HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-31, Page 17,1, 47.41.SPAIM,FOCIAMIN, h 2.50 Yearly In Advance ---. 50c Extra to U.S.A, LUCKNOw,...'ONTARIO, _THURSD 31st;, T'EN' PAGES LAST PRAYER . MEETI••NG • AT 'OLD KIRK. • ` rk4 .......,.h r Pictured aboveis the'old.frame • Pic._ .-tu• Church ": at'; South ;Kinloss,` de• ▪ molished almost forty ' years, ago to make :, way: ;•for . the :present' church.;;first house of worship ' was • a log church`' on. the. Gravel Road, . built in 1856 and which was replaced by the frame church on the hill, :seven years later. After : serving ;for almost half a century 'the. frame,' .church• . was 'torn down,and in' the above 'pic- ture, icture, are those • who• attended' the last afternoon prayer meeting be - 'LOGS e tore the work of demolition: com . menced. • of .d' distinguishable isti N nguishaible in theP ic_ ture, but fromright.to. left, they are; "Jack McDougall; Adam .Mc- ;Queen, Alex Beaton, '• Dan Mac- Donald,, • Rev, Finlay MacLennan, ,Mrs. Nrm:an• Matheson; Mrs. •Kenneth ` Cameron,' Mrs. Neil Me- Kay,. Maggie .'Campbell,••: Sandy McLeod, Mrs. Sandy., McLeod, Mrs. Angus McKinnon, Mrs. John McKinnon, Mrs. 'Neil MacDonald, :Jim Henderson, ` Alex Nicholson, John C. McKenzie,• Jim Fisher 'LOGS.' USED .PIONEER ROAD 'MAKE 'LUMBER George and Stewart Lavis have obtained a' quantity of '.good' pine. lumber 'from logs 'that- ; -are 90.' years old or 'better. There :orig- inal use was to build: a . "cord-'. :' uroy , road" through the • ; long swamp between Whitechurch and' Lucknow, just''east. of Dickie's FLEW WEST TO ATTEND HIS FATHER'S. FUNERAL !George ;Moncrief' of Amberley left by plane for the West •Coast last week upon learning of the sudden death of his" father. Di• ckie's The logs were recoveredwhen construction work was`'belin $ car- ried arried on ,to ' Widen •'the road and prere: it. for ,hard-surfacin'g.' The logs 'generally ' were well. 'preserved' !after almost a • century :Underground. They • were. sawed i• nto lumber at MacDonald's Saw- mill in' Lucknow. • TED:' BREWER .PRESENTED GIFT BY ' BANK STAT E Mr/ F G. '(Ted) .. Brewer, • ac- • countant.on the local:staff of the: Bank of Montreal for'' the past, six years, concluded; hiss duties'_ here'. on FridaY Nanw. d is .no, on the Bank's Staff at Stratford. On Friday afternoon after .the office closed, the 'members of. the staff met at . the home of •Mr. and - Mrs. : C. • L. Smith to • ',present Ted, with a gift prior to his :departure., Mr. Brewer's .successor is; Mr.. ' rt. Bannister of CampPbe7lfor& who assumed his duties here_ lasXt week. The •Bannister family will occupy ."the home to • 'be 'vacated by the •' Brewer 'family, but will not. move here. until the, close- of • the, school term. - . Reception.' Saturday? r iglit A: dance: -'reception was held in the Recreational Centre, on Sat urday • evening' in honor of ' Mr. and • Mrs: Lloyd Martin :Cassidy (nee Mildred ' Weiler).. who Were married that • morning 'in ' St. Mary's Roman Catholic.''Chuirch: . SHED .• • NEARS OBJECTIVE • • A committee:•meeting Was' ' held last week . with communityshed: canvassers to review the progress to 'date, and to •make plans for the • setting up •of . a'shed commit- tee. . .• • S.ome: $1.300. has alreadybeen suibsc;ibed and more -than $400 promised, assuring that •,the ob jective ,will:: be . 'reached to take, over the shed: from the 'United Church 'and ..retain it as a com- munity shed: The canvassers were, requested to . complete their work as soon • as possible The Meeting decided. that ad- nin istration_ a- thebe. d- be 'under a committee composed. of the reeves of ` the ,municipali- ,, ties : • of Kinloss, Lucknow, . Ash= field', and'' West Wawanosh, 'which will :assure a permanent commit- :. lee, and : that if at some future date, the shed •is no longer 'regard-, ed as essential, proceeds of its ales will be distY'ibuted pro rata to t The . Commnity Shed will he tax free and the Village of •Luck-• now :will assume the caretaking! of it and the providing ;of ,.free light. e. contributors. C -. •aesarWhen ea�n Saves � �•alf Suf f erect: F'� tal Ex ._ s. Three- registered Holstein cat= - of straw was .,exceptionally deep Ile fromth one e noted herd of Lorne ,aS 't was expected that - of Reid of Huron Township, were, • fatally burned on Friday' after- • noon '. about ;four clod A calf o'clock. delivered by Caesarean operation after the .mother,had :been ��burri ed' is alive and.,. , well. - . The three • •'head lost' were. .valued at albout` $5,00d and were . enroute 'by; truck 'to the National Holstein sale at Oakville when the straw in the truck took fire:, ' snout three . , miles west •of Luck- ' The atiimals.iiclude two bred heifers, ' ole Lea New Year Babe and Maple Lea Helen Loch- inv'ax,, ' and • •a• calf, ;Maple Lea. Grand Du.��e, .,.. , •'"' Duke: were. being ti"ansp.orted, in'• Cersoti s truck from;:.) ery e,,'It in tv sundamaged the inferno that cost the lives of the .cattle which' were tied yin the ,'truck; Waste deep inthe straw. The 'bed 'the heifers might freshen :before reaching the sale, The' unusual incident' occurred near Orland Richard's on High,, way.86'.•:Cause of 'the Tire ,is" un_' certain. Smoke was noticed-com- ing oticed•com-inig from the truck as it 'passed Andy Stein's yarn. ancl a few rods farther' onthe straw burst :into 'f ernes,. By the time. the oc etipants of the truck Were aware of what 'vva'snhapapening thecattle w'clre �' 'fatal:l:, burned. xlhe calf • • was dead when taken : from the, truck,.. and the two heifers so badly ,burned -they had to be ode= the barn on the 13icli= stroyked: • In • arae farm across fi;oni` the home . `B. Cleland perform- ed. Dr, T.. a ;Caesarean operation' ed• a Caen on Maple Lea' New Year „ Babe, to •deliver a pull calif` that is, t`iriv- I. ing. Faway 7on Tuesdays May 22nd; Jot • .Penticton, B -.C; wheri stricken. with. a. coronary thromri.-� bosis.• The' funeral was at Pen Ales �Vlaclnty �cholarsfiip; ticton •din ;Friday; •Mr,: • Moncrief Is' survived by his widow; two daughters and five' sons, ,all of *whom reside in the West With the' exception of George.. • CAUGHT. BIG BROWN TROUT Hugh Curring hooked ,a brown troutn o , Tuesday .evening„ that made:: •fisherm .en's• -eYes pop.. It was over 18• inches long and'tip- ped .:the scales at k2 lbs.,: OA Oz. This catch. is •proof 'that the re= stocking of local. streams • is pay ing .:off: Hugh landed .theprize beauty with an" old .• bamboo , pole and a worm for b 't. He got• it "ip town"..• MARK` GOLDEN WE6D I.NG DAY Mr. ` and Mrs. Alexander •. •Pur= don were . •honored at • a • family gathering on the 24th of. May that Marked' their golden wedding an niversary. A Sumptuous , wedding. dinner was served :by Mrs; . Noble Johnston. to -immediate members of•:the family who later :sojourn ed to the home'of Mr and• Mrs. 'George Tiffin where they' spent the' .remainder of ' the day., The actual date of . Mr... and :Mrs. ;Pur. don's' anniversary Was, 'Tuesday, May:. 22nd' . but the... event was-. •more' conveniently. celebrated ori the 24th. Mr. • and Mrs. .Purdon _were married at Whitechurch at the • home of the bride's parents, Mr: • and • Mrs. Hector. MacKay, on' May, 22nd, 1901, aby the Rev. G.. M. Dunn ofWhitechurch Presby- teriari Church. Their attendants Were: the 'bride's sister, Sarah, .Mrs, Jim Markle •ofHamilton and the groom's cousin, E. J: Thorn .017. St. l Telens.' • Mrs. ' Purdon was formerly Christena MacKay, one' of a'fam rly_ of six girls_ �and..Lfi_ye._.-boys all of whom are living,, Mr. Pur - don, Who : is known'"as "Sandy'' to everyone, is ' a son of the late Mr. and Mrs.. Ro'bert.' Purdon. Of; the 'Purdon family of eight, three are still living. Mr:• and 'Mrs: Purdon ' well re: call . their .honeymoon trip ,'by or'se an. •uggy• o itc e 1, where they .,,visited:• .relatives. Theirwedding day ; was .bright, and Aawarm, but. a 24th of May cel- ebration which they .attended at Mitchell was ' marred by, snow• and. :rain. Mr, and .Mrs. „Purdon took up, farming on :the Purdon homestead on the 12th Concession of Wawa - nosh Where they continued to re- side for ,about . 14 years untlrl 'estaiblishing `a hardware, flour 8i feed ;.husinese at -Whitechurch` which they • operated until four years -ago, when..: they '.sold out to :Fred Newman and, retirl• to Lucknow to ,make, their. home... .Purdon are ` en .Ma'. •and Mrs joying splendid health and: are. youthful to. a .degree that belies. theii age Mr .APurdon is 73 and Sandy Was 72 earlier• this! Alex' Maclntyre, 21 -year-old son..alf.•Mr. and 'Mra ` Archie Mac' • Intyre,.Second Concession, Kin loss; and a third year student in :medicine', at Totontq`•'University`; has been awarded, an Oxford scholarship ' valued "at $5,500 which entitles him to five years' tuition at Oxford University, England. He. 'will complete his .course there : and receive . a B.A. degree and 'a B.M. degree ,onT, the completion. Alex will commence his overseas scholarship .course' with the commencement' :of the Fall term.. This. Oxford • • scholarship• is awarded primarily; for high ,,pca-. (remit standing' in the first year of the medical' course, but extra curricular ,activities • are 'a requis- ite: The scholarship .1s. avai'lable' to one Canadian student • each 1ear. A. selection' board consist- ing of :one representative from each of the nine Canadian med- ical school considers the stand- ing ipf •the applicants., from each Of • these Colleges and :•makes:"its award. The representative from the University of .Toronto• this. year was Dean MavFarlane, a former Rhodes' scholar from Sask- • atoon. Alex has been • consistently a top' ranking .student in his . stud- ies. The •first'.'year. in . medicine he stood; second• in a',class of' 160 students ' and to .,the 'first two years of his'course• had the third .highest ' aggregate. ' • In sport; too,, he 'has been act- ive. 'In' his first college year he Won his "T" as a., member of the Junior `tB" U. of T. hockey' club, as: as.playing: on both the medical rugby and : basketball • . For two, 'years he has' .bee'n..`a member. of the. • executive. for his year, and' this. year' .was elected president of his class. Alec's in.= terests have been- varied in 'col-. lege life . 'as he was a member of the' Medical Debating'Club and one of ;the .directors of the "Daf- fodil Show", the highlight of the year, the' annual medical show. Recently hewas elected treastr- •er of the Medical Society,' a stu- dent administrative council .'• in -charge of_all medical undergrad- uate activities. • As: °a student in Lucknow• High School, Alex led . his class each year and :'in his final ,year was awarded . for Grade XIII :prof i- cency,= a. Carter .scholarship, a Dominion ' - . Provincial': Bursary an• •',t: a 11 ' o, ,arship. He was: disk active in ath- letics in, his home : 'school • They have .a, `family i'of ' four daughters' and three sons, Mrs. Cecil Falconer (Catherine), sof. East Wawanosh; Mrs; Jack Mac Intyr.e..(Florence.) of Winghani; WM. . E. Purdon of Detroit; Mrs. George) Tiffin (Isabel) of: Lang-, •side;•Athol'of Winghar i and Hec- tor''of ,Lucknow. 'There are nine- teen grandchildren. ine-teen.grand'children• and one great grandchild. • "Sandy and Tena" have a host of friends in the district who join 4 �in i atulations in extending cog and best wishes. • GRADUATES- WITH B A .S. DEGREE Step ,en Cleghorn 'Stothers was one . of ' 178 graduates to' receive his degree of Bachelor of Science in ' Agriculture at the Ontario 'Agricultural College • convocation in GuelphMay 'on , 22nd. T e . ., •. ,•. .• he pre- sentation :was inade.'by Dr. J. D. MacLachlan, president , of t ' P 'Stev ion first • �r w e of 75 e P$ in the Pioneer • Feed awards to outstanding students ',aniirial husbandry. He :also won. the $25, prize awarded' by the Canadian Feed 'Manufacturers' Association to the 4th• year student standing highest. in the subject 'of.,animal nutrition." Steve is also. ascholi • -. sc ar sl p win ner •and' Will, do ' post graduate work at Lansing 'College, where he ; will obtain his; Master's de- gree. .:' Steve is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. N°Stothers of Fergus, who' plan to retire to Lucknow When 1\41% Stothers completes his service{ this fall with the Depart- ran nt of Agricul ure as reprees nt tive. arr xford University PRESENT -TEA SERVICE ' nan'neighbors h HemlFrieockds Cidty schools • section ; made the presentation of a silver tea' service to Mr.. and Mrs.: Geo. Moncrief, who recently moved; to he••Amlberley district to the farm which 'they • bought from Earl . • Gibson. PASS. EXAMINATIONS. AT TORONTO COLLEGE ' Mr. : and Mrs. N.. E.e Bushell have. ,received 9 .. word: that they , .have. passed their ,examinations at the . College of Physiotherapy_ Toronto, which they have attend- ed for the past' year;: Mrs:• Bushell took honor standing and •received. 100 :percent in pathology., Mr. and Mrs:, Bushell were the ,. first husband and ';wife to' attend:' the college: • TO JO1'N. SISTER• N .. 1.N .ENGLAND- Mr. `D �. 1V, Mr. rand Mrs. T...J.•Salkeld 'ac cornP anied' by Miss Ruth Ann •Thompson:,of Waterdown, left on Thursday by motor• for a trip 'to the' West . Coast.. Miss Margaret Salkeld, 'who .:is • teaching` at• D•un..• can, B.C., on Vancouver Island, ; will return with them at the close •-' of, the school term: fpr a brief visit here before, leaving' for' the Old ;Country. �,. Margaret`spend `next' ,plans to ;;.year in 'England/under-the teach. er exchange system, while • her sister Helenconcludes her :; •Sec- ond year in 'post -graduate • stud- ies at •Roehampton Agricultural, .College :in . England. • Margaret •'sails from Montreal on :July, 17th. on 'the. Ascania. TAKERS ER CENSUS .S START `• D FRIDAY '•' Commencing `on, Friday. of this week, thousands' of .census takers • from '.coast to oat will. com• - mence , the 9th decennial :"census of the Dominion',af Canada. The work will. be 'conducted" through- u h' • out the month 'by thousands o --census* enumerators schooled : far / the 'difficult task.:All are sworn, r. ' to secrecy, : and• the information obtained is available to no other person, bureau, ;'or department: • Under the 'terms of the British North: America Act the . • Govern- ment. of Canadawas required to take' a eensis rn-..-i.87-1 ' and -e tenth year thereafter The census' will cover •every, , Man, woman and• child in •the Dominion living 'at midnight „on.' May 31st. • Biat, .the 1951. census is more than a. counting of noses. ",It is: a national 'stock -taking• which, •in addition to population statistics, will . provide 'important facts arid. ;' figures on Our, 'labor force, in-' corse levels, housing,- business-. ancl":far'•rr' conditions:. ' { • ,Schools: _ Or.. instrucf, on .urFrz. Held last week.. to • ••acquaint the Enumerators • with the task ahead : of thnm.:Th.eirs is a fob .that r;e quires ; the ci operation' �` very •., individual, a it it' ... , is to b> e ca tied • a out with dispatch and' a p , d � eci.i acv. , P.. A. Murray was •iii, 'charge of the. school he'.d at 'Ii .c6rdine.. • last week, Elriier Farrish of Car- rie 'has a similar .•appointi ent. in the "Wineskin district.. Enu'inerators 'in 'this' • vicinity the as follows: 'Kinloss Township,' J. R. Lane, .'Fraser MacKinnon and George ' Tiffin; ,Lucknow, 'Willard Thompson;. Ashfield, Wit-, fred Hackett,, Lorne .1/LacLcn.na'n, V orae Johnston, Wm.' Tainan;' Vest Wa a. w nosh, Win: 1VIcCrostie, John Foran,Wrn. Stewart; 'Huron, .. Township; Mrs. Hazel Mcnonald .. Lester, Ferguson, Sandy Macy' Chia ales:' Ripley, Roy MacKenzi.re; Culross, .M S. Campbell, Abel•: 'Donaldson. Vin: 0:, Keith. ' • • A, r • • k,