HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-31, Page 14.LEGIONNAIRES LACE. GODERICH• 15-0 H rglue Hall turned in .a one hit effortin easy free. wheeling style on 'Tuesday nightitas Luck* show. Legionnaires belted three ' Goderich hurlers for a 157,0. vies tory. p Hall Was robbed of . a no-hitter in the 8th -inning when Willis hit ;• sharply.:to short to carom one • off Jack MacDonald's::finger tips • as he lunged for. the ,horieh'ide,• ;Hall's , control was.perfect . and Holmes was the only .other: God..: erich player to reach ' first He ;gigot a life in the second 'on an error; Otherwise for• ,seven rings it was 3 up and 3 down only' '29 men ...teeing ,.Hall, who struck out 17 mien and received ,nears perfect w support from his teammates, who . were "kept on' their .toes .:by sparkplug Shelley Miley, who is, doing, a lovely job of catching Hall. Lucknow got off :.to .,a Six -run el . lead in the first, aided. material.- 4.r aterial-1y by 5 walks issued by the first of three twirlers the Lakesiders. used. '. . Score' by ,.• Goderich' •000 000 000 0. :Lueknow, , . , .... 630 211 02x=15, Gaines . Coming Up June • .7—Lucknow at, Centralia June 12--�. Lucknow' it , Walkerton '•'June' 15-Wiarton at Lucknow ' • • GIRLS". TEAM FOLDS ' Thegirls' softball :team which .was entered in'the W.O.A.A., has • 'ibeen, forced :to fold.' up •,as. pros pects°. weren't ;;bright for' being :able to field a •te.am riotne. flay time. The team4;was °for girls up to 16, who were turning out regularly to : • practise; However, when .it : becanne apparent: ,that several key ..players.: would be .out-of-town during the.. .summer.; it was decided . to drop 'out. of • the. group.~ ,: • 1-7 q WE; KNt2WE 1TI `TEL, LUT CKNOW,. OIC Alts ; .. ... .._: HUR1SDAX', ,TV,11X 'ith, 1951' EXHIBITION GAME., *RAINED OUT -.FRIDAY ; • At "play ball time",on. Friday night a torrential rainstorm broke and quickly' washed ,out all hope of :the London ,C.N,R. and Luck - now Legionnaires' exhibition. game going • ahead; In spite of weather .forecast. to this effect, Old Sol shone .brightly' a.1 after 'noon. In .the. early.' "evening the :storm clouds` gafthe ed, 'and just at game' time the rain came. ' The • C.N 1l.. tea • fr. in, London had just reached n, abut had not:put in 'an appearance .on, the. diamond. This 'exhibition 'game was •abooked when '.Chesley' drop ped from 'the` League leaving 'the Legionnaires with an open date on Friday night, , • ,,*4.** •The •' •Wingham Crosset. ' Mer curys opened. the season , on Mon day: night 'with a '6-0 win over Seaforth.' On the,* 'mound . for Wingham was ,l9 -year-old . • Guy. • Sparrow of Detroit,, who stands. 6 ;feet, ; 5 inches and weighs •a mere 220. pounds. He whiffed' 12 and allowed •6 . hits. ; Behind the plate: is' the .veteran :Bob Groves, and at . short is: Wilf Seli, wvho spent last summer playing junior. baseball for' Shallow Lake, and' then took:' over: .at 3rd- for .:the Walkerton softball, squad,: in:: the final 'fixture with Lucknow °for the group title; Friday, , June 15th, . is : Luck-' how's' next' •scheduled home game against the highly rated Wiarton nine: ; Special • interest centres 'around this.game for no . other thal'-Freddie Banks.will be' dish ing . them up 'against `: his. former teammates. Banks , did.'.a brief stint for :the... Legionnaires last year, and has : ,enough 'Power hii • his, sturdy black arm' :to make birn• ;plenty-,tough'.to bit. :Hik colored battery, mate is. Jim Hinton. • HEREFORD BREEDERS' PICNIC: taking ,part. '.Cattle .for tile:{ Com-' .HELD AT ,•GODERICIi • The -Huron , County Hereford ..-$seeders- Association " played host on Saturday to ' theOnttrio As-: sociation for their annul picnic held at Harbor : Park,' Gode rich. H. ',J., L. Eedy .of Dungannon, ...resident of;the Huron Associa- tion, presided: The guest speaker was Hon; ;Thomas -,L. .Kennedy,, • Ontario , Minister , of 'Agriculture.. Another highlight of the picnic was- a 'competition .• of Hereford cattle, with four classes w petition „Were: from .the • herds of'. John ;1VMcGregor ;Hensall; George, • Kennedy; Lucknow; : Howard•. Wright, Cromarty; .' Frank Pent- land, ,,Dungannon; Ralph . Foster, Sheppardton and' Ernie Brown,. Clinton.'' Al UNOFFICIAL BALLOT en, Eby , the. Wiarton:' Echo '.Qn\ the; question of tying up dogs resztilt= ed .in 90 naes and .74 'yeas: As: ,a; result .Wiarton Council rescinded its -by-law and dogs.. are again:` .on' -the loose in. that. town. mumaimii mommmiuuiiiiaiiiu lc '1111 m. v. 14 • ■ II- . You Can't °Go Wrong On Any Of. These Buy's: • ■ • ,,_11 .1951 CIIEV. Belair Hardtop Convertible, -2 tone.in. Color,' air ' iti• , •.; conditioning, undercoating, custom radio and Many 4171 r. custom radio. • 1949 CBE,: "DELUXE SITLINE SEDAN, 2 tone custom radio and -air conditioning., 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN. 1.949 CHEV. S'I'YLINE SEDAN. 11-'1940 DODGE "SEDAN. 1939 FORD COUPE. 1937 curgv. coon. .3". 1936 TEREAPLANE SEDAN., • USS S 1940, CHEV. 1936 tiODGE, One with SEDAN'. iv m. • to - • 1 Cities; Service Dealer • **les MINOR. HOCKEY. ' s ST RS SECOND n : IN ° WEDDING BELL S HAS SOME`" 'RECORD A' look at the "record .boo"ks" of the past five years gives' an .interesting a n d astonishing glimpse at minor 'hockey activit- ies in the Sepoy :town over the past five of six years. . This picture wa reviewed by H. D. "Bud" • Thpmpson . at ': the banquet; on . Monday •night in honor of the 1951 Bantam and Pee, Wee 'charnpions. "I'Q clear Ithe. age groups, P'ee• Wees, are up to• 12 .years,'Bantams to ,14,: Midgets to ..16' . and , Juven- H les - to 18 Year's:, • Here's the . thumb.;': nail sketch: In the:iwinter of 1946 Pee Wee ',hockey 'Made. its,• debut :with a series of exhibitioh: games with. ;Lochalsh.. ` . In 1947 The Clansmen sponsor- ed Minor Hockey,'. ' appointing Cam ,Thompson and Wes Huston in charge and later added "Bud Thompson whp is. still: piloting the'.Bantams. 'The . Club . bought two sets of sweaters, which are still in use and in Comparatively good repair. There was no. League ge3uping for the. Pee Wees who, Played exhibition games., • 1 e.• Bantams ' team. won the W.O.A.A. championship 'by defeating Clin- ton. ' (There was no; .seriesclass-' ification at. that time). The Ban- tams defeated- Chatsworth in` the O.M.fLA.- playdowns :and: met Fergus the: following nightin. the seri-finals,, losing. the round 15 goals: to ;8 after playing three ,games in four : nights. • . •1948 In, . 1948 the Bantam's `staged; .'a. belated,: series-' with: Clinton for the W.0;4A.Y championship The series went.. 4 games and 'wash"de- tided on artificial .;ice,; in Strat= ford: on :Good.' Friday, with' Clin- ton •winning the : pay-off game. The : Pee Wees lost ' a `. three-` genie challenge.: series with God-' erich for' the W.O:A.A. ' "title".' There. Was no Midget entry in 1948;,. 1949: Irk. 1949: the, Bantams Were e1 iminated'. by ' Wingham in the, group championship ' series... The Pee • Wees challenged ' all comer's and won the .. Gideon Cleaners trophy as champions of the. VW.O..AA. They also took .part in' a..'roun'd robin 'tournament Guelph, .emerging the champs,' by. defeating Georgetown, drawing with Weston, and defeating an all-star, team from the Guelph City League:. : The 1949 edition of the Midgets, `comprised chiefly •ef the. Bantam team that met Fergus hi. '47; Won 11 `straight: games before" drop - 'Ping, a' 6-4 decision to Kincar- dine in a' sudden death ;Kincar- dine for the W:O.A.A.. championship.. At the.Bruce County music fes- tival at. Walkerton. last . Week, Kathleen .and Mary. Fisher of SS. No. 9, ,K.inloss, • 'placed second in the: duet .class,. 10' years & under, The girls are the . daughters.. Of Mr., and Mrs. .Geoj ge •Fisher;. Miss Grace '•Moir, is the teacher and Mr. Ireland the music instructor. In the boys solo' class 11 and 12' years, Donald' MacLennan of Ripley • was fir4st and Tom Alton of .Walkerton, second, Mary Lil- lian MacKenzie Of; Walkerton. was..Second in the girls solo class 9.an.1i1.0 years...• :SS. No, 11, Huron Township, took first in' the two-part chorus for, one room schools. ,Mrs. Sandy McCharles :•is. the teacher and Miss Marian MacDonald:. t h,e' music, instructor. .There .were as 'Many as forty contestants, insomeclasses. and: it was a long and':"difficult. task to ,selectthe winners. • Bell Graham `. of the Second Concession School was a finalist. inthe 'girls' solo class,. 13 ,&..14 She scored 82 marks. Carol Anger of SS. 11, Huron, with :80 marks,: *as in...the finals in the girls' solo Class, 7 and, 8 years. . DID WELL AT SPRING ' SHOW. IN .CLINTON :. • George Kennedy ' was ' among the. exhibitor's' at the "Clinton. ,{. MacKENZIE JAMES : Spring • Show 'last week: With 5 Hereford herds coMpeting, Mr, Keiniedy-got first, fez' aged" bull, which was: alio the. charhpiori , • Hereford bull; ist, and, 2nd - for, heifer. George• -had the champion ,herd over :all breeds. BOYS and GIRLS LOOK at these Valuable Prizes You Can VVIN 13y SAVING :In 1950 the . first season of al Classification series in the WOAA, The Bantami were defeated • by Ripley for, the WOO:Champion- , ship and the Midgeti were elim- ,`.!t: 'Mated by AtWood in .tlie League' crown and lost out to Ayein the' ;The Pee Wees Went id 'Ooder- ich -and. swept 'everything 'before them ' in the Ydung .canada Pak This past *inter, the, . i951' season, the Pee ' Wees *on the .champions of YOung,CaPada Day: ,, The :Bantams won the Wein TroPhy—as "D".-champioris of-, the WOAA :and were finalists for' the OlVIHA, trophy losing mit to Bob - There was no,midget team. the'Legion, and prettY much the seine team, that mei Fergus back Fhampionship, and went on l' to feated in ,a goals -to -count series for the title. by 'bolton. , • The weekly Meeting, of the 1st liticknow Girl Guides. Wa.s held on Thursday; May 3lit, We went ,a hike,' where some of the Guides tried,nature and fire tests for the Sedond Class. Games! Were plaYed. Guides next Thursday ii Brand 1New lei 'smart! It's streamlined It'S Yours afi'redately, /re Bottle Tops. Think of the fup Isave this sumtner with a brand new bike like this . and You can:have yours with - get started. right .asVaY. . orr se A MANTEL RADIO yOur.ownroom on you'r very Om radio. In- vite the gang, .in to listen. .too, YOWL' be ' amazed how easy it ,is to, win this PciiVerful. - radio. det lour Kiit Contest rbles from lour, Play kfll thii season like a big league star vvith this professional glove. If. you 'prefer, you may have a $5.00 merchandise 'certic‘cate,, instead of the. glove, . Your Kist Contese.rules.will tell You 4tSw yeti Cap OviA. either the glove or the Certificate. ' . 4. A' FL114,114G 'SAUcER Comes complete with pistol type atomic ejector. Pull the trigger and the ,Flying Saucei whirIS into air . . . then Comes back to earth 'in a spinning landing. Be rthe first * in your neighbourhood with this exciting' Flying Saucer and atomic cjectori Start say, flag "lucky," Kist Bottle Tops ' today. . Here's how you tan find out aft abOut this etching new coinest: Simply ro your nearest kist Dealer antf ask'hina for 'a free cbpy pf Kist Comes( raiwt,r, ." .Then' While you rend all about it . 4 enjoy a frosty cisid bottle of cieliqoioi Kilt, it's the "Tops in Pops"! tind the Kist Coriteit'is' tops in fun and prizes. Get Your Entry Blank from, Your KIST DEALER TODAY!