HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-24, Page 3• Tli%TRSDAY 4th,' 195.1' THE LUCKNOW ,SENTINEL# L;UCKNOW, ,ONTARiQ • P GE THREE; . • ocai and.`. Genera.:. LADIES., ATTENTION;; A meeting' of the' Local ' As-, sociation of the Girl' Guides will .ibe held !at •the home of .Mrs, A. E..McI imn, on ' Monday,, May 28th at'8.00 o'clock; • IVIr..and .Mrs; 'George• Leadbet- ter . and daughterBarbara, of Brockville, ' were ' recent vis'ito'rs . With her pgrents,' ¥r., .and• Mrs. Colin MacGregor. of Kintail ;and. With her sister, Mrs. Clark Fin-'. • •layson and Mr. Finlayson. • Lucke ow Presbyterian Church REV, C A. WINN, ".BA., Minister •..', .. ▪ • 'SUNDAY, MAY 27th• •a.m.: Sunday. School.' 11. •a:m.:. Morning Woiship, ,Rev. 'G. S. Bauleh. thdrawn ., :nloss .S. picnic i Evening Service 'because of Sout Anniversary.. Thugs,, May, 24th YP Wednesday, 8 :'P.m.: Prayer .Meeting. • 1 •s11i11�1/�11�11�,•I�d)�IHmIN • LUCKN.OW UNITED CHURCH'j i • Minister: ' Rev W. J. 11iumforal, M.A.; B.D.; S.T.D. i Y, ,27thi,195.1 SIJNDA MAY 2 195.1 10 a.m..•Sunda School.• l . y . Mr. C G. �,11 a.m.: .Milson ii•Fergus, Ontario. 7 p.m.: Christian Courage: •• Mr. Milson was President of- the' Hsinilton Conference Lay. : 1 .Association in '1949. ' 'T He is an I. excellent speaker. ; Coriie and hear him. . . 1.` •.! lac Anghcan:(hu.rh NOTICES •Rev. , A. S. Mitchell, Rector First Sunday °after Trinity. ity May 27th, 'Empire. Day..: St Peter's. Church,' Lucknow 11 ant: Morning •Prayer, The Junior' Auxiliary Wednesday at the.'Re'ctory.', _Sale_oLW rk and Tea, 3.00 . p.m. Saturday, June •. 2nd, in Legion Hall. ' St. Paul's Church, Dungannon; • May ' 2,7th' at 2.30 Evening Prayer Mrs. James Geddes :of T:oronto'. •spent. the week -end with friends.' Lucknow and Kincardine,. Mr. ,and Mrs Dan R. MaeDon- ald of ;Smiths Falls were visitors - with Mrs. T, A, • MacDonald for, a • few days. , , Mr, . and Mrs. Bill Treleaven .of Beaver Falls, Pa.,, were ,visitors this week with •his parent$,. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Treleaven, Mr. and Mrs. John B •DeCou returned last week ' a f ter;sperid ing. the past few months at Day tona Beach;; Florida, 'rMiss Ellen;: • McBride of ' Wood stock,•. spent Saturday,: with Mr: ;and Mrs .'Frank '`Brown • of .Kin-, dough: ` - Mr. and ' Mrs: ' Mervyn • Carter and •Ian of'.Clandeboye spent the week -end withJVIiss Jane . 'and • Adair Bowman, . -' Mrs. Melvin Stewart anddau- ghters returned home to Guelph on Saturdays after spending a few.' weeks with her• parents .here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Treleaven spent a . week in Chicago recent- ly 'attending the -millers'• ' con.ven ,Miss ' Jean. Douglas, who' was a patient in Wingharn: Hospital for. 'several weeks, !has returned . to her home Mr. J. ' C. Drennan, ' who. was employed ,with Rennies Ltd., 'of ' Guelph, .'returned. 'to , 'his home here— o-asssist3rat-the seeding °operations. WEDDING BELLS , COLLING-=.THoM ON Beneath• an arch47of evergreen boughs adorned with spring, .(Laos- soms :at the .Huron Township' home *el Mr and Mrs, Howar'.d Thompson,:•,Sara'h Marie, wa• un- ited in marriage to • Allan Whit- field Coiling, son of Mr. •and Mrs.' john Calling, Huron• Township. • Rev. Blight of Bervie, officiated. The bride, given in marriage Eby her father, looked lovely gowned, in blue nylon sheer, white fingertip veil and •flowered headdress,.• and carried a bouquet of American . Beauty roses and fern.' q ' • Miss, Helen Cerson attended the beide,; 'wearing a: pink ; envbroid „ Y ered nylon dress and'.; • flowered ,•' . headdress, ,carrying, a nosegay of REGINALD ;C McBRIDE 'spring flowers'.' ''Bill Kempton" Relatives: and firends 1n this was, groomsman. 1 • community' were shocked and • 'Miss I' anticy. Needham of Kin 'saddened, by• the• sudden death of lough played the wedding •music Reginald C,: .McBride,. *which oc- and during the signing of the curred near • Portage ' la Prairie, register, ``I love ,you . truly" land .Manitolba,,`. on Saturday, . May .11' He, was. in . his 57ath • .year; born' A reception followed 'at,. the October' 20th, .1394 at Gorrdon Church ,of Ascension, Kinlough. Lake,: Algoma; .;youngest son • of The bride's ,mother received the John .McBride and Retta • McLe1- guests. wearing navy.. blue sheer and pink corsage, The groom's Regor "Rex',' as he.:was known mother chose,a 'beige lace, trim-' . g to 'old friends, came' to Culross. s' med :dress Township''from ' Algoma, ;:when For her and pink corsaeg going away.. trip the still a .youth, Re was, first em 'bride. wore ; a ' navy d'ress,.• light ployed on the, farm • of Tom whipcord shortie coat• and' white grown,' Concession j4,;.Culross: 'i i 'accessories. * 1914 he was; married to Martha em • I Anna •,Brown;' daughter ::of John. Brown ',and: Ellen •Wall. Part of PURPLE GROVE., his life. was ,spent • in Manitoba Y.. _ at Macdonald ` and at "Rathwell r., an.7rMs Burton •Ca1T� ` near Portage--1a--Prairie; until—he- Mary 'Lou. and John ;Visited with :retui:Iied,.'to the East" in October Mr. arid Mrs. E: Bu shell. of. Mr: •Jerome Schmid-.. of Mildmay 1922 to';•take :up• farming on• the 1VI , N u e 8th' Con. of Culross Township:, Toronto . and Mrs• Edgar. Franks on Sunday. -we •k -:end , • , .. rin; he,. his wife. and of Hamilton spent the,. a Congratulations'�to Mr,. &Mr's, On. this fa here''•du' to the illness of Mrs;. 1 ' ar ri family af. two.,.daughters' Lived e , Co ling vho were- ,m, rigid o • :.until: March 1984„ when they R J: 'Cameron• Saturday " mgved to' Kinloss Township ;to,' • • Mr:: and Mrs- :Stewart Cameron Mr. and :Mrs. Donald McCosh,° he m • o ,. wned b Clifford:' t far n •w•o... y.• Mary :and. .Dickie visited at • Mr.. Robb. Here the family lived for Colborne' were .• recent.. visitors' Wm: Bushell's of'Lucknow' : on, 14 ears. Duren this period h'e., ;with' his smother,: Mrs.' R,, J. Cam Sunday •''' Was reunited :in .19.42' with his erori. • - Mr•: and .Mrs:.Ribey and Wal- ,brother: Richar°cl;: whose location' lace of Walkerton .and Mx. and he had not known' :since: 1'918 Mrs. J A, Robertson: of Moynt� ''Mrs. Kenneth Robertson Si farm Forest and":Camer•on Geddes of ily 'of Zion .visited with .Mr. Don Shortly after the death,' of his Mitchell :called on ,friends here'' a1d Robertson on •Sunday:: wife in 1943 he moved • to Kin - lough,. on •Sunday and attended tale Mr.. and Mrs,' Sam ,Emerson, : Presbyterian Church .anniversary ,H•ilda and Rayiriond; visited, with He `made. a second•.marriage tit l h • Ont:, •tie ` Pl of e O .• Net Ha Mrs: Elizabeth MacLennan has Mrs. ••Jack, Emerson: recently,Mrs Gnu p ., retuined'to:her home, in Ashfield' Mr. and Mrs. Orland. Richards in • 1949 ' after .spending. theme past few :,and • family: and,..Ruthie'Forster At 'the time 'of his tragic' death months with •Dr. and: Mrs. R.: L. visited with Mr:: •Donald, McCosh . by. accident, 'Reg , was employed White of •Chieago and With • Mr,: Sunday evening. •on'a farm owned by Russell Met and "Mrs. ,R M; : Scott. of Detroit: Mr: and .Mrs. Ross Shields and calf of Portage::la Prairie, an :ern- ' • . Mary : Elleh• of Amberley. visited -ployer of former years: Owing to. Becker and •Miss Inez ,with the: latter, Mrs; L.' �Bec a•s sister, Mrs. Geo. Mr'•'• 1Vletcalf s illness, Reg had ac'-. • Becker of'•Indianna_ Harbor and ;Emerson, Jr:, on. Sunday. ; •jce.pted-the management ';gf:.Mr.; . Misses Sally arid': Mary' McQuaig ,Mr. and' Mrs. ; J: F. Elliott•and Metcalf's farm, •a job 'which he; of : Clifcago ,have been 'guests at Mr, and Mrs. •'Gordo, n Farrel and Was happy 'and willing ,.to .do land ''the .McQuaig :.home,' Sally .i$ re- ',family spent an evening with in which he was` faithful. and.con maining here for a time : , ' Mrs.' George ' E' merson • Sr.., re- .scientious. He was known to his • 'Visiting. With 'Mr. ' and Mrs: W N. • Bushell' 'were Miss Shirley eof -o1well Wirighani, Mrs: Walt- ''er Forster Ruth and Baiibara 'Ann Per ect " tear iso so ;easy to rn.,a'ke awith - • .4 from Portage '1, a Prairie, the .fun- eral service was held on Thur5-. day, May 17th at the MacLennan. and MacKenzie funeral nome, Lucknow. . The service, .most, com- forting•,to the ,bereaved, ,was •con ;ducted by Dr. W.. J. Mumford, with fitting music 'by Mr. Elmer Urnbach, Dr.. 'Mumford and Mr.. t mhach..sang `,`,Sweeping through the Gates "sof the; 'Great Jerusal- :and daughter"Mary.' Ann of Port' •'Interment ;was in Greenhill! ;Cernetery. The :Pallbearers were' Frank Johnston,' ,Eldon • Eclten-, ---' swiller, Alphonse Murray, John Ross; •Giarge olwell: and C ford .Robb. Flower:' bearers were Wm. Haldenby, Roy , Haldenby, Ted Haldenlby, ' John Hodgins,. ' Spence' McFarlane, Cli(ve° Reg Brown and Fred ,Guest.. This loving ' feather, brother and. "Granddad", will be (greatly mass- ed' iy. ' his two 'daughters, ' Ellen, • ' and, Muriel' (Mrs. Clifford Con- gram), his •brother'.Richard, and his . two ' grandsons,.' Dale and Bryan. Congrar'n, •• • nniversar:y fy_ Services I IN SOUTH :,KINNLOSS = PRESBYTERIAN . CHhTRCH '1 1. 1 1 •centyl.friends A.S.:a good�=;,�gl,oiE and! Mr. •and, Mrs. 'Maurice. • Camp as a '. kindly, • p1ea'sant-mannered ':l• ,bell and family of Castor' Centre gentleman. Although; untrained; spent the week -end with the for- he was a"over. of music -amen .• Mrs, Herb'Carter, of •. Ripley, mer's aunt, Mrs: James Hodge. His friends, young `and'. old; will • ,and Mrwith -Miss iss his:' congenial personality • , .;Special : Music by Mrs. J•: 'W.• Colwell,; •Knlough; Mr.,' Hodge. returned•'home m The' Choir., Mr:''. and Mrs: Donald •MoCosh. Ahem, - • • � � • After the'arrival .o# the, remains' ..,;�I,.;.1,�/ Mary, Ann • and Dickie of.'Purple ;■■■l uu:■ti■�it� ■u■siiltsi°i 1■' ■■■a 01■0s,'1uu1'a,tu�. ■u*i•R1•t•R••••Nommo■Nt�., ,', Grove and Gwennie.Colwell, of ,■ d• u�na:aY Services at. 11' a.m.. & 7.30 GG'uest 'Preacher: REV. CHAS: A. WINN. of 'Lucknow. sbyteria n; hutch. .m.1 Holyrood...• . St.. 'Paul's ',Church,' Ripley, May 27th, at' 7.30' p.m.: Eivening. Prayer. ' • The truly educated '''are rnore :impressed,'-' Eby '• • their" ignorance than !by :their, knowledge: • ▪ 1�ir+li�... •• Til l/�o i Our. W e.° lir 1mportar YOUR :WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS W'L BE AMONG THE MOST, IMPORTANT 'PICTURES OF YOUR LIFETIME: Make Your Appointment Early At MacLaren's Studio 'Phone 401 92 St. David St. Goderich,; Ontario a rn. 4 • •. u:r DROP IN, "AND LOOK 'AROUND° r M'acl. ENNAN: AND MacKENZIE'S Beclroom .Suites Limed Oak, Tawny Oak, ,Dark Waln~�t .GreyWalnut •and, Birch Walnut finish: 3 pieces $.i 9 ac els . .s, WEEK'S SP:ECIAI wc • ouly. . SIMMONS STUDI With Ariniais-Regular $82.50 .ON SALE 4 ,a1 Phone 181., Lucknow ■.iaaimiiaaeaa e��ia��aae■�lta■ eaea■aa■■■■��■■iaMaa���■�a■a>wallaaRa■�aa11�a� •. enzie • i w■ ■ at ea ■ . ;n i • ■ sr • 111 .• . tP .1' • .,. i •.