HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-06-28, Page 4r 4• :r i' r• a v .• , 1!!f:• SENTINEL, ?UCKNOW, O CO'.��rKrrNTARIO THUR.SD2 • +1idNF+ 28th, 191,, ' • -f '.'WANT i9:D" RATES•Ist '•insertion `2 ;cents a word, subsequent 'insertions ' t .cent. a word. Minimum charge 25 cents.:Replies care Of Ther Sentinel .10 cents. extra. ' Legal advertising 10cents per coupt Line ,first, insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. FOR SALE-,--•Qwo range shelters., GRAIN FOR SALE—quantity tof Apply at Sentinel Office. ( good • sound mixed grain: Harold Campbell, 'R, 6; Lucknow, phone CAR FOR'SALE ;-=� 1950 Ford 10-],7 1pley, . coach. Apply at Greer Radio arid .• Electric, Lwcknow:. ' FOR • SALE 1938 Loupe,' 1946 Hodge 1/2—tori' ,pick=up, Model. ' A coupe, model EJ.T.S. tractor.' New. tractors and irnple ments available.. ago: WRAITH, 'phone; 1285 Goderich, half .block off •square on Clinton .Highway: SALE--i-black hackney horse 2 .years old., Apply to Thos. ` Col- !. *ell, .St. . Helens.: . . ,,FOR SALE;; -,quantity •. of .stand - Mg hay. Baird Bros, R3 Luck- now., a 'OR SALE -;-Ax :roster rug, 9x8 and double deck bed.' Apply Mrs. Garfield MaeDonald,:'Luclknow. HOUSE; FOR . SALE — Modern Conveniences, large garden lot; garage. 'Apply at Sentinel Office. FOR SALE" .•-=- 2900 • `day-old and 1started. chicks availatle now:.Ap- ply to, a Ronald , Stanley,. 'phone Ripley 7644 FOR SALE-- .purerbred . Tamworth boar; 7 months .old. George: Ken-, nedy, R. R. 1; Lucknow; : phone 43-r-11. I. BINDER' FOR;SALE—goodf , mc;. Cormick -Deering bbinder.• • D.. R MacKenzie, . 'Lochalsh, phone 62-22 Dungannon. CAR ' FOR , SALE — 1935 Ford • • Coach, good tires, good :'running order, will, sell cheap: Bob Camp bell, R. :3; Lucknow." HOUSEWORK WANTED .— '16 year-old " gill:. wants :• housework • Apply to Marguerite V anderley, at Dave Stewart's, R 3, Goderich. " FOR SALE .9 piece ,solid oak • 'dining r'oom suite, ,;dark: • finish., Used only at ''short time, in very • good condition.; Apply at Sentinel Office i a • .FARM, FOR SALE. -150. ages . of grass' land 2 miles west.of Wing-. ham: ` Immediate possession Ap ply ' to Joseph ' Weiler, R 6, Luck- now. HOUSE FOR SALE-7,frame cot- tage, modern conveniences, :gar- age and woodshed. Callany day; but Thursday. Mrs. M. `Dudley;. • Luckrnow. CAR FOR.. SALE 1949 Anglia -Englis-h . Fbrd.),-14;000- m les,. -se viiced every 1,000: Spotless` condi- tion Reason for selling, owner needs capital for business: Priced reasonable for quick sale Apply at •Sentinel Office. ATTENTION FARMERS.! Henry Arnoneit. pays 'top price for dead' or . disabled ' animals! D ay 'or night` and Sunday pick - Driver pays cash at time of; pickup.. Phone collect, Clifford 39. Also buy' old ,;hogs .at $15.00', Per cwt:: For further information • COMING, EVENTS PALAC,F •GARDENS . At, the. ,Palace Gardens, `For- mosa.. "The Hungry Seven" Little German Band,• in costume, will be featured" Sundky,, `July 1st' from..2 to 5: ,p.in. ,' ORANGE iSERVICE AT ZION There will be' an •Orange Sei vice in Zion Church on Sunday, July ,ase at 7.30 pan,. Members meet at Lodge Room at 7;00. Special .:music. Visiting ,,brethren welcome, • WHITECHURCH •'RECEPTION reception will be held, ,in Whitechurch Community Hall" on Thursday'evening; ;Julie 28th, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jam.-„ ieson ; (nee ' ' Donalda "Hackett),, Tiffin's orchestra.. Ladies please bring lunch. Everybody. welcome, • BIBLE SCHOOL; • • • Boys and' girls ' are invited to the, Vacation Bible School \in• Johnstone's Hall, Lucknow, from July 3, to 13: Daily 9 to .12 a.m.; John • M Martin, di rector, Havwtesville,.. Ont., see me each Wednesday at, Luck= ,now Community Sale: • FOR SLE Bed ' springs and mattress,.. two washstands, library table; Victor victrola, :Westinghouse, radio and electric clock 'combination, ' writ- ing desk and. bookcase, • small table, kitchen cupboard, -sealers and small articles. •Call ; and see these. any time. -J. D.' ROSS. NOTICE . TO CREDITORS All persons having c'1 a :i m s against: the 'estate :of James 'T Lyons, '' late ,;of the • Village ; of Lucknow . in, the County .'of Bruce, Retired: Farmer, who died on or about•. the .fifteenth day. of' April, A.D. 1951,..are notified ,to send' to .the' undersigned on or before the thirtieth day of June, A.D.1951, Mr and Mrs. J.D Anderson. full particulars of their claims .in : Fourteen ladies •front the local. writing: Immediately `after • the said thirtieth day of June the W.,M•«S . attended the social 'meet- 't� assets of the said testator •will..be Miss of W .: he: D. W.M.S:� when. Brick ; : distributed amongst the. parties R'i�therfordwas' theguest speaker: entitled. thereto, ..having .regard. Mr° and Mrs Carl 'Johnstone' only' toclauns, of., which the''•Exe and family were recent visitors cutors shall :then have notice. -. with Mr. and,: Mrs;" Frank Mc DATED ' this •Eighth day of . Alin. �' June, A.D.-1951. Q , •" a� The annual children's ;day of • Crawford &-`Hetherington,. Bar- the ` Women's. Institute will be: sisters, Etc:, Wingham, Ontario, : held in 'the , Commun ty : Hall do ' . , Solicitors. for the' Executors, Thursday, July 5th'• .at: 2;30: Ro11 CARD' F'TH N call, My.. ,favorite'. emergency•. O KS' ST. HELENS Mr and 1VIrs{.`Lorne Woods &an re- unionattended :the Hele union held at Kincardine on Sat- urday... Mrs. J.D. Anderson isa pat- ient in NI/Ingham.Hospiital'" suf- fering uf fering::from `double ,pneu nonia. mer , many.: 'friends' hope . for a speedy''' recovery. •. . Mrs 'H rib' Bumstead'formerly Miss Sarah : -Radcliffe '. of hear ''Winnipeg, visited with' ' relatives here for a' few- days , • ' • Mr. Grant •Rutherfo d Of ..the 'oronto Police Force won the ,Ontario championship: for •:tossing' the caber', at: the .Highland: Gaines, held in. 'Toronto recently: Mr... aid Mrs.. WinBlue .of De- troit wereWeek-end etroitt'were':•week-end ,visitors'with • ,The leader and m.ernbers. of,'tlie: High School Band wish,:' to «ex-. press • their sincere thanks .,,and appreciation' for the generous naneial-support--given thein ori._ Saturday evening. ,The Boy Scouts and the . Com- mittee of the, Boy:Scouts Associa- -tion wish'. tothank the' Rublic for the very •splendid' co. -operation ,given in .the .:paper: drives .held this ituminer: You have helped grea y initliiitie boySJget. necessary equipment and in mak: ing it • :possible for : them to have. a• .week at camp .• ',J. D. ' Ross, Sec'y : BRAY HAS PULLETS. Leghorns, and . Leghorn crosses," ~ dayold, started, prompt shipment:. ` e : vy to order„,y reasonably. quick. Sep- ' • tember.-October (broilers, should be ordered. now. Ask agent- •D. It. 'FINLAYSON, Luc'know. WHITECI{URCH Clayton Scholtz who has been 'working in Wingham for the past year, has gone, to London to lake ,_up siniliar• wort: • . ,Mrs. Small of Toronto spent e ra few days' with her sister, D. .McGregor.— • • k • A nuiraber. of .ladies, from the T7nted 'UVSM:S. spent last; Thurs- n:guests • `; "'day' afternoo•' as ; guests of the W.M.St Of the Brick Church, East Wawanosh. ' ' • Mr, and Mrs Cliff Heiffer of 'Dimberry and his' mother from Nova Scotia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood. Mrs, Joe Tiffin, . Sr,, who was taken to Windham(' Hospital on Friday is improving and may be alble to return •honte soon. • Mr. Ira Vail had his tonsils rernoved last. Tuesday iji'i • Wing. ham 'Hdspibal.. 1' Ken ,Paterson ,spent a few days • , ,in Detroit. last week. Mrs. Lizzie •McDonald of St. • Helens spent Sunday •afternoon at the home Of Mrs: D. Kennedy.. Mr. and Mrs. David ,MicDona d : spent the 'afternoon With her bro- ther, Mr. and Mrs. (Alex' Coulter.. On .Sunday morning,' near the salad: There, will. 'be a. demon stration; of Junior Club work and. the : program will be given by, the girls. Hostesses, Mrs. E. ,L Thorn, Mrs.' A. Gaunt,. Mrs.' Hat vey. Webb: ' . , : , •. G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St, just off • the Main St,. in • ?VIlgW1AM Professional' Eye Examination Opt,. teal Servies .. Evenings by appointment: Phone:. Office 770;. Res. •5 • • J'OHNSTO:NE'S FUNE.�.�'i -RA OME. ., , 'Pilon'' 76 x ° Day or Night Ambulance Service; USE OF FUNERAL HOME: At No Extra Cost: Moderate , Prices MacLENNAN ' and Ma.�-cKENZIE FUNERAL }SERVICE (Funeral . Horne Available)• AMBULANCE SERVICE • (Day 'or . Night Service) FURNITURE' 'Phone 1:1, 'Lueknow, Ont. (D 1y or,Nigl t). • s fiege •A nc • n w . �Y Howard: Agnew Agnew MEMBER OF".. Ontario Insurance ,Agents' Association • GENERAL INSURANCE:. Established Over 3'0 Years Ago. .Telephones: • Business 39 •Residence .138: A:: BEAR. was -'shot recently . in Greenock . Swamp' ;and a - lar•ge.. lynx , is 'reported to have been' sighted irr the same habitat. •• •close :of the: church 'service : in the Presbyterian ' 'Church, : ..the session presented' three`. prizes 'to children ' of • the Sunday..School for the year 1950"for best:. attend- ance,- verses ttend-ance,-';verses learned .and. carry- ing their' Bible, 'etcMr. James McIllwraith. presented first 'prize, - 'a nice Bible,. to -Master- i larley - it John' • aun • on of Mr. and s. Jo C� t, s,•M es. Mr. Ira Wall presented 2nd •prize to ,Master 'Alex Craig,, son of a Mr. and Mrs., Dawson Craig, which was a'` nice • book, and aIsp presented Miss Betty Newman, third prize winner with nand Mrs. Fred Newman. Mrr of an. The .. W M.S'. • of the: United Church held 'their 'meeting last. Wednesday at .the home Cif. Mrs. W. R Farrier. 'This Was their birthday iGizeeting when, °a num- ber. of :ladies , who ,had birthdays •re cently - sat down to a table and. all, enjoyed •the birthday cake. The .social meeting of Chalmers Church was held the same day. at the home. ofBMiss Lila Ern ,me`rson.. • ' : • p• •Miss .Annie is.enneay of Wing - ham Hospitaltaff is fin a two weeks, .vacation at her "home. Service,_ and Satisfaction' lambing and and Heating New Automatic ,Oil Furnaces Installed Now In 'Stock; `, RNACE REPAIRS F4II >•;P Bathroom`' Fixtures . & Repairs SEE THE OIL 'RANGES: EAVETROUGHI 'G - -.AIR CONDITIONING Art �Gilm�.r: Gilmore 'R. R. 3, LUCIuNOW 'Phone 61-r-13,. Duhgannon, Insure Wit;. The• u.l�oss Mutual. PYRE INSIJRANCE•Co., for Reasonable, rates, 'sbund pro- tection & prompt; satisfactory settlement . of 'claims. . FARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent R. 3, Toeswater` 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 INSURANCE 'C9 -Operative' Life Insurance: Co=Operative. Automobile Insuhinee Mercantile ..& . Farm 'Fire Ins nce }nra Economical and Reliable • T.A. 'CAMERON• LUCHNO'W DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock St,. south of SupertesLciaxage „L itc 1 N O W Telephone 175 BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS For''The Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer: S.' J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 Lucknow, 'Ont. Office in 'Kilpatrick Block • 'Phone: 23-w,, F. T.•• ARMSTRONG: OPTOMETRIST. _ GODERICI•i FOR ' APPOINTMENT'. . ''Phone 1100 • For . Appointment or 'Information ' ' See Wm.: A. Schmid,' 'Phoma 167-w Luckno Insure In' Sure. Insurance -WIND Western.Farmers' Weather RE ' Lowick ;Farm'.ers% Mtttual Car, :Accident, Sickness:; % Consult JOHN FARRISH 'Phone 169-.1, Lucknow A.N N'SIJRCE FIRE, CASUALTY{ •AUTOMOBIL'E AND; LIFE ', • 'To. Protect, Your Jack;. • Insure: With Jack,: .Today..' J. ' A.McDONAGH R. R. „3, Lucknow, ,O'nt.., 'Phone, 61-5, 'Dungannon !Phone 70-r 10 :Dungann .. Kenneth i 4 acKenzie I0. Optometrist. . LISTOWEL, ON.T.• Will be in, Ripley,. Wednesday,' December 20th and every sec- ond- Wedn'esday ' following, at Eugene Wrona's' ° Jewellery -Sfu� e fronr-3,00 EyeS examined •- .Glasses fitted .For' ,appointment 'phone' Roy' MacKenzie, 96-r-24 .Ripley. 1110W IS 1111E ,IME TO Order . -°.A Threshing .Macl ine:, 3 sizes -•-22x32, 22x38,'. 28x48 Roller .,Bearing Complete EARL H., HODGINS B. R..1; .1191Yrood, pnit. 'phone 3t r43; TeeswAte ': R. W. ANDREW` Barrister; and Solicitor iLUCKNOW :ONTARIO.' Office n~the- yni: Telephone '' ' • Office 135 Residence 314 Stuart 'MacKenzie Ba. o Solicitor, assist's and Sol W- -AL ERTON,: ONZ1AR>r0_', IN ' LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK R.S. Hetherington, CC Barrister, etc., 'Win ham an` ; 8 4� Lucknow • IN 'LUCKNOW Each Monday: ' and' Wednesday . Located t on he ground' floor' in the front of,' JohnKilpatrick's ,:Building 'Phone. Wingham• Office 48' Residence 9..