HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-31, Page 6'.s
4 :
'SAGE` $Ix
ays Tr btite "To Life Of Service
Of Langsi eBorn r. Morrison
The death ,of. Dr.• 'William Mor- The children ot Israel wept far
rison, rho was born on the farm Moses thirty,'clay Yes, for. be -
:adjoining Langside 'Presbyterian fore -that they;had t fort Mases
church,; for forty years e" had.; known
'was reported in The athero all' from grandparents to
Sentinel ' Yast week,• and since b,aibies, known their famlyroib
then has come to hand" a .cagy lems, ;and, their fami1y•cares and
,of The` Maple Leaf •of : Gilbert sorrows. ,He had • looked after
glowing tributebto this. man . a had, been perthem in sonally anxious need,S of and
He was a brother of Mrs, Rein concerned about them, he had
den Tiffin oaf Langside, • who vis-, been 'worried when sickness carne
to.'them' and'hact mourned when
Red ' him as year at • Gilbert' some " afather, • or mother, some
blains, where he was conafined•to str little o ch id n or lovly fieri
a wheel -Chair, ibecause of a frac-had been to •
tured . hip. It Was their,•first re- away : from their..loved ones;,.
union in' ' quer ` 5Q ' years. They had brought their griefs
The following obituary. , appear- to him ;and liad cried" to him. Now
eel'in The Maple Leaf, as' well they cri for. himn..
ThatL. su asked. to to in with mind,
as the text of the funeral sermon ,when vvi
Preaaeheldby one•of" Dr. Morrisonsthis service. It is very fitting that
babies; this community should grieve•.for
A .. life ` of, great service' came Dr. Morrison:` for they took, their
peacefully teas its close on Sunday, griefs. and • cares to him through
jril 29th in. the passing of Dr: many long . years. ; ' • '
William Morrison, , pioneer doctor . I said that we would rememiber
Of Gilbert Plains, who was lborn him according to the memories
that he left us—Now, v<rhat are
at Luckrow; Ont., ont April •8th, some of those; memories?
1870, the.son of .Mr. and. Mrs. My, own, first memory of hiiil.
John . Morrison. goes back to *heti I was quite
On coming to Manitoba .he first small. , He came . to 'our :home to
taught school at ' M orden and visit my mother:arid I was grave -
other points. In 1897 he ,graduated ly worried'.:about this stranger"
from; the' 'Manitoba .medical col- who seemed to be. questioning'her"
• closely.. I was told that the Dir..
' lege, and after taking • .speciiai, had come to 'see mother,' but that
s'tuc les m :r lYIxxihiesota, carne to didn't really mean ;a •thing, for I
Gilbert Plains where he `•served I, did not' clearly .know: what a Dr.
.the pioneer distriet'residents with I was The word had no definite
his horse and :buggy, often' losing
ills . drugs land . endangerinig his
own• life, travelling over. the rug
ged country to reach a . Patient
Dr. Morrison Will ever be remerXi-
bered for his ,:kind : deeds and for
the : ;faithful service he 'rendered
this corxirntlnity. • •
He was a member. of'; the iCan-
ssociation a life
•adiian Medical A
member of the; college of Phys-
: icier% and ,Surgeons''and. a trustee
of, •the..local .school .'board, .for
Many, years In 1908 he married
Mona :.Gammill Manahan " of Gil
bert Plains
Surviving besides his 'wife is
one -brother, James. of: Windsor,
'Ont; three sisters,..•Mrs.•:R. Tiffin
of 'Luckriow,•, Ont:;''• Mrs: '"•Kerma+:
• , ban Of Vancouver and Mrs C. C'.,
Baker of . Gilbert Plains; 'two
half-brothers, Harry' and John
• I ayes' of Detroit,: J S A.`
A'. privia'te funeral service was
held::on Thursday, .May '•3rd.at. his
residence,, :after. _which • the body
•was forwarded, to Winnipeg .for
hi •
.meaning: Yes,, that was just flow
much' of a' pioneer. , district the •
Plains., was in those days. Child-
ren had not had :a chance to knout
What a` doctor was or what he
did., And • it 'was': into. such pion-
eer conditions that :Dr..• Morrison
came and began• that life -work'
that he:• carried ' • on and ended
Then.' can} remember weakening'
up._ in the dead of night. and find-
ing .• the. house' in,confusion, and,.
father helping mother ; to get
ready• to go: off .with.' neighbor.
She was going off ,to Mrs, •Carcnp=
bell's 'or Mrs. Dallyn's, "to help
Dry Morrison".••..Or there were,
nights of anxiety and. tension- in
• our own horrie' when the. " doctor'
Was busy ',there . a'n'd 'the livery;
man who• :drove him..was curled'
up in the, kitchen' asleep.,;on: a
chair . or sle'eping'• in; his buggy-,
outside. '
I remember• that; day of shock
arid excitement when: Victor
lyn got into the way of the
mower knife and had his leg tut
off;••an' how" the word get around
that.. • 'the distracted messenger
Who went for the doctor, .drove'
•-buria1--'--in• Braksid�e : cemetery- lathered:. horses into town ' and
R;ev W. .T. Marc .; nt conducted 'found the doctor worn out after
the service . and R.'v. Dr: •J., Car sleepless nights of . work; and how
yle Parker; of R ,y w -ho had ' he said,; wearily- and -mayibe.:. a.
: • io!wn' the Doc A__ m frochild- • ,little impatiently, "What's wrong'
l dod, preached• the•'following ser '''',,The. ansnhr_et carne;: 4A;boy...
man :'•
• Wheri •we stand -4n the ,presence
Of death there " are. • three .things
for. 'us• to remember:
First, Hive "i� ernerruber. God. That •WhY we hold a.',spiritual., ser-
vice for our :loved 'dead. We• re-.
rnernaber' that we are in the pres-
ence 'o o • i`rwhorecreat-edH
all and cherfsles :and' upholds. all
Those whore He has created;' God
",who • taught us' through the _ten-
. -and •wisdoin .and sacrifice
of Jestis that we 'are. very dear in
Tis 'sight,
• We remember that God created
' bur friend who has passed on: He
created him - purposely and . lov-,
' ' ; He had a plan '•for his life; snow and the bitter cold had time
He used himfor His own ,good .to chill .both the :-doctor and his.
purposes:' God sustained him iii driver to the;befie, the journey",�s
i iscour= them nti
•hou>~s • ,of weariness and. d through ;thunder storms •a
agement_ and: -:gave :him 'strength the mud;' the endless, faithful do-
to'- earry on with ;,the Work that ing .of the thousand -and -one
had• �beeti given hixn to do: God things that {become the memories
.... . ... to
love' him -and' watched over' him, that a pioneer doctor leaves a.
,' through all the many perplexing community: `
paths. of life with unwearied love.
• p Some 'people 1e make "' a living.
� � him, for., .. p p g
And God • will still, use h „ . Some make a life,' He ';• was 'One.
His own good purposes. l=ie did.wliomade He, Was not ' ��a 'life:
ways a success at'rnakirig a liw
ing,; for 'he . served his
ared' thought about .payment', se =
and •in those lean pioneer
but he made a. life:He was, need -
work to do for God: m ed, It was wanted and he went
So today,.we remember God where' he was needed. and Want -
arid that
ant-arid'that in life -o" 'death:we are ed He lifted •rnariy burdens of.
in ' His care;.- and Our thoughts anxiety and fear, from troubled
should turn to Him day by day i heart's, and that is.to Make a;,life.
,trustfully and happily as' our sure
source of help and strength and
comfort. ' • •' •
has had his' leg cut off", and the.
doctor sprang up with :an exclam-
•ation• 'and . shook . his ' Weariness
off like' a garment :and rushed ,off
to begin ':another fight with death.
I remember hearing the, stories
told of the patience x and: gentle-
ness . with which he encouraged:
the poor ' boy' through., the• long
"tlVeeks—of—c r- i'hg—and: f.Pn�liin
thewound, when .every touch was.
agony, until at • last • the healing
workwas done andthe'lad ;could,
get around • with . the:. rest ,of, us
boys again.'
And •.there'were the journeys,
the, long; hard journeys b.Y night•
and day, •through'blizzards when
the team was floundering in •the
not create him, love Wm, .use .'hiim,
' sustain him only to cast .him away
lin the 'end like art, outworn ''in-;
struinent. His body -was .wori'i out,
but his spirit has 'sail 'some `new
Then we remember the One
who is • gone. We remember him
• according. to' the reasons he has
given us . to. remember . him.
• • Therefore the Gilbert Plains corn-
. t munity • will remember hare long,. ,Fie mlist needs not be' too prow
• him r tefuh d
will remexnb r g a Y after.. aving ;virrestYed breast , to
• and with Wan hearts, Will re- breast' With " Tar. Wm, Morrison
member ljim as a friend in need. by so many bedsides and "having
There iMac a book -written not'
long ago. ,:that bare This ,title,
"Death, Be Not Proud". Those.
wordsmight well • be in: our.
thoughts today, "Death Be Not
Proud". Death has won •a victory
over an aged ; and ' tired body to-
'd•ay, but after ,how 'many defeats?•
V 1951•
an act or acts .of -valour, courage, or .devotion to'.duty'
e ormed• whilst- flying in, active operations against : the
. p � .�y 8 p g
enemy ,
During the Second World War, the Distinguished. Flying Cross
was awarded to 4,028 members of the. Royal Canadian Air Force.
"..; . exceptional fearlessness in the face of the enemy.",
"outstanding courage.' and' determination
4,028 citationsr—eack ol'ea tribute. to :service in the, defence of
freedom, : by men of • the R . C. A F.
Today, in Canada's rapidly.expsan-
'Air Po'r`ce,' more young men
are needed to train as Air Crew
' l iters---Navi ation -=°�f iice
O g O ers,
Radio Officers and Pilots..
To be eligible, you . must be. be-
tween.18'and 24 -be a Canadian''.
citizen, or other British subj ect-
be physically fit—and have unior
Matriculation .'or`better.•
COIiSIiIt 'lite' Career ; . TRENTON, ONTARIO •
oun eIIo at-yyautne rest- w1' iii wtibliI rte' „ E : ! ..,.:�:x_ ;.::.:.:...••.. :. »
:` .. 1 . fill earhsWtlrs. n- (KIM' PRS)..'•
tic.A.F. Recruiting Umt Aral app�iawf
STREET • ADDRESS•.:.':'............ . •
in�.t egrir.meuts .. CITY.. ,
sial 4peoii e.w
e allal. 1 , tlw. EDUCATION ....:f., 7,:..AGJE.:..;...1°.'......;!::
s R.C.A.:; '(SY ORAD ANp rROVIN ) • 1 CAF• 42 ws N.
been' so often' • overthrown; `after
having been; thrust back from
the doors 'of so many sod roofed
log, ; houses ; and, small frame
shacks. :' ',•
Let..' the•,,boys, s use and girls of: Gil -.:beet Plains iraginationp
and .Picture -those ;-scenes. , They
hayse only. known "Old, Dr: Mor-
rison!" It would.bie well that they
heard soiree 'stories of the strong'
man who strove. With death and
;foiled him • so• often.' •
And , yet, as '.God's ' .messenger,
Death. +hay.•be proudythat'he has
presented tiaftiong the sons of God,.
one more; worthy to hear,. "Conne'
ye blessed, 11 was sick and ye
visited .mer:: .
A oa 'ewe ' remeriber God G, today
•and we remember a friet d who
seiived • Go- - arid man„ among 'lis
and who has been dal'led to high-,
er service. . •
• Then• w'e remember the. " coni.' •
,, t
•adeship that is left to'u's. Welare
going on together through life,
with its joys and sorrows,.''•its
Victories, and defeats. We can do.
so much for each other to xraake
burdens. lighter • an.d • h.e'arts
stronger• tby, helpful actions, 'by
Words of faith and •hopefullness
by showing the ,radiance of God •
'shining from human dives. We
can take' • up the march together.
gas Christian sons and daughters
goingon; together :to" the kingdom
of God.:'
And in so doing, we shall give
to him who is gone,'"a continuin •
ministry among us, if we let his
life inspire . us• to be kind, .to be.
`faithful, to' be 'helpful.
'We sot/iota-nes. s� e k of a.' in '
a p yg
'our last respects to the dead., I
,do not think that we should ,call
these our last respects: Let,, lis
rather go ,on showing our 'respect'
for .his " memory •by 'visiting., the
. sick, `cheering " the •discouraged,
comforting the sad and •anxious,
helping those in any kind of need,.
keeping thethin'g s of the s ir'�tt
,. p
alive. ,among:"•us; so that our. re.'
spect yfor him Shall Igo on and on
through' the. years; so that:'this.
coinMgueit ,y. shall be• a better, and'
brighter place becausewe loved
aid re spected ouri'oneer Doc -
for and because his spirit still
eohtinues its work am spirit
iTo be born a gentleman an is 'eh
accident; to die a gentleman is
an ,achievei'nen't,
Mr., W.• J:' McLeod'has.'for many
years been.''aresident of M,-
vine, 'Saska.tehewan: to wtas'.born
Wroxeter. He takes The Ari;
vanee=Tinies and •reads this par
agra'pli. • He recalls ' that tri lkas,
:boy`hood .there Were .3 hotels'
Wroxeter. At the s ai ie: time""there
were 3 hoteia iii Gorrie,. 2 •in
• l e ...A. in Blu;evale; 2 i in s?`1-
grave, 6', in 11yiti,' 1 . in White-,
church, 6 in Wingharn and alsii
a liquor Store,.:1 at the halt':wit : '
Mark ' north of Wingham ."1'l'tt i'e. '
►lno lack; of 'cuets in the se
dayass, Tifen the tide of ;public'
o 'inion tur , W iS
p reed .,and the bar
banished. ° • 'or. 40 years these •
pmmunit es have ,managed 't«,
et a)on ,ver • v:11::. �thout this •
g g yw w
over abundance of. outlets. For
40 years the •honey. thea, =usect•, to
go ''over. the . bar for booze, has
gone into the tills' of inercii'aii s
for bread and. butter:. W1l;o will:,
say that it ; is not ''better,