HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-06-28, Page 5THUl1A St, JUNE2802951 LyeUm NA/ 1 NGHAM Two 110WI Each°Night TIRST • S'H%.O1/1/.. AT 7:15 Thursday, Frida Saturday. AMR 28 30: MICKEY RQGNEY, " • PAT O'BRIEN E MATINEE SATURDAY' Monday, Tuesday,' 'Wednesday JULY 2, 3, 4 • JANE POWELL, RICARDO MONALBAN n; TWO 1�EEKS , WITH• LOVE RED•.CROSS DONATIONS • .Total , donations to the Luck- riow• and. District..ed Cross cam= paign stand ,at, •$1(260. Donations not •previously acknowledged ar•e,. Wm. Fitzpatrick .$3.00;, Cpfln Nic- Gregor $2.00, 'Duncan .Allan Robert Sim'psor};. $2.00,, Earl 'Howes $2.000•Jack Gould. $2.00; Richard:, West $1.O0, Win; McDonald' $2.00, Richard Elliott . $5.00. 1 ,...:.. .._«. .,,.. ,..,„,«.- .. n a!r , ...... .......... ... •...,.,eq'l1A:.aartfi�!,hikA;,7f>Q,.tM!!hKF" THE 1' iiCK$� OW .._ , SENTINEL, LUdKN� CREWE. • Congratulations and best wish-„ es •:go «to. Mr. and,. Mrsk. Warren Zirrn, newlyweds, • • Mr. pave McWhinney, 'spent the week in Wingham visiting with Mr. & , Mrs. Will Alton and Mr. and Mrs, John, Blake, - Mr and Mrs. Morgan ,:B'arnes, and Frankie of St. Marys sAent the week -end with .Mr. and Mrs. •Jack' Curran and family, Mr. Colin Crozier. of Blenhiem but ;who is an, instructor at Camp, Ipperiwash again this summer, spent the- week-end,Twith• his bro- ther, Clifford" and . Mrs. Crozier and family. ti Miss ,Norma Sherwood spent the week -end' at .Camp Mh ain chi as the; guest., of, Miss Jacqualeen, Hedley. • .Mn and Mrs. Allan• Ritchie of • ONTAR10 • • PAGE 'FIV';F'". 14 14 Mrs, John Robb . and Mrs,' Geo. Haldenby visited Wednesday with their nephew.,,, Mr.. Arnold. ,Mc- Guire who 'is vacationing; at the home of his parents, Mr. 'and l rs-,-Howard McGuire, Olivet. Mr. Harry Bell is !visiting • in Stratford with his .brother and other :relatives, Mrs; Milton, Walsh has gone to Kincardine I' a n. a ra 1 Hospital: where she :employed. Miss. Iona Terry returned from a two week holiday' at the. home" of'';her,:parents, :Mr,,�and Mr's.' W. K.",Terry; Belle ille. ;Sower, Held- for Bride,;Elect ' f' The ..home of Mrs; , J, W :Colwell wads` ;the scene of a happy gather- ng on;,,Tyesday afternoon when mezubers of her family and other Zion spent a 'day. reecntly with, relatives gathered for a rniscel- ,her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Torn laneous shower in honor . of :her: Culbert., ' granddaughter.,, 'Miss Betty fled (Intended • for Last Week), The ,Crewe United -Church held very successful. anniversary ser- vices last ,Sunday. :Rev, Dr, Mum= ford , of Luckncow was the guest speaker. fn the . afternoon . he spoke on "What'the Church cost God" In .the evening, "What the 'church cost '•You and I". Mrs: J. W. Joynt and Miss Belle Robert ley, bride -elect. Guests were re- ceived , by the,• hostess and her daughters, Gladys,' Anne. and Isa- bel.' The living room . and dining room were , prettily' .:decorated' 'with r pink and 'white streamers and wedding bells,;"The bride was escorted to a decorated chair :and Mrs:. Don• McCosh was chaarlady for a short program of common- :son sang two pleasing duets with ity singing, contests' and 'read - Mrs. John •Kilpatrick at -.the or- Ings. Two'' ,cousins •of • the bride, gan. In the evening the' Tll' Bro- Mary .McCos'h and . Ruth Forster thers,',Stewart and Aubrey, „of• Auburn sang 'two pleasing duets. :Mr. and. Mrs,. -Will: Alton and •Wendell..of .Wingham spent Sun- day with Mr. and 'Mrs. Clifford Crozier ..and family and Mr,' Roy Maize Mrs. Roots of London,. England, who 'has spent:: the. past 6; months ,with her'. daughter, :Mrs. Don Pa- quette; : Mr: Paquette, and boys;, w'a time as enjoyed . "sumptuous , went to Toronto . ;on Tuesday to lunch was served, start the ourney back home Sincere congratulations are ex (brought in a well laden basket of gifts and :GrvVen Colwell 'assisted in opening the parcels and Shir= ley Colwell read, the accompany- verses The bride' received many lovely and useful ,gaifts. She thanked everyone for theirs kind n'ess to her. 'An' ho ored ' guest at this happy gathering was Mrs. Samson, from B.C: After 'a 'social emarkable Growth Reported From Users Of • : ~, EW LIFE , AND LIFETERIA CONTAINING ' ANIMAL PROTEIN FACTOR; You believe it only when you try it PRICES ARE REDUCED! • Investigate Ours :With 'Consideration To:- . Refund On, Empty Bags. ' .; , Free: Delivery.. . • Discount: on .Half�Ton _•or_ Tons: . ,'Fre ' � � � ` �. e *icing of your Choice of _Tonics. or Ftc , m d Ca rick' t nee IB• ett and Mrs. John' y Hedley) who. I were : 'married. Saturday in St. George's, Church,. Goderic h - The wedding reception was held 'at y the Knotty Pine Inn, aKincardine,: • ' to which ,relati:v'res 'from here :at-: !.. • R TURS�, reser .. .1i JUNE 28, 21 This �� your call to fun and action, .see Donald O'Connor in Curtain, (allsi 1 Cartoon s� . TAFru a ATc 8.00 P.M, Plus: Nuts ari � •Y' J '-TWO SHOWS, NIGHTLY N.,,.T. UES. - WED.,' JULY •2, 3, 4`: Jeanny Crain' in ':her •fresh;, • delightful manner comes' to.. entertain' . you. in Olt =Were:: Meant F�r, �Me This. picture will bring ;back• fond memories • to' many ', Starting early, in .July 'and continuing through . the summer— • 'lite.' Adventures of. Frank' and Jesse Janes" . in serial 'forms. • . 4 •• a ton, of- feed. • • Try AWFOR CRD'S Feed Store '?HONE 165, LICKNOIN e AW P , Feeds; .. Fertilizer''. Phone 71 --Groceries Phone 27 31.00; IS THE PRICE. and wi be no. more while our present 'allocation ';lasts. Ontario Users of :Co -Ott Binder. Tirvine : have been • saved ' • ' $120,000:00 ,this season alone. • Hai' Fo 1 Rope, Cable,' ;Forts, :Cars, Pulleys • and Other Equipment ,available: OY COOP QUALITY . PRODUCTS • at .4 4icknow.:.,Piittict..CoaOperatilie TRY TiI PLEASE; . • •� Miss Winnie Percy;• 'ii.N , of Woodstock, `spent the week -end with her'mother, Mrs. Wm. Percy and other, relatives ': 'Friends and relatives' from here attended the ,reception •'in the Township Hall on Friday .,for Mr; and• Mrs: Morley , Bushell (nee . Doris Barr).. A pleasant time Was spent and the newlyweds. were. presented with' a gift of . money.. Mr an, d .•Mrs. Jack MacIntyre and their son, Stewart arid Mr., Wm, McIntyre' Culross, Mani- toba, motored here and are:visit ing with' relatives. Mrs.., Morn- tyre is -a sister' of George and William ,Haldenby- , • " Miss Margaret `Anne Murray, of Toronto is 'home, for the sum', nier vacation.' . • . ,., Mr. and Mrs. Harold: Haldeniby entertained members` of her fam- ily:on Friday evening, this being the ,occasion of the- 35th wedding anniversary , of her parents, Mai. ;and Mrs .E mil -, Breektes.• Miss, ,Kay - Gibson spent the Week -end 'with 'Mr,: and Mrs., Frank Currie.. 'Service in the Anglicanchurch will be Withdrawn' next Sunday, July ist, :owing. to the ' special service of'the . Loyal Orange Lodge'which will be held' at the Presbyterian church 'at the' morn ing sewice. • The W.M S. ,Homae Helpers -met At the .home'of Mrs. Perry Hodgin's on June : 20th, ;After the 'hymn, — and opening a ei'eises rs. John' Barr read the scripture lesson. Mrs: McAuley of •Ripley was the. guest. speaker.Thee report of . the annual . meeting' of, the 'Maitland 'Presbyterial was givren' 'by Mrs: Frank' Maulden. , This Meeting f ar was held in Teeswater. The pray=' el. was given by 'Miss Jean Guest and Erlrria Jean Percy •. favored with a .solo, The benediction clos- ed the Meeting and refreshments were served by' the hostess.,'' 'The 'H,W.I. will meet oni July 5th ata the , Holyrood Hall. Hos- tess; Mts.. Alex Percy; conveners, Miss May Boyle land Mrs: P:' A. Murray. Motto; . Love s i rn,P 1 e Measures; roll • call; Soinethingw I read in the Home and Country; demonstration,' A hooked rug; Mrs:; Jim Boyle.,Lunch: • sand riches, Mrs O. Elliitt and Mrs.i P rry" Hodgins; cake; Mrs. Wrn: W ll and Mrs. Earle Hodgins. FARM :.NI ES CHINE, PM:E MASSEY-HARRIS FIELD DAY NEW. Hydraulic Controls NEW Weed spr Gelers Mo NEW Combine ImPr°veme�tS I N' A CT,UAL ,FIELD 'DEMON.ST'RATI.ON. We extend a ,.cardial. inv tation: to all farmers in ..thi:s; district` to• attend nJ NEW �c at Auto Ba NaYler 4 at 1:00 p.m. FARM OF GLEN WALDEN • (the,' former Ewart Taylor Farm .just South of Lucknow) Sponsored ,by FROM COAST TO COAST MASS HARRIS OFFERS MOST 1• With Allis-Chalmers ' Equipment ROTO BALERS, • SIDE RAKES, : MOWERS'' KING WISE BALE '.CONVEYERS: See : The ' New 60 A11 -Crop. Harvester • • • Good • Second• ' H'and' Coc%shutt 51d�e Delvery. K ' , Rake, .like new. Second Hand Frost an od Mower, ' • For Fast Profitai aims' and Prime Finish 'PEED . PURINA STEERFATENA • ' i" And to Make the, Most off Higher Egg Markets try ,Purina, Chick Startena, Grbwena' and Growing Cho*. C ETT and SON'S •-YUCKli%02W� � ONTARIO tif . • • .r r