HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-05, Page 7TIAIRSDAY, VAN. Oth,, 1951
4 K. •
SattirdaYt June 23rd; over
50 members. of the Helm family
met .lat LandSdown .Park, Kincar
• dine, At one .o'clock all sat down
to well laden ,tehles., After din-
•ner a program followed with,.. J.
MCKaY as' chairman: The pro-
• gram .00nsisted of musical selec_
lions .bY • the' 'children •folleWed
:by a business • period.
• The -folloWing, officers :were
• elected -pres., Lorne Wood; • Sec.-
trvas., Mrs'. John moXjnnon;.taible
ornattee, Mrs Lloyd Lloyd Hunter:
Mrs.:, Wilfred: Haek,ett, Mrs. Bert
Helin and Mrs. 'Chambers Helin;
program •commigeer Mrli John
Gardner, 'Mrs. Alex . ackett,
Jean:McKinnon .4ncl•,Joyce Helm;
,sports -committee!. •alprm°2Helm,
Jack •Helm, Lloyd Hunter and
Wesley Ritchie. The spOrts-Corri-.
inittee •then took charge. of. the
The races were,,won by: under
5 years,' Donnie . MicKinnon;
••• 12 and undeii;, Donna Woods; boys
12 and under, Ioin McKinnon;
Young :ladies; JeanMcKinnon;
Carol Gardner, young •men, Grant
Helm; Coat race,yernon and An,.
na Mae Hunter; • wheelbarrow
• race; Billie. and Arthur Helm; '3-
• legged race, Joyce lion & Jean,
• McKinnon; ladies graceful walk,
Mrs.- Bert •Helm; married: men's:
rice, Lloyd Hunter; slipper kick,
Donna Woods; oldest .& youngest
i?resent, Mr; Albert Helm, .a n .d•
•Mary Belle' Hunter.:
After 'a game of .ball, supper;
incltiding ice creaini• was served.
• It was ,agreed to hold the 1952:
'picnic, at Kincardine. .tlie 4th
Saturday in Rine. • . ,:•.:
giss.Anne 'Todd had her .ap-
Pendix and her tonsils removed
at Illeffingham Hospital on Fri-
day, • •
Mrs, Lorne Woods and -Donna
,spent a few days with Mrs, Alex
'Murdie and Mr. and Mrs. Mel,
•Brown at Waterloo, Mrs. Woods
returned home with Mr, & Mrs.
Robinson Woods and. Mr.: Lorne
WoOds who motored to Waterloo
on Sunday. •
• Miss Beth MeDonald is mak-
ingfavorable recovery following
an operation. at.:Winghain Hos-
pital on Friday.,•• •
„ • ,
Mr. Den Cameron is attending
a •sunimer .courseln •Toronto.
•;Mr:, and lyfrs. Torn Leask V
Uxbridge were - guests' •Of Miss
W. D. • Rirtherford recently.
Dr. George ;and Dr. Will 'Mc-
Gregor and Mr. Dick quitthayer
of Chicago were visitors over the
holiday week•:•end; with Mr. and
.Mrs: George Stuart, •
.• Mrs.• (Dr.) Grierscin a -
. ,
• • 'return
ed missionary, now, Of Londe's-
boro,. will -be. the guest speaker
at the, annual social meeting of
'the W.M.S. to. be, held . in. the•
church on '.Wednesday afternoon,
Ju1yjith 2.30. All. the 'ladies
are invited. , ,
• A man Iliad looked far and long
for a room. Finally he.kaw a sign
on a house, "Apartment ,to Let".
He was shown the ,accornodations
by a Very. 'attractive maid.
He: "Are you part of .th.e apart-
ment?" • • •, .
She: "N�, sir. ,The apartment is
to let and I aim ite .be' let alone".
1 •
A chip on the Shoulder adVer-,
tises the existence of more wood
higher' tip: • ', , : '•• :
• • '
Provide a labor-saving way Of feeding your grow-
ing poultry on range. If you have you t own grain.
it is not necessary to have it ground and mixed with
concentrates Instead, you feed your own grain whole
and balance it with Roe Range Concentrate Pellets.
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and many other tirne4aving improvements catiofteit
'• be'obtainea through Farm improvement Loans>
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MY your iiroducflo
IIAN lir If ” I
, you need. farm machinery to s ee4 .
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o, why not inquire abot ; •
Farm .Improvement Loan your.,
• i
',nearest B of NI brafich,
• AKQF MO 14 Tit tAt
• e44$144.14 7/44 Veva ,
1 ' •
• Liicknow BranCht ' . SMITH, Manager
. •
WtrH ADtAEvEo, WALKOkNit or art si,oci 18,17
. - • . • • • '
'AMOIMP110141111. 41)1*-1k$FirAr-w
A quiet, but pretty' wedding,:
took Place. at 3.00 o'clock on rSat-,
urday, June 23rd at the Anglican.
Rectory in Windsor with,ReV.
C. Davies officiating, when • Mar --
ion Kathryn, eldest daughter of
Mr. and. Mrs . -Elmer .Downey 'of
Gorrie, was, united' in Marriage
•to Wray Wm; Pinne11 son Of Mr.
and Mrs.,,, Win, Pinnell of Kincar-
dine. ' •
The • bride looked •lovely, in a
dress of silk nylon With white ac7
cessories,,,Mrs. Russell Lane, Til4
sonburg? 'Sister. -Of the bride,.
...dressed in grey -silk crepe and!
white accesSories,and.. Mr, :Glen.
of: Windsor,brother of
the groom,' were the attendants.'
After spending.. a. short,"hortey
Moon in Windsor and Detroit, Mr.
and Mrs. • Pinnell take :up
residence in Kitchener.•
races were: under 0,, Lois Con-
ley; 7 to 10, Kathleen Fisher;
boys 7-10, Ronald Cenley;; girls
41-14, Joy Conley; boys 11-14,
Perrin Lowry; beys and girls
sweater.' race, Angus Falconer &•
Marilyn Butler; 'girls, backwa.rd.
race, Kathleen Fisher and Joy
C,pnley; ladies :minute walk, Bet-
ty Conley; 'gent's .1114 -lute Walk,
•Orville Tiffin;' tie race, Mr and
Mrs. Morley.. Petteplaee; marsh-
mallow race, gent's team; Oldest
person, 'Mrs'. Catharine 'Maltby;
A. • pretty •early summer •wed
ding was solemnized at, liespeler
on. Saturday afternoon, June 30th
at .2.30 o'clock when Dof4;s • Eve-
lyn 'Clemens, •danghter of Mr:
and Mrs. John Clemens. of
Peler became the bride Of Lorne
'Alien: Humphreyof Hespeler,
•,son of M.r. :and Mrs: W. Rum,-
phrey of West Wawanosh.:,Rev.
'M. G. • McFarlane officiate& The
•'ceremony' wasperformed at 'the
horne of. the •'bride' i uncle and,
Mr: and '•-••Mrs. MatheW.
• Siegle; before an arch' of peon-
ies, orange: blossoms and ferns.
GiVen in marriage by,her fathr.
',et the bride,was•lovely in a goWn
of 'brocaded white organza Usk-.
'pried with tight bedice,• lapel col-
lar and lily ,point sleeves. Tiny
buttons front and' back t� the
waistline enhanced 'the gown
youngest. person, Beverly Hast-
ings; birthday nearest July lst, .„
Carl Falconer.' Offieere for next
year are; pres., George Falconer
of London; vice pres., 'Cecil, Fal-, •
coner;- Isec.4eas., Mrs. .Duncan
Simpson; lunch corn: ' Mrs, Bob
• McInnis, Mrs. Orville Tiffin; -
ports 'com, Dan Tiffin and Mrs. •
Geo. Fisher. Throwing ball far-,
thest, gents. Joe Tiffin, girls Bet-
ty. Con/ey. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert
Falconer of .Blyth invited the. •
crowd to their 'picnic for 1952; .
. •
which'. had 'a bustle effeet .and
ended in. a Slight :train. 1ler head-
dress',fitigertip veil' fell from a
halo , of fOrget-me-nOts. :Her b.rid4'.
,al bouquet was 'of red. American
Beauty. roses .and stephanotis.
Miss Agnew,Sawa of .Hespeler
Was. bridesmaid : She 'chose
green nylon .n7uniqui.sette • over
taffeta, with 'round neck; short •
sleev.es: and . full 'skirt with .pep-
l_tim over padded' hips She wore
full-length Matching mittens and
headdress band' aid' carried: a
bouquet. �f yellow 04eeri.
Eliiabeth roses, • ••
-The grOemsnian was Mr: L'loyd'
Htirtiphrey. of Lucknow, twin 7:
brother of the groom. The sO1O-:
ist was .Mrs. Bruce Scherrard.of
Oshawa:. who sang •"BecatiSe'T and,
"I'll' Walk Beside. :
The wedding supper was' serNi
ed. on the lawn of the Siegle
home; with .the : bride'smOther.
receivingin a :dresseof old rose
The graom's, mother wore : green
sheer with white and Pink acceS-
ightyfhe gLiegts were, 'in
tendance with out-of-town guests
from ',Detroit, Luckno*,..,
ham Oshawa, Galt, Chatsworth
1 ,
,For their weddng' trip, to Nor-
thernOntario the: bride donned
a pink' gabardine • stiit;With navy
•and. white acteSSories. Mr: and
1VIrs.,• Humph ey will reside. in
HeSpeler• • • •
•Mt. Ira, W'all„ had his .tOnsils
renioVed, in Wirighain Hospital.
laSt-Week. • .
Mr. and Mrs. RoddyIriglis &
farnily Were home from Stratford
for. thg...i;tieelc;e4c1.„41,,
,tteceptions •Were„.held fo•r Mr.
and::Mrs. James. Ctirrie and Mr.,
:and Mrs. Earl j'ainiesori.', • • •
Aolaert Hutchison Was Wir-
Rd for hydro last Week • • ,
Miss Vivian Fisher of Aylmer,
Arnold Lough.een 1. of Teeswater
and Bill Fisher a mitcheit Spent
the Week -end at. their home. „
. Gordon ,• Fisher is • attending
Boy ta Camp at ‘Kint4ii this week.
Miss 'A; .Clayton 'is, spending a
few week's with her sister, IIVIrs.
"A large crOwd of the, 1-bek-
hart, 'destendants gathered at
Watb;17 Park grounds in 0:oder-
:tab. hall game tinder the. cap -
pins, Rellison Falconer :thid Mot-
ley Pettyptace 'With' the latfer's-
team' winning 9.'41, started, off the'
worts events. •WirinerS of the
. •
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