HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-31, Page 8ACM MO
A, preview of just how 'keen
'the tSBig 12"'' com.petitioz s may
prclveto, be was. eyed here on
Monday night when Kincardine
eked out a 2-0.: win over. 'the
Luei now ' Legionnaires in" the
opening.. game .of the. schedule:
Kincardine's two big, .run's came
in .-the first of the 7tht aided a
obit Eby the (benevolence of the
local :quad: Hughle Hall. got orie
of them: ' back'., momentarily in
.xckiaoW',s ha'l f, but ' was . called
out by the': -UMP,. to set
lively argument Hall; stole home
I+;7iHIB111QN TILT ON 24th
Luckow Legionnaires . opened
the softball ..season or May 24th
-by chalking up. a 4 to .1 win over
the Stratford nine who went; to
the Ontario finals last year. More
than .606 fans saw the. fixture,
.whichrated.well for the season's
opener. .•
"Iughie Hall, • in mrd seasop
,form, coasted "along .ie.isurely al
;lowing only one ; solid smash,.
while striking out 18. With Miley.
workinghim neatly behind, the
p'1"ate, Ha11's ;; Control was . hear
Perfect ;and he didn't issue a pass.
Fryer.'got Stratfoid's .only Solid
clout when he laced: one down
the right field line, all but foul,
for' a`triple in. the 4th and scored
the visitor's lane, run' on" a passed
ball. McKee scratched a hit off
Hall's' fingertips in 'the 5th., for
their only other bingle.
Lucknow's four runs.'. came in.
floe 'first 'two: innings. 'In the first
Miley Socked, one that the. third
ibasemari, couldn't.: handle. Hall
drilled ; one; through . the short-
stop's legs and Jack. MacDonald
poled a clean one to left to score
''both runners... • •
• In the 'second, .Clarence Greer
was .safe en ` an error ;at '' short,
Miley Walked arid Hall' 'cracked
a;.triple ;to drive them both' in.
After -this •bad start Stratford
settled down and kept 'the Leg;
4onnaires in check,. "Fibber", Mc-
Kee didn't .. prove too ' much of . a
puzzle .to .Lucknow, who• ••nick'ed
him for . 7 hits.. He:. issued• three
walks And struck out•nine mei
'Stratford: Calvert, c; .Hardtong,
1st.; Smith;' . cf;• 'Fryer; ss; 'Burt,
3rd; Flood, . lf;' MacTavish,, , rf;
Dotson; . 2nd; McKee, p. .
Lucknaw: C. Greer, 'orf; . Cum-
:'in'g; 3rd; Miley, c;: 'IN .Mac
Donald,';,ss; H. 'Greer,:lit; R. Fin
layson, :2nd; .M; Chin, cf;
deniby, 1 . • •.
.Umpires: Groves 'of Wing -
ham aridV"
.. ..•* !* :* $e ,. .
• The UMP. •danned'.04,11ivan" :WaS
the•iri„Ound With which np.,:o-ne'
It was a pitcher'O 'battle all
the way. Only 82 Legionnaires.
faced .Sullivan, Kincardine's ace
' Irani 'the Toronto BeaeheS
had a glitn.ps.e of Hall's fast ones,
. • With eight of that total stepping
Hall struck out 16 and. Sullivan
9, with hits about negligble as'
the prOverbial hdri's teeth. Miley'
, the' centre fielder.snak,ged it Over
ing, 3rd; Miley,. c; Hall; P; II!,
Kincardine: Cuyler, 3rd;,: Rig -
.0, Walsh c•• Connell, 'ss; Forbes,
June ••,5—dOderith at LticktioW'
'June .7:7-LueknoW at :Centralia
The Schedule calls fcir Luck-
• Bombers are definitely out.so. the
••• Although Cheoley Is included
in the "Big 12" ,group of the
Chesley Enterprise
last 'Week saw little chante :of
•-•* 'the Blue. Bombers 'operating in
'this "tbit tithe" loop: Chan is
'sticking to ',his decision not to
Sponsor the Bombers Who cost,
him 'plentY last year and no other
"fairy angel" •has come forward'
to finance. the ',imports beeessary
for this, class of ball. •
• -The Wingharn artificial, ice
'arena %howed. a. balanCe of $3638,.
reports, chairman Alf-Lotkeridge.
receiptOrexededed $14;000
'and sktating .netted:bver :$1,000.00:
The, Commission is considering
',laying !a' coric.rete floor.
With softball .now in the spot-
light, there are agroup of lads
in Kinloss. Township .. who are
looking forward to and planning
for, the 1952 hockey season.
Kinloss Kubs made their muni-
cipality hockey minded,,: and with
an •e'Ye to the future; minor teams
.are ° taking :up the sport in the
A Juvenile team is certain next
winter, and already hinds .are be-
ing raised to finance the squad, ,
and° to this . end the boys :are
launching. 'a raffle . for:. a motor
° rug. Tickets •; are noW or sale Of-
f icers. .of ..the Club .are Wayne
Johnston • of Holyr.00d, . president
and 'Duncan 'Campbell of Black-
horse, sec -treas
'Not only are they raising
money for the venture ; but they
.have . piano for getting into con.
dition iby playing field.' hockey
this summer and fall. Max Bush-
ell, is going to .level. off .a ,.field
at Jim 'Boyle's at. Kir4lough,: and
there:. the lads can "scrimmage"
to their heart's, content.
In Walkertorr' the County ToWn
mc.igulO appear content to pin';
their hopes on" GeOrge .Who
•can hold his own with ',any' of
Bob Ellis, a left4iander from
Toronto, *ill 'do the' pitching for
Port Elgin Lakesideo. He's re-
ported tp have a Wicked' droop And
: 1951
. !El 184; Clle:Vst•filnDErLadUiZE STYLINE SEDAN? 2 tone in color, •
1940 CH.EY. COACH- il
• EN 1939 FiRD COUPE.
- With•Sullivan from the Beaches,'
League doing the hurling fOr Kin.
cardine that squad. 'should be a
"Tory" Gregg ,has' been at Hal-
..ifak attending the annual Meet-
ing of.. .the Canadian amateur
Hockey Association as a delegate
• From up liViarton way where
they' Were.; keen' for fastball, the
cerisorship: lid, hasn*.i Yet been
lifted, but reports haVe 'it that
none ether 'than: Freildie. Banks.
will be on the hilltop;:for the
•Redmen. Banks Aye's 'the first Col -
tired boY from Detroit to:try Out
battery Mate, Freddie , will 'be no
erich track, the Signal -Star says:
which perhapS rates -as one of the
most promising trotters. training
s err
In just a few weeks 'time you can own one of thesOrand 'new
hikes' ... a smart table fadio . . or many' other valuable prizes ,
just for saving lucky Kist Bottle Tops. Here's hoW it,wOrkS! • .
Whenever you get A Kist Bottle Top, lifethe cork lining. If .
you find a K-I-S,Qr T printed on,the inside metal surfa4e save •
that roP; Then go.to your neatest Kist dealer's...,. theman Who •
sells deliciotis lee -cold Kist ... and ask fora copy Of Kist Contest. •
Ruled. They'll tefl you how you can ,Win your new bike or one •
the many' other valuable prizes!'
,74t-idE Iva
ussols , .
N t
it - "The lIlome of Better Used Cars" •
• uities Service' Dealer . - — • "Phone 73*, Brussel :
couldn't I find playerS ' in Ontario;
so they started 'bringing in:.im-'
Ports 'from the .States: And ,*hat •
:has thiS meant? Well,. Stratfbrd,
,ati old' baseball city, dropped out
of the Inter -County this year. It •
ha ' had enough of 'imports"
a financial 'licking last year,. and
fie's: hid enei'igh Of it. What, about
'51. the other teams? Port Elgin, the
great defender. Of importS, had. tO
sell their floodlights and. fran.
chise 'for $1509. to .get 'out :of. the
red.:. Kincardine promOteri -say
they :Will have a • team it the
$2;90 with Which to start ..the
season, The Wiarton Recreation'
'Council talked of having to let
' Hank •StruH;th• Of 'port Elgin
ness these days,. atidpoints to the
local •grotip 'as.• ranking with the
'best softball. leagues in the.pre-
league and tiO mare of the "first
bounce and ..yoU're ,fitit.".• style of
,the Enterprise continue.s
crYing OVer the import racket.
ApparentlY he still Wants the having "
crowds Cheoley• obtain's', for this •
-kind of game he shOuld.talk. The
to See GOOD ball • and they will
any park ,in the league: But not
3f0f:that pick-up,sides sort of' dia-
mond .capers. Schatis blames. Port
Elgin the head Of the list),
'Walkerton' and Lucknow. for
forcing ,Chesley Out of the league:
,If Lucknow -can stir up enoUgh
enthusiasm AO- support thir im-
ports:. arid Port Elgin is Willing)
to again take the game •after los-
ng money, w a s Wrong.' with
!all • the sportsmen in • Chesley.
Times have. changed in :all phases'
.of: life. Softball :must, also change..
If Chatt could get the help he
would be , the 'first to scout for
a crook battery and ,player helP.
It's utter nonsense to think that
softball ean survive without lin-
Arid. from •Chesley comes :Clayt
sure Brer, grilith that we are not
cryiiig over 'the, itriport racket—
, are Merely .pointing :out' that:
.thio is old otuff, that this has
wrecked lea.gheSlong befoke Bret',
like, and that it will do the same .
to. the ,WOAA and the Bruce
great league and :greOt teams 'is •
to nd backing. : for the clubs',
•DiSmisNCareless Driving Charge .
against Howard Godfrey, R.' R. 2„
Auburn; Was dismissed hy .Mag;
Wkekly 'police cOurt., The charge
prose 'out- of an accident on. the ;
4Pril 21, when the Godfrey cal'
collided with one driven by Wm.. -
V(Phy rtm an obstacle course- every. spring
and 'after every rain .stormi Through a 'Faint
• finance the making of ditChes, drainage sys-
"•., itmempsr,ov-deynikeintlgts,, ase, w71,)l. as many other „farm'
Improvement Loan .may be the answer. .Drop
in- and talk 'over the cletaili ''with Our , v
• ••Remember; if your proposition is
Bank 'of Montreal,
group. 4.
• '14The Bruce baseball league had,
11 teams: in 1926, -Where are ther'.
boast of the 'Bruce ,league that
it waS one ot, the :finest leagueS
in Ontario. rt IS the satrie thing
'that.. is -being istid •-of .the local
Softball group. today, 'Yet there
:isn't bile Of these toWns- playing,
"It's happening ,all 'over., the
Senior Inter - County , baseball
leagite said to—he one at the •
6gei;t ,ainndptnota, rinilollirt:itthithhgatgotht . cANA,,DIANs Evray, viAig
•Lucknow Branch:
el' 44