HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-05, Page 1$2 50 Yearly 'In Advance — 50c Extra to U.S.A.
The JulY.rneeting of the Village leaven of Palmerston will take Mr. andMrs. Morgan
• 'Council on Tuesday evening Was. over the, Medical 'practise 'pf- Dr, Son sail Saturday from N
• ,, • Yor
„devoted chiefly to "figuring in B. Minor' of Mildmay. Dr. for a• two months' v.acatio
; order to strike the '1951' tax rate, Miller has been in Mildmay for Europe and the Old Country.
• which. will be up this year 6:8' 20 years;' and will enter Toronto They, left Lucknow Jon W.
mills over i the 1950 rate. University this fall. to take 4 'ilesday for London, • and today.
• Council ,reviewed expenditures year's post graduate course in (Thursday) left by train from St.
for the first six. months of the fpubliC .Health • Administration; ThothasiforNew York,'`.. where
year, 'and theestimated spending, Engineering and Hygiene. '
, • theY lieVeime to "leak
August1s, Dr...R: Tre- • - :
1, -for the. balance of the year, in Dr. TreleaVen.is a graduate of arouWU nd", -.before . boarding the
arriving at •,rate' and Western University. Upon grad-
fOund that the. increase Over uating he went to Oshawa as an
which they have -control, boiled assistant doctor and for the past
dawn to 1.4 milis. The, 1951 gen; two years has been associated
eral village rate, apart froth a with Dr. Ridell .in Palmers ri• •
special arena levy,* is 34.5 mills Dr. and Mrs. Treleav have
,against 33.1 in,1950.- • • • • two Children, Alan and3.Karen. , and Scotland, in; the Old Coun,
The Village -rate- is,up 2.4 Mills, "Dick" spent his boyhood here at try. At the conclusion of the tour
but other : departments , show the home of Miss Gertrude' Tre- Morgan and • Eno will make their
„Slight reductions that total a mill. leaven. and the. late M. A. headquarters in London, England
By reason of liecrease in„ pop- Treleaven.. . for a couple of weeks when they
olation. the library grant is down
.1 mill. Relief 'and indigent costs, •
Queen Elizabeth which sailson
Saturday afternoon. •
• The tObr which they ale tak-
ing includes Belgium, Luxenk• sprayer.; The. operation of the School Sectio n• Nov 12;• • Huron_
bourg, Switzerland and 'France implements , was conducted .by Township, on Friday. evening.
on the Continent and England Keith Kilpatrick and. A.' J.' Wil- lyNsic was supplied by Messrs. ,
son.. • . R. G. and Austin .Martin
Massey-Harris officials present pained by Mrs A. MacDonald on
at the demonstration included Mr. the piano. At the lunch hour Mr.
Cowie of London,the supervisor, ;Harold Johnston, chairman' of the
Jack Mundy, servicenian, and Trustee Board, ;called -Miss Mar -
Jahn :Kilpatrick, district manager garet MacDonald ,to the ,platforni.
- • and Miss Donna Osborne read an
Some of the ,newest develop-
inents in farm machinery were
seen on Friday afternoonat the
.farm of 'Glen Waldw, just:South
of the, village,' when` 'the.Mass.eY-
Kinloss, presented their teacher,
-trip,-Company held mil inter- Mr, ,Stuart Collyer, 'witiC a
jog' field day,.demonstration,lon ..thetmOS' Stiiart hos
J. Wilson. •
S.'S, No, 7 Kinlois,
At the close of the school* on
Friday the pupils of ,S.S. NO: 7
sponsored by the localdeale, A. taught' at the Second School for• ••
. ',' •
A forage ' harvester was •the Past four years and leavesmaip
•Ahe •;there to. accept the principalship
attraction 'but the'display •- included a forage blower, of the Lucknow Public School; • .
-combines, 'hydra'ulic mower, hy-
draulic plow and a No. 18 weed
S.S..t No. 12; Huron Twp.,. . •
' A social. evening wias' held- at •
',Which • still exceed , $1,000; ' are AGED LADY PASSES
down .3' mills.' Street ;lighting is , • , , .. .
down ..1 Mills and the debenture -The death. of Mrs. William'
levy is down .5 Mill's. . ,
c, ' Armstrong, Sr., occurred in Lon -
A• ,Speefal arena' deficit :levy of' don on Saturday where she. had
2 -mills has, been 'Struck covering made • her home for the Past few
the 1950 debenture, a portion of years. Mrs". Armstrong; formerly
the '1049' debenture and an OP- Celia Wheal, a native of. Birrn-:
erating deficit of $400 in 1951, 44 •inghain; England,' was ' 92 'years
of which .'exceeds $1100. No' Pin'' of .age on' JUrie • 12th. ., ' •
vision is made for the :1951. de- The funeral serVice' Was. held
1 • ./benture due . at the end of the privately
., year.on Monday at the home
' • ' • 'Of her daughter, Mrs. J. J-Wilson,TH
The -County •rate ,' remain 'un7 of LticknOW; cohductd by Dr:' W. • , •
J. 'Mumford. .. 'Interment was in SENTINEL! :• •. ..:
• changed at ' 8,9. , • .• . . ,
The schOol rate fOr.fkUbliC and.. Greenhill Cemetery, . • ' •
. . .
High School 'purposes . a year. ago :. .
Was 1.1.6 'Mills...* The combined ,. . ,..., . . •
THAT Mrs. Joseph 'McCann cel-
.• 'rates, this year will . be 15. mills.
ESCAPED. SERIOUS INJURY ' • .chrated her 81st birthday On
• T he 'Lucknow• . District •i g h WHEN
OWN FROM MOWER . Sunday at the home of her dau-
School rate was struck at 3 Mills . ,
. ,. • • ' • • •. :ghter, Mrs. George Twabiley
which is regarded by the Area ' - • ' I.. ' ....
-Board ag `being on the high: side R. J. ' Mitten fortunately eseap'_ and , sir. Twarnley of '' ziakes.
and Might. safely havebeen ed , serious •injury Aait, .Friday ' "A familY gathering was. held on
,.. ., when thrown from al mower. Bob • Sunday afternoon. ,
struck at 21/2 • Mills. : •
was • Making the . first swath . . : . •
•• The, Pubilg-Sehool: trate is, 12 •
around the field.and was watch- THAT Harold. Garchiet.' has' re-
Inilli; which is-, tip considerably :
do ,to salary increases and some i • the .' mower . blade closely . tUrned. from Haihilten to spend
j or p .s ii. . . ii. when • the machine , hit a -large - the summer •• on his farmi in
ing�naand.heating equipment.•I, stone,: throwing. him off forcibly. Ashfield. . '
: X-rays revealed that. no boneS. .6-- •
The i951 rate as comPared with - 77
.- .. were broken; but, Bob suffered a- THAT . The. Sentinel welcomes
)1... a,year 'ago is as f011owsi
in . • • 1951 1950 badly bruised' hip and a severe ..
. • ,
and. appreciates persOnal items,
*4.... ' ' ' shaking up that kept him off the • • .•• -
County nate ' 8.3 '. .8.3 - • - , - ,. which will be: the.more numer-
, , -job for a 'kW days. - '
ir- •
tucknoW District
;ed - ...High .SehoOl • 3. ' •
' ' ' •
Public School ` lg. , -:, . '_,
(Combined school rate last year TO OPEN, CONVALESCENT • where. . • . ,
11.6) ' . • • ' . I HOME FIRST OF AUGUST - . : ... • , ,
General Rate ' , , • . ' • • l• ' ' • • ----- . • ' • THAT Tuesday saw the depart-
. ,ure o the Brewer family•_to
Stratford; where Ted has ,been
will be "on their ,own". They' sail
for home on August 30th on, the
Ascania.. • •
• DR. FoWLER• pAsgEs appropriate address'. Donnie cO11-
On Tuesday of Dr Howard Fow- 'ainsogsiatphioreneshei:riatedsa.cachrenePirat.!wd. it'Pmh'istaesw.cmhaiarnc; .
• •
., The death -occurred in Clinton robe case and a sum of money,
.ler, father of :Mrs, Harold Tre- P
Donald -thanked. the Section .for
Mac -
leaven Of. Lucknow:' He had been . ..
,quite poorly 'for some time.. The there gifts, and a social time was
'funeral Will hhe held in Clinton enjoyd
this 'afternoon (Thursday).
4 . .
tario' on June . i9th, Kathleen,
• • , • •. . .., Thursday last. The afternoon was
In'a quiet ceremony at the Pres- spent in Playing ball and -with/•
bYterian Manse, Brantford,' on-
to the .:ratepayers--oLthe Section'
Miss Grace•Moir and the pupils
. •
races and contests for young and
of S.S.:No. 9, Kinloss were hosts
at an .annual • picnic held on ,•
.S.S...No: 9, :Iiinloii,' • ' , • '
,: •
married to Bruce. Donald Mac-; •
dish' and a tea towel. The follow -
• .
• Mary, youngest daughter of Mrs. served
ilAtmteil.mreofifreswite,riptrse . .
' Dorothy Matheson and the late
J Malcolin, Matheson,, • Ripley, Was with a bhie-wOol.blanket, a pyre*
Donald,. only , son of Mrs. Sarah . g address was COmPesd by Mrs. ' • ‘
gank Miller'and read by Janet
VacDon,ald and ,the. late Robert • -
.MacDonald, Ashfield*.Township. , •
Rev. J. Reynolds•Esier officiated. -and MarY *Fisher . Were called to .
• .
The bride -wore a -.grey- strit,411ae;
blouse and hal With grey aCcei-
sories. Her'corsage ' was an 'An--
chid.'F011oviiing the wedcling,lun-
„ •
he 'Village • 171 15.31, • . Ed Baker of town has work un-
rer Library .7 .81derway of conVeating the formor
ab- Relief .8i. Indigent..,1.7 2. Moorehouse• Mitchell residence to
od street lighting, 3A a convalescent hotrie,'11 is hoped,
at. Debenture 1.1 1.6 to"have it in operation by early
the . Arena'„,befibit " 2., 'kuguat. 2 •
••ous during the holiday season.
Let us know When you have
sue-- •
•' ,___. __._.... In chO4P' of the home will •be.
49 8 43• Miss Audrey econgrarn, a meariber
Supports Resolution ' : . of the Clinton Hospital nursing .
A. lettei.was read to Council by staff.' Miss Congram is a daugh.
Reeile.mowab from Donald B1ti. 'ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon.
111.p; It was , in replY.: to a copy granTrr.f•-"TtleidTarr
.0(the resolution 'protesting cur- of the 1944' graduating class o
'tailment of rail' service by the Clinton •Hospital.
• C.N.R, in.' Bruce • County. Mr. ''. •.' .• ' .• • • .• .--0-.• . •
'Blue said „that. the C.N.R..hOd not . ' -- .. t•• ' • •' • • , ',.., . THAT Miss Mina -Graham is -vis-
AUXILIARY . '• . iting
yet made application for. any at the old home this Week.
change in service, and that' he , ; 6 ..,... .,,miss Graham Was in attendance
personally and as the Bruce rep- IN: NEW Z NE . . at the Millinery showings : in.
reSentative would strongly. op- - • • ! • • _. ' New York last week 'and. called.
Pose any such action. : '• • LucknoW Branch of the' Ladies • on Mrs; Margaret Algeo, who is
Council has informally discuss- Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion . well and active despite the fact
ed the paving' of • village 'roads; is now in .Zone 25; a neilviyr form- . sheis past the four score mark.
while' the paving : 'equipment is ed Zone including Chesley; Dui;c . .. ‘,9-t, .; • ,,.
InCated,--heron,:-..-11-ighvva y•----Workr-harn-i-H-aneveri-Xinioardiner-Luek_-_,44i1,2kirMr meit_eaioribeit. of
It was, decided to have the Corn- now, ,Walkerton • and Wingi.igin.
- town observed her 78th birth-
PqnY stilannitan estimate of ,the• Miss Nora Crozier- of Walkerton day on July 2nd, and that, Ed
. cost of the suggested work, whenwas appointed as- the ne7 ,Zone:Thom was 78 on July 4th. Both
.. I e project Will be further looked comniander, -- , 1
were classmates at St. Helens
' IMO. . .. 't . • • i• • • ' The division of zones was made- .
school. , • " -
--,.....___,....,;.:___________:_. at the annual rally of' Zone 18., •:, ,•-- • 0
- ,• , ' - ' ••
MISCELLANEOUS AH.OwER held. in Walkerton last. Wednes-
* 1 • ' day. In Splitting 'the zone, No. 16
The Misses Joanne and Ilene is cemprised et,the more north-,
Battee entertained attheir home erley branches of BruCe and
WekWeclriesdai evening .0.i last Grey, Chatstworth, LiOnli Head,
in, honor Of, the bride-tobe, Markdale,Meaford,„Owen Sound, 141-1A1' Mr. enilStatters, of
'Miss Theresa 8chnuri.,. datightei. 'Pot . Elgin, ,Southariipton and
of Mrs; Sehnuir, and the late A. TaberthorY.- • t
J. Schnurr. Some tWent four ' attendance at the rakly from
Y- ,_ I n „
girl friends were. present at 'tile' the Lucknow Brunch .Were .T Mrs..
enjoyable function andi the bride- 110Y Blackt• Mrs' Ronald Forster,.
0-be Was the recipient of • many ' ciMelr'ss•ori.r mi,n181-1.,a1j10' 111, r.w8il'ajriae k 1:1Nterris-;
the front and. presented with
. • .'1.1b ••
chocolates Phyllis.• Moore as •
they are :leaving No, 9, school..
Dear Miss Moir, . •
cheon, Mr.- and MrS. MacDonald't Again in the history of old NO, -9,
left by Motor for New York. The' Ends another page done' •
young couple will.reside onthe•
•grooms farm, Tenth Concession As three years under ,this old •
of Ashfield Tewnihip. • school roof - • ,
. •'- . • • •• •• .. • A good teacher to us,you have
YAHBEE-AtioVIN •given good proof.' •
The marriage of Helen Isobel,
daughter of Mrs. 'Melvin Irwin
'and the late Mr. Irwin ,Of Luck -
now, and Mr. Arthur Yahbee of
-Teeswater, was solemnized at the
Presbyterian_- Manse,, Wingharn.
nic--°"revex--ISUW1.0-: officiated. The
bride wore o nvy suit with mat-
ching accessories arid a corsage
of- red roses. Mr. and •Mr§. Yah -
bee spent their honeymoon at
Kincardine and points north The
couple' will reside in. Teeslivater:
Montreal after six 3'rears hi ac-
countant on the Lucknow staff.
Ted has been in Stratford for
the past few weeks, while Mrs.
'Brewer, Brenda, Jimmy and
' Bobby remained here until the
close of the school term. The
MacDonald home' Which . they
• tenante 'iFfo-, be occupied- by
• Mrs. C. H. MacDonald and Miss
Marion MacDonald. . •
THAT frequent rains, are' holly-
ering:the liarVesting of a heavy
hay CrOP. • •
Kinloss Township left last week
to make his home in Galt. .
• .,.--;___.0___
THAT Mr. and, Mrs*. Harvey 'I're-
• leaven and son''Robert return-,
ed , last week from- a trip, to
beautiful and useful gilts:, 9n, : , Edmonton. . '. .
konday aAernooh, and evening Alex MacLennan,. Mrs. , Sara. 1 .
MrS. SChhUrr also entertained for Collyer, Mrs. Win. Stimson, Mrs, THAT Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell of
•lierdaughtei at a trousseau 'teal., Russ JohnStorie, Mrs. :Chas. Chin, town left for .the Girl! Guide
, Mits Schiiiirr was wed ..on -Mon, Theie, is a possi6ility that the PpinP 'in Ashfield on, Wednes.
ay morning, July 2nd, ,to Mr, Zone rally may be held here next' ` dasr, where she IWill spend tale.
yieg MacMillan of Lueknow. yen. . . ,Sum,ni, , er as camp cook. „ _ __ , , ,.. .,
• L , •
t '77
SS.• • No. ..7, • Kinloss (Second
, , • . • .
Concession)s scored the highest
. •
mark of '•Kinloss Township
schools in the school grounds im-
provement contest. No. 7. stood
tied for third place in the inspec-
torate according to contest fig-
ures released by inspectors/ Game
A sport with • us all • ,
You • helped us play ball,.
At hockey in winter -
You proved to be no flincher. • •
When we to ;you came 4
11411MPIng—a nd-ja
Or sore, fingers, or ,head hall we,
A good nurse you • proved to be. •
On special occasions
•If we ask you to sing, •
' • ” • . . ,
• • • 1 1 „
, •
Away:. in, a hurry tohelp us, • • •••
• -. • • ..• •
Noir' a Small Way, •
You were on the Wing.
Our devotioh ' to show ,•
We ask you to accept
This casserole ,and bed throw:-
May -they ever remind you • •
Of all the good.tinies1 '
We had altogether.
At old Number Nine. •
In the future we .wish yo, •
The best that is in store,
Good health, good fortune;
And Gd bless you evermore. •
This comparatiNie,,.. iiidging of; S ,igned 'on behalf of yOur_puk.„.
school ground improvein-efiTS wirrilsTaTia:friendriff);S:S. No. '9, Kin-
cbritinue to be an annual feature f ,los.s.. .. , . . • .
Nil% Game .1iemt.out, .treasing
that the -highest scoring schools 'SUFFERED BROKEN HAND
are not necessarily the most' at • IN MOTOR 'MISHAP ' .* '), . '' •
tractive, '„ but they are the one
:---, , ' e • ,. , ..
w ere most 'improvements • have When the ,light truck, he r was ' • . ' " . ' .
, ,
:been carried ‘out during the, past driving Tett the road And SI'llash- , 1
• : .1. i •
among those receiving additional .Tlitirsd&y,. Ray Stanley suffered . • ' .
recognition,' as having previously a .broken hand. • ' :1- . ,
.gclie through a period of 'ini- ' The . mishap • Occurred ghortly t • '.
Provement and continuing to after supper, Ray was driving '
maintain ,a high .standard of op., west in a; pick-up truck owned
pearance, , « ' • • ' , : by Looby and Looby, and at ..'
Top schbol in the insPedtbrate point in front Of- the Caledonian '' . •
Was No. 6, tiderslie. No. 8 Green- Park it veered across the high--
•Ock was second with '55, .points was,,,,, and into the ditch. 'A rnech-
'and the *Second' Concession school..anical, defect was believed re-' .•
and • No. •7, Ruron, were tied,: for SpOnSible as' the driver , had not
third place with 52 pOintS. Kin-! control of the vehicle and had.
,.loss schools, in • order• of merit, been 'proceeding • at a moderate
Were: 8.S. -No, 7, No. tli S6. , 9,' No. rate within the Corporation. 1, '
. .1 . .
,/„ 2, No, No; 4' and No 10 . Rayhas.the itijtited - nand , in
' tied, No. 3., - , ' •• cast:
• •;' • 1 • . . ;
, :. •-• .
.school Year. Holyirood school is ed off a telephone. pole last•
'• '
. ' , "
11 ,!: . ri
• .
. . ,
. • .
• ,
; !