 'Phone 73k Brussels , s t • • It` takes a lot of "cooling to keep. a Polar' Bear. happy. ;.This largest .member of the bear family is smgller than..a porcupine:•at birth, but..often weighs more than three-quarters of a ton when: full grown.. To this' tremendous'bulk add' the fact that the bear is covered with a thick, water -proof coat, which is designed :to . protect,, him ,in, the Arctic it's a big job keeping him cool in our,zo9s. Leath about nature's creatures.'Visit the ne'arestioo and see them. AE Whole nevaworld, of interest will • be opened to you when you understand nature. Nature, Unspoiled YOURS TO,'PROTECT, YOURS TO .ENJOY THE CARLING BREWERIES; LIMITED' ' I WATIRLOO, ONTARIO • ,b.