HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-31, Page 4NOW, IS THE TIME To' Order A • • DI' .Threshing Machine 3 sizes., -22x32, ,22x38, 28x48 •Roller Bearing Complete EARL H. HODGINS . R. R. 1,, Holyrood, Ont. •'phone( 364'13 Teeswater �.. PAGE FOUR 11. THE UCKNOIA, .a.UCKNOW, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY. 31st, 1951 COMING EVENTS •'SANT AD"• RATES--lst insertion 2 cents. a 'word, subsequent insertions ;l' cent,,a word. Minimum charge 25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. •Legal advertising 10 cents per count line first insertion, 5 centsper line subsequent insertions FOR SALE—a violin case and „!bo`tr Apply at Sentinel Office; Must be , honest and.,;stead 'Previous experience not neces- FOR SALE- McClary cook•ystQv% sary. ; Apply •in writing =stating 'good baker Apply to Peter• Mc- last employer, ,,age and wages Call, .Rose St;,,. Lucknow expected to Box :348; Teeswaterr Ont. • . BAZAAR, TEA, BAKING SALE The ladies of St. Peter's Guild. will, hab„ id an afternoon. tea, sale ,of • work • and homemade (baking in4 the • Auxiliary Rooms, , Luck now, on Saturday, June 2nd at 2.30 p.m, Lucky tea table ,prize. SHOOT CLUB BANQUET: • A Minor Hockey 'banquet will HARDWARE CLERK WANTED be held in the •Recreational Cen- tre on.:. Monday, June 4th at . 6.3,0 p.m., under 'auspices of the Shoot Club. All xnernbersr, Of 'the :Shoot Club are 'invited and if planning to' attend please. leave. "names at Hall's" .grocery''Store. by Satur- clay. HOUSE . FOR `SALE — Modern .convenience$,; large garden' `lot, garage.'•Apply at Sentinel Office.• STARTED CHICKS, dayold .to 6 week's'' on sale at .all times. Craw 'ford's `Chick Hatchery•_ CAR. FOR SALE—Pontiac sedan, first class • shape.. Apply to Wm. Fisher, Lucknow, ' HOUSE FOR,: 'SALE—the :prop- er""t�y •of the Estate of ,Lillie E. Hood.. Apply to •, 'T: W. Smith, Lucknow. ' WANT SUMMER CHLCKS'r Bray is hatching through, July -August, For immediate delivery they BORN have ;medium and light •chcks, ANDERSON in Wingham Hos- mixed; heavy pullets;• day-old pital. on Wednesday, May 23rd to started:. Get particulars order Mr. , and Mr•s...D. P. Anderson, a soon. Agent daughter, Mary Ether ,,K•- • D. , R, 'FINLAYSON, Lucknow. ' G''ARDNER—at . Wingham; • Gener- r ',al. Hospital, on Saturday, May. 19, e .1951, to,'Mr. and Mrs. Ivan' Gard- -• • riser, Wingham, a son JOHN•STON—at Alexandra Hos pital, Goderich on . May • 19th, 1951. to Mr. and -Mrs: Keith ' Johnston, R. R. 7, Lucknow, a•• son,' Brian James: AUCTION SALE' ;. of machinery• and household furniture' at' Lot STANLEY—.in Walkerton Hospi 25, Con: 3;; Huron, Township; 21/z tal on +Sunday, :.May 20th to.'Mr. miles ea t.of Bluewater Highway: and ;Mrs: Samuel Stanley, R. 2,, on Thursday, May 31st ..(today) at Holyrood, a son. 2.00' p.m John• Kennedy, Prop.; ,PAISLEY has decided to oris;` the Emile `MacLennan,. •Auc, Walkerton High ,School: District,. •.feeling that • the new County Town school` has . r core to offer than has iChesiey or Port' Elgin- This., decision was :almost • unarm=: inously. approved at a ?pu!hlrc:' meetingo the ratepayers of � Paisley, w; • MAY CHICKS? Yes, Kitchene Big -4 •Clicks:' i�ou'Ye , noted th present high egg prices. We .;pre dict .they'll • stay. You will .need pullets . to catch the good'rnarkets Spring ' pricelist ;-, lists real bar TRUCK TOR SALE -• ' 1ton I i truck in first class 'shape, 2 •spare ' gams. Agent tires: and rims. T. W. Smith, ED.. • V. BAKER, Luoknaw, ..' Lricknow. , • ,:A.. LIMITED NUMBER or refr ig erators and ' electric ranges still . at pre-tax prices,, Greer' Radio &:. Electric,'. " •. FOR .SALE started Capons, 31/2 to .4 weeks old. Available through: hatching • season.' Goldie. Martin, phone Dungannon 68.-r-6. • ;.FOR,SALE-2 used, windmills, .a 6 -foot Chicago Airmotor° and an 8 -ft,• Sampson. Wm. Fitzpatrick, Kintail,:;phone 12-r-3 ,Dungannon POTATOES FOR SALE.'..— Irish, Cobbler °& Sebago ';seed potatoes,. •both '.fouz daation A. • grade.. W. S. MIcGuire, R..6; Lucknow; phone. 11-30. Ripley, HOUSE FOR SALE—frame :cot-.: tage, modern conveniences, gar age' and' woodshed.: Call any ' day' • but Thursday. .Mrs.. M: Dudley, • Lucknow. :DEAD' OR DISABLED -animals removed Horses and cows $l0 'to $14.00: 'Small' animals' according to size and condition: Call < C.' Brubaker, phone .608. Wl Wing - harm SHED FOR;. SALE—frame build- ing in Caledonian Park, approx- imately 132x32.. feet Apply to Andrew Gaunt, R. ' 1, •t cknow, :president, of Lucknow Agricul-• ,tural Sacney`' TEACHER: WANTED . S.S. No: 5, Kinloss,, requires a teacher withduties to commence September • 4th,„' 1951. Modern shool':On paved ' road. and (bus route • •Applicants : , state , salary, f n(1--i1---exper-iencedr •stat e4o' inspector. :Apply Harvey, Hous: ton sec.,-treas,, Holyrood (Ont.. 4'' : 'TEN,D'ERS TOWNSHIP OF .KINLOSS !'Tenders• Fol+•. Drainage"' ..Tenders will be received by. :thUndersigned up'.i'. to June :lth, e: 1951, •at 2.00 p.m. for the .con- 5truction of the .following drain.- ..age work: .. (1) Ross . • Municipal, ; Drain., Re- pair, 5000 yards open dram. ' (2) McDougall Drain. Repair,'1000 yards open drain 3) McFarlan Municipal rain. • :(new), • 3650 : yardspperl drain • ' • • (4)• McDonald -Bushell and North • • West Section of Black Creek Extension Drain, 7650 yards open drain and Branch of 09 yards open drain 1'46(1 620 lineal feet of 6 in: tile drain. Plans, profilesand gpeeifica tions ntay: +be made rat Clerk's Of- fice or at office. of engineer, Jas. A. ,Howes, Listowel, Ontario. ° Separatetenders recurred' on each drain: ;ry .' A certified cheque for 10 per- cent to•• accampany r tender. Thelowest', or any tender not neces- sarily ecessariily . accepted: Work.. to • Com- mence mence at once; if possible. • J. R. LANE,Clerk, • Township of Kinloss, RR} 2, ; Holyrood, Ont. AUCTION SALE " 'Of livestock,. implements :and some household?' effects. at .Lot EH° :2, CO. 14, Ash- field,' shfield,' '4 miles west of Lucknow on Highway. 86, on Monday, June. lith at 1.90 'o'clock sharp. See •bills • for list and terms. Grant MacDiarrnid, Prop.; Donald..alue` and Emile. MaeLenriar, Aucs. ;AU+CTION ,SALE ;of ' livestock arid ' implernents' at Lot '•25, • Con 7, West• Wawanosh, .first 'farm north of St: Augustine Store, on Monday, June 4th;,at; 400 .o'clock Herd' consists entirely of, Regis- 'toted egis-' teted Red Polls .'See ?gills .Terms .cash: ' Arnold • Craig; Prop.; Emile MacLennan, 'Auc. APPLICATIONS TOWNSHIP .OF. KINLO.SS ,MARKED APPLICATZONS: for 'the.. position of ."Grader Opera= tor'.' . will ire. received by the un- dersigned up. to 12 o'clock noon. •on Monday, June,llth, °:1951.•' Apr plicant to state "Wages per hour. The' lowest- or.:.any `application not• necessarily accepted' . '. J.' R. LANK.' Clerk;.:. __,..__ - R R . 2,�•Flolyraood,.�Ont-�.. CARD OF THANKS CARD . OF THANKS W '• wish ' to Say thanks to . 1 e Y..al ,the 'friends' and' neighbors who 'sent'us cards, letters, fruit, etc. It' was deeply appreciated: ' Mr.' 'and ' . Mrs. ,. Roderick Mac- Dougall. . Mr. and, Mrs. Alex Purdon wish to sincerely. thank • friends and '.`neighbors who : so .kindly and thoughtfully rerrier nbered them on their .50th. wedding'; anniver- sary :with fruit, flowers, gifts and remembrances• . • The' : family : of the ' late ''Mrs. Ernest Sherwood 'desire to 'ex= press -their- .appreciration to „their° ,friends ,and relatives for: their friends" and .': relatives. • for , their kindness, at • the time of their •re- cent. bereavement. They •would say• a'sYnceretliank Tot -to -Dr: Mumford, . Mr. Elmer U.mibach, Mrs:. 'J. W.' Joynt and Miss ;B: Robertson for a comforting 'fun - Mr. and Mrs: • Wellip Nixon Would. 'like to thank :all their neighbors and friends who helped• When' he took ill; also, forcards and :; flowers r sent him ;.while. he was m. 'the hospital: • ' LAWN MOWERS •, Repaired and; Sharpened. For prompt and efficient ser- vice see or 'call,. E. W. Rice, 'R. R.' 2, ,•Lucknow i Phone . '211-r-31 • • FARM IMPLEMENTS, New. Idea,:side delivery. •rakes and . Tedders,• Tractor ,Mowers, Hayloaders:' New and 'used Man ure. Spreaders.; M. -M. Tractors; -new -and-used. Gibson Refrigera- tors.. Booms _Wagon. UrMloaders. IEW IDEA .DISTRIBUTORS Goderich; Ont. 'Phone Carlow 2821. NOTICE ; ' Keep lin nand the annual Keys - Culbert -Gaunt Shorthorn Sale at •the Clinton Lions Arena,, in •Clin- ton, ori Friday, lune 1st at, 1.00 40 head :beifig sold.For.cat- alogue apply to W,. A. 'Culbert, Duntgiannon. LIVE ' POULTRY , WANTED . 1 We pay J iagher, 'than.: Market prices 'for 'xO10 M RROOSX BTERERGER &..BENS'.: • (live weight) , ' R 1, DyngannolI•• . phone 81-r4 ,,d eral . Service., -jService, and: Satisfaction • in ' Plumbing and' Heating in' New Automatic Oil Furnaces Installed -Now In Stock: FURNACE REPAIRS Bathroom' Fixtures & Repairs. SEE THE OIL RANGES EAVETR'OUGHING AIR CONDITIONING art 'Gilmore R. R. 3, LUCKNQW 'Phone 61-r-13, Dungarinen Insure ',With The Culross MUtuai FIRE I*SURANCE CO. for. ;Reasonable rates, sound pro tection & prorpt, satisfactory settlement of claims. \. FARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent ' Its. 3, Teeswater; 'Phone :Teeswater 57-r-41 4 G ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist • Office on' Patrick St., ,just. • off the Main., St. in WINGIlAM Professional Eye Examination' tidal Service Evenings by appohntment' Phone: Office 770; , Res. 5;;: • JOHNSTI,NE'S ti PONE. ' :NERAL HOME.%. 'Phone 76: . :bay or' Night Ambulance Service tJ.SE OF'.FUNERAL• HOME At ',No . Extra ,Cost Moderate. Prices MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE (Funeral ., Home • Available). AMBULANCE SERVICE • (Day or Night `Service) • FURNITUR'E... . 'Phone 181, Lueknew, Ont.. .;(Day .or Night) snows:. gent Howard Agnew' -, Jos. Agnew MEMBER.OF. Ontario insurance Agents' Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established • Over 30.Years Ago Telephones Business' '39 ; Residence 138 I NS•U R'ANCE': Co -Operative Life Insurance ti Co -Operative Automobile _ — Insur-ance -_. _ Mercantile &' FarmFire ' Insurance. ' Economioal ' and Reliable CAMERON UCK I A 'Phone 704-10 Dungannon,. SLA YAN CL ND , �'ETERiNAR Haweloc$ •$t.,; south of• ° Supertest .Garage..• .VCIKNOW Telephone I75' 4l • BUSINESS. and TAX SERVICE . ;. • ' MONTHLY AUDITS' For The,, Small Merchant, Professional man, and .the Farmer; '`.: S.•. J.' PYMM: P,O.' Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont. Office. in: Kilpatrick 'BWoc k • 'Phone 23-w • ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST •GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 ,., For Appointment:or Information, • See WM., A. Schmid,, 'Phone -167-w: Lucknow • 'Insure In 'Sure Insurance WIND ; ; ' T 'Western' .:Farmers' .Weather. FTRE Howick ,Farmers' Mutual Car, Accident,' Sickness Consult .. JOHN FARRISH 'Phone 169-3, LucknoW INSURANCE: FIRE, CASUALTY,' AUTOMOBILE. AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, "Insure With' Jack'Today.. '. J. A. 'McDONAGH' R It 3,Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 61-5, _ Dungannon • Kenneth. J.: MacKenzie Optometrist LISTOWEL,. ONT. Will be in Ripley, Wednesday,. 'December 20th and every' sec- ond Wednesday following,' at. Eugene Wrona's Jewellery 'Store `fronY '3.00 pan. to'10 p.m. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted • For appointment •,'phone Boy MacKenzie, • 96-r-24 Ripley. Hv W. ANDREW Barrister And d . Solicitor•, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office •.0 the Joynt'.Blo • Telephone: Office 135 ' Residence 31. • , tuart Mac'K,en*ie• Barrister ' and Solicitor. WALKERTON,, ONTARIO •, --IN LUCKNO'V Each Wednesday OFFICE/IN ' HENDERSON BLOCK.' R S Hetherington, I.C. Barrister>, Etc, ' ' Wingham and Lucknow • ° IN LUCKNOW / Each Monday and Wednesday Located* On the aground not in the front of John ,Kilpatriek's Building 'Phone Wingham• •Offies 48. Residence 91 I e � 1.