HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-05, Page 7TIAIRSDAY, VAN. Oth,, 1951 • FAMILY 'REUNIONS REIVNIOiv 4 K. • • SattirdaYt June 23rd; over 50 members. of the Helm family met .lat LandSdown .Park, Kincar • dine, At one .o'clock all sat down to well laden ,tehles., After din- •ner a program followed with,.. J. MCKaY as' chairman: The pro- • gram .00nsisted of musical selec_ lions .bY • the' 'children •folleWed :by a business • period. • The -folloWing, officers :were • elected -pres., Lorne Wood; • Sec.- trvas., Mrs'. John moXjnnon;.taible ornattee, Mrs Lloyd Lloyd Hunter: Mrs.:, Wilfred: Haek,ett, Mrs. Bert Helin and Mrs. 'Chambers Helin; program •commigeer Mrli John Gardner, 'Mrs. Alex . ackett, Jean:McKinnon .4ncl•,Joyce Helm; ,sports -committee!. •alprm°2Helm, Jack •Helm, Lloyd Hunter and Wesley Ritchie. The spOrts-Corri-. inittee •then took charge. of. the The races were,,won by: under 5 years,' Donnie . MicKinnon; ••• 12 and undeii;, Donna Woods; boys 12 and under, Ioin McKinnon; Young :ladies; JeanMcKinnon; Carol Gardner, young •men, Grant Helm; Coat race,yernon and An,. na Mae Hunter; • wheelbarrow • race; Billie. and Arthur Helm; '3- • legged race, Joyce lion & Jean, • McKinnon; ladies graceful walk, Mrs.- Bert •Helm; married: men's: rice, Lloyd Hunter; slipper kick, Donna Woods; oldest .& youngest i?resent, Mr; Albert Helm, .a n .d• •Mary Belle' Hunter.: • After 'a game of .ball, supper; incltiding ice creaini• was served. • It was ,agreed to hold the 1952: 'picnic, at Kincardine. .tlie 4th Saturday in Rine. • . ,:•.: ELEN,S. giss.Anne 'Todd had her .ap- Pendix and her tonsils removed at Illeffingham Hospital on Fri- day, • • Mrs, Lorne Woods and -Donna ,spent a few days with Mrs, Alex 'Murdie and Mr. and Mrs. Mel, •Brown at Waterloo, Mrs. Woods returned home with Mr, & Mrs. Robinson Woods and. Mr.: Lorne WoOds who motored to Waterloo on Sunday. • • Miss Beth MeDonald is mak- ingfavorable recovery following an operation. at.:Winghain Hos- pital on Friday.,•• • „ • , Mr. Den Cameron is attending a •sunimer .courseln •Toronto. •;Mr:, and lyfrs. Torn Leask V Uxbridge were - guests' •Of Miss W. D. • Rirtherford recently. Dr. George ;and Dr. Will 'Mc- Gregor and Mr. Dick quitthayer of Chicago were visitors over the holiday week•:•end; with Mr. and .Mrs: George Stuart, • .• Mrs.• (Dr.) Grierscin a - . , • • 'return • ed missionary, now, Of Londe's- boro,. will -be. the guest speaker at the, annual social meeting of 'the W.M.S. to. be, held . in. the• church on '.Wednesday afternoon, Ju1yjith 2.30. All. the 'ladies are invited. , , • A man Iliad looked far and long for a room. Finally he.kaw a sign on a house, "Apartment ,to Let". He was shown the ,accornodations by a Very. 'attractive maid. He: "Are you part of .th.e apart- ment?" • • •, . She: "N�, sir. ,The apartment is to let and I aim ite .be' let alone". 1 • A chip on the Shoulder adVer-, tises the existence of more wood higher' tip: • ', , : '•• : • • • ' oe ••• 1411g • ncentrate 30 PERCENT PROTEIN Provide a labor-saving way Of feeding your grow- ing poultry on range. If you have you t own grain. it is not necessary to have it ground and mixed with concentrates Instead, you feed your own grain whole and balance it with Roe Range Concentrate Pellets. ,TINIATS 1.00141e:04,.Aut!(Nov.v. . • • . • .. • Credit for the purchase 'Of piachioeg and many other tirne4aving improvements catiofteit '• be'obtainea through Farm improvement Loans> , . MY your iiroducflo IIAN lir If ” I , you need. farm machinery to s ee4 . . • o, why not inquire abot ; • to A MIMI eNIANAits Farm .Improvement Loan your., • i ',nearest B of NI brafich, • • AKQF MO 14 Tit tAt • e44$144.14 7/44 Veva , • 1 ' • • Liicknow BranCht ' . SMITH, Manager • . • WtrH ADtAEvEo, WALKOkNit or art si,oci 18,17 . - • . • • • ' .* A • • 'AMOIMP110141111. 41)1*-1k$FirAr-w • THE LUCKNOW' WEDDING BELLS IIN1S11FI44 A quiet, but pretty' wedding,: took Place. at 3.00 o'clock on rSat-, urday, June 23rd at the Anglican. Rectory in Windsor with,ReV. C. Davies officiating, when • Mar -- ion Kathryn, eldest daughter of Mr. and. Mrs . -Elmer .Downey 'of Gorrie, was, united' in Marriage •to Wray Wm; Pinne11 son Of Mr. and Mrs.,,, Win, Pinnell of Kincar- dine. ' • The • bride looked •lovely, in a dress of silk nylon With white ac7 cessories,,,Mrs. Russell Lane, Til4 sonburg? 'Sister. -Of the bride,. ...dressed in grey -silk crepe and! white accesSories,and.. Mr, :Glen. of: Windsor,brother of the groom,' were the attendants.' After spending.. a. short,"hortey Moon in Windsor and Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. • Pinnell take :up residence in Kitchener.• :HUMPHREYL-CLEMENS 1111.111111*..r4ir• ENT: plEL, .7LUCKNO*, ONTARKI r, races were: under 0,, Lois Con- ley; 7 to 10, Kathleen Fisher; boys 7-10, Ronald Cenley;; girls 41-14, Joy Conley; boys 11-14, Perrin Lowry; beys and girls sweater.' race, Angus Falconer &• Marilyn Butler; 'girls, backwa.rd. race, Kathleen Fisher and Joy C,pnley; ladies :minute walk, Bet- ty Conley; 'gent's .1114 -lute Walk, •Orville Tiffin;' tie race, Mr and Mrs. Morley.. Petteplaee; marsh- mallow race, gent's team; Oldest person, 'Mrs'. Catharine 'Maltby; A. • pretty •early summer •wed ding was solemnized at, liespeler on. Saturday afternoon, June 30th • at .2.30 o'clock when Dof4;s • Eve- lyn 'Clemens, •danghter of Mr: and Mrs. John Clemens. of Peler became the bride Of Lorne 'Alien: Humphreyof Hespeler, •,son of M.r. :and Mrs: W. Rum,- phrey of West Wawanosh.:,Rev. 'M. G. • McFarlane officiate& The •'ceremony' wasperformed at 'the horne of. the •'bride' i uncle and, Mr: and '•-••Mrs. MatheW. • Siegle; before an arch' of peon- ies, orange: blossoms and ferns. GiVen in marriage by,her fathr. ',et the bride,was•lovely in a goWn of 'brocaded white organza Usk-. 'pried with tight bedice,• lapel col- lar and lily ,point sleeves. Tiny buttons front and' back t� the waistline enhanced 'the gown • PAGE, SEVEN • youngest. person, Beverly Hast- ings; birthday nearest July lst, .„ Carl Falconer.' Offieere for next year are; pres., George Falconer of London; vice pres., 'Cecil, Fal-, • coner;- Isec.4eas., Mrs. .Duncan Simpson; lunch corn: ' Mrs, Bob • McInnis, Mrs. Orville Tiffin; - ports 'com, Dan Tiffin and Mrs. • Geo. Fisher. Throwing ball far-, thest, gents. Joe Tiffin, girls Bet- ty. Con/ey. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer of .Blyth invited the. • crowd to their 'picnic for 1952; . • . • which'. had 'a bustle effeet .and ended in. a Slight :train. 1ler head- dress',fitigertip veil' fell from a halo , of fOrget-me-nOts. :Her b.rid4'. ,al bouquet was 'of red. American Beauty. roses .and stephanotis. Miss Agnew,Sawa of .Hespeler Was. bridesmaid : She 'chose green nylon .n7uniqui.sette • over taffeta, with 'round neck; short • sleev.es: and . full 'skirt with .pep- l_tim over padded' hips She wore full-length Matching mittens and headdress band' aid' carried: a bouquet. �f yellow 04eeri. Eliiabeth roses, • •• -The grOemsnian was Mr: L'loyd' Htirtiphrey. of Lucknow, twin 7: brother of the groom. The sO1O-: ist was .Mrs. Bruce Scherrard.of Oshawa:. who sang •"BecatiSe'T and, "I'll' Walk Beside. : The wedding supper was' serNi ed. on the lawn of the Siegle home; with .the : bride'smOther. receivingin a :dresseof old rose 7w-ith-white-Andeeefisbries, The graom's, mother wore : green sheer with white and Pink acceS- sories. ightyfhe gLiegts were, 'in tendance with out-of-town guests from ',Detroit, Luckno*,.., ham Oshawa, Galt, Chatsworth 1 , • ,For their weddng' trip, to Nor- thernOntario the: bride donned a pink' gabardine • stiit;With navy •and. white acteSSories. Mr: and 1VIrs.,• Humph ey will reside. in HeSpeler• • • • -.BOUNDARY EAST •Mt. Ira, W'all„ had his .tOnsils renioVed, in Wirighain Hospital. • laSt-Week. • . • Mr. and Mrs. RoddyIriglis & farnily Were home from Stratford for. thg...i;tieelc;e4c1.„41,, ,tteceptions •Were„.held fo•r Mr. and::Mrs. James. Ctirrie and Mr., :and Mrs. Earl j'ainiesori.', • • • Aolaert Hutchison Was Wir- Rd for hydro last Week • • , Miss Vivian Fisher of Aylmer, Arnold Lough.een 1. of Teeswater and Bill Fisher a mitcheit Spent the Week -end at. their home. „ . Gordon ,• Fisher is • attending Boy ta Camp at ‘Kint4ii this week. Miss 'A; .Clayton 'is, spending a few week's with her sister, IIVIrs. RCI%1e-F °rnsria6leon 11I er "A large crOwd of the, 1-bek- hart, 'destendants gathered at Watb;17 Park grounds in 0:oder- :tab. hall game tinder the. cap - pins, Rellison Falconer :thid Mot- , ley Pettyptace 'With' the latfer's- team' winning 9.'41, started, off the' worts events. •WirinerS of the • . • • • • ! , . • • • • . .• ' • • 1'4 4 • h+, , 81 A • •1; • . • • , • .• • , • ‘.1 • •' . • . • m > 3. z • , • • . • 1 I • •,at,„ " • A• • =rt • • .‘ • "-,•• -‹ r-** 0 1-71 Co 1 . Z 0,1 Z I , , r, , • , A . • . . • , ;' ' • ' , 1 .4. ., . • . . • • ..,, ' . 4. , 1.eqi.t1N,P1.r. .. • ' •. 't , • f.; •• . • • • • . 4 "