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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-06-14, Page 2
PAGE TWO., LONGER MILEAGE • • SMOOTHER RIDING. • .EXTRA BLOWOUT • PROTECTION *see us to -day THE UJCI O* $ENTiNE.I LL KI oNV ONTARIO; • • TH .B$AAY JUNE. 14th, 1951 �e C�unty. (ouni,i. sy • June Sessiofl . • Last - Bruce County Council Conven- ed for the June•.Session at the Legion;• all; ltinca'rd rte; argon- -day evening,. June 4th, with War.:- den William Walshpresiding and all, members present, ouncil; adopted thereport of the, special committee • which re- commended •Mr; Everett Finnigan • of . 'West' Wawanosh, as. County assessor; The • business moved. along smoothly and routinely, except: in thecase of the: Consultative Coin- mittee which".. was : again. called • skin. In all,' 1,271 'students were Tuberculin. tested. Of this num- -U.61.7117 A:were found 'l�ubercuhn 'Positive, or 9.3 percent' :Of the 117 Tuberculin positives' exan in- ed' and x-rayed at chest clinics'27. students • had suspicious findings, ,necessitating. •a further, examina- • tion .arid x-ray: One case has provers:to be ,mildly active, early, tulberculosis :arid has, been. admit- ted to "Sanatorium The :Highways, Committee re- portecl that they, _have a ' great many demands for work . :to .be upon to. meet almost continuously dune this year and are : renting dealing 'with applicatio is ` for•. a good deal •of; eguipment includ- 'minor changes` in the High School' ing 3 'D-7 tractors or equivalent: Districts throughout. the ;C aunty. The villages' of Paisley :and Tiv- erton were attached to the Walk- erton and Kincardine .High School Districts, tespe'ctively, 'Most con- itentious ,of the applications re- lated to the south-easterly . sect- ion' of ;.Brant .Township. "Several petitions' 'were, presented regard- . Mg this section of Brant ---that. it be , a'ttached to. the Hanover High 'School Area; that• part of, it be attached to .the: Chesley District and that' it be. left, alone. '.It was finally derided to:.make ...ne change at the present- time. 'The Reforestation Cox it'tee• devoted 'considerable, time to the consideration of ,'.ail oil .lease of a260II acre • part of Miller Lake forest tract., in the Township of 'Lindsay •to: Mr. V. H. Fairless, represei ting. `, an American, Oil Syndicate. On •recommendation of the. Coininittee, Council ' author iz.e• execution; of : the 'lease Mr. S. F. , Ballachey of ;Paisley presented to Council a letter; he had; received from the Edrrionton. race ouilit •• Atm Ias�n's: Garage 'Phone 148 Lucknow' a B.F. Goodrich BEST IM THE LONG RUH ST. • 'PETER'S .TO MARK.. '7TH, ANNIVERSARY,.`. The Anglican. congregation of St" Peter's Church; Luck tow •B C y Old. Boys and• Girls' Committee :enquiring as to the. possibility ,of holding another Bruce County' Reunion in 1952. A special, committee composed of '' ' �plari, tn.,'•celebrate their 77t1F an= Mr.Ballacheyand Reeves For- .. niversary. • on Sunday, June 4th, rester and , Oswald was • appointed • when the: visiting preachers will to ;.correspond 'with the Edmon- L _ ti _ Reverend K, - l ton• `grout) and report to the 'No- 'em'ber ` session of :',Council. The County, rate for .this year was set .at •101/2'mills, the same• as„ -1950. This will' raise the sum of $339,6503.35.. ' In,, addition;` The sum; -of $50,9.37.13 will be requir= ed ; for High and : Conttinuation School; purposes for the education of "County" pupils.. ., The. accounts .of ,the '.'various Walkerton in' the • l'norning, and the;Rverend H. L. Parker, Rural Dean of Bruce, ,inn" the' evening. A•`request'has been. made for .the ]:oan. of pictures of former rnem- hers: for the occasion. • A F: T ER LENGTHY Kincardine Couneil Noted $500 to DEBATE• the Softball Club, • • STREAMLINE YOUR HAYING Aid" 8444' feel! r ,l. r•; In 'addition. to 'many minor• jobs is', 'planned. to put: hard top froth- King's Highway No. 9 to ithe . south end of , 'Formosa also' from Dunkeld 'to Chepstow.. It.. is also planned to finish the heavy construction`. work: and grading started last year' from Pinkerton • to Glamis; 'Invermay . to,' Ark ,right; Ambleside to Teeswater, and .from. Ripley, to • Pine.River. Extensive gravelling is also quired•in addition to maintenance and improvement: of the hard top n some ears: which has been •dow s years: TheCounty 'road liability. in- suranee was placed' with •t'h.e. Nor- wich Union -Fire '' Insurance ;SOC., nett' Ltd.,: for one.: year' at .•a'' pre- mi'um of, $1,6'14, and the non own-. ership pokey was :placed With the Pilot Insurance Company for a premium.• -of $95 for the same per iod, both policies,''with Mr. Ellis Millard, Southampton agent. Special grants were i nade, to. hospitals in the'County, as'fol- lows:. Ches�ley $3;000; Kincardine' $2,000; .So'utham'pton $2000; Walk 'erton '::$3000;;, Lion's •Head' $1500;' $300 was granted to the Salva', tion Army, $100'for further de' velopment of the Bruce County Land 'Use Program; '$1000 to .the Municipality of Chesley ' towards defraying the, cost' of. putting in a 'new• water :main replacing one, :which was broken' ' under , the Chesley''Bridge. In addition to the usual. grant df x$2.,000, the'Bruce County ,Library Association will receive 'a. special grant of: $14000 to . be used 'toward the' purchase sof .a Bookmobile:': An interesting' feature. of. the Session 'was , the • presentation to"' the County of the recently' com- pleted:Soil`'Map• of':the County of High, 'Conitiniiation and 'Vocat Bruce, which has been: two years in • preparation. The presentation :was made by Mr.' N. R: Richards,. Head of . theSoil Department of.. ional schools• for the .• education of Bruce "County" pupils totals- ed $5Q,937.13. !f`ounty" ' pupils are those: who do' nowt •reside,.in any High or Continuation. school district and whose- Parents', or 'guardians, 'consequently; do,' not pay school taxes directly to such schools. Under ' the • complicated procedure 'provided :in the prey ent-School Acts, the cost, of edu- cation, du-cation, of these puipils• is paid,.in the first instance by. the County ly levied' .YSy-"t. •, County' against 'those: municipal- ities or, Portions ..thereof not in- cluded within the High, Contin uation .or Vocational School• Dis tricts. The amounts, to which' the + arious'schools arse entitled ' area •as • follovis High Schools 'With a JOIN .DEERE . Chesle • y . $7,836 37 LuCknow Forage Ha �� vaster • $3,477.63; ' Kincardine. $4,651:18; '`� Port , El in $8,334.23 Walkerton :$370.48;'' iarton $2;889.94, Continuation' Sehoojs• Allenford,. $1;702.62; Hepworth $1,30,7.8'0; :.Lions .Bead 42442,93; Paisley $3,732.18;;';flipley $6,6:41.- 76;:,South ampn • $1,135,02; Tara nil; T,eeswa er Culross' ;$526 ,7'l Tiverton $2,755.45— ' Schools in, Adjoining Counties W ngham High School. $1,42,0 81; .Owen S'ourid collegiate' $830.- 29, • Vocational ' Schools H. •B: Beal Technical • 'School, London, $110.44; Owen Sound V'o at'ional Schgo1, $1,252,90.' • The County' Health 'Unit Coin- mittee reported that all. pupils in the 'High & Continuatiorx' schools Were giv'en'a Tubereuiin test.. In - • You'll shoiten yourmhaying season ... I lengthen your haying_prpfits when .you .make, bay..Arith.. a John Deere -Forage .liavester; n one fast trip, the' John Deere picks tip the windrowed' crop, chops',it, and loads • it on the ` wagon. \ You beat weather 'risks by getting, your hay under. , cover in" a hurry; You 'cut labor .costs because ,the tractor .operator is your 'complete field crew. You reduce, feed• hag waste because livestock eat the "bite size". •:stems arid,stalks along with the leaves. See us soon, , W. G. Siinmons ' and Sons John Deere Sales Service Huron Rd,? ' Goderich phone 1132 Snub. Agent: PORTER'S . WEL151NG SHOP 'Phone '206-r-4; LUcknow. ' THE TRADEMARK 0f QUALITY FARM EQUIPMENT dividuals having harbored the Tubercle Pacilli•',p reviously, „will react' with 'a reddened, swollen area when • a certain Amount of" the,diluted protein, known Old Tuberculin,' is 'injected intbb the. • On -recommendation of. the •Le gislptive conunittee, .the.following resolutions were passed by Coun- cil during the session That 'the Provincial' Govern - pIRL .GUIDES: • On "Thursday, June 7th at 4.30 the Girl .Guides went on• a hike to. •, Anderson's sideroad where Solite ,Of them .tried.tests for their Second . class,, There. were eleven present.• Guide hike a ,next .week is at "4,3�: • . Bruce Tories,I'lan 'Convention The Progressive. Conservative Association o_ !' . the . R.,.iding . of 'Bruce; awhile discussing, organ- ization,• have decided to call a convention early in September, after' the holiday; and 'busy' agri- .,cu.lturak' season, fdr the purpose Of' choosing a candidate' to, rep-, resent the Riding' • at the next 'Provincial e'lection., merit be, requested, to institute some .fgrrin of ;insurance whereby .; ra• in nvidua l.ma y be e the, a d Y�' e..vge l'ievedeof the heavy cost -of• hos- pitalization, Tharp: the ,1VIt nicipal . «Act be amended so that -a, farmer's •fath- er, smother or 'brother who resides 'With, him` on the farm; shall be entitled to vote; That . the Department of Edu- cation be requested to .allow . a grant on the• purchase price of a school site, similar to thatallow- ed on: the cost; of .O school' build-. , `,Recommending that •oar •Gore •. ernment proceed with. the St. Lavltrence Seaway project with or without 'the collaberation, of the' United 'States Governinent,' at. the earliest'' possible time; Requesting .the Provincial. Gov ernment to'• 'make: provision .for the: taking. of a ;plebiscite, when.' the ,next :Provincial election` held,, on the question of Daylight Saving; Time; :>.` Protesting;: the: proposed'•remov al of passenger train ..service 'by'' • the : C:N.R..from' : its ...Paimerston to Southampton :and Palmerston • to Kincardine. lines Zion • Zion ; W,IV..S niet Wednesday afternoon, June 6th, at Ashfield parsonage,' with an attefidance Al, '15 adults ' and. four children, and the president, Mrs, Gordon Rit- chie, in the chair. Mrs, 0: Gard- ner, secretary. pro tern, read the nnin;utes and called ,the roll, MIs., W- O. H•unte�r.;lead-:the.-dev©trirn1 period, with • Mrs., • Geo., Hunter Mrs.C Gardner and Mis. Jacob i4unter 'assisting with scripture reading. Mics. 'S. Gibson. Contrib... uted a reading on - "Grannies as: it:'was Grandmother's meeting,• - with five of them present,- Mrs. Gordon Ritchie' ,read a. report: of the znorning: session of Presby- tenial at Exeter,•to which she and R. M.rs. Will .Hunter• were delegats, Ws. .,Frank' ' 'Ritchie gave .,the 'chapter ' in the study book, ,Mrs_ a: Anderson'e •F.a t rnperanee read ing and Mrs, Wes Ritchie:. and.. ' Miss.•Marlene Hunter piano solos, During; the business Session. 'Mrs,. G. Ritchie and Mrs. C. Session were, appointed •to" arrange fedi; W.M.S. Sunday, Mrs.Peter Gook to' prepare .the program tore the young ladies' meeting' • n,e;.x t • 'month,"°.a .motion; passed• to col lect for.: the ' garden • party, 'and arrangeanents 'made to • send the missionary quilt to Mrs.. Roy ,A1 - top. for Al ton•,for supplies. A vote -of thanks.: `n was moved by .Mrs. Geo. Hunter and. •Mrs., W. Ritchie,•,and "Happy• Birthday • sung'for Mrs., Jacob, Hunter, whose birthday Was ;that day. After the closing prayer: by Rear:' Woolley, ;refs jhments were. served by the ,hostess; assisted by` Mrs. Cameron, and Mrs, 'Gibson.: , TWO THOUSAND persons •gathered in Walkerton 'Arena for. the Youth for 'Christ rally as ' dressed by 'Rev. Quinton J. Ever- est of South Bend;: Indiana. 'Also •. speaking during the evening was Dr. Bern ,Corrin. of. Wi.ngham, a director of the Hanover • 'istrict Y.F.C. emorial .Community` 'Centre, on 15 :'Regular Games '.a# $20:00 Special at .$50.00 -' -. 1;',: Special. 'at$75.00. 1 Special., at $100.00 JACK POT SPECIAL FOR '$1,000.00 ! .;. Consolation $50.00 Doors open 8 p.m. 0 o Bingo at 9 p.m: sharp' Admission -$1-.00, Extra Cards- and- Speelal-Games- 5e �- • Bingo in Paisley', Community. Centre on .June 21st,.. Jul5th, r y August '•2nd, August 16th,: August :30th. • 627X Authorizes bottler e1 Coca -Coln under costrnct rrilh Coen -Cob Ltd. GObERI.CH ' BOTTLING' WORKS Goderich,.Ootr �b ''Phone 489 "Coke" ^ ns ' a 'registered trade -mark > . r , Bottle Corton Ieti`adiay federal Sales Bbd tX(t% Plu�s'deposit 2cjier bottle ti�