HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-06-14, Page 3THURSDAY,_JUNB' 14th;, 1951
ocal: an
Mr. and Mrs; Stewart 'Burns of W. J. Douglas was taken- ill
Detroit were !week -.end 'Visitors last 'Friday evening and, has since
'with Mr. -and Mrs Thomas Burns. been confined to , his. home.
',Mr, .and Mrsrrn Moffat,. Attending the funeral .of Mrs.
Marilyn . and Judy :ofToronto , D. M. Thompson ' last • week were
._ spat •the week -end withMr and Gordon Thompson. of Lethbridge,,
MrS, S: iC. Rathweh Mr., and •:Mrs. Wm, F. Thompson
,1Vfrs. R.. J, Cameron, who ,was and.daughters Barbara and Eliza;-
a patient in Wingham
Hospital. 'beth of Toronto, Aw. 1VI, Thompson
fir a time retrirned home on of Bowrnanville and:Dr. K: R, M.
Sunday°• Biu a of: Chin soir an. ans Kenneth and
G'eor', e. Rdbinson who is sta- ..
g Recent visitots With" Mr ,
' .' tinned at -St.' Hubert, Que., with �. and.
the' R.C,A.F,, spent the week -end Mrs. Wm. Bushell' were Mr. and
h home • of his Mother,' Mrs. Mrs. Morley 'Bushel1, newly,•weds,
at, the ...' and Mrs:.. John Bushell •:of Kin-.
Tyndal „#io'binson lough; Mrs: ,Jack Str
Mr and.•Mrs,:: $ob., Simpson ; of ,Mr:: and: Mrs. at dee and
.. _,, r E.. Ken•ne'dy' • of
Kintail ^ were.. in Toronto+ on Fri:- :Cleveland'' Mrs Tele . � u
attending Mr; • and :Mrs.; N,.. n Q acken
tidy at . , � � .. ,.. bush q ��•hicago midi YVIrs.,. J •�. W,
E, Bushell's ;g{raduation atthe Ct1well;'• .Mrs Donald McCosh,
: College .of: Iilydrotherapy. Mrs., Currie Colwell and Bruce.
IVIr. and; Mrs.' Alex Hackett of Guests..from•, Lucl now '•at '.the•
Winghaxn are spending the. sum- Johnston-MacLaren •wedelng
trier• on their f arm' at St. "Helens, Port Credit • on Saturday
which was the former•Mid IJum- Mr; • and Mrs. 'Elmer Johnston,
phrey farm, • .Mrs..; Grace • Lockhart, Joseph
;• Mrso W. E..M '
.Mrs. Harold, ' Treleaven •• sperLt Johnston , c.Quag,
last week in Clinton with her
'' .13111 Chin; Mary•.McQuaag, Mary
• arenrs;...Dr° and ..Mrs: Johnston an Howard and Bill i11 McKinnon, the
F9�ywler:Her. father has been con- latter three guests• .being present..
fined .to bed' with a. heart con- ly in •'Toronto.
dition. .
11!Ir Alrbert. Mitchell of Toronto
• visited, his parents at St, Peter's
Rectory over the. weekend.. At.
the same time M. ;and Mrs. Wm.
Mitchell :arid: daughter:` Roberta
were visitors.
Misses Flora an,d. Mary . alive.
• , Webster ;of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs:,
Bruce Gammie. of Eldra, •Mr:.' and
Mrs.' Stephen Stothers. 'df Fergus;,
Mrs.. S. C. Stothers: and-Mrs`...E1-
eanor, Alban . of L:ondon and • Mrs,'
Elsie 'Zilliaxof Listowel ,were
. uegs 'at the: golden wedding an-
niwersary• • of `Mr. arid 'Mrs: Geo.
. Andrew.
Presbyterian. Church,.
REV." E. A. WINN, B.A..,
Miinisteir ,
SUNDAY, UNE" '•17th
a.m.: Sunday', School.-
11 a.m; Morning . Worship...
7 .m. Evening Worship.'
Wednesday, 13•`.p.m.:
Prayer Meeting.'.'
11E,L.ENS' •
A two car .•collision ' on.. the
bridge a mile south of 'Hanover,
early Friday morning, sent two
local youths to hospital' and .six
other Persons were treated for
in'uries. Following this crash, an
Dth $ r .gavelling st�,ut1 _waw
Robert Webster of •Zion. on June iflaggecl down; but when the.
5th, 1901, ;by Rev. Dr, J. F Oaten. driver. ;applied. 'the 'brakes, • the
vehicle skidded, swerves and
landed on its 'top oh the guard
Jaanes: McMillan, • 18, of Luck-
nov, andFloyd Iubbard, 26, of
Hanover,• were the drivers of the
ears' that •.hit Bead on5,‘
Other passengers in . the two;
Tuesd , June 5th, 1951, mark-
edthe, golden wedding day of
Mary Elizabeth. Webster: and Wil-
liam ,George Andrew who .-were
married .. at the home of the
For their golden anr•}iversary
on Tuesday of last :week a lovely
tur ey . dinner was prepared by
oup 3 of the Lucknow. United.
Church W.A. For the. occasion the
bride :clios,e a dress of dusty rose
crepe.,- with.; corsage. of, .yellow
roses and lily, of the"• vahey.
The bridal couple'..greeted their,
guests` ; in 'the "church �vstibuf e
and''ther to the strains of L'ohen
gr n.'.s, wedding; march played:' by.,
Miss Flora Andrew, entered the
banquet hall and took their places
at•: the head. -table_ .After dinner,
Stephen Edmund ' Andrew, infant,
son of .'Mr..'and .Mr's. Wm. E: An-•
drew, was baptized by Dr W, J.
Mumford. A short program was
even by the grandchildren in-`
eluding „ piano selections .by.
1PAfi E. Th`IR'l E,
Vllhen Applied :asw Airected
Small yearly �'t c st protects
your rugs and 'carnets with
Berlou. • Just $1.08 per yetit
protects • a 9x12 rug,; '
See us today and let.us give
your .:rugs thin. guaranteed
:moth ' -protection; •
cars' Were Mervin Solomon,'Ken
W •lrnort, Keith
rit at"i i
reB 1
. ...,K p . �t •lim�ac• h s. D:rt�. Store:
Johnston and George S.tanley.. LUCK NOW ONTARIO
O'Neil Deschines;' of Walkerton
eras .diaiver of,.he car which turn;
ed over and .with hirn, l was Eddie
Leblanc:: Neither . Were." injured:..
The • Hublba.d •;'car was'„alriost
demolished a n d 1VicMillan's
'vehicle badly smashed, ---Hanover
THE • BRICK: A1N•D: TILE works at.
Louise' -Andrew; solo, by her sis-
MTownship has
ter "Mary who.sang "Put on your Wnur
� d
old Oray'.Boniet', and recitations
•by Billy, Tommy and J,onn An-
drew.' Dr. Mumford gave.•a hum
•orous .toast to the bride and was
responded.to by'Wen. . Andrew:'
+Mr.. Steve Stothers gave the toast.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert. • McQ.ui'l-
. to the groom and Mr :John Mc-
lin,,' George and:•Ma:rylin of Ham-
ilton ' were recent • guests 'with Mr. • •
'beep purchased -by Leonard and
Mid:for Bannerman of .Tees -
Water. They -bought it from Thos.
Donaldson, who. purchased the
plant from George Bannerman
in1928. • ''
Wm. and Miss Beatrice McQui - . During, :the` dinner hou. r the
lin,• 'bridal 'couple received greetings
• and gifts from''the Sunday:'Schobl,
Parents! Day,.. which has;, be-
come. a i :.a`nnual,'event much : en
joyed by the ladies of. St. Helens
'School ...Section, was: observed at•
the school onWednesday after-
noon. There was•. a ' large ,attend.
ance to `enjoy the program' 'pre-
sented :by .the • pupils with Mr..
Baxter' musical ins,trirctor,
•The W .M. S. •'of South: Kinloss:
church had, a very nice meeting
"at ; the home of. Mrs, Ted Collyer
last Wednesday evening.:
The ,Fourth.was well repres-
ented • gat the. District Annual of
;the'. Institute • •last -,Tuesday at
Reid's Corners. •
,Fraser MacKinnon and Sandy
McCharles have 'been taking the
census on 'our •line the past week:.
Everyone .is delighted ,to know .
• that Lucknow will have 'a con -
South Kinloss :Cemetery Board
alescent , home in the : near fut.:.is currently considering the.
Lire l;t' is badly' needed. '
erection. .of ,an .ornamental fence'
and ,th. e.: United Church Official ;aridates acro s the'front of • the.
Board ,cemetery.' • The cost will be con-
In the afternoon and eveningsiderable . and the• Board-, is .in -
in -
"o .en house" was held ' at the terested:n• having .a good turn
family residence.. on Ross St. Mrs. but•of•piot holders : at the annual'
Wm . E • Andrew', 'invited ;: the
guests . to the tea roam' • in . the
afternoon. ` The assistants Were
Miss .Flora Webster,: Mrs. Bruce
welcomed the . guests. M .� ILII''O''94. ''''4'�YIi0�0 .,�
com.panist Marvin Mcl3onald' as;�,,.�, Y�,>iYY��YY.�..YY.�Y , .
'chain -nail, g - . Gammie, Mrs. T II. Alton,' Mrs � .. •
N.: Hodgins, 'Mrs. Harivey Web-'
and annouYiced' the , following ' •
numbers:: choru': ses,Bless This ster and, Mrs:: Charlie Webster.::It}
House, . All Things Bright And the evening Mrs Alex. Andrew
Beautiful, Jesus Bids Us, Shii3e
invited the guests to, the tea room
• Prayer,• in- I and the assistants were Mrs.. J.'
and. The. Children's
strumentals .ley Eddie, Gaunt, l'..W. Joynt , Mrs. J Hall, Mrs JI: .'C.
Joyce McDonald, :Donna • Woods;
Isabelle Mcpherson,• Alison; Webb
and Donna , Woods; a sola by
Gladys.: McDonald; a two-part
song, "Marianne goes to the Mill";:
'bagpipe selections by Archie Mc-,
Quillen,;: the sword .: dance ..arid.
'Highland fling by Isabelle :Mac-
Pherson, a contest .by pIvan Mc- .
Quillin add. a . quartette,:by Anne' Hanna, M.L:A., also from 'the
Todd, Donna Woods'', Sar ..anct Provincial' secretary. The: grand -
.children honored Mr. and. Mrs. : NNOW.NOUR•` SOILS iBY. '•SOIlt . T'EST
rutherford -and .Rev: 5: E. Ha ` - Andrew.': with' a basket of fifty
y yr” oses which served a . two i. - Make the torr, ct:'. analysis of fertilizer a�, ood investment S
ward both responded' grace usly yellow.:e g
fold purpose: _at the service on �
rto :a•. request for a 'few words. A ; •
o. - `;Sunday,:'.Jurie 3rd: at the •Lrnited r., Y Y , ; , ..YY�.. Y YY Y�Y Y�,Y�Yr�YY Y ,, Y YY. Y .ti
tsocial hour" was
ed whe enate Church -and on their•weddirig-'day
ed 'when; lunch .was sei'bed:' Later
the ladies observed•.the fine wo'r'k on June 5th •.
done by the pupils .under. the deer- ` ,Mr Andrew' has been in busi
ac't'or' of :Miss McQuillin: 'mess in ' ,Lucknow for •. the' past :43 :
years and is ,still actively engag
meeting next week. '
Some . donations are. already ' as -
slued .if the work is undertaken.
We are sorry to report; that Mr.
Rod ' McDougall is still in Wing -
haul. Hospital. ' •
Mr. and ',:Mrs.:Archie, MacDon-
ald and- .two : sons' of »Kitchener •
and • Mrs T. A. Machgnald of
Lucknow were ' callers "the first
Of the week' with L., Macfiver::
Minister: Rev. W. J. Mumford;'
M.A., $D, S.T.D.• f
SUNDA1, JUNE 77th ' 1951 I
a mA' Sunday School.
Reception of neW Members.
7 p.m :`' Rev.. James Bright •of
Dungannon. •i
Come and , worship with ,us.
Stothers, Mrs:. Irwin Carruthers,
Misses Helen . and Dorothy Gam-
The bride, And, groom ,were re- ,
cipients of 'many beautiful cards
arid ; lovely gifts:: •Congratulatory.
Messages were from Prime Min
ester Louis St.. Laurent, ,:Mr Don-
ald ' Blue, ,IIP,, ' and J•ohn W.
;ucknow 'Co -Op • Donald • BJue's' Store, Ripley
•The ladies are reminded.of, the ed in the aperateoxr 'af firs ample -
meeting' of the Women's Institute
mart and seed busines,5 \iEr and
to be held at•l Lis George Stuarts MrS4 Andrew ,have a fainily::of
on Friday afternoon at y2.30, The four sons and one Wil,
roll call; a cash donation to WingT01axri e€, .Lahfiea,d-;•—Jiobe,-,ix---•
ham Hospital.' Mrs: MacPherson 1 and -Arthur -of Lucknow and Flora'.
Will give the report' of the -Dis- at,' London: • '
trice annual meeting held in r
Lucknow: Program comfnittee &
`hostesses:,, .4OEiss '.'Mary ; Murray;`
Mrs Cliff "Murray. Any donations'
for the. Hospital may roe, left, with
the, sec:-treas., Mrs.: `E W., Rice....
Miss Margaret MacPherson of.
A. S. •Mitchell, Rector`
a. ' e
JUNE' 17th,,•1951. >
4th ,Sunday after Trinjty';
$t. Paul's•. Church, Riipley
9:15 a.m.:, Holy Communion.'
•St. Peter'sChurcli, Lucknow
11. a,ln,. 11013 Baptisrn
St. Paul's Church,' Dungannon
2,30: parr. Evening Prayer,
Our 77th Anniversary Services'
will be' herd in Lucknow,.'
• • f on : June 24th. :
The Lord Bishop,plans to visit
the 'parish on, Sunday, Miguel.
26th for The 'Apostolic Rite of
the• Laying on of Hands. /
Blake's ` W M S. =
• • • Blake's . W `M. S. held their
.Grandmother's ,meeting in., the`
form 'of a',quilting Thursday:.a'f
London spent' Friday'.at her home terhopn inn' Blake's .hall; with: the.
• Mr.. and Mrs Al ,.Martin• ,and I president, 'Mrs. I, ',Henry :in. the. -
.Neddy. of Detroit were weep end chair and 15 • present, 8 of„them
.visitors .-with” Mi and Mrs: E J being, grandmothers; As' the lad -
Thom •les Worked the ,hymns Were read
Mrs', •E: Barbour,.. Mrs. G Mac- 'by Mrs. H. Menary, scripture
, Pherson,,- Miss,' W. , D: Ruthe,r foi d, .Rev Woolley and Mrs. Jack, Ir-
�; win, minutes and ,r911
call 'by. the .
Mrs . E. ; W. l�,r,ce, :Mrs, Fred lVlc�• ',Win;
Quillin ,and Mrs, W.. A. •Miller at- secretary, Mrs: 'Curran,, Who. also
--- �awe..a...xP 'd.in Rev:: of
tended.' , .. • -�-Hur n --Drs-tnct g: +,,� : , a. g____,-�•_..�__ Wodlley
tended.. the`•West . ��
annual' meeting of 'the' Women's feted 'prayer, Mrs. • Howard Blake
Institute ' held. " in ,Lucknow on ,:read the . study ,book, 'and 'plans.
a • were trade•, for WYM.S, Sunday,
Thursday; , •'.' .'. '... each'.
While -competing. n the., r`un- the 'third Sunday in July, .
n•ing ,highjump at , the school of the 'Heralds to give a. reading:
y on.. Frida,
y' Margam
Margaret Plans, were ac for the child'-'
field daY,
F.oa'dyce, schogl had revs ' meeting next month on the
M. cNeille r of Mrs. Hent • •. b
the misfoi tune, to :fall, rrtluring school grounds. y read
her left .wrist:: X-ray examination a report• of the Presbyterial •at
at Wing'ham Hospital revealed a Exeter and M>s H..,Menary read'
fracture and it was put iii a• cast a. letter re literature. Mrs. Satin-
11 is.. S. •J..Kilpatr ck 'of: Crewe .dent gave a report of the bazaar
visited.° for 'a few days with•M.rs. .and 'suggested '.One • in .:the ,: fall
Helm am: Mr. and Mrs; Lorne. also; After another hymn, 'Mrs.
H ng with
Woods � arty closed the, meati
Mr: and, Mrs,' J. B. McKay of Prayer and the young' Marrieds
� ; ,; .
Port Elgin were recent guests of seriVed a. delicious•"lu»eh" fto the.
Mr. axed Mrs.,' Lorne Woods: grendi'riothers'. •
• ,.
• •
In just a..few •weeks time you+ can own one of these.
branch new bikes :.. a, smart table radio for.yo'ur own
room . . . or; One of 120 other valuable prizes just for,
saving 'Kist Bottle Tops. Here's Yhow t� do it..
Whenever you get a Kist, Bottle Top, lift the cork lin-
ing and look for the •letter. K -.I=S -or -T printed, on the
inside metal , surface. Then, go 'to"" your ' nearest
dealer's store theman man who sells delicious ice -cord
' Kist ; . . and ;ask for your .'copy of Kist Contest rules. '
:They'll tell you•`how' you can. win your new bike or
'One of the 120 valuable prizes. Start saving lucky' Kist
Bottle Tops right away
• Y,