HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-31, Page 13.tycouin.Theatre NiviNGH?"%m Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT, 7.15 • Thursday, Friday, Saturday • 411,14E 7, 8,1' • LUCILLE, • EDDIE ALBERT , ' _ MATINEE.SAT.V.11‘0 , • Tues ay, Wednesday JUNE 114, 12, .13 ' f 'JOHN GARFIELD, • PHYLLIS THAXTER — — The Breaking Pint (Adult Entertainment) .Thursllay,» Priday.,„:$aturdaY • 'June 14,..15,, 16 "THE PETTY , .IncubatOr Baby ProgresseS 'Karen Yvonne, infant daughter Mr. and Mrs .* Jack Coultes and -of. Mr. ,and Mrs Fred Young' of Mr. and Uri, Alex Leaver ad .Dthigahniin,..'is making . steady Evelyn visited on Sunday with „ • gain in an ineu4atOr at Goderich Mr. and Mrs:Alberto Cottltes,. , ...HosPital. The littlegirl, born on • Mr. and Mrs.- Nelson Higgins, • may 12th; Weighed only 3?./2 .lbS. Miss Mildred and Rds's 'of Briis-; • 'and was considered to haVe. slim .sels, Mr and. Mrs: Carman Far - chances of SurviVal. She Was-.rier and Brian o Long Branch placed in an incubator at. the and Miss Winnifred Farrier of hoSpital and Karen now • weighs Toronto Were Sunday visitors over :four Pciunds. ,• • .. with Mr. and Mrs., W. R..Farrier. . . • , • , , 14m,',"4"'7 •• • • Remarkable 1, Ai.7-razziPARibar , • • THE. L'UcliNOW SENTINEL; .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WINNERS • St. Peter's Guird pf the Angli-, can Church, held a SuceesSful !bazaar oh Saturday,. The tea - table prize of tea towels Vas won by ,Mr, Bob -Moore, and the crib quilt by Miss Kathleen Call-' ag],.a» Toronto with» ticket number 165 •• • • • • • • • • WHITECHURCH'. . Mr. and Mrs. -Foien..of Mimic° :spent a few days at the horn.e of her mother,'Mrs. Mac RoSs. Rev. Graydon an cl.„ Mrs. Cox tand fain- ily of F.Onthill,'•anotbred up 'Sun::: day •eyening arid spent, Monday -at» the same,hoine. • ••": 463m- near: egina Wild is visiting with Jack Gillies and other. relatives, alleci in the Village on' Monday before •returning to» his home. • • • • Kenneth :ROSS » of the» RCMP, •Regina, spent a 'few holidays with» his parents, Mx.» and Mrs. Robt. Ross. • • George Ross of Owen :4ourid • pent •Sunday at the same home. • Successful:anniversary services were held on Sunday in -the lin.- ited 'Church: Pr. W. 'J.; Muniforcl of Lucknow United Church. was g1.4Pst speaker., giving two inspir- irig; sermons »: and sPecia,1 music • was rendered .by the choir under the »1eadrship» of Garnet. Farrier. • • • " • ' jr. Reported, From Users Of NEW LIFE 'AND LlFETER WEDDING BELLIs' -,,BUSHEI.L=13A1E The second wedding in -the ' tory Of the Icithoug,h PreSbyter- ian Church was solemnized on Saturday; May 26th at 11"'arn. when the Rev. G. S. Baulch un- ited in,..niarriage, Doris Marion, only daughter .of. Mrs. John Kinlough, and the late John Barr, to Morley John, son of Mr. •and Mrs. John Bushell, icinlough: The first, wetiding in, the church •was that of the bride's parents. • The church was beautifully de- corated with :basket§ of lilacs, • • narcissis tulips and .tern. • The bride entered the *Arai .on the arm, of. her twin .15fother. John, who gave her'in.ritarrfage,, 'M.iss» Margaret 1VIa1cohn played the wedding Music and, Mrs. Har- old :-,Haldenby. -gitieSt sang "When Song ,is Sweet'; and •dUring• the signing of the regis- ter, "Because ".» 'The ride wore. a • floor length dress of iyoy» satinfashioned in princess. style with »sWeetheait necklineand' fingertip' • Sleeves. and extended into a » long train. Her fingertip "veil was. held place » by» a 'coronetof sequins,' She 'carried a bOugnet »of rose ‘• carnations and fern. • Mrs. Donald McEwan, sister of. the,• grporn, was bridesmaid„ and wore a floor:length dress of blue nylon over taffeta with matching veil and groves ancl carried a •bouquet of. pink carnations•. Mr. Donald assisted brother as groOrrishian. The tish-. ers were M. Russell .„ Barr, brO- ther .of the bride and Mr: Lomax brother of the groorn.. The Rev. G. :S.Baulch present-,. ed Mr. and Mrs.. Bushell with beautiful Bible from .the session of the „Church.. ' • • ' The reception .was held at the home of the:bricie'S •thother Where dinner was served to fifty guests., The bride's mother received, Wearing: iblack, ''sheer • trimmed With pink and wearing a corsage, of rink ;carnations and was. as- 'sisted: b,y.,the groom's. Mother Who•wore dress of navy floWer-- ed'failTe and corsage of pink.=car- , • • • . CONTAINING. ANIMAL ,PROTEIN rAcTot. You. believe it only when you try it. "*.. PRICES ARE REDUCED! Investigate Ours With 'Consideration To Refund on Empty °Bags. • 2. Free Delivery. 3. Discount on Half -Ton or Tons. 4. Free Mixing of your choice of Tonics or Etc., a ton of feed. . . • FORD'S Feed Store •''PHON.E.••.165, LITOKNOW .• -•'',•• .• • We APPieelite All Patronage I • ••• • • • r Pa."04.164•.11,041.110•01111. Oink ,•1.4:11,116.04.00;4111,01.14,41.0•".Vrall:"Inn•041114? Presents . »» Thursday, Fliday;;Saturdai,' Julie 9 .• , An »historic4» spectacle in glorious ' technicolor and featuring . MAUREEN O'HARA and McDONALD CAREY:.' • ommancheTerritory" TWO STARTING AT 800 PM. " . . . . • . Monday, Tuesday,WedneidaY, 'June 11,12,:13 4 . .Two Birds With One Price. See ESTHER. WILLIAMS & igE1) SKELTON, m ' "Neptune's acid also HELP THE CANADIAN BOYS IN KOREA ENJOY A SMOKE. as a big percentage of »tbe proceedof these three days' • engagement" of this picture goes towaids buying cigarettes for the boys over there..• LuCkneW, is much improved and expects to return home this Week. Mrs.' Mae Nicholson and son John 'visited. ' a day last Week: witti and Mrs. Bert. Nicholson. • ' Mrs - ilton- Walsh has gone to Listo, , i• to , the:. home of her niece, Irs. parson Laughlin. Friends and: neighbors of Mr. Penzil.:'Statters : gathered :at •the litilyrood Hail on Wednesday' ev- ening to. honor • him before he» leaves to make. his home at Galt. with ,Mr.: and Mis.',GOrdon-Stat=- t ri.1, His farm has been sold to Lr. P. A: !Murray • • Mrs J Stathdee aceernparii- ed by Mr. nd Mrs. E. Kennedy of Cleveland and'Mrs. E. Quack- 170116Wing the •reception the 'Young rouble left on.: a Motor. trip to Windsor. and other -Points For:travelling- the bride chose a mid -blue . gabardine: Suit. ,With White accessories and a corsage • of Pink carriatioriS, On their re- turn they will :reside .= on the groom's' farm , at Kinlough At. Iton Wedding ,• : • , .,ig , . It and. Mri. Reuben. ,Wilson - and issiSadie johnStOn',attend-, ed.:•the--.0strancler•Vatts ',wedding •On..SatirdaY »at Bethany United Church, ":- Malkin. The .:,grOorn's inotheri-TIVIrs. A. Ostrander:of Toronto; - Was: fiwnierly »Edith Johnston :and is ,a »cousin of Mrs. Wilson and Miss Johnston. ' . • • . • . „ " . I. • . . . • Feeds, Fertilizer Phone Lucknow District (01 Groceries . PhOne 27 WEEKLY SATURDAY ia4HT:OR4w,• EaCh Saturtila' y tight at 10.-i0 o'clock a draw will be made •,frelo the boxcontaining members purchase S tickets. The Amount of 'the purchase recorded on the lucky ticket will' 'be given away in groceries. ' , • • , WEDNESDAY IS SPECIALS DAY. • ATI THE 'COOP. ' • • . Miss Wirinie-3Percy;•• R. N., 61 Woodstock spent .a .few days at,: Mrs.: »C. ,H witt who haspent the Past. le* Months *with • Mr. ad» Mrs. George Graham return. - ed to her home at :KinloSSI. apd Mrs. Morley Bushell returned.. home • on': rirday after their • honeyinoOn trip,- „ Mr. Dick Neil. and Mr. Davie De. Aries of lVfoore.sville visitedon Sunday with MiSses., Edna ,and May Boyle., • • ' • . Mr, and Mrs. Maurice, liodgins spent Saturday at London Visit- ing with friends. Beginning .next Sunday, ,June •1 Oth, :services. in, the Anglican Church» will be held »at 9.30 On Tuesday ;evening -Pri9r„ t9 her marriage, Mis Doris, Barr was the guest ,pf honor at a social eVe'rling which was :held. at 'the home of Miss. Margaret IVIalcolm, Games were enjoyed" after which ' Doris was presented with - a. Book Of, »Praise by the rneMbets » of the -Presbyterian • Church choir: of. which she .had !been a 'faithful ,.' member.. , . '1 • » Misses • Margaret„, Nellie and. Helen, Malcolni Motored 'to Tor- onto on Wednesday 'where Helen resuined her duties after two .i4e:eeit,,,hoiiday4. • 1 ,We are, PleaSed, to report that William Halde0y, who las' n very ill at the 'home Of,her siSter-in4aW0, Mrs. Dudleyin • • . • , • I • • SI -10P *7,T1 -1E 0-013‘:W:AY. 1 :WE TitY, TO PLEASE. • • • enbush of Chicago visited Satur- day. with Mrs.. J. W. Colwell.' - 1VIr: & Mrs., Don McCosh, Mary and Dickie.and' Mrs. J. W. Col - 'Well visited Sunday with. .1Virs.,- Lucy Swan at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. George Potter; Clinton.?' Mr and Mrs. WM. Wall visited: , • on, Saturday with lVfr. and Mrs-. Allan Wall at 'London. ...•* • • . • c,OR/)EJ? with tRADE E OUriroce ries asseHarris m ements AVAILABLE FOR 'IMMEDIATE DELIVER' • Ali Sizes of M. -H. TractOrs, Plows,.Manure Spreaders, Discs, . • Rubber -Tired Wagons; Mowers, • Side Delivery Rakes, Binders.:, FULL LINE OF liEPAIRS ;ON HAND Now Located In The Former Boyes' Shop, Next To •Ed. Baker's. . •'. ‘,7 • • , , A • ).;! ' 1'4• , • 4 4. • Ailii•Chaliners Equitimeht • • We Have In Stock: • . 'ROTC, BALERS,, SIDE RAKES, MOWERS, ,•KING WISE BALE CONVEYERS. See The New 60 All -Crop Harvester' ' ONE C ALLIS-CHALMERS USED TRACTOR TRACTOR For Fast Profitable Gains d Prime Finish FEED, PURINA STE !VATENA • An.4tO Make the Most OtHigher Egg Markets try Purina chick,•Startena, GroWena and GrOwing Chow.. 4 , . • AS HACKETT and • LUCKNOW, » oNi4A.10 • ' I • '41 a I.