HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-12, Page 6BATTLE FOR, FIRST PLACE: Wngharri :Cr osset Mercurys and • Lucknow 'Legionnaires,. will, 'bat- . ;'tile . it out next week for first place in "The Big Tviielve",and 'what. a series, this will, hei Lucknow has. pew bleacher .seating that will be available for this game, but .at that will be far short .of' aecomocdbting .the hordes that .wi11 pack and park <and'bulge the bleachers for this • playoff • preview t . The Crossets come ;to Sepoy ville next .Monday, •arid the cheer- ' u g will have scarcely'died clown when the two teams renew their old-time feuding back in : Wing*- sham the following Thursday. . Then to ',climax the feverish ` . week . those Zuj -Ied , County Towners will come swaggering to town on Tuesday, July 24th., • Looki ,like we'd better get out the. anti4blood pressure pills: • ****••' Games Coming Ur • • 'July.16—Wingham at .Lucknow' July 19--Lucknow at ; Wingharn Wissaisagewassoomssamismc IN' CAIrEDONIAN PARK LucknOw : at . 9.00 BRANTFOTEAM ��RD FASTBALL .. ; and:' • THE LEGIONNAIRES Here's A Team . That'll, Make' The Legionnaires :Step., Admissio • 35e & 15e, EXTRA ILOwoUr PRorfe oN gosialimorty LUCKNOW SFNTINEI1, LUCK: WON EXHIBITION. TILT /IN LINWOOD Lucknow Legionnaires were, in Linwood on Friday night for the opening 'of their floodlight park; in returning a. courtesy Of tee Linwood. nine' who. .played here for tie opening of the Lucknow, floodlights; • Bolstered :by, a • crack ' battery f r'o, in the • Kitchener ' .fastball: league -=- Brown and• Lintick Linwood provided ' Stout epposi-• tion and : held Lucknow to victory. • Brown sent '20 of 'the Legionnaires down '' /Winging,, While : ' •Hall struck out' ` 19, • 4i •* *''*. u BRANTFORD FASTBALLERS HERE FRIDAY NIGHT Brantford. and. ' Lu.ekno•w Leg ionnaires will, play an . exhibition game. in the; Caledonian' Park • on Friday' night Game time is . 9.00 p.xn.. Brantford is in one cif Ontario's. top 'fastbali loops including., such teams as• Dundas,. Ingersoll, Kit-, chener,- .London Stratford, Till- sonburg., . Lucknow met up With Kitch- ener's,!battery • from this 'league last week in . Linwood, which was proof enough that Brantford Will have a mighty smart team. . **,* ;EDGIER "KINCARDINE 3-0 LAST' WEDNESDAY` L,uckno'w' Legionnairessevened. things with Kincardine last nesday might when they edged a 3-0 win over the Lakeside town.. squad: In the first joust ,of the season •Kincardine ',hung a 2-0 reverse on the :Sepoy,.s; • , Hall . set: Kincardine down . with. 4 • hits and struck. out 15, while .Sullivan' . was s nicked for 7' hits, while 'whiffing 11 :: Some power : hitting by:..Hali, d Miley and H.. Gager. gaveLuck now all three runs In the fourth inning. • Kincardine" threatened Yino3 .than once, and had a' run on . -the. way in .the • 7th' when the third. •! out ,,was called' for interference'. with ;.a batted ',ball between 2nd. and 3rd ' • * -* -L"-EGIONNAIRES' : WIN IN. 9TH` AT' PORT' 34 A' pair • of runs by Miley ':and. Hall in `the first of the 9th• gave Lucknow Legionnaires :a 3-1 win „over Port Elgin' in the lake town on. Tuesday night: Port's ' lone run caOte in the.: :4th. when McNeil and• Cottrill, .bit . hed-.two o • t.. i.r hree hits. A. 1 -,rate. 'en :..balls to• Cuxning and a ' . triple by . Middlemiss, ` gave Lucknow .the equalizer in the •.7th,. Ellis was in top forth. for. Port,. striking out 11, and allowing only 3 hits, but 5: *aiks.' Hall's strike- out figure dropped to 14, but he a owe' .on .y 3'iits and none. * ,* * �,� , • •• "BIOr I2" : STANDING' .. r. b. F Goodrich fireswith the broiler flatter tr;`' d 'give• 'ybu> extra , blo o t.ection ..:• longer; mileage 8. F. Gooclricho Seal-O=Matic Tubes seal punctures` Inst- ,• antly ...: perrnan.enfly •• as you ride,. ... Mason s Garage Phone 148 Lucknow B.F. Good rich EIEST IN THE LONG PUN • As :at Monday, July' 9th, with both Monday night . gaties - post- poned: , • ' 'Won Lost Wtngliam :,'. , ..,:.:......,.. 8 ' 1 Lucknow 8 ' ,2 Meaforc ,.,.g:,, N: ? 2 . Walkerton" .' .......:.......: 2' Port. Elgin. �.�:.. �1„ 3 Seafoi�;th ... :., 5• • Wiar'tazt .:, 3. 3',. Kincardine • . ��� 3' ,South:ampton • ° .: 1. *T Centralia ...,.. ,.. 0• . 7 G odericli ;, ,.. .;> ...,...` 0 ' . 8 • Said Bobbie` Rosenfeld' in. last Friday's Globe &• Mail: 'Remem- ber. "Remerr-ber' Shelley Miley? c He carne here as battery mate for.';Charlie• Justice 'when the T1'egro• pitching star• ,n2w with. B -A Motors, was imported by ' the one-time 'Top Tops three years 'ago.;... •. Miley: Wag', Tater converted into an' outfielder and :hishitting was a big factor when ithe Toppers won `the 'Worlds softball title two years ago.... We11, in case you're interested, Miley is playinghis fastball this season . with Luck -1 naw Legionnaires in the WO.A.A Big '12. Two other fortiter' Tor y ontonians in. the WOAA are, . Al ` ►. QNTARXO THURSDAY: JULY 12th, 1051 SCOUTS TO ATTEND . UNITED CHURCH PICNIC' SAUGEEN DISTRICT CAMP' ' HELD, ON THURSDAY The Saugeen District, Scout Camp will, be held at' Inv'erhuron Beach early in 4tigust„ when it is Gxipected that' ,more than. 75 boys , from• the district . will go. Sco. under canvas; Lucknom' , Seas are planning to attend the' carrip,• and for registration ;purposes it. is necessary for . , ah 'boys who plan to attend, to make this fact. known before July 15th. The Scoutinas. er requests• that, names, be left at The Sentinel. Office this week, , Sullivan, :one -tune with Peoples; now pitching for Kincardine .and, Bob Ellis, on the,Mound d for Port Elgin, with. ••Dentonia, last.: year".. * * . Was it the same ball game :We were at? The :Srentinei's 'box score of the Port Elgin-Lucknow game, and which, tallied with the Leg- ionnaires score ,sheet; read Luck now 9' hits, Port. Elgin 2. The Portscorer gave ,the Lakesiders 4 hits, and Lucknow'6. *.. * .* The Port 'scribe 'also says that Hall set up a new. strike -out re cord 'for the League by whiffing 21 Lakeside's. That, it Hall's, best effort . this 'season, but last year . tie chalked . up .23 strikeouts in .a league , fixture with Seaferth . However, thel e isn"t' -' much argumerit •with : the rest of Hank (Post. Elgin) Smith's •v ersien •. of the trouncing 'they .' received. 'which read: in part •. as follows the whole morbid story :is ,Wrap— ped. up in one ball player. His, name is Hughie Hall::, The .color-, ed 'flash . frorii Detroit; Michigan, was ixtrare fbrm!. ' By the time' the ninth inning rolled` around. he had the Lakesides •a ragged and ' mutilated " mess' of skin and The' United • Church Sunday School picnic , w.as held. ' last Thursday at the' Ashfield Town Ship Picnic Grounds at 'the "Feat of` the Twelfth", with rnore�,,than one hundred:•in attendance to en- joy n ' joy a :pleasant afternoon's 'outing, climaxed .by .a ;bountiful picnic supper. Sport results were as follows:. girls,. 6. .and • 7, Lorna . Howald,, Mary Albin; boys, Tommy Rath.- well, Bobby Hunter; ;girls 8 &•9,0 (Jean. Richards and Joan, Craw- ford); Joanne Hunter; boys, Bab,. bie Andrew, Gary R itchie girls 10` &• 11, Anne Crawford, Nancy 'dhnston; boys, Arthur Howald, Raze1la I owald, Valma Howaid; girls and boys, 15 to 18, R'ozella Hgwald,. Joe Howard, ,open race over 18,, Sadie MacMillan,' Anna . Mae, 'Hunter; 3 -legged race ' 1,0 •$c Hounderwal; d,'•TcddyBillie :Collye Robinsdr &n'A=rthu4anl . Harym Hoffstede;'3-legged race over 10, Rozella. H.owald; and. Joe H9wald, Marilyn Kilpatrick . and Bessie Reavie;; wheelbarrow rac" e under 10, Arthur How, ald and Teddy Collyer, Billie Robinson &'. Hary'm Hoffstede; wheelbarrow race over 10,, 'Joe, Howald and Rdbert .Treleaven, Rozella How: ald and . Anne ,.Crawford lad sipper kick, Mrs. Kenneth Gam. eron, MissBernadine Alton; meat rage, Melvin .'Mo rrison, Glen Wal, Teddy Collyer; girls 12•13.14: den. :. • . ■■■■■■■.■ao■a I■■u/t ■iito ■■1■�■■��■■■off/mI■■■oA; .;'. ▪ . - 1:e. Pontiacs New 'FOr • r ' ■ ,New Chews' . New • P . . ., ds :..; AT REGULAR PRI :ES :