HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-06-28, Page 1:s
•• A
' $2;250 Yearly
Advance 50c Extra to U S A,,
w•p."r" J r:.ED N; %`sUNDA,
On Sunday,, June .24th;; Mr, and
Mrs. Alex IN'.1c:Danagh • celebrated
,their . diamond wedding anniver-
sary : at Vancouver,. where they
have been ,residing:. for pie past
Mr. McDonagh is a , native of
Ashfield ,And a brother of �Mr.
'Charles.. E. McDonagh .:of Zion, ''George '• Anderson, ,Brian • Hilts.
They are the two•surviving mem- Bennie Moulton, Dennis Ember
bers of a
family :of 'seven; child- lin,.. Charlie? McDonagh, Ralph
• ren born to John McDonagh and Haines, Bowen;. Ross,Bill• -
• Mary Ann Andrew,; pioneer resi- ers, . Murray McDonagh and Carl
dents of Ashfield, Mr.• McDonagh Stanley. John Helm: developed a
having taken Up 300 acres on case of: the measles; which upset
the 12th: Concession one hund ed . his; plans to accompany the gang.
Wednesday saw a large group
of Lucknow District High Sc h eil
6 x;10
students • take : off ," by bus for
cadet camp : at Ipperwash. It's a,
seven -wee ks,' training course.
Donald�Stewart, who is oil the
instructional staff this • .ear• left
for .camp ' a few drays 'ago. !'hose"
slatedo leaive yesterday were
years ago. His son Charles, and i
third and fourth generations of START •
the, McDonagh_ familystill reside
on the homestead,'.. , : : • CEMETERY GATE
Charlie had planned a trip
West for •his brothers 60th' anni- The work of�'er.ectin ornamen
r 'but has • been receivin tal.
versa y,. g gates and, a • ..new fence at.
•medical•treatment Which ;prevent South. Kinloss Cemetery is.'now
ed him leaving..He hops. to make underwaay, to ..enhance . the• beauty
the trip later, in the. year. , • of this 100 year - old' burial
Was 90 In March ..:.• .ground. In this cemetery are
Alex MCDopagh observed his. •headstones .that' take one'.'. back. to.
90th 'birthday ;in iMarch when.; a the earliest . dayi of this settle-
r• was :attended b .
:patty ' hda rrie t •
in Y n .
b Y
relativesand frienfis. ° South' Kinloss, Cemeter `under,
MAILING. LI•ST CORRECTED; ORDER, ..FROM °.�'i AMERICA> •, � .,x3 .�'� � �.�,� E �, , .., `�,:
..noirs,.,N •O UR 1bAREL''R'E '? OR CULBERT SHORTHORNS ..; !'.
• The Sentinel mailing list
.was corrected on Saturday-,
and this issue of your paper •
will ' carry the revised label.
date, „if .you have renewed
your subscriptions' within the
past •several weeks. Venezuela, who had heard
Check the, date tote . if ' .that Mr. Culbert _who had.
' - .Shorthorns 'and:wants "four.0
proper .credit has. been given. ,, ,nts g od � r�nentts -to the' system, � that,
If th' ,date is • rior to June•heifers"• ..
e , prior , . • • . imperative, if a .good ,matey.
51, ,your. subscription has ex-" • For; three_ successive .years Mr. 500, •' or so," subscribe are„,to
• • pired Mand :romp t attention to .Culbert shipped . cattle ., as' far
P P; have. satisfactory service. Genes-
' this matter . is requested.:. ' • south as Del Rio, Texas, but this
Mr. W, Culbert, Scotch •
Shorthorn • cattle breeder of }Dun- • A. rneetin of the .
`a n n has 'received an `order - - g he officials; and
g n Q ,, subscribers,• of the .God. rcn >,urali,
from South . Arnerica ' for.4. heif- - ; Telephone• g
.: Corn an .h 1
'P y s , e, d uri
ers., The order comes, from. P,. the• Parish 'Hall, .Duligannon, on.
•Hortop,' Lista: Be "Dorreos, Mara Thursday evening, but littl ,
a was.....
,accomplished in solving theprob-:.'
tem of , how- to 'finance . irriprove-
isthe first- time' he has •received
ally speaking the disatisfaction is
on lines farthest from the switch
an order from South America; board. '
method of transportation are be, wasn't largely attend. stem
ing looked • into ,by lVfr.. ` Culbert. med from a meetin d
g, h earlier
lathe year to hear an application , ':
destination., LI: by--the'Company for'a. ,$4.00' in-'. '.
t crease in rates.. This was granted
• D •. Shipping in details and the . best •
H S AWARDS pP g .Thursda r night's session,.
y g 'which ;
{ .' It is expected the cattle.may.•. ; be
Proficiency awaards have been flown to thei '
made as . follows to students of
S , . •. Lucknow District High School.:
i g
Born in .Ashfield,:' Alex went .went••a`. "face . lifting' �a .few years
West :as a. ' young man .and set- ago,' and now.' is in well kept' Coli-;
Grade ' IX -Gladys Kilpatrick,
i winner of'Finlayson Bros., shield;
i Jean Guest, 2nd;Donna Lannan, ,
Grade X•—Audrey Ross, winner
of Ware, MacKenzie `shield; Char-
lene Smith, 2nd;' Carolyn Gibson,.
' G de: XI—Gladys Chin,wire-
�• Y
id' shield;
nor' of'Wm.• A. ' Schm s
Mary : MacMillan; ;2nd; Russell
Barr, 3rd'
Grade .'XII Noreen, Kilpatrick,
winner of W. I. Scholarship;Mary
Jo Anderson,':2nd Jack 1VIcKin,
• Grade IX' award` for proficiency.
in English, Gladys Kilpatrick.
Grade .X award -for • proficiency
,History, Charlene Smith.
Grade and for proficiency
in 4
i • F rade : XII award for: prof is
iency+in Languages, Mary' Jo An
Grade XII', award for. profici
tied at • Russell,. Manitoba,: where , dition .. A ';perpetual' .:upkeep. plan •
he has been; one of that, .town's . instituted •at that time` has done/
.outstanding citizens.. Ile engaged much to keep this: God's Acre. as.
in• : the`. butcher, inplemept and ,.it should.be kept. . `
car business in Russell,: was reeve • A 5. 0 bequestto •the • -
.... ., � .., ... $ Q Cemetery.
of '.the municipality before •the /:Company by the' late. Angus Mac-
ac town :was ;'incorporated and w'as. Kay• will aid inateri,al in fin=:
�r`, 'town .for, several / de
eoun�cillo inthe� arcing the • :present ; undertakir<g;
years: He; Was' alto a member of ' the cost of which is•expected to
the; Russell School Board and its! exceed . $1500.: Several • other do -
chairman in. 1912. Mr. McDonagh nations .h have been promised,,and
a .1?
was District'.Grand Master ' of , the] . no doubt numerous lot holders
P ..
Masonic:- Lodge, A.F. "& A.M;; and will''�be. pleased. to assist ;•in the
a` Justice . of the Peace.from; 1901. .beautification of historic' and halt •
to 1921.: lowed' South .,Kinloss Cemetery.'
In June 189/ #ie,: married Sliss
n <, m
.Successful anniversary ser►vices.
Skeoch of Binscarth,` a short dis-
tance from. Russell, and . on 'the
occasion: of their 00th` anniversary
• ten *years ago -they :were `honored
at a public' reception•at' -Russell
at: which the ' congratulations of i were: held morning and evening. `;:
the , town and . district, ..were of- on :;Sunday at St. `Peter's. Angli-
ficially tendered. •
can 'Church, on' She occasion of
Mr and •Mrs. McDonagh are the 'congregation's 77th` anniver
the .parents of eight children;who sir '
were' allpresent for their .60t Y
• � � The "anniversary' festival will
anniversary. They ere. Mrs. Lyn • `be concluded by a service of Holy
Richardson, Mrs. .Frank: Hunter, Communion, on St. Peter's Day,
Mrs. Daniel Q. Calvert, Mrs. Al tomorrow, Friday, June 29th `• at
-belt Leech, William' and Marsh-.. ' •
�10a.m.': '. '
VW. PARTY • by the .
The S tett Club held , •f y Ontario Municipal. Board
e Sextette
e u e d a are- so that:. rural phone' rates04: A."on' the1.:.
well party.:for June Ross on• Fri-
day. ,' evening ' in; the'•Johnstone 'hearing nowv. $20.t .ghat
hearing it : was pointed out that '
Hall. June. was presented with •a the ,Com
musical ` powder. box., : Besides - could not improver. ,
June, the .• sou is"coxa resod' .of i'ts • •system without 'increased,
g p o p• revenue to do so. °Numerous corn- '
Marjorie Armstrong, Margaret laints dire e•
Gollan,' Beverley Ashton; 'Valerie` :p directed at•the rnech were
Carnegie, and Charlene 'Smith. condition of thea • syetem ��nwere
heard,, at that time, and MCr,
• �B
Two vacancies :'on the Lucknow,
High School. staff have ,,been fill-
ed: The vacancies were caused
bythe resignation. 'of Mr. Everett
West :who: has.. taught> languages
for the past two years, and :of
Mrs .' B • - Russell J. us ell -`of 'Seaforth;.
-who > had acted as` a supply• tea-
cher since Easter.
The two .new teachers are Miss
F S. Hornby of `Richards Land-
ing and Miss Aileen Hewitt' of
R. R. 2, Kincardine. The appoint.
ency ; in_'English, Joyce Bauieh. • ment .. of • these two .teachers corn,
`pietes the- staff of five./ Other.
members are Principal P
;{ ,Hoag, ' Miss' :lean • ( borne and Mr
Wm, MacDonald.
The ' : Public•School Staff will
have one change Mr. Stuart
•ter succeed Mr. ' John D. Ross
as principal'. Miss Ruby Webb,
Miss Helen Hamilton and Mrs.,
Roy Havens ,' have: been 'ire-engag
ed.' The: Public School. Board has
yet to deal with the appointment
of•:'a music instructor.
e -
•all McDonagh,all :of Vancouver,
'•Mrs: ' Harold Dunn of. Quesnel,
Re and-Mlt2rsMcBride of rap rk
:Idaho. ' '
h: Lucknow' District:. High School
i. i ' Band Presented :a•' s �' ' a •
d cert on the Main Street ori' Sati, • .an appreciative , audience,. bUti-
$113.00,;,and goes hitt*, the„barid
*. The Band, under, the direction
A. ,week-erid.. Oft Sunday morning
, to the United Church for the' deli-.
ication• of the new organ and that
ie' afternoon •took part• in. the ,mem
• ori ., • .
o. al service at.Dungannon Cern
etery. Allan Reid transported the
band to and from Dungannon by.
Mrs, Charles Cook of Lucknow
,and Mrs. Horace . Aitchison : of
%Vingharn, attended the Rebekah
.'Assemabl held in the'Royal York
hotel at• Toronto last week, They
Were delegates from Majestic Re-
bekah 'Lodge of Wing im.
Installation of the new •officers
was held on Wednesday, when
~Mrs. Stella king of: Teeswater
'Was installed as -pianist,' ,of. the'
Rebekah 'Assembl Mrs. King is.
:iwe11 Y t
known to many in this com
•'mnity'. She is organist at Tees-
rater: Presbyterian Church,
Baskets .of: flowers;- each of
-ahem-a; hove ` gif#: in enior-y--bf-
former; parishioners, adorned the
ehurch, and a collection of •photo
graphs; relative to- the history of
the' parish,. were• displayed on a
panel in •'the church to.. awaken
many fond: memories . 'of former
worshippers at St *,Peter's
-•- ' joint-eneir 'of-theRi leyrani
Lucknow congrega:tiot><s renderer
special''', music;' with Piss ,Eliza --
'beth Welsh , . presiding ', at -the
organ.:. -
. The ,offering was the largest,
received.' in many. years.
Choral' Eucharist was observed
at the morning service with the
rector, Rev.; ,A.• S Mitchell. as
celebrant. Ie was 'assisted by
Rev. , K. C. Bolton, rector of
Walkerton: parish; ' who preached
a; very' impressive sermon Robin
Bolton : acted= - as server " and. =t
solo' parts were Sung .,by 'David
,at the evening
service :•was ', Rev'. H: L. Parker,
Rural :• ' Dean • of ''-Bru,ce,+ ...
preached in St. Peters during his
student, days.. Ile', was attended
by Barry McQuillan
In his addiles Rei Parker..:saiid
the' Died e was, '`on the
.. _ that
�� d
march fpr Chris ,
would be' expected to play.
Peters . , ,•
' on'i hed' the: eon-
.its part. He adxi`i s
.o - o• throw h. the 'open
gregation .tog � and
door of iserviee to their /;God a ,
.. , and toput aside
to their •church,: P
aft pettiness.•
lic School teaching,staff: and
the: music 'supervisor, Mr: A.
W. Anderton, joined this Week
in making the• informal pres-
entation of a lovely desk clock
to Mr: John D., Ross, who ter
urinates his duties 'here•..on
y. • a: >
THAT Graham ' MacNay M' the
arnes, the• solicitor for theAsh-
field,= Federation of Agriculture,
stressed that . the $4.00 increase
would do.littl' 'or nothing to lin-'
prove, the- s tem '.as it: `'
Y , : • .would
only cover. • increased costs ` of
materials and services,
At that hearing', ' it ' was stated.
that the system. would be inspect
ed and. , the Company:told `what
was required to ,be done.
. Will Cost ,Over. $25,000
Last• : week M r. _ Janes A. Mac='
Donald, inspector of ,Rural. Tele-
phone :Systems, inspected the sys-
tem, and his report indicated
that it r +would take $25,000 - and and
.More to put the System insrepair.
While . this was, . a.'' rather grim
picture, he did.say that' thhe•:God
of ich Tltur `Pwas' i' no° worse re -
pair. than numerous' -other' .such.
It was suggested that the: Bell
Telephone Company - was not in-
:terested in 'baking. over the Sys-
tem.. The proposal was 'advanced .
that the,anunicipalities `concerned
Might take it:over, : or' back the
financing 'of, repairs. The: stock-
holder in: the. Company indicated.
they ;Were not interested in. put
ting' up more:money; when it was.
suggested •; that. they might put up
$1.00; • for $1.00' with the nunics-
�, . amity to improve• the S .stem:
A further;. ,ins ease: iii . rates'
e- was also proposed •to provide
wor, king . Capital to' undertake the .
'- necessary work..•
rn .:. From ' all these'. discussions n:o-
discussions . .
thing ..concrete was arrived" at,
at + but a: further ” ✓meting of Coni -
The new rnemorial ' oi!gan : '
cently..installed ' in . the
Church,. was • soletnnly 'and
pressively dedicated at the morn-
ing seMvice on. Sunday;
was . ' largely attended,' arid
.which members.. ulr the Canadian
Legion and the High;School Band
were present in a: body.
ipany, •and other officials is to be'
held ,shortly in an effort to work' `',
out 'a solution to. the .problem, •
eritomology �brarich of the De-• Mr.. Wm.' Murdie of the Board > '
partment • of Agriculture' at Of-
tawa. `whites:' "It .afforded me
;•considerable .-pleasure . to • note
in the last issue; . of The Sen-
tinel that, one of try' most
promising pupils,: while teach
ink'. at. •Paramount, has.•recei'v-
ed` `a professo'r'ship` .at..
I • ,refer,. _ of course,p to Norval
Richards' whose career .I have
he 1 '- watched •: with great:'interesi."
—o— ,
T. T successful • student a:
' ISA c _ Y s' • t
Stratford ,Normal School from
this district included Ray Stan-
ley; R.'3; Lucknow; :son'.of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. :Stariley, and Jim.
Blue. of Ripley,, Seri of'.Mr, .and
Mrs. Donald. Blue.'
'THAT G `cst Mitchell; son of Rev",
Mrs. A. S. Mitchell, Nand
who has.'been attending Barrie
Collegiate , .Institute, • cia m e
home on Monday and. ;expects:
to spend/ the summer here and -
join ',the ranks;' of pupils.in
Lucknow school next season.
Mitchell expressed thanks
Rev. ;Ntitcl? , p
for . the kindly .we come extended•
e and:Mrs. Mitchell to the par.
ish and to the community, and
added his appreciation :to those
' wh"
from other; i congregations;n this
had worshipped with them'on
anniversary occasion.
THAT. Mary ; Struthers of Luck
,now was, the winner of; a lovely
quilt raffled off ,by' Holyrood
a Women's ' Institute. The draw.
o was made by Cora elle Thorp
'el rc
- son ata •Y
Holyro._od Hall. •N
of Trustees .presented the • organ
"for dedication to the glory of
God: and';in honor of the• men
of this can.gregation ' who' served
in either World War I or • II• and
in grateful ;inemor.. •of •those'�who
• The act • of .dedication was read
.responsively. by the minister and
the, congregation.:In,, his• pastoral
prayer�`Dr: W. J:'" 1Gluinford's sup-
plication. was• that we rededicate
oiir , lives -to God to avert the
debacle of a third world war. •
In, his timely serrnon Dr. Mulrri-
ford marvelled • that" such :.com
mon everyday commodities as
wooer, lead,: bronze;. etc., can be
combined.. by , the, skill" • Of the
genius +rand the •.workrn�a.nship of
the laborer to create an instru-
ment that can . produce music to
stir us to the depths of . our. souls.
He: spoke `'of the . necessity of
harmonizing mdre than 1200 pipes
in the instrument to create such,
•music; and :stressed, the need to
attune our personal lives and our
national land international Cela-
tions to achieve such"ha'r_niony.:
The choir, 'Under the 'direction
of Mrs,' J. W. Joynt, and with
Mr: tinier Urnbach at the :con=.
.Sole of the organ, rendered two
' anthems 'Mr.. Ralpho,Hod�gins took
a solo' ,.part.
made the 'suprem sacrifice".
Mr. Dave. Andrew of Calgary;
secretary -treasurer of the'Canad-
ian Hereford Association,. leaves
by plane on'Friday on a: business,
trip; to, the Old Country He will
fly from' Montreal 'to.,Prestwick,
Scotland_:.._andw.__has:_ s the return.
flight for July '30th: '
Mr..:Andrew flew East a Week
ago. He '.was to ; Truro,. Nova'
Scotia on 'Association business' be-
fore returning to Montreal where
he boards his :overseas p'la,ne to-
Lucknow Boy y Scout Com-
mittee. and Leaders made the
presentation of a pen and penbil
set to Mr. John D. Ross, last week.
Mr, Ross has been .secretary of
the Comm'ittee, and tendered' • his
,,resignation' iii view ° of his
proaching , departure from th`e.
village. Appreciation of Mrs Ross''
service was expressed by Floyd
Wilson, •president of therScout ',
,Committee and�the presentatio'ri'
Was made .133'r Cordon Fisher;
Lloyd, Aslton.:succeeds Mr. Ross.
•gas secretary.'
. " _r