HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-12, Page 8!AGE TEE LUCK OW SENTINEL,: INEL,. ' :LUCKNOW,, FASHION ACADEMY GOLD,' Full fashieried," fira quality. 42 gauge„40 Denier, medium • sheer weight .45 gall* 30„ Denief, • sheer weight very sheer 'weight. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mi. William A. AkeY, of. Espanola, announce the. en-. gagement of their daughter, yer- eldest son of, Mr. and Mis. Athert McGee of Port Albert.- Mr. Mc., Gee is a 1946 graduate of the I.Tniversity of Toronto in forestry and the wedding will take place engagement •• their :daughter, Enema . Aci Mr. Ivan RiVett, son of NIT. and Mts. John • Dungannon, wish'. to announce the engagement , of tbeir daughter, Annie Mae, *lb Blake wedding, to take place the, end of A* the parking. meter said. to the car:' "If yOulve got:the money, Bring :Year friends • t. OBITUARY 1 SEMI NEL sgg -0 (Continued from page 1) . J. GOrdon writes ,that they. are Very thankful 'for rain.. Which' has checked forest tires that. have caused heavY loss. of tim- ber on the Island and ai Well has helped the fruit crop great-, unusual 4;lroughtl, • Strtfilgi Sr., occurred in ;1;04n on Jtine',30th.at the borne of her datighter, 140,,A.,, a Barrett Mrs. Armstrong -Was ilorinerly Celia 'Wheal, She had not enjoyed. gooff health sfor several lears :and *as confined' to her, bed the last four 'years where she,' *SS; tenderlY eared , for by ter tWo datighters, Mrs. -Barrett..and Beatrice ' Atm - /Ara, Armstfong *as.: in her Mind and took a keen interest 'in things, Her sight %was, geed and . she .:cauld read. Without the aid' of glaises By '4Uiet. and Iloving, disposition she made ITHAT, mass,. Aueen. Hewitt whq mai* friends and enjoyed. their been engaged on the. Loeh:; no*:District High, School •Otaft'i Cliff noir*, of Ber*ie. Abe is g:-adt,te..bf he„Oritario :Col - THAT conaiderable road p.atelit Aerie on?, Village streets Under Crattidertl, ,"ebairtnan of the Road; and. ;bridge .Committee, 'THAT in reneWing her Sentinel sUbscription, Mrs. Henry Zieg- ler of Manor, S'ask,, says she looks forvfrard'every Monday to home"; to "'see :how . the Old.. Town is getting along: Mrs. Ziegler is a sister of W. J.. .. to a .bride the Chesley dis- $2.50 left so deCided .to send . her a year's Subscription te the sayi we, so we're Passing it THAT the 'flak Cloiet this • week holidays. Milting Neestionnig :at Port Elgin beach bray and family, Mr. and Mrs. ftey Meek 'and Mr., and MrS, . Ken Mowbray. THAT. it Abe close Of wheel the students 'Of , PurPle, Greve ,school ,oresented their teaeher, Mrs. IrWin- Carruthers,. with 'farewell gift,. Mary Ann Mc» Cosh. read, an addiesS and Don - :the Thompson anti bobble flower pot. , Ice Cream. . Menials. cokes, . Sundites and Banana' Splits' many winds to her. Although she had made many new friends in the city where she and het late husbandi William Armstrong and daughter Beatrice had gone to.re- side some ten s years ago she never forgot thefpeoPle of Luck, now and district. where she had spent most of her life, and from 'time, to, time „was cheered UP by a eard or visit from them. The late Mrs. Armstrong Was thorn . in Birmingham, England, on June 12th, 1859.. She tante to London, Ontario, in 1874 and re;.. Maine& there' until 1878, return- ing to Birminghani, Englandd inotir ei loss five daughters AWrhmerleshneg .rninatrrisimed: tinhe 11 a88t e4 Wti y. „"Burk.s.liitashsrerie4tt ,(mArirs-. .came to Canada ant lived in Ash" MatthOlkt (4:tan) pli edBe%;iticle,. in 1691 where they made -View Stroll n on; rs. horne for .50 years until sl94111'SOri Meal and 'WM. Arm'. spend the remainder "of :then' predeeeased het infancy. ,,rhetp I;days. .Armstrong. :predecess* ere selventeen, grandchildren and Mrs. Armstrong lea v e to The funeral serVice was held • coo. • DIES ARTIST MODEI: LaSiex Fabrics, "Nylon and Liston" and Broc.aded Jacquards -panaila's ,finest bathing suits at Popular,,p'rkes....42 also - BATHING SUITS 'FOR BOYS & GIRLS from 2 to 18 years LCi ti ti oil BTa SB aWt hEmEg7, s aond, 4hoi.r.,t8 BETTER: SUMMER. PRESS:ES TOT -TO -TEEN .and LADIES' WEAR 'Phone 89.4 rance RK CLOTHES aree8, Work Pants and Shirts 11 Sanforized Siwunk. on Jul' y 2nd at the home' of her 'lack Wilson,' J. C. Arinstrong, Wilson Armstrong ant, Victor, . Barrett. ' Mrd, and Mrs. ArMstrong attend - brought a very' idinforting meas Ville, Dundalk Shelbourne and • fainity Plot in Greenhill C:eznet- The best reducing exercise is try. The pallbearets Were five to Move the head slowly from gtdndsons, and ,,cine son-in-law, side to side.when offered a 'sec - ick TO. Prepare F BAKEWBEANS with. Poric..2 for 35e, 'PORK .and..BEANS 2 for 33c PAGHETTI .21c 4.4 Gold Seal SOCKEYE SALMON, Globe 15 oz. DESSERT PEARS Salad Dressing MIRACLEWillP, 16, oz Oho CHLORII* OF LIME . INSECT REPELLANT 'IStnimfiee-:.Ftesh unkiit Grariefruit, 126's 1: 8. for 45c j LEIVItOlkiS, '36.1 . * A, . ......1. for 12c . . 2-.4t4 ,.r.itst'Green CABBAGE'. tAITOlri 41,44.4 BUY PIPE that's ROOT -PROOF PIPE. SOil Setilement won't craek or break it, fretzitig or thawing ,won't affect it. TAPERED JOINTS ,prevent leaks, keeP rdots.' Np-co-rionE saves you time, work, money. , nonTpressu.re uses. ' Giet. ,NO -CO -RODE PERFORATED, PIPE for Septic T.de:rakalge:schoingitibeds,,...foundation fdating drains,sOil iitigat.ion, 'field vitplici4ig. seivie.typHs ate baCked . 1* a 40, -year record * a oo, 'Phone, 150 ENII)ERSON MBER LIMITED