HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-06-28, Page 7URSDAY;, JUNE 2$th, 1951'
with . 8. F. Goodrich Silver -
towns you get
r 1� R39
asnn1 s :; Garage:
'Phone : 148, Lucknow
B.F Goodrich
pital, Goderieh, .on June 14, 1951,'„
to Mr. and Mrs: Leo' COUrtney, R.
7, Lucknow, a daughter, Helen
DiEl3Elline 21st, to-. liarvey
and Mrs.. Diebel •SOutanyton,
grandson for Rev. C. B. and Mrs.
JAMES POWERS, •seCietary !Of
the *Bruce County: Federation of
Agrioulttire has been apPointed
to the National Parill Radid,,For-
has.rieturned from Am-
hurst, Nova Spo9a, where he at-
tended a meeting of the National
SOIO.014 134414). MINUTES.
AShfield School 'Board met at
utes of 'the last meeting were
adopted as read.
Dnnoari Allan's tender -•was
cepted for wiring. Cedar' Valley
days, He 'also agreed to instal,
new lainpS,,,on direction cot the
secretary to. replace the 'inade-
Pairing.' or replacing the furnace'
of the, cost of building, a: small
sothat:the total c6St. of installing
a sanitation System might be es -
Alton was to consult the e,n-
gineer regarding the drain at SS.
All bills were Ordered paid' on
motion of Finlayson and Gibson.
• The next meeting is to be held
at SiS. No. 9 • during the third
week of Jilly,• the date to be .set,
. The Owner,of grey quilt found
On the groundS. after the picnic
may liaVe same by contacting the
Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary.
The June meeting of the Even;
Mg Auxiliary', Was held at''
hOme Of Mrs. :Cam MacDonald;
Mrs. Jack Fialier in the
,Phair arid taking the. opening eX..
eraises. Hyinn 289. was 'followed
byprayer by Misigpordon Fisher,
the 'Scripture reAding
by, Mrs.- Ken:Chester, and the cur-,
Donald Was greatly enjOyed :and
Mrs. 'Maud Sherwood read a'
paper t:n, the .6th Commandment.
During' the 4.usiness, were
Made for -the Evening Auxiliary
picnic whiph is being held 'at
Point 'Clark On Arly 19th. An
.imprOmptu report on' the Even,
ing Auxiliary conference held in
London in • May was 'given bY
Gladys .MaoDonalct :and ...Mrs.
Morgan Henderson: gave a report
On the ,;expciitive. meeting „held
in Whitechurch. The topic the
last • Chapter of "the study* book
ster, followed by Abe closing
hyrfin arid prayer by 1VIts.,Stew7
';$hort. Term -5 years
31/4.% interest' pciyable half
41111.101r.A61PWIRE#47^, 11"..P11
AFA7.017*MR•:F�r». .
The June meeting) of the' AO -
Miss Sadie Johnston. This meet-
ing, waS the occasion , for. cele-
brating - the 40th anniversarY, of
the.Ashfield Society. 4, 'a. •
Mrs. Earl:Howes acted as presi-
dent. Mes,.. H. MacKenzie ,offered
Prayer, The seriptytTe. reading was.
given by' Anna mae IVIPDonald.
Mri. E. Jamieson gave the rned-
portiOn from, The plad
-er. Mrsil -H. MacLean read the,
vaper on die celebration of the
60th anniversary. The Paper was
srin. She went back to the organ,
izatiori in • June 1891' when Mrs...
• (Rev.) Sutherland of Ripley aaid
Organized the Ashfield Auxiliary..
The first president was Mrs. Rob-
ert McIntosh; tleas., Mrs: Donfild
IW'cLerinari; secretary, Miss. Annie
•Chambers. The latter; Mrs, M. C.
:MacKenzie, is still in the•SoPiety
after many years of useful ser-, '
• vice. Of the thirty members then
enrolled Only Mrs, (lIev.) W. Mc-
Douglai, -Ripley, survive.
The 'first W.M,S. was t:krganiz-
ed in Montreal in 1864. It was 20.
years' later that the first meeting
was held in Kineardine and the
PresIbyterial was organ-.
Meri's,..!'oreign and the Women%
Were united. in 19.14:under a, corn -
Mrs. Sinapson read Warm per•:••
MaCkenzie, Montreal; Mrs.' (Rev.)
W: R. McIntosh, LOndori; Mrs..
Mrs.: 'Mann (nee Cassie .; Mc- .1
garet Hardie, Lorrdon; Miss Tena
Carrick; ,LucknoW; MTS.. Jean.'"
Hetherington,: Goderich;• Mrs.
Lennar*, Evanston., Chicago; Mrs.
Annie ,Worsell, Toronto: . Mrs..
Mary RosS.,- LucknoW; Mrs. An:
Mrs: Duncan MacKenzie • toOk
G. MacKenzie Offered pra.reit.*•The
cial refreihrnelits with the 60th
annirersary. cake. Mrs: Simpson
arid Mrs:. jarnes .McDOnald
There was ah attendance Of 47.1
WylcIs played, for . the hymns.
Many viSitori- -who: were -mean-
• bers . in. Ashfield at some time
'joined in the celebration. —
• Mr. alid Mr's. Bill Hunter and
Marlene and, Larry spent Sunday
with Mr. arid Mrs. Joe, Freeman
and were accompanied baCk by
Mrs. Will Gardner Who had been
visiting there:, .
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon klunter
and family and Mrs. !Amelia Tre-
leaven of Lucknow visited Sun-
day "evening with Mr. and Mrs.
We .ar.p glad to bear 11011 Gard -
her was. Able to be Vrought home.
home from the hogpital after hia
The Zinn Picnic will be, held' on
Friday at the end of the 12th.
There *ill be no church as it
Mk, and MrS,•Will Ritchie and
Eldon and Mr. vand Mrs. HarveY
Ritchie and Donna .visited Sun- ,
The Jime ;meeting Of ..the Kiri-
Connell on- ThiiridaY, ',nine 21st.
The' president, Mrs. 'H. Houston,:
Was in, the. chairAt `was. decided
to ,order fifteen institute hand:.
Mrs.„ Fred 'Gilehrist was aPpOint-
, ed •convener Of a 'committee With
Mrs. • Itughet and, Mrs:
Scott as assistantS. • Mrs. Orville.
It' was. decided to..join with: the
their picnic at Poplar Beach: On
:gave .intereSting repOrt of the,
,Storoach" was given by Mrs. Ted
Colly„er. The' guest speaker WaS
MisS ,Edith Munroe, .who gave a
Other nuinbers' on the program;
Moffat; banjo and viOlin selec-
tions by' Mrs.f Ivari Conley' and
.Mr: Wm. 'Mackenzie; The' roll
rule. Closing remarks -Were made ,
by Mrs. F. IVIOfet. gefd Save the
by the eci.rhrpittee in. charge.. •
PrinCikil arid interest unco'n-'
No '.11Lti.;atiO.11. 'in Vrincip9l.
MaY be invested
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