HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-31, Page 2PAGE iWO t ,L CC KNOW SENTTNFI•,IUCKNQW,• ONTARIO' TIPJRSDA MA'Y• ,31st; 1951 Ef 'BRUCE Ct MEMORIAL ARENA. FRIDAY,: $AiT • RDAY ... Farm Machinery, Automotive. and Industrial Displays. quare Dance Contest Nightly. ' ,• Fashion Shows. Continuous Entertainment . ;Afternoon',' ,and,. Evening. .. • . Year • 15,000 People Attended' Fair Last _._ BIGGEI ND ETTER THAN. EVER Adults 25c Children. 1'0c:•' Admission; , 1. • RQSEMA1Y'. THYME • Some two hundred: • years . ago . 'a •man : by the name' of Sidney Smith wrote: . , '.`plunge' your` fingers in the: salad bowl". That would be an interesting research for ' Me sometime ..to find the origin of certain foods we have now. From now on through . the hot • weather season there - is ; .nothing so: ' appetizing ' as fresh, crisp salads. ,And there is suchita var- . ;iety of salad materials in the shops now,,' and• even in. our :Own, gardens maybe., You people Who were fore-thoughted enough to plant a row' of spinach, and some • • lettuce and. onions 'before ;your: garden was. ready .to•'be planted, , using them. You, have a delicious salad right there . raw. spinach .cut' lin-thin. ribbons with the kitchen shears, lettuce likewise, .chopped` onion and ,some thin slices...of raw asparagus, with your favor- •ite dressing. Your •family may think they don't like spinach,.but. lots of: people find they• like it. raw when they .don't like it cook-' Add sugar; vinegar, salt; and let stand until .,beginning`: to.thicken,: Add vegetables 'and turn into :Wet, 'mold. Chill: till firm. Serve with Salad ' dressing.. '• .Hain and .Potato, salad in ring Threecups, cooked chop- ped ham,- 1 cup grated carrots;.. cup chapped, celery, t/2 . tsp. p p . salt, dash 'pepper:. Mix with oneL. third 'cup salad;dressing or may-. onnaise. _ Five cups your favorite Potato 'salad. Mix' ham salad in- gredients -together and • press into half of: a ring mold•' ;Press 'potato salad ` into . the other. ` side.. Chill well.. When' : ready: .to 'serve turn :out,. On chopped . salad greens,lets tuce, .spinach or',endive. Fill the hollow in •• the centre ;with. quarters'- of tomatoes and ,sliced cucumbers or hard-boiled eggs, halved.' If you don't have a ring mold, use an . ordinary mold and - put ;the ham' in one• half, . potato in the; ;other, a'nd'decorate the top with eggs; -sliced' 'or halved,. ,and tomatoes, witha splash of salad Ifyou are fortunate enough to hear running' water :"which. flows over;-- a ---gybed of::. _that., . delicious_'. greens, water cress, you have a' • dressing. Mr. R ` J. Davy is one of the ' 18,000. .enumerators who will call at the homes of all Canadians including yours --starting June 1st His ,fobis to. -get the facts which . Canadians need for successful management' • of their, private businessor public affairs. It is of practical benefit_ to you :and' your community. • Your enumerator (man or '•woman) will: carray. 'an identification card. The informa- tion you give is kept in strictest confidence,,.. and can be • used only for census statistics: It cannot -by law, be revealed to •arnyoiie . for any purpose, even to other Government Departments. Please beready. with quick . , and accurate inforniation when your census• taker calls. DOMINIOI]T BUREAU OF STATISTI DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE.. OTTAWA, CANADA THERE'S A JOB TO BE DONE IN '51 rH DE':CEN:NIAL CENS S: • • ' HELP CANADA JUNE, 1951 spring tonic right. at• -hand It is delicious.. in all sorts of salads, with. ,cottage cheese, in'sand , ;wiches for'' thechildren's lunches.. Incidentally; chopped ,chives also makes a fresh,tasty..filling for sandwiches : . arid so, does par- sley! Oh, no,. . say you. But oh,: yeS.., Green things: taste' so extra good. right now, don't they?' ' How •about a gingerbread some of tlese.days? ,And cover with a crusty orange :' topping. Makes it quite festive. Mix ' 1 '93s.p.. melted butter, 3 tbsp: sugar, 2 tbsp. grated orange' rind; 1/2 . cup hp ed • nu; cpP Sprinkle over .gingerbread Wore baking. W.- A..:_ .Group I: Group 1' . of •the W:A met the , church on _May, '9th. Mrs. E Henderson ,_opened. the 'meeting: _The . scripture lesson was• read by Mrs Roach: A. report. was .given by the sick .committee. After the business. was discussed a .very in- teresting program took place con, .sisting of :a. reading on Mother's Day. by MrsA. McNay, •'solo by Mrs: H'• Treleaven !and;'an :inter--• eating talk by .•: Mrs. McFarl'an on .her trip .by pl'ane.' to Scotland. The roll call was answered •: by 20' ladies With a gardening sug gestion. Mrs. K. Cameron con- ducted a''.contest.. Lunch was :ser-. ' ved by the . corninittee. NEW :RAILWAY HOURS' IN . EFFE.CT ,.JUNE 1st The' forty -hour .week for Can adiian • National . Railway, `' em ployees goes into ; effect. on June. .1st,although trains will: continue 'to operate .:as us'ua1; •• . Several 'depotsalong• the hne Will be 'closed all day Saturday but this does not apply locally as Stationmaster A. W. Hamilton. has instructions to , meet' both mid-day trains on •Saturday and will be on duty12.15 .: from .p nig, until` 3 :p 25•' .m each Saturday, • Information' ..' is not .:definite ;about`the handling of freight and express on • Saturdays,, but ca'r- load shitiments • -of stock' or any other' commodity:w'ill `continue to. be handled, • it is understood.: • ' Child: Mother, why aren't there any. ' 'pictures . ;: of ,angels .,, with • whiskers? Mother- Because, ; dear,.. men; get in by a,..very,' close shay e. SER VE TADE PAR ATYOURRTY KINI:OSS TOWNSHIP PUPILS :HOLD TREE PLANTING BE:E . 4 1:+ ; pXnac a a. chopped • spinach leaves; , ;9 :little green onions 'diced fine, 6 small `tomatoes ' skinned and cut small pieces. •Oarnish,'with. slices of two hard cooked,, eggs::. Serve with ` your favorite salad dress ing. A suggested :dressing for this : `,salad is made mixing . IA tspsof mustard tlo 3 tbsp. melted bacon drippings: That' didn't .sound ap- pealing to .me,., so 'h comiprolnised by adding a generous. coupleof tbsp, of chopped bacon to my. boiled dressing. Try 'that. .Try, both, .if you like! Beet' Salad;' 6 :good. sized beets,. Cooked and, skinned,' 1 cup of diced: ''celery:.' Serve on bedof lettuce with' 'horsei{adish dress- ing. which ' is' 'made as follows to ,'1 cup • of boiled dressing, Tadd 2'2 , tbsp of .shredded. horserad-, • ish.:• "ou• will hot •require that `much dressing for that amount of sal.ad(. Jellied Beet Salad: 2' tb°sp gel ' anile, 112 cup cold water, 12 cup vinegar or lernon juice, 4' tbsp ,.$ugar, lcup boiling, beet juice, 'l. ?:21,tsp. salt, 1 ctlp diced boiled , beets, " 1 cup diced celery, Scrub,. • , srriel'l' beets thoroughly and' cools ! 'until tender in .boiling,weter. Be;= serve .1:cup°Water' iri .which beets were cooked. Slip skins from beets arid'cut in neat cubes. Soft- .' e. n _'gelatine in' cold w'ger.for five minutes: Add• hbt beet juice and stir until beet juice is dissolved. 1; r IJublic 'School Pupils 'of moss Townshiprecently T ,a, tree, planting, bee on the 6th Concession of Kinross, iiS part of a reforestation program sponsored by.: the Bruce , Cbunty Counciil. Some of the . Senior pupils representing.;, i$q yclictols i , the Tc nsli pittured above pis earnerman. 060 white ` and: redpiny' paused 'for' the ••t6rc��' . 5 tVL1(� st:t,out during 'the day, with time to spare.fol" a ba11'.€'rii7ic: 011 the nearbyfarm ofDan t 1V[cl in' n •r .4