HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-24, Page 1$2.50 .Yearly In AdTance •50c Extra to U.S. LUCKNOW, BRUCE.: COUNTY' ASSESSOR,. �: _• . SEAFORTH CLER'IC,, ONTARIQ, ' ,• THURSDAY, MAY' 24th, 1951 AT ANTN•IVERSARY. Anniversary services of the Lucknow . Presbyterian, Church were • held on Sunday with Rev. D. Glenn Campbell of . First Pres- byterian Church,, • Seaforth, : as guest Speaker. :Ire delivered nous' rag.. addresses ,.at both services,, which marked ;the. 62nd'• a. nniver- sary of, 'the -.building ' of�•,the' pres- ent church It was ' Rev.': Carnpbell's " first • s. time• in the pulpit:of the Luck- now church and he entered it humbly, ever mindful of the long. service rendered the congrega- tion by Dr.: C, H. MacDonald, who. ,. is..now seriously ill . EVERETT. FINNIGAN Prominent West Wawaxrosh farmer, and reeve ' of the Municipality for .4 • 'sears; has been appointed, assess -1 or'.for . Bruce 'County. • . • I' . 1:OSS COUNC L K • IT D• 'BUSY: WITH, RAINS Kinloss Township. Council' has been k pt busy' this' spring' deal- ing: with a;series of 'drain:age''byZ' /laws that will involve an expen diture ;in. excess of •$18,000, .borne proportionately ;'by those rate. payers {benefitting by the drain- age schemes • ' : Sevensuch.. drainage by-laws. • - have, or are in the course ofhe- ing•,.dealt with All • are ` repair' or extension 'jobs :to existing drains with the exception of the•McFar lane ,by-law, which 'covers •a new ditch: The - b an� the. y • a 'ws d, h amount to : be provisionally -.'borrowed each case are as .,follows • By -Law; NO. 4; "Ross Municipal. Drain Repair, and I'mpravement' , $.3,570 00• • . By -Law•, No 5, '"MacDougall Municipal Drain Repair",' $635°00::• • By -Law No. • 6, .."McDonald-' Bushell Drain and North ,West Section of'the, Black', reek .Exp tension Repair :.and k mrove- p J P mein", $4,760.00. By -Law No. 7, . •"McFarlane • Municipal Drain", .$2,150:00 By -Law ,No: 9, "Ackert. Drain Extension", $1;7B2.00, • By -Law :No. 10, "Harris Mur i- cipal brain" ,. $4,650.00. "Nine Mile River Improvement By -Law", $1,355:00 • Total'amount 'required to fin ance these projects 'amounts to:. $18,902. . Special music was rendered by the choir* with Mr. Everett West at the ••org,an.• • .At. both ' Services Miss Ruby Webbs -alar -al -group -from Third; Room sang pleasing , selections. The group included Rita Collins, Elizabeth' Webster, 'Donna John-. :stop,, Betty Arrnstrong;•; Dick Murdie,. Billy Kennedy .and Billy At`. the , morning service• Mrs, Philip Stewart and Mrs. Cameron Ma:eDon.ald:'sanig, the' duet:;"At'the Cross. Roads".: At the evexiii g service Miss' .Marian :MacDonald sang. "Green Pastures" and 'Miss MacDonald, Innes Ma.cS;weeh and Everett • West were heard as a':trio' in ",Redeeming .Grace" Among the, flowers 'was a bou- quet in .;memory `:of.Miss Marron MacDougall, ;.by her sister '.Eve- ym• TQ . GRADUATE IN JUNE of a fo to M M c Miss'.Mary, Johnston, daughter_ of Dr and Mrs..`W..,V Johnston town, will `graduate in: June from Western University;: Lon-' on, where she .has `completed a ui`-year' '•course :in secretarial 'Science.• • •This is a' popular• -course :with cal youngladies. Miss Margaret _ g ,. releaven;` daughter ` of Mr, and -Mrs. Harold Treleaven, has ,an -other • year to ` put iii and Miss Mary•Anderson,•., daughter of Mr. and , Mrs.' W.. B. Anderson, has completed ' p d her first •year. LAD AND HIS., DOG . MAKE F. -H. FRONT COVER • The front cover of the May Pith issue of the "Family Herald 'car-' ries a picture of Ross Durnin and his pet ptnp "Lassie". The picture • was' taken •by Bill Bolt, whose' photography,,, efforts 'have fre- quently ,made a hit with ru'ra1 magazine publishers., • Ross Durnin IS the 11 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Dur nin• . The pup was, 'about 'four" months old When the picture 'was • taken. Ross has o wide grin, •las he 'holds the: pup Which' perkily .eyes the • eamera. .• ENGAGE TEACHER Miss :Helen .. Walker 'of. Turn-'' (berry Township has,been engaged as teacher at S:S N Kinloss Township (Murray's .School) She will`. succeed. Miss Grace Moir. ,Miss Walker has had four years teaching experience in .Turriiber=' ry:.• ENGAGEMENTS Mr.. and Mrs Douglas Graham, R. 5, Lucknow, announce the .en- gagement of their: daughter, Mar- ian Elizabeth, to Warren George Zinn, son' of. Mr, and Mrs; Ervin G. Zinn, R. 1,, Dungannon. The wedding to take place in, South Kat ions Presbyte raft hui ch -.-a 3:00 p.m. 'ori,Saturday, June 16th.; • Mr. and. }Mrs.. Thomas ' Hackett of ' 'Lucknow• announce the eh- gagement, of their/eldest daugh- ter,* Donalda• Pauline,. to Earl Thomas Jamieson, son of Mr. and P . el - : ii. i.eson of Win_ .' the 'marriage to take, place. a Juke 16th. : in . Hackett'. •United; Church, Ashfield, �at 2.30. p.m• Mr:: and Mrs Donald Bain.Mc- Laren announce the engagement, oftheir draught r, Nancy ,Mary Elizabeth,; • to .Ronald Elmer John Ston, son of Mr. and Mrs. . -Elmer Johnston,' ''Lucknow,. Ont. The, marr'iage•will take place on June 9 at 7 o'clock • in. Holy Trinity: Church, Port; Credit; Orit.. h WAS :98' ON' WEDNESDAY Miss. Sarah Mallougli,' It N;, quietly observed her 90th • y. birthday on Wednesday, May 22nd, at the home of Mit,. H. Anderson,. London• r:lVliss Mallough has been confine& toher bed for the Past four months with, a heart 'con'air tion.... • ,'Miss• Mallough's; m a n y friends, tri 'this , coinnrriunity, • extend hearty ;birthday greet irigs". • •; �.IFTY YEARS MARRIED. r Mt, arid' Mrs. 'Harry Tierney o 'London observed' theii•r' 50th wed- ding : anniwersar'Y on ,May 10th:. They • were Married `in Dublin;: Ireland. ori May 10th, 1901, and carne to Canada four .Years Tater`, . They .have•one son, 'Marais of London •:hid ' one daughter, . Mrs; Kitchener. . fiidney ;, ecker of Kitchener Kr. and Mrs. r`Tierney made , . their home in Lucknow .for !> : short titre and friends here loin r 'atula'tions and in short conga u . best •wishes., r p •. BORN Tt33�LOR- -in ;Wingha n' General nda- May 21st to Hospital on. Mo M'r:' :and Mrs. George Ta `lYog ,l • a • son, a brother for 'Seven l ey. -SEE SENTINEL , SENTINEL DISTRICT SHORTHORN BREEDERS TO HOLD, SALE. The' 7th annual sale. of pure- bred •Shorthorns staged by W . 'A. Culbert of Dungannon, Andrew Gaunt of St, Helens and Clifford Keys of Varna, is set for Clinton Lions Arena an Friday, June lst. Forty. head,;' ° consisiting; of, , 34 females, and site, bulls, are Up 'for sale. These•,cattle 'are all 'highly. (bred and are. second to. none amgng Shorthorn' herds in' the ‘..province: , ° • Mr. Culbert '`has'.' consigned '22 ,animals • to the sale, and' Mr, Gaunt and, 'Mr,: Keys, •.nine `each: 1`%' TON •TIMBERS TO' SUPPORT. NEW BUILDING G' Constr,.ta tion .is under way. of. • MacLennan and MacKenzie's, new �b:uildin.g on Main• Street, "over, the river"..• ,Six Douglas fir tini- bers, 'weigning 11/2., tons each will span the , river and .• saupport• the new structure. These .were • r•oll- ed'° into 'place last:°week. and car- penter work has since been go - THAT :the Ladies' Auxiliary, to: the' Canadian °Legion are "throwing" a; big dance 'tonight (Thursday) following the soft- ball game between the.Legion' naiires ..end ' Stratford •, Kro.eh leis: THAT Rev:`. Charles: Winn• 'con ducted services 'in Wingharri `Presbyterian Church; on Suit ;day, '-with 'Rev.' Alex : Nirmno taking the services in Seaforth,' while' Rev. Glen Campbell was 'preaching anniversary.:services. in Lucknow.• ': THAT: the Hamilton N o r mga:1 school choral society :.won''the Medal' at the' musical festival in Westdale.' United; Church;, „Hamilton,. -' recently; . Gwen :Tre- leaven, a., student at Hamilton Normal`, is.. a rnem�bre, of the choir which.. was heard 'On Sun= day :afternoon Over' ; CKOC, • Hamilton. • ;THAT Mrs R.; .J. Cameron suf- . feted a light stroke a .:on : Satur, 'day morning,; and w.as, taken to Wirrgham on Sunday where she will' be' .hospitalized' for, a time THAT the'old Shed in the Cal' edonian 'Park is being offered for sale. It .is • a. step by. ' the A: ricultural Societ' . • tow ard's improving the. park °,where e it, fronts the.,:lighway. THAT all 'the ladies;who.volun- teered, '.or .are willing to help stage a banquet for the Pee', Wee and Bantam hockey teams, aro asked to meet at the Re- creational : Centre -on Saturday evening at,,9.00 o'clock to .plan, the'. event EIGHT ]AGES KINLOSS : PUPILS PLANT TREES Upwards too hundr-ed stu- dents from the .Senior Classes of nine schools • in Kinloss Township took part in .a. tree planting .pro grain fast Wednesday. •. :In four 'hours some 5000 red and white. pine trees were set out on. th"Sidler Farm" on Con- cession f.,'Kinloss, a mile: west of • Langside School, This tract, pur' chased, from" Archie McKinnon; is one:.:of, four properties bought in; Kinloss • Township by the Bruce County Refarestation Committee, and which total ' 300 acres. • • Each school was, responsible for planting about 600 trees last Wed,- nesday, and • were under, the 'sup- ervision of Inspector J .•M.. Game.' Other' officials in attendance included J. CE Jacl-,on Of Owen 'Sound, zone. forester and' his as •" sistants, 5.'" Hamilton' and Ernie Dunes,, and Robert Solan• of Dab •:bington, , chairman, of. the Bruce • Conservation Committee: . ' . : limaxing the day's 'outing was• ing right ahead, a ball'' game ,on the nearby farm. AT• CLUB. LEADERS • 'PARTY IN' LONDON ' Ray' MacKenzie, the represent..., ativ;e of- the,: Lucknow District High School iii•',the:•Leader's Club sponsored• by the London Free Press, •: joined .with• more 'than 60 Wier Western .•Ontario students as guests•:: of the paper last' week- end. On Friday : the , :group„ toured. the- University' of `/Zestern ,Ori tario . and the ,Free. Press build:-. I ing'.. They ¢were ;entertained' :at a theatre • party that , evening: and an Saturday ,Saw, WOSSA field and track competitions. Ray is the.: son of Mr. and Mr's. of Ashfield. Henry -Mackenzie • I FORMER RECTOR 'IS ELEVATED TO CANON Rev John 'H Geoghegan, of New • St.. Paul's Church, : Wood=. f stock, was one of four :new .canons appointed fast• week by Rt Rev.' G: N. Luxton,, Bishop of 'Huron. Rev, Geoghegan. was . a former` rector in Lucknow, coming 'to St: Peter's, Parish in. 1932.. On•e oa:the veteran synod mem- bers in attendance at last week's sessions in London', was Rev.. W. -1,.Eceleston_o London.4.1e• wa& •r'ector here. from `1916, to. 192E of� Dan T: McKinnon° ' The Stu-, dents were' treated' to, chocolate . m,ilk Eby the Bruce County Com- mittee. • Attend' Walkerton • •Meeting • A' civil defence 'meetin . 'was held 'in . Walkerton :last Thursday afternoon for members of police ;, :,and fire departments in:the• dis- trict. A. government:: official :'ad' • dress.ecl the ';,group on the :subject, .. and,'dealt With -.the :aspects,,- of atomic warfare ' In attendance from Lucknow' were Fire .Chief K C;'. Murdie, Police •Chief Alex Havens and..,J..•. MacMillan.. ' NAMED • "THE•, VOICE" Marilyn .Kilpatrick named "The Voice". correctly in • The' Play-. house. '-contest last week and won 'the $10.00' prize offered ' by, . Bill Pappas The week -end,'' picture' featured "Francis" the :talking army mule; and -"the:voice" "was :.that of Chill Wills. There were over 150 guesses''anywhere from, Clark,.: Gable to 'Clifton Webb, with rnany.,patrgns not even. haz- 'arding,a iguess. -Incidentally, The Playhouse proprietor met Chill.. Wills per- sonally •during World War II.' when he was. M:C. at an army sho r iraabra,Lor;where Bill w'as stationed at' the time. est WranoIi I eeve' 1ained �: • � Assessor For • Cou t �Of . . ice —o- THAT Mr. ;and Mrs.. ' Alex (Sandy) Purdon, 'Of Lucknow ' observed their :golden. wedding' • this ''Week. A family •gathering is' ibeirng held today '(Thursday). 'to mark the event, . ' . •• THAT Mrs. Allan':, Turner has • been engaged as teacher• at the' • Second Concession -.School •-She. succeeds . Stuart 'Collyer,. •who has taught at. the Second 'for four years;: and' Was recently ,appo'inted. , .prin'cipal• of the. Lucknow, Public :School, with. duties commencing:. in `Se,c:them-, bet ' THAT .Miss Mary Porteous, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs; 'W. Porteous, who is taking a four.; yeai,.•4ieti•tian course'• at Mac- , Donald College, Quebec, Will. spend the summer at Toronto. :Western hospital: Mary coda- mences her: duties next Week, -.'She has another year oto• put in °before graduating. ' • . , .riff'•.b..-+. + _ . THAT dogs alae not 'permitted Oto run at large within the corpor- ation during the period to'July 15th. • • • • ' West Wa ranosh farmer' "a n d reeve' of the municipality ' has been chosen, assessor for the County of Bruce: • • ' There were 14 : applications`"tor/ the position This, :nurnber was reduced .to five at.':the first sit- ting of 'the committee • appointed by Bruce County . Council to • sel . ect an official fors: this new full- time County: position:. 'These ,five applicants were in-*, terviewed ----personally by the' Committee at a meeting in Walk-. erton on Monday night with the final' . and unanimous choiced of the five, -man Boardh ,being NIT.. Pi'nnigan,- The appointment' has to be ratified ibyi Bruce County. Council . at. the ,June session, and must Also have the approval of the Department of,Municipal Af- fairs. • Chairman of ' the County Corn'rilittee is Reeve' J. C. McNah: Has Valuable Experience • Mr. Finnigan has, qualifications that favored him for the post' aryl. which -Will 'be 'of definite ' assist ante as he undertakes', the .diffi- cult y:task 'of equalizing the, ass essinent of the County under' the new provincial -system. Mr: Finnigan is • a successful, farmer,'' and 'with' the aid of a hired man, ,operates 375 acres in • • mat imine -'rifles .from Lucknow. He :currently has completed seeding about 200 : acres r Finnigan has nine years municipal experience. He served as,.West :Wawanosh ' councillor for ;five years and' is 'presently 'Serv- ing his fourth term as reeve. He has been ,prominently mentioned as a . cand.idate for. the. 'warden ship in 1952,.hut of, course,'' bows- -out of the picture. with his new • ' appointment. For ;two :years Mr. Finnigan served '-on. the Equaliziation ' of Assessment Carfimittee of Huron . Council and thea first year .County. was the only.' rura•1. member'' ori the' 5-n'tan Committee:x , He has' 'gained valuable experience b3 this service. •' ' The duties ,. of the nuts .office' will require Mr: and IVIr.s. Finni- ; gar to eventually *take yup rest- 'clence; .in Bruce County, presunm- ably in "Walkerton. •Mrs.Finnigan has not been•,enjeying the best of health, • .an . her, husband had been edntemplating'. giving " up farrri�ng. Appointment as. County, assessor will hasten this ;action; and res'lt' in Everett dispos,iing. of his 'fai tri holdings. Mr. an d Mrs. Finnigan an have, one 'daughter ' Gwendolyn, on ' the London teaching staff. • •