HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-05, Page 4• t?AGB: ;.FOUR .. THE. UCKNO Ei`TTINEL, . LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO THU.R5DAY, JULY $.th_X1... •. _+ T' a • a :,. t.. r t • . L ,. ANT AD" RATES -=4 t insertion : cents a word, Subsequent jnsert'ions• 1 cent a word. Minimum -charge 25 cents. Repliescare aft The Sentinel...1.0 cents extra.: Legal ,advertising 10 cents pet :count line. first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. ICE ' BOX FOR SALE -=in good, WANTED—two range ;shelters by condition,, Apply at Sentinel Df Les, 'Ritchie, Ashfield;. ;fice:, FOR SALE - 1938 Ford V-8 FOR SALE -steel ice box in good coupe,;' 1946 Dodge:lig-ton Pick-up, condition: Mrs R, ` V. MacKenzie, Model • A. coupe, • . model U.T.S., Lucknow, : tractar. New tractors and imple ments..availaible, .GEO.:WRAITH,. 'phone: 12$5 Goderich; half block: 'off' square on {Clinton' Hghw'ay:. HAY FOR *SALE' 20• • acres of • ''•standing hay, 'timothy' and :'alf. alfa. Fred Webby R. 1,. Lucknow. • FOR SALE. -- convertible baby stroller.`• Apply to. 'Mrs.. Stewart. Mullin, Luckow., FOR SALE -17 acres of choice ;+timothy hay. , John MacMillan, a:6one 133 . Al TEN• PION FARMERS!' . Henry' Arnoneit pays . top -price for • dead' or disabled . animals. Day or • night and Sunday pick up. Driver pays cash at trine 'of pickup. Phone .collect, Clifford 39. Also .buy old hogs :.at. $15:00 per .'cwt For further information RADIO FOR. SALE. Marconi see me each Wednesday, at' 'Luck - mantle 2'nodei battery radio,. Jas. now • Community Sale. • . Hodge; ;i inlough. •ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION • CAR •FOR . .SALE• - 1950 Ford Provides better quality for' less. : coach, Apply at Greer.'Radio 'and money. 'Bruce • County is ' now ..Electric Lucknow,. served from the Waterloo . Cattle Breeding Assn Holstein Ayrshire, HOUSE FOR. SALEM, odern• • conveniences,. ,large • garden . lot, garage: •Apply' •at .Sentinel : Office... CAR FOR SALE 193'1 Plymouth, coach, • good 'condition • good tires, Eood battery.' Warren Wylds, 3,. Lucknow . .FOR' SALE• .9 -piece solid' oak dining room , suite, dark finish Used only a :short ,time,; in very. good Condition, •Apply at Sentinel' Office:.- . ' • FARM •FOR.•SALE--150 acres pt, grass land,•3:..miles west:of'Wing lam,. •Immediate possession. ply: to.. Joseph Weiler, :R..6, Luck= 'WANTED ; TO BUY 4arm with • serviceable: buildings,. ' Approxi-. ':mately 10Q : acres. Write ..letter giving location, ` description; arid' price to Box No L A:,Sentinel. Office. ' BRAY CHICKS, . prompt ' ship- ment, pullets, mixed, cockerels. Also ';started pullets Ask us for particulars," order soon Agent- D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. Jersey, Guernsey.,• Shorthorn and • 'Hereford. South Bruce zotthone Len Fischer,' 604-11. Mildmay;., Ont. North of :Chesley, Paisley. and . Tiverton, •. Thos. ' Duff, .,Jr., '138w2 Tara, Callslo, be in'•by 10.00: a.m..4. , FOR 'SALE Bed; springs and mattress, two wash' stands, library table, Victor' victrola; Westinghouse. radio • and :electric clock combination, writ- ing. desk vrit-ing..desk' and .• bookcase, . small table, kitchen • cupboard, , :sealers' and small �artieles.:.Call• and see these •. •any time;... '. D. ROSS. +•�,NlPrp�,�1;wA1k�!Own�1�IN��I. COM I'NG EVENTS 'THE, STINGING IRISHMAN" At th'e Palace,. Gardens, For- mosa, the Singing , Irishman; Clarke Johnston and The Texas. Kid, will be: featured. 'Sundayi• July .8th from 2 to 5• p.rn. . - Q. • W.I '1i'ICNIC' The • Lucknow Women's Insti- tute picnic will be field at Kin- cardine on Friday, July 13th, -The bus will leave from the . Town Hall. ;at . 1.30 sharp.' PURPLE GROVE, • • Mr,and Mrs, Burton •Cohins, Mary. Lon and John., visited with friends at Delhi;. Mrs. Grace Ernerson,' Sr, ;is not as well as , her many ` friends' would like to see her. Ivan' McFarlane has. been en -, gaged ;for the holidays •at. Mr.. Miss erson's, Sam Em • • Marwille Scott and MISS, Marion Fisher of Toronto' are iting..friends around the Grove. The annual Orange. church . service, was well' attended in the Presbyterian Church ,at Kinlough on Sunday,: • Miss , Winnifred McFarlane • is spending 'a 'few Weeks at the horfrie' of 'Mr. Bill Burt. Misses Lettie. arid Ada Cawley of Riley•p', visited. with Mt. Victor Gawley. on Sunday. : :. , Mrs, William Walshspent the week -end. , ••iwitl , her• •. daughter,: Mrs;' Gordon..Avis. of• Tiverton: Bobbie. and,, Joe• • Forster ..are e. spending a few: days';with their cousins;'Miary and ,Dickie McCosh also Mrs: Colwell ' The .pupils.. of Purple ' Grave • school presented- 'theft . teacher, Mrs:.. Carruthers;'~with • a gift at the conclusion. of her term as .teacher :Mir.. and, Mrs:. 'Ed'bert: Busheh,• George add Katherine, are spend .ing their holidays at their .:home here. 'Mr. Robert Grieve of Sudbury .ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office .:on, Patrick St, just ' off the Main St. in„ ' WING.HAlif Professional Eye Examination. . Optical Services Evenings by appointment, a ointment,, , Phone: Office. 770; Res. 5. S ' • IN MEMORIAM and. Mr, ':arid Mrs. Elliott Gassell WATSON—in' loving; memory of or Ripley visited at Mr Victor • Bather, Peter' "Gawley's . on Sunday: Watson, who died suddenly,: on a dear husband and Ja.y :3rd, ::1948, God' • called his home, It was 'his will, •1But : in our hearts . R He. liveth. still. Lovingly remembered by. his, Wife, daughter Annie'::, arid' Har-. old and grandchildren,. • ;T �VHITECHuRCI- IVirs. .Russel Gaunt, Mrs. Mac Ross, Mrs. ' Gillespie' and: Mrs:: .Ezra, Scholtz attended the • St:' Helen's.MLS: inWeting ,. last'' dnseda-y• The .Young' People•. of the .Un ited Church were invited to the home of Mr:' and Mrs Clarence MoClenaghan on Tuesday evening of lastweek when over 30 were r , ipresent 'arid.' had a good time. , At' 'the close Of the..meeting'•a straw, tial was enjoyed 'Mrs. David Kennedy, Mrs. Pet-. er' Kennedy :and .Miss 'Annie Ken- • nedy of here and Mrs Lorne 'Durnin 'of • Lucknow.' and' Mrs.. Harry Tichborne of Goderich m, oared to. Milverton last Thurs- day • and :visited• with the form er'sniece, Mrs. Tobias Jantzi and Mr. Jantzi, `.there. • The. W A. of'the Presbyterian, Church wag held last • Tuesday at j' the home'-ofb Mrs:'. Johnson, Conn with, - a good attendance • During the afternoon they cut out quilt '.blocks: to 'make ' a, quilt later on. Lunch ,was' served, at the close. an -Bray -to rd --16 Torento spent the week -end with her sis- ters,'lWrs • T: Moore and Mrs:. Mac Ross and :other' relatives: Mr.. and: Mrs.. • Cameron • Sim-. mons and daughter Nancy, also Mr. Clayton 'Scholtz of . London sPent the .week-end•with. relatives here. Miss •Winnifred Farrier of• Tor- onto' Spending her, .vacation at. her .home here, , Mrs. • Scatterty of >Harrow. (for- merly. Miss Arnie 'Kennedy; ;of this "community) 4a1:so her sister, On` Wednesday of last week S. . . S. No. 10 :'school, held'a 'picnic on the gronds with •-a good,; attend- ince., Games and •contests were • held in the- afternoon-' after. which lunch Was 'served: At the . close of lunch, 1VMiss Anderson, teacher. for the past two years, was call- ed 'to the front when 1Vrts. 'Ifus.-: . 'sell Ross read an, address..to her. . and Mrs. • Ernest Casernor e - rented her with a Lovely eleptr•'ic ' floor lamp and 'a,' fancy wall, bracket from the .'Section; .and Miss. 'Marjorie;.'Ooultes. read • and address to. her ,and 'Miss Betty' Newman , presented her With a • fancy vase, a nice dish and a tit.- tle set of 'scales from the school before leaving here. She thanked ;them in 'a few fitting words. Rev. 'R. D. A. Currie is orr h'is holidays • during the month of F u Julyi 'Service, will .;pe, las usual• °every Sun.da'y' at 11 a.r i. Rev. and Mrs. R. D. Ay Currie and. son Jimmie • are spending 2. weeks vacation at Red Ray north Wiarton: ' . • • Mrs. .Win. Maclntosh and &ugh-, ter,.Miss Kathleen Maclntosh, of Lucknow, called ons' their :aunt, Mrs.. Da' id `I•enriedy, on. Sunday.. • Mr. , and :Mrs. Russell Chapman' and family : spent the: week -end. at Aurora. • • Mr: •and Mrs. John Scatterty and 'sons, Bill, Peter• : and . Sandy of Darrow spent the week=end with Mr. and Mrs. Win:•' Macin— tosh. Bill; is a member 'of the few of, the Magnificient• kid is' atpresent home on furlough. ; LOCHALSH ,S•CHOOL REPORT Names . appearing. in order lof Merit.. Promotions' are es follows to .Grade 8. 'Shirley MacDonald, Sandy . MacLennan; to Grade 7, '' Loi. ise' MacLennan; :to Grade 6i Larry MacIntyre, . iMarion Lennati; tb :Grade 5, Elaine Mac- Intyre, Barbara Finlayson, Doug- las Ross, Murray MacDonald; to Gristle .4, Ann Drennan, Janet Thorburr•i, Corey. Le5.to Grade 2, . Annie Ley. Jain Finlayson, Margaret MacLennan (tied) • , ' 1VZrs1 Vinlet MacKenzie, .teacher: • ASHFIELD • Byran Jaynes, infant sofa of Mr. and;: Mrs.' .Keith Johnston was baptized at the morning ;service' on ,Sunday in ':the Presbyterian' church: . The •boys, from . Kintail Sum- mer School` attended .the: Presby= terian Church on Sunday;: and took part in the, service. Their' leader, .Rev Palmer.' of Hamil- ton,' preached the sermon • Dr: • Will MacGregor and his brother,, 'Dr, George MacGregor. of-phie-a-go-a-nd heir-<• sisters, -Mr -s.- George Stuart of St. Helens and Miss Kate MacGregor qf. Luck - now, 'called; on 'Ashfield friends :recently,. Service; and . Satisfaction Pluibn and Heating. New,. Automatic ..Oil 'Furnaces .,Installed -Now : In. Stock ' FURNACE REPAIRS', Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs • SEI•; -•THE- OWL' -:RANG ES • , EAVETR(iUGHING AIR`. CONDITIONING ►rt GG•ilmo re R. R. 3, LUCKNOW,• 'Phone 61 r-13; •Dungannon Insure With .The , J j r . (.UI.rOSS Mutual FIRE INSURANCE CO.: Reasonable raves, r sound pro rytection & prgrnpt,. 'satisfactory settlement of claims PARISH ` MOFFAT Your Local Agent IL 3, Toeswater. hone Teeswater 574-41 .i • OH•NSTONE'S NERALHOME,,. 'Phone 76 : T . Day . or Night • Ambulance . Service USE OF' FUNERAL, HOME At No Extra Cost• Moderate Prices. Mac•LENNAN :' and . • �•�ZIE E MacK N FUNERAL. SERVICE. '(Funeral Home . Available)' AMBULANCE . SERVICE (Day or Night Service) :FURNITURE !Phone 181, . Lucknow, Ont. (Day or Night) • A:gne$'Agenw Howard Agnew ' Jos. 'Agnew MEMBER OF ' : Ontario Insurance''. Agents' Association:. GENERAL INSURANCE. • Established Ower 30> Years. Ago Telephones: Business` 39 , Residence 138 INSU'RANCE' : Co-OperativeLife Insurance L e Co -Operative, Automobile Insurance, Mercantile :& Farm. Fire Insurance Economical aid' Reliable See CAMERON:, LUCKNOW. 'Phone .70-r-10 Dungannon ►R '. B CLEL.A . 'VETERINARIAN • 1 `clock Si., :south of Supertest Garage •, LISCKNOW• Telephone ' ]75 u • BUSINESS 'and TAX SERVICE' •, MONTHLY Alums"• :..' For The 'Small Merchant, Professional pan, and -the -Farmer. S. J.,. PYMM P.O. Box 74,. -• Lucknow, :Ont. Office. in 'Kilpatrick Block Phone 23=w P T '•ARMSTRONG OPTOIVIETIIST '. "'GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 • For ' •• Appointment or Information See Wm.. A. Schmid, -''Phone, Lucknow . . Insure In' Sure 'Insurance • •WIND Western Farmers' Weather FIRE Howick Farmers' ` Mutu .al Car,, Accident, _Sickness Consult y i JOHN, FAR;RISH 'Phone, '1694, Luc,know. INSURANCE FIRE, '.CASUALTY, .' 'AUTOMOBILE AND; LIFE ,• To•.Protect. Your Jack, Insure: With. Jack `Today. J. A:",McDONAGH R .' R. 3,. Lucknow, Onts 'Phone 61=5, Dungannon' K.enneth.J. M acK��n zee " • R��O•r ` Optometrist. : ,f I,ISTOWEL, ONT. Will be in Ripley;:.Wednesday, December 20th and every. sec- ond Wednesday following, at' •E;ugene ; Wrona's "Jewellery Store from 3:00 pm: to :10, "Eyes•examinedGlasses fitted. For appointment 'phone , Roy MacKenzie, •98-r-24 Ripley. NOW . IS THE TIIVYF . To ;Order. A. T reshing' Machine 3'-zes-- **2; '22x38 28x48 Roller' •Bearing'. Complete EARL' H: H2ODGI . 1�'S. R , R., L' Holyrood .Ont., ,_ loni36-r-13, p c •Teespatet' • y: ANpREW Barrister and Solicitor' UCKNOW, ONTARIQ O five in the Joynt' : oc e. Tele hon p n Office 135 Residence 31-J Stuart Mid(entie i icitor. - •-Barr;rster ti and. •Sot , • WALKERTON, ONTARIO • IN LUCKNOW Each W.ednesday. ','; OFFICE IN :. . HENDERSON BLOCK . R.S. Hetherington,. Kr! Barrister,. Etc. . Winghant rand Luckno'cv •IN LUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday Tota ted on the:g>"ound' f'locr' 1 ' in the' front' ct.' 'John' Kilpatrick's Rurldu3 'Phone `'Wiiighaim , Office 48 •" ' " Residence 97