HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-10, Page 10AclE TEN rrr 'On" LUCKNOW SENTINEL,; ;LUCKNQW, ONTARIO THURSDAY,, MAY 10th, 1951 Honour ON ''SUNDAY, MAY 13th. • Be sure to. remember Mother on Mother's pay :.. .She -liar: remembered you all ►our • :life. Perfect Gifts To Make Fier Happy: Lingerie,._ Gloves,; Purses, Sundresses, Hankies, osiery, car Materials 'to Make Up • t. WEEK -END SUGGESTIONS To Suit Pocket and Appetite', Dare's Superb Biscuits,' Special! Cello' bag 29c Coconut Tops, Ginger Snaps Peanut Cookies, Tangerines' Tea TimeAssortment•;. 'Genuine • Dill Pickles Special' ; 24 , oz jar • 27c Aylmer Tomato J nice Fancy Quality:, 10 oz. tin •2 for 15e • on Stafford's Jams and Jellies • Absolutely Pure7-1 lb: tars !Crabapple Jelly . 26c Grape ` Jelly 3'ic: Pineaypple . Jam . .+...... 32c Cherry Jam33c Peach.:Jam 33c Ras rry Jam 35c 1 Black• Currant Jam, 35e Stra.Wberry ;Jim 39c Stafford's Apple Pie Filling': 20 oz. tin ... 29c 'Ready.. to use! Just fill the crust and bake Monarch. White: Cake Mix Special! 35c. The Store of,. Friendly Service Phone 82 ; 'We Deliver BORN f ,GARDNER—in Wingham_ gener- al Hospital on Thursday, May 3,. 1951; . oto. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gardner, : Lucknow, a son.. DAHMER in. Wingham Hospital on. Tuesday, MAY 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. John Dahmer (nee': Doreen Miller), a son,,, Michael Herbert Williaun: . ROSS -!at the, Wingham 'General . Hospital .on- Saturday, April 28, 19510,, to'. Mr. •and. :Mrs,.':Norman • Ross, R. 1, Wingham, a' son BUSHEIL-in Kincardine* Gen- eral Hospital on Tuesday, April 24, 1951, to Mr • and: Mrs. .;Donald Bushell, R. 2, Holyrood, a :daugh ter. 'REV.. NIATHESON' WINS CASE IN 'APPEAL COURT , A judgment by Justice W. Schroeder, iri which he found'botl drivers:;at faultin, a 1949traffic •'aeident was' upset ,last Weekby the Ontario Court of Apeal: The appeal court awarded $3,338 darn ages: to' Rev:' Wm. Matheson of Chesley. and ''$1,750'to his Wife.'. The assessrErient Was; made against' Donald .W. .Jeffs ,of ;:Winghatin,. THAT Kintail••wili,,bp the hostess, driver: of the' other automobile;' Ibranch,,for` the annual' meeting and • the : estate of Joseph • Evansc; 1., of .West °Huron District owner. of . the car who has since i ;°' men's Institute ,to.. be held in died..The..accident occurred Feb- rtaary 10, 1949 on'Highway :No. 4 June 7th.,' near C+iinton, 'The ` appeal. 1udgL Meat .by ° Justice_Robert • S Rob- THAT Raeteen Hamilton;. daugh ertson -.and Justice Wilfred:Roach•. ter of. Mr: arid Mrs. Frank Ham - / ruled' that • failure of, Jeffs to Ilton. of Ashfield, • recently un, abide. Iby 'the Highway Traffic derwent an operation for ap- Act was. wholly responsible- .for 'pendictis' in Wingham- Hospi-. the accident w tal.: SENTINEL 1 SEE BY THE, (Continued froril page X) TIAT mernlbers ` of Olds f.,ight; Lodgewill hold their,. annual church service at ° Ashfield Presbyterian Church .on:: Sun day morning at 11 THAT iCharlene .Sr lith entertain, - ed the Sextette Club at a birth :day party, .on Friday.:' • ..._ H? THAT Mrs.,.1. S, Mitchell of Lucknow 'spokerecently' to the Women's 'Auxiliary :o f t h e Church of the Messiah. in Kin-: 'c'ardine, igiving ari outline' of • their ' work in `Temiskaming, Quebec • . THAT Mr. and Mrs. C'arm'an Haniiiton, recently, purchased the cement .'house north of the C.N.R. from Mrs, Herb Miller, ,and`, are ,occupying • the dwell- ing, ' THAT Mel Stewart . is _assistant manager of • the .Waterloo -Well irlgon Flying Club 'at:•. reslau,. (between' Guelph and Kitchener. • Mel visited here :last week, fly ing. from Breslau to , S'ky. •Har- ; 11 -,bour;: •:. as `: landing .. conditions; Weren't faviorable • in : this' im- mediate .,vicinity. He' ,hopes to. shortly have'. his •awn aircraft; • (which ` he ' points out'. :can'- be •' Oought and operated more .cheaply 'thaii • a motor.. car. THAT any' 'ladies •(,or girls over 12 'years old)' 'whb are : interest-` ed in., hiking and nature study are, requested tomeet :at the • RecreationalCentre 'on. ,Satur .y da . 'afternoon' at 2.30. for , an organization 'meeting and bird- watchers :walk THAT .. Miss Helen McCreight daughter; of ' Mr and Mrs. 'Roy McCreight of Palzrierston :arid 'formerly. of Lucknow, was. a member of the 1951 graduating.. class of'. Grace Hospital,' Ter - onto. Her .. parents and sister • Jean, • attended the graduation .ceremonies. Lucknow United Church . on st 411 wing,. Planting ,Time --;Get Your =Seeds .Here Large Assortment of Rennies and, Steele'Briggs.. GARDEN SE DED S' '' LY Geur. Choice ` 1. i Phone 20 ''.MISS CANADA' TOMATO JUICE • WESTON S MARSHMALLOWS .... 25c MIXED . COOKIES,1 lb, cello bag .;., ' 42c olce E ar y . WELSH'S GRAPE JUICE, 32 oz.:: 42c , Or 23c DUTCH' ' SETS SEED POTATOES bag, •$2. 9c Lintons CK r ' EN OOIILE Soup 2 .for "25c . f .. C - FRAY BENTOS CORN BEEF' ..,:,.•,, •51c• • ' SHERRIFF FRUIT PUDDING ..:. . .:. .... 40e FREE!. Forest Green Tunibler' With 2 Pkgs Quaker :Corn' Flakes ALL FOR 31C Pasteurized Powdered Skint .iVii1 . MIL,KO. "On ,Mother's Day Give , Her McCorniick's Chocolates,.1b...__..: $1.00 33c KLUCK all Pork product _; Five. Roses Oatmeal, 5' lb Bag .,,,..: ,45c SUNKIS•T ORANGES, 252's .....:.:.:.. dot. ,48e • LEMONS,' '300's ::,,..,.,r :..........::: 3 for. 12c GRAPEFRUIT, 9d's, , ::: >, ,..:,,.,., , ,'. 4 fol` 23e. S'PECIAL!. PINEAPP .ES,. `12's::.: 3 for 1 TIME' FOTO' CANNING , c SUNDAY',. ,MAY 13th^ is. the -r• Q a , "When; :yoU are looking for.. Mother's gift,, you;' are'invited to drop n .and look around. NYLONS --packaged, in special Gift wrappers • for Mother's Day. New shades ' in this week in all gauges including 60 : gauge 15 denier, the finest in •Nylon Hose. TOT-TO=TEEN.; and LADIES' WEAR Phone 89-w L : cknow, Ontario Sunday, May 1'3th:;' = REMEMBER MOTHER ,WITH • A GIFT r from . . LADIES' AND 1IE.N'S WEA . 'L fN GE RIE '• . ' ; NY ON� BLOUSE S . GLOVES,: PURSES,' UMBRELLAS, • ' :• SCARVES, •... SWEATERS',' •'..HOUSECOATS, • HOUSE DRESSES, BETTER,DRESSES; • SUITS, SHORTIE' COATS, LONG COATS, Flaitnellette Sheets, Table `Cloths, Wool: Blankets, t�lliii�/� q�O O�c•�i,_'1�„lIli+llU U �i�ll�o+�:��i�..ili,l,�.1 THAT A. E. McKim had 250 ash 'treesset out last week' on the ,: river. lot behind • his Store. ` • • THAT.Rurai Life Sunday was ob- served around Ashfield. past- oral charge the.: last,Sunda April. On• Friday .evening Rev:Y . g: B. Woolley .and a : number • of .Ashfield .young ;people at-, .tended a Y.P T, ..convention at Blyth, . THAT : the • 'Lucknow Women's -Institute; entertained' the cast .of the play "Auralia ' Bridge'. from Hemlock' Ridge" at, a dinner 'and theatre party aY Goderich` last week. .. —0 -- THAT • free publicity requests' are • nothing new, but for barefaced gall, this one took: the. cake 'It came, from the feminine':pro :meter • and ' 'director ` of Kross Roads, Kaers..Pr' esented. recent- ly ly ;at' Dungannon Miss Brown• gaveus all the details 'of the ,••show, the .:place; .'the time, the a dmisson and ;. when ;We 'asked her -what : size of an advt ,She wanted; she threw up her hands in—holy horror • w'hen informed (there: would • be a 'charge for this and left hurriedly and in a huffy By the : way, she was,in 'to'sw soliiciting ' advertising at. an .exhor~bitant ' pr ce, for. ad, vertising for' -the (show to be printed . elsewhere. • NO Vic A rf' Pt ( r)u rf'c1 icy £/t/(' Voti /,./ (///17 .,,ei,l i e 7/ )iE->MoTH PROTECTION Why *carry about those "pesky" little destructive inotlis? For only twenty' cents you - cin _protect a rnan's suit for', a Year. For one dollar a year you can mothproof. your' dave i. . port .: and:' this �rotectiorr-is guaranteed in .writing by the Famous Berlou•guararitee, ' Berlou 'Professional .moth roofing protects you for five; years against moth damageor we pay` the'. ;bill. Berlou mothproofing will protect your'clothing,. blankets, rugs and furniture ... it's colorless ;and odorless: Be' Member .'anjy. material mothproofed ,with Berlou..retairi•s .its original softness .and is guaranteed. 'For reliableBerlou five year mothproofing service call 'Plaririe 1344,- r Lticknow. We'lT; Do It' For Your Authorized BERLOU Mothproofing Dealer Service 'fur., mum DAMAGE FOR 5 YEATh) Ok Vvt. PAY THE DAMAGE