HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-24, Page 5• THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 7'1951, 4.1111111111. Lyceum Theatre W I NGHANI; Two Shows Each Night.,; FIRST .SHOW AT 7,15 Thursday, Fridly,, Saturday • MAY 24,• 25, 26: 'GENE AUTRY rn; ULE TRAIN' ..Monday, 'Tuesday,. Wednesday MAY• 28,` 29,' 30 , JOSEPH 'COTTEN, 'LINDA DA.RNELL, • CORNELL WI,LDE• -- TWO FLAGS . WEST Thursda•y, Friday, ' 'Saturday May,'31�, June. '1,, 2 • '+'Mrs.. O'Malley & Mr. - Malone" ALL HAS, .NOT been smooth sail- ing in ' the Saugeen. 'High School. • District• with :,differences: arising between' . Southamn' ptoand' Port Elgin, Where the •sc hoot 'is locat ed: Paisley' •is also•. iri a' dither to decide ..if it .will give up, its: Con.- .tin.iation School to join one o£ three. districts, Walkerton,.. Fort Elgin , ' and Chesley which • are. a11.Zvooing 'Paisley; 7.7414.:174:• ,tiqq1,41/c1.11MW J. THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCI NOW; ONTARIO • WHITECHURCH Hastings, RI��--.to Mr. and Mrs,Orville g , is baby girl oil Mai,18, in Wingtha,m Hospital. We .are sorry to report Clayton Scholtz, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Ezra ,Scholtz, is in :Wingham Hospital, suffering .from. pneumonia. Little Jimmie Currie, son, of Rev.: and' Mrs. Currie,' who has iubeen: ill for ,some tim;e,. is much nproved. Mr Jas Mclllwraith was taken to Wii%gham Hospital Sunday af- ternoon, and had an operation for appendicitis.. He • attended church' in the .forenoon, Anniversary 'services .inCha1= ;mer's Church .next- Sundayat. 11, la'.m: and 8.00 in the'evening.' Rev' •Mc1Vtil1a of Goderich wi11 be• the guest speaker " We 'are glad to see Mr. .l•oseph 'Tiffin,'' Sr"., home from London hospital, where he'had been tak- ing treatments, . , . = '. • . Little .Roy James,' •son of 'Mt. and Mrs. ,Walter 'James, suffered a ' severe .cut .on his head ' at school: The teacher rushed him and his Mother, to ' •the hospital,. where he had •three stitches put in. _Mr. Wm, Dawson. is.; much ini- proved' again,. after 'having had a bad spell a week ago, • Cornmunion service i was . held) in the United Church, last un- clay.''When twelve new members, were_ added by profession of faith. and Mr. ' and, Mrs,, Chap •Tian by' certificate. A . fine address was: :given b '",R.e'v..`" • ay*ar , the 00.1 for There will, Abe no service' next Sunday onaccourxt of the ianniversary'" in the -Presbyterian Church. ,The folloiiving:...Sunday, June .$md, will be ', anniversary service' in the Untied C.hurch. Remarkable Growth Reported From Users 6f' NEW LIFE ANE LIFETERL� CONTAINING ANIMAL PROTEIN .FACTOR.. You believe it only when you try it PRICES ARE REDUCED! Investigate Ours, With Consideration To- ▪ Refund' on Empty Bags.'. • Free Delivery. . -Discount on'. Half -Ton or, Tons. .. Free Mixing of your choice of Tonics' or Etc., a -ton of Tr'y. ,• '" AGE' 'FIVE MRS. 11. HOUSTON TAKES OVER KAIRSHEA PRESIDENCY The'. first meeting of the: new term was held • at the home of Mrs. Harold Campbell with, a large crowd of Members and vis- itors present.. The new .president, Mrs. Hhrvey Houston, pr esiddd aver 'the meeting which, opened by singing ."Q Canada" ollowed! by the Institute Odez, Mrs. Fred Gilchrist, the past president, took charge -Of -the installation of new' officers This was followed "by an address by 'the president, . Daring the business period $15 was . ' ionated tot the. ;Salvation; Army.' Final arrangements were'. made for the district; annual with ;Mrs. ' Orville 'Elliott, Mrs.' Allan MacDonald and Mrs. W. F. Mac • Donald being' chosen as :delegates; 'Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon,, convenes er of comnuni+ty activities; •and. public relations last year and Mrs.,..Walter MacKenzie, conven- er of historical research group,;. 'gave. very 'interesting ,reports. of: the officers' conference that they attended in Guelph in early May.' Other interesting numbers on the. program were a solo.by . Mrs. Steer, reading' by Miss. Annie. Mc- Kay,:..duet .by Misses Margaret and Marion' McTavish and com- munity singing, Mrs: T.. A. MacDonald 'conduct- ed a contest:' At :the 'conclusion of the meeting Mrs. W: Hodgkinson was. presented •with , a: ctp. and saucer before leavving for her• new, home. • „Mrs. W, F. .MacDonald'. made the .closing reniarksafter which theNational, Anthem was 'sung and a social half" hour:exijoyed. The' next meeting: will beheld at the lorze of Mit, Duncan Ma- Conne ll with. Mrs...Farish '. Mot, •fat,. Mrs Dickie, Mrs.Evans and Mrs: Wm. MacKenzie: as hostesses:: QST. H;EL EN S The •sacrament:of the Lord's .supper will be, observed 'in. tire- . United Church next Sunday ,with.. • ' service commencing at. 11, a.m. . Miss Beth, McDonald' :was :a • week -end visitor with -her coils !' 1 in, Mrs. Andrew Ritchie and Mr. 1. . Ritchie at Lanes: Miss ' Helen Durnin;. student ' nurse :at ` Victoria . Hospital, ;Lori • don and. Miss. Janet' Durnin` also• 'Of London visited last ,week with 1 their aunt, '`Mrs. Jas: • Durnin.. • Janet ,remained for a;longer visit. 7• ' . kr.' Irvin McCabe and Bryan of Windspr visited with relatives. ' • ~here last Wednesday a Mrs. R. J. Woods .of Guelph is `spending a'..couple of weeks at, her . home here. Mrs. Woods has sold her house to .Mr. and Mrs. : Colwell .of Bervie:and is holding. in . ;a `sale of household goods on Sat- urday a ternpon. • ' ' • .111r. and Mrs. Wm. Dougherty . t of. ,Guelph were week-endvisi- • , tors with her Mother, : Mrs: R. J. Woods., : Mrs. Al 1V1 rtin''and Neddy. of Detroit are visiting •with. her-par- ents, her par'- en r•. an Mr. Ed Th ts, M a d s . on}..' • air, Prizes For, ,. ,, it s; u . ..'.' or `, The May .meeting of the WI. . was : held at the home of Mrs. "Gordon McPherson . with fifteen ladies present, The roll cell •was ,answered by suggestions for the new, year's'. program. The finan- cia1 statement for..the past year was 'read and•. shoiVed a. balance . on• hand of $38.50:. A letter from the Ladies Auxiliary •of; Wingham Hospital was 'read'• requesting funds:,, to . carry, out • their Work., ];t Was decided to take up' a spe- 'cial Ioollectidri at the next meet- ing,. June 15th gand or anyc ne riot a. member, abut- wishing to give•to,the hospital,' to leave their .dbnation 'with the secretary; 1VXrs. Rice gave a short report of, the executive meeting held. at Blyth and ' stated the -district annual would be held June 7th in Luok- now United Chu.rncli;, West Hur''on. being', guests of Kintail Branch this year. • Miss" jean .Aitchison, and Mrs: James Currin were the tw'o other delegates appointed. The Cho 1 Children's ,Field ,Day' will be held'._Tune 8tl at Fordyce arid the Women's Institute ' Will have charge ,of the booth this Year. Mrs.,. Fred McQuillirl and Mrs/ Gordan McPherson were the two ladies named, to see if the Lutknow players .'wouTd come t,.AWFO D'S Feed Story PHONE 165, LUCKNOW We Appreciate All 'Patronage. 43 Feeds, . .Fertilizer` Phone' 71 .u:Ek�n�w � :�:strict •.pin,, • Groceries Phone 27 Presents. Thursday, 'Friday, Saturda May 24, 2 26 BIG STARS, BIG ACTION, . , SIG LAUGHS,: r. that's Starring WALLACE •BEERY and MARJORIE MAI?. ("Ma" Kettle to yotil', For „your added .!. enjoYm.en:t=Cartoon• and News.... `Monday,. Tfesday, Wednesday,' May 28, 29;1 MQNEY — MONEY '-;- MONEY and; John Lund is after it •• . iss Tattlock's Million and its • Loaded with . millions, of with Wanda• Hendrix 1 a awes r t- u , � g Machnery:, Available --- Avoid Disappointment gY ORDERING NOW.. Drop. In' And . See These Machines.. USED TRACTORS :: Tf , you're in the Market for a good used tractor, we 'have several to pick from:; ALLIS-C'HALMERS With Plow. and Seuffler JOHN DEERE, Moder 'H JOHN 'DEERE,'' Model B.R. • • JOHN '.DEERE, Model D CASE; Model • L j:• tai JOHN DEERE SALES & SERVICE . Huron Road, Goderich : 'Phone 1132 Sub Agent':: 'PORTER'S : WELDING SHOP 'Phone 206.r-4, Lucknow..• ,. • 0)I4.mmO.ous;af/�O�i,4.Hkinkbemoa</fitaimpo elatl l)�Il tli41 ( ands present ;their play. It "was- moved and 'seconded . that the ,~Honeydonated a to Lucknow,'Fair this ,year, be given as 'prizes to. The Junior .Girls'• Club .•work,.1'st. .$3.00; second $2.00 Mrs.. Andrew. Gaunt 'favored With the solo. " It• is no se ret :accompanied bY.. Mrs. Rice. Miss W. I 'Iln,therford ave a ver interestin_ . and. in •formative talk .on er . trip to • Guelph'".where she attended :the. o- eraf ve... WEEKLY SATURDAY, NIGHT DRAW 'Each o' . draw Will be Made. Saturday! night at 10.0 o clocl�, a „, froin, the :boxcontaining' •nielrnbers purchases tickets. , The amount.of the ;purchase recorded Ion. the lucky tick ket Evill. ` . i. .. be •'given .away in groceries' WEDN.tSDAY IS SPECIALS . DA`Y. AT`THECOO• . • .1 SHOP . THECONO? WA's WE "TRY To PI,EASEs CivrriZ TRADE MARK REG makes good food taste better Women'' . -rio..:The. meeting closed with:: ;od Save • Phe .King::Lunch. was:- .` conference at•the •t0:A ;C for :his- . served by, the hostesses, Mrs: Jas. .tdrioal research '.:conveners for Curran •and,.•Miss Jean Aitchison: - • • • e uayirg as .With Allis-Chalmeirs nE 'ui. nient P We I -lave In Stock: ROT() BALERS, '• SIDE RAKES,' MOWERS, ,KING WISE BALE. CONVEYERS. • See, The New 60' All -Crop' Harvester .ONE C ,ALLIS C'HALMERS. USED TRACTOR ; j.: K ` ' N Fir Fast Profitable Gains. `and Prime Finish t4 FEED PURINA STEERFATENA And to Make the Most o'f Higher Egg Markets try Purina Chick Startena, 'Growena and ' Growing,Chow'' • HACKETT and LUCKNOW ONT iA . ., • f4 1.','