HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-31, Page 12PAGE FOUR old t+': • 44* • Tom, ' fuCKNOW. SFNTINE14 LUCKNOW, "ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE` ''7th;, 1951 • "'WANT AtD RATES—lst; insertion:, 2 cents .a word,. subsequent. insertions: 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25 'cents. Replies care: of zThe Sentinel. 10 cents a ctra.'Legal advertising; 10 cents • per count .line first insertion, ,5 cents per , line subsequent insertions. FOR SALE --a violin case :and i.AWN MOWERS bow, Apply at Sentinel Office. ,Repaired. and Sharpened FORSAI ' 5 timbers,, 9x12 in For•prompt' and, efficient ser'- a vice see or call, 16: and 18 . feet long. Art Breekle•s, E, w ,Rice, R. R6 '2, I ueknouv Lucknow hone 211-r-31 • GA11'FOR^ SALE 1951, Stude- baker, driven only 3;000 miles, Apply: at Sentinel Office. FOR SELF;--9-piece walnut (bard dining room. suite. Apply '•to Mrs: W. A , Porteous LOST -:spare tire 7.00x11 and r'im. forC h eir , pick-up truck: Finder please' leave at Sentinel Office .HOUSE ,.FOR SALE Modern conveniences,...large garden lot, garage. Apply a Sentinel Office.' CAR' FOR ; ,Pontiac,• sedan; first class shape .Apply to. Wm. • Fisher, ' Lucknow, • 4 STOVE FOR SALE -- McClary Charm i ange, .ivory enamel, good. as new, Mrs. Erneat Ackert,. Holy- rood. ; CAR. FOR SALE 1936 Chev. Coach, motor overhauled, new tires ;Bob Howard It 7, Luck-• now. FOR SALE -single . bed, ,.springs' and ; mattress,' like new. ,..Apply residence of F. G. Erewer, phone 74, ' t uckiioiw. '• FOR''SALE-'39. Studebaker, $375; '35 'they. panel, good running' condition, $175 ; :conbination radio floor model, : 45 .:RP°M°' records, -.$60. S. Rider,.. Lucknow.. IMPLEMENT PARTS 'FOR.SALE —We. have, a stock ' of Cockshutt, Nand 'Find °'&' Wood . '.implement,: .parts,. "to• blear • at :a' reduced price '.Thos..'.Boy'es, Lucknow.: ,HOUSE � F'OR . •SALE --frame,.• cot- tage, modern: Conveniences; gar - ',age, andwoodshed. •Calloany, day, blit Thursday:. Mrs.•'M: Dudley, ;Luckno'w. ' HOUSE' FOR: SALE the Allin 'residence . in. Lucknc,w, new .furn- ace,• hardwood floors,'. hard '& soft water, ' double. garage, 'centrally .located, Apply to Wm:: Ailing Wingham or phone' 38, • Lucknow. HOUSE FOR'SALE--' seven.room rick_housejn Lucknow,` the tesi dence ;of Ws" ,' Teter Watson.; Moa ern • conveniences;,: also, henhouse and garage. .Apply to Elmo Prit • chard, Lucknow: • DEAD ` OR '''DISABLED: animals removed. Horses and cow's $10. to $14.00.. &nail animals according • to size . and ' condition: • Call . C. ru e :608=W1 -Wing,. . ham, 14 ` VY PULLETS Bray has them, '=Mediate delivery, days old, 'started. Also mixed, Chicks; light' and 'Medium weights, Hath • ing through': July -August 'for sur,r mer, buyers,, but get your order in. soon: 'Agent- - D. R. .FINLAYSOIv, 'Lucknow:, : " �I).�o�»t/�11iH��tll►ll�lf�t7�!f`: COMING . EVENTS'' THE 'PALACE GARDEN'S, Formosa, Ontario.: - • are' .again open. for. visitors, Family Retlnions and Picnics,, DANCE 'AT HOLYItOOD There will be .a dance in, Holy- rood Township ;Hall• 'on friday, June 8th,' under 'auspices ' of •the Juvenile Hockey Club: Good music, admission 50c: Draw ' for a motor rug. " SCHOOL AREA FICNIC The Ashfield 'School Area.; pic nic will be 'held at °the Presby- terian 'Camp Grounds • at Kritail . On, Thursday, :June; • 14th; com- mencing :.at .'1.30. p.m•. Full : prer' gram of sports. for young and old being planned. Each family re- sponsible for 'own lunch. Drinks,' cups. and, plates will Abe- supplied.;) R. T. Kilpatrick,; Sec. Trews.• • AUCTION 'SALO, of .livestoc'k, • S T . HE L :EN S implements and some household • - -. - effects at Lot.!EH; 2, Con.• 14; Ash- Commencing, next Sunday and field, 4 miles weat of; Lucknow continuing through June, July & • on Highway 86, on Monday, June August,; service : in the United' lith ' at 1,00 o'clock sharp.. See • Church will be held at' 10 ,o'clock. Alias -Norma. Weatherhead,wias. e. home;from. Georgetown for the' holiday week end. Mrs. George Stuart will be hos- NOTICE •cess, 'for the : meeting of the Wo: Will the party, who took the' men's-Insititute , to . ' be held on child's. wagon lease return it. to Friday;: June 14th at' 2.80: The g p report' of : the district: annual the Wheeler ,: St, resrd'ence from being: ilei n'Ltteknovv Which it Was taken.' : meeting ib g d this week'will be given . APPLICATIONS'' Mrs.: Alex.Murdie and Bob and TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Mr. and Mrs Mel ',Brown ''of Waterloo were visitors for the MARKED APPLICATION S for holiday week -end with Mr.' and the position. of-' "Grader (Vera- Mrs: R. Woods. ' E tor:';will ..be: received 'by the' un ' Mr `Bill MacPherson Who 'has dersigned tip •to 12 o'clock noon been sailing :on the S s. Royalton, on Monday,. June' llth, 19511 Ap-• underwent'in : operation, `for, ap-,: plicant to . state .wages per. hour: endicitis :in Wingham' General: The lowest or. • any .application not Hospital on Monday necessarily accepted AS•HFIEL bills. for . list and . terms.Grant. MacDiarrnid, Prop.;• Donald Biu and' Emile MacLennan, Aucs. J. it:: LANE, Clerk, • 1i,.. R. 2, Holyrood,' :Ont. CARD OF .. THANKS I wish to ;`thank friends 'and. relatives who so kindly' remem- bered me with cards,'' gifts and flowers while in 'Win'gham and .Victoria' Hospitals.` Special thanks'' to' . Mrs.. Russell ' Whitby and friends : in, London who ' did .so much .:for me. I also wish to thank the doctors and nurses, who were so good to : ine Mrs. Bill. Robinson: N'D,ERS.'.n TENDERS: ,FOR 'COAL & COKE Federal 'Buildings --Province of Ontario ' BALED TENDERS addressed to the undertigned,� and-; endorsed ",Tender: for Coal" will be , re- ceived until 3` 'p°m (E.D°.S.T ), Thursday;. Jitne 21, 1951,.. for ,the. supply of.coal and coke for thee, Dominion Buildings . throughout the, Province of Ontario.. • • Forms of tender with specifi cations: 'and` conditions attached can be ''obtained from . the' hiet. of • Purchasing and Stores, 'De partment ,of 15ublic. Works, • Ot- tawa,•-and the District: Architect, 36' Adelaide. St. ,':East,' Toronto,' Tenders should•be Made ,on :the ' 'forms supplied by the • Depart *zit and in, accordance with 'de:-- partinental ,specifications" • and CAR FOR SALE -1927' Chec•'se clan in• ;gold: running condition, good tires, ' just the : car for econ ' omical ..transportation; .priced.;;.to sell° Apply to • 'Garnet : Farmer, Whitechurch, phone 711.11' Wing- • HELP WANTED WAN ]'ED, ; -- `Cook, . dining -room girl and .bedroom girl,forsummer" months .`at "Rest -A -While" Guest ; House, Bruce Beach, Kincardine Splendid working conditions with good wages. Apply at once : to Pearl E. 'Henderson;.:Lucknow, Ott. • AR,EI YOU. READY for. the. good' early fall, egg markets, or sum- mer, broiler markets? You can, be if you' stock K.itchener . Big -4 Chicks., Especially•at present bar- , gain prices. Ask. us, • ED. V,, BAKER, Lt cknoW. LIVE�0! LTRY 'WANTED• ,, We pay higher than • market • pricers ,for LD ROOSTERS & SHEDS . • (live weight) , mkt' BERGER' w R. 1 Dungannon„ ., Phone S1 -r-7 • Mrs: MacKendrick,. Mr &. Mrs. W.. King and Mr: and Mrs:. W. Barrett of 'Toronto ` spent ' the week -end with friends here ' Well attended' •anniversary °ser- vices'were held 'in the Presbyter, 1'431: Church' on:;Sunday'with .'Rev.. Alex Nimimo of Wingham as the Speaker. The 'Choir render- ed, specialmusic and at the :•ev= enning• service were assisted", by Mr° Gordon -Bridge of ' Ripley; Miss ,Sadie Johnston and: Mr. and Mrs.,R.' Wilson attended the O'Strander-Watt• wedding:in the United. Church,.•, Malton, on ,Sat orday. '. CARD OF ; THANKS conditions 'attached thereto. The Department reserves the:. right. to demand ;from any suc- cessful uc cessful tenderer; 'before awarding the ordet', a security deposit' 'the ; form of; a • certified cheque - on a 'chartered bank in .'Canada, ode payable to the order `of' the Honourable the Minister of Pub= tic Works equal .to' 10 per cent of the ;amount of. the tender, ' or. Bearer Bond's Of the Dominion•' Of '. Canada, or of the Canadian ' Nat- ional 'Railway' Company • and "'its constituent companies uncondi- •tionally guaranteed as to princi- pal and interest by. the Dominion of •Cinada, or the aforeinentione°d bonds and a' certified ' cheque if ,required to make ;up an ;•aodd amount; Such security Will serve as guarantee for the proper `fyifil rrient of the contract. ' ROBERT. FOR'1t, • Acting Seereta{ry. partment of Public Works, Ottawa, May 28,•. 1951. Murray. Hunter Wish'es'. to sin- cerely say. "thank 'you'' bto all those , who rein.embered' him . so kindly in so many ways 'while. he •was confined to bed. Service and. Satisfaction' G ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist .Office on 'Patrick St., just *Of( the rlaip St. in WINGHAM , ` .Professional Eye, Examination Optical. •Services, Evenings by appointment. • Phone: Office 770; Res, • : 5. JOHNSTON 'S FUNERAL; HOM,. .. .. . 'Phone,' 76 ' 'Day or Night, • Ambulance Service • E OF •F 'NERAL HOME At No Extra •Cost M oderate Prices MacLENNAH,' a`nd $: -cKENZ"IE .a • FUNERAL SERVICE. , - (Funeral Home `Available)` 'AMBULANCE 'SERVICE .(Day or Night •Service), FURNITURE.• 'Phone .181, LucknoW, Oint. : ,.(Day or Night) • • . Howard Agnew . Jos. Agnew. MEMBER• OF Ontario' 'Insurance Agents' Asso. iation GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago • Telephones. .. Business ` 39 • , Residence -138 t luumb n and; Heat ri g. New Automatic 'Oil Furnaces Installed --Now. ,In .. Stock FURNACE REPAIRS' Bathroom . Fixtures & Repairs °SEE • THE' OIL .RANGES -EAVETROUGHING • AIR CONDITIONING q �►rt. Gliore R. R`.,-3,'LVCKN.OW. 'Phone .61-r-13, ,Dungannon; Insure With The Culross .Mutual FIRE 'INSURANCE CO.• ' fo>, Reasonable rates, • sound pro- tection &:prompt, satisfactory. ', 'settlement. r tyf claims FARTS$ 1KOFFAT • Your Local Agent R 3, Teeswater. . 3 Phone TeetWater 57-r-41 •• I NSU RANCE ,Co -Operative Life—Insurance Co -Operative Automobile • Insurance' • Mercantile & Farm Fire, ° Insurance Economical and Reliable • See . . R CAMERON LUCKNOW' 111one• 0 -r -i- Dungannon DR. T B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN havelock. St., south of Supertest Garage L., U C: K N' O • Telephone 175 ,' :BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE-. . VICE MONTHLY AUDITS For .The,.; Small Merchant, Professional -. 'man 'and the 'Farmer.. T ... S. J... PYMM. P.O. Box 74 = Lucknow, Ont. , Office in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone 23-w F; T' ARMSTRO.N OPTOMETRIST' 'GODERICH' %FOR APPOINTMENT • 'Phone .1100 • For , Appointment 'or 'Inf"ormation See; PWm. 'A. Schniid< 'Phone 167�w Lueknow Insure " In Sure Insuranee, WIND' Western Farmers' Weather: FIRE Howi'ck':' Farmers' Mutual Car, Accident, Sickness Consult JOHN FAMISH 'Phone 169-3, •Lucknow,' INSURANCE FIRE CASUALTY AUTOQMOBILE AND LIFE . • To'. Protect,,Your, Jack . Insure:, 'With .Jack Today:. J A. 'MVYcDONAGH R. R. 3, Lueknow, Out.. 'Phone. 61-5,: Dungapjnon Kenn thJ. MacKenzie R.O. • .Optometrist LISTOWEL, .ONT - ;Will be in' liipley, Wednesday, • December. '20th and every sec.-, and Wednesday . following, at: :Eugene Wrona's Jewellery: Store frorn"'3.09 p.th..to 10 cum Eyes examined • - Glasses fitted F. appointment' 'phone. ' Roy MacKenzie; 96-r-24 Ripley. • NOW IS THE. TIME To order A threshing Machine . 3 sixes122xd2, 223E38, 28x4$' • Roller Bearing Complete EARL. H. " ODGINS' R.. R. 1, Bo yrood, 'Ont.'' 'phone•' 30�r:13 • Tees*ater ANDREW • Barrister...and Solicitor' LUCKNOW,' ONTARIO. Office in the. Joynt Block; ' Telephone: ' • Office 135 • Residence 314 Swart Mac Cenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO' IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday . 'OFFICE IN HENDERSON .BLOCK' Its ion . K.0 S. He,theting , • , . Barrister, Etc. VVInghatii and Lucknonr IN LUCKNOW F • r Each -1Vxoniday ,aid Wednesday Located on the ground floor an the front of ' John, P Kit atrick's- Building ' ' : e .Ph►one Wingham ' • • Office 48 Residedee 8'1 J