HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-10, Page 1•
• I;
$2.50 Yearly In Advance '--4• 500 Extra to
• 4.1 •
• 4',° I
•10 •
. , .
• • •• • • ••,•• -••••
Werk is. being commenced at,
" once on the construction ' olf a
' 'new arrd modern blinding. on
Lucknow's Main Street 'by Neil
,. •
MacLennan and Bob MacKenzie,
partners in the furniture and uri7,
tiertaking busineSs. • •;• • ,
The new • buildingwill be a
two storey kstructure,
their present buiiding but will
net.be as hih Th • two ibnild'ilgs
will be 'joined and will have an
archway entrance one to the
other. A section Of the- new
uildingwill' be used for •floor
• covering displays „and will have
s •diiplay, window similar to,. that
of the. present Store, The remain-
der of the main" floor will be a
funeral' chapel 'and family room,•
that will offer! spacious accorno-
' dation for the holding of "ftiner:-
alp. The chapel entrance "will ..be
in the centre of the new build-
, Ang, and at the east ,side will be
A% :• the entrance to an upstairs dpart-
iherit. A .section ' of the upstairs
on the west side will :be used
• for furniture storage. •
The store front will. be • of
:Permastone,'.-and Cottage. siding,.
and will add • greatly to the
pearance :of the front street The,
site...of the banding is, "over the
river", .Where four small, fraine,
buildings formerly sat, Until de-
stroyed by fire a year and a halt.
Work' of clearing the Site has
commenced. Cement work will
be done' by Clark and Howald,
and Ralph Hodgins will have
,charge Of the carpenter work..
• 'Mrs. John 13arr announces the
engagement 'of her daughter,
Doris Marion; to Mr Morley John,
Edward Bushell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Bushell, the marriage
to take place late in May in
Kin -
lough Presbyterian Church.'
. „
, s
• • For landing a 41 -pound King -
fish or. Wahoo, while' deep -Sea
fishing at Mianifthiswinter, Mrs:
Russell Button has received , a
7-TeY.tificate and gold sear -from •the
' 'Metropolitan. M i a nil Fishing
•Tournament, ••
• Mrs. 'Button's fish was the 2nd
largest caught. First prize, of $500
went to a...New-, Yorker With. a
48. -pound 'fish. • •
•T %tied '
Mr, and M&Js1ie Purvis arid
Mrs: 'Neil MatCallurn of Luck -
now and Jim Purvis of, St John,
Oiiebec, attended Miss Eileen
PurVis' graduation at London
last reek, Eileen was a member
of', the, :graduating class of St.
JeSeph'S. Hospital. She will corn,"
Plete. her: training .in, Atig0t.
: Another, member, of this Oa
:was 1Vliss ,Margaret. Mac • t • on,_
daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Gar -
do n MacPlierson. of St. 'Helens.
• • • • • .
"Teeny", a female cat own-
ed by .Mrs. Gilbert Barkwell
of' town' will have something
exclusive 'vvhen she starts
• bragging about her 'operation
to the other, felines about •
own FOr she'd recently gave
birth', to a pair •of kittens •by
caesarean section, the first_ed,,
record' locally, . ••••.- ,
The operation ,was per- •
foirned!by Dr. Brock' Cleland,
local veterinarian .surgeon.
One of the kittens lived, and
CORPSthrived -on . bottle, feeding
: 'FRIDAY while Mother Cat was con-
The annual inspeetiori of, the
Lucknow- .District High School
•Cadet Corps was, held. rt T the,
School grounds •on Friday . after-
noon, and in spite of the 'fact
that:there .had been little oppor-
'tunity • for drillingthis opring,
the Corps made A very ereditable,
showing, and Went through:, the
inspection ' withait -a hitch
Reviewing officers' wepe Capt.
.J.sk. Carson of ,LontlOrt, and Capt.
McC,annell of Walkerton. • . • -
The Corps • is under.. the • ir-
eetion of Mr,. Wrn MacDonald ,of
the High School staff. 'Bruce.
Johnston was: Coffieer Command-
ing;' lieutenants were Allan Mac-,
Intyre and Morley chilli, er-
,geolt; . -Donald ;Holdenby' and,
Wayne Johnston,•sergeant-major,
Donald SteWart, .' . . ' ' ' • . ,:
,Winnie. SieWart, played,: :the
general salute on the • ',Cornet ..A
:group:of.girls: in 'gym suits staged
a 'skipping eXereiSe and a'grouP
of boys • gave; a "tumbling" dio-
lilaY, • The scheigl, ,hand 'added
iniiekto the inspection, with both
officers :Paying .. complimentary
remarks to all who took part;
Speaking to the 'entire group
atthe conclusion of the inspec-
tion, • CaPtain Carson streSSedthe
impOrtanceand of cadet
training;, and to members of the
Corps jrecantrnended army life. as
The Eand, . headed ' the Cadet
Corps ona parade of Main Street
'before breaking off.. : •
' • . • .
In the waste . paper. 'collection
Which they Staged two weeks ago.
the Lucknow Boy Scouts Obtain-.
ed close to six ;ions of papel,
which has been disposed of. •
The boys Plan to stage, .onOther
stored in the p1 e§layteri4r, church
shed, to' Where anyone may de-,:
liver it itihey, prefer. ' ••
The Scouts are Most appreCia!
five of .the hearty response .to
their Campaignfor' this salvage
material._from. 'Which they 'can
realize. a substantial suin.
award to Freda M. Button', of,
Lucknow, whose catchi on rod
and reel unaided h a s been
adjiidked-sUfficiently outstanding
to merit, this citation".
MrF G. (Ted) Brewer of the''
Bank. .of Montreal Ataff. is being'
moved to ,Sfratfordo.He ..cOncludes-
his ch.ftieS here on May 26th. Ted
has. been 'On, the 'local' staff for
six years and: had taken an act-
' lye part in.eotnitritinity,actimitieSlie .
has given •outstanding service
s thairniian of . the Christmas
•Seal Fund,' and under his guid,
once this' project has' set a:Doriv:
inion 'retard fji ie capita. con-
Mr, Brewer's successor will be
Mr• J. Er. Bannister, who comeg
from Cainpbellford, repbrts
• here on May 2.4t, Mr and rs
I3annister have a .fatriily of, four.
is. Bannister and children. Will
rot move' here' until after the
.0,104, of schoOL They will move
into the residence vacated , by:
Mr, arid Mrs.. Brewer and
On , Tuesday ASlifield Connell'
appointed Russell Johnston ef•
Concession 9, Ashfield; as. TOWn-
ship assessor, .He succeeds How-
ard Borgerwhatenclered his res-
ignation, recenfly. : •
Last . we Ashfield Cbuncil
4PPointed Donald .Sitripsori to. the
combined office of 'Clerk' and
.treasUrer of the municipality. He
1411 -assume his new duties in
Mr. McDonagh is l'etiring after
.rhore than 30 • years service :as
•clerk.•Alex' MeNay has held, the
position of treasurer for ten
There were three applications
for the dual tole,:tvith n,‘eitherf°,
of the yetiring pials aPplying.1,
• .
AlexlilacDoriald, who has Com-
pleted his Second' year in the
ministry ' at Knox College, left
on Wednesday for Saskatchewan
Where he will spend the spanner
on the Presbyteriall'IVEssio9 Field
at Riclgeoliffe 4nd.:"Divid. • • "
Alex is the still' of Mr., and
Mrs ",Sandy" MadDanaicl. Of
Niagara •Falis Alex and his
mother viSited here this Week at
the ' haine of 'her.- • mother,
Mrs. Ewen, MacKenzie, who is in
her '89th year.' •
In entering the ministry' Melt
is following in hii Grandfather:
1VIacKenzie's footsteps.
•"Teeny" ;has twice been . .
struck by motor cars and '
survived,but took the
operation to get her into the
headlines.. • "
Mrs' Sam Dirndl is recovering
from .the effects of a fall in the
cellarWay of her home two Weeks,
ago. Mrs.' Durnin 'blacked out"
while descending the stairs and
fell three steps...
. •,, .•
. .
The election last wee'; pf Rev..
D, J. Lane of Clinton as moder-
ator of 'the Syed of Hamilton
and Lonelon.;focusses attention 9n
the '," proud 'record .of Kinlough,
Presbyterian.churck from which '
congregation went "three- of its
members into the ministry- And:. • .
One to the foreign field as a• • ..; :'
I medical ' missionary. • , ' • •
104 F`roiri.: the :faini/y • of; Mr. and,. ..,••
I Mrs„. William 1VIa1eo1n, their son, '
the late Dr.. William ''Maleohn,
went to ::China many years ago, •
as a medical mis,stonary., There
Were 'four bdys in '''that .familyi - .
0 •
• Andrew, Thomas; :Wflhiam and
Robert All' have passed. on. • • .
REVMr. and Mrs-. John Lane, 1.NN., MR.S...W..
b,,r-S. of the IVIaldoliing, saw three'
, „•
• of their sons enter the ,Ministry,
,The school room ,of the Pres Williarn who is now Wing' re...
byterian Chureh was the ''scene tired, in Toronto; •David of Olin-.
of a very happy oecasion ,on 'ton enel''newly. elected moderator
Monday everting, 'May 7th when of -the Presbyterian Synod of
members of ,the congregation and Hamilton and London; and An -
'interested • . friends , gathered to drew.df Brussels who is at pres-
weleonje the pastor of the church. ent ,choirrtian of Huron Presby -
and his 'bride. • tery of the United Church: ' •
Mr, John. D. Ross. vvasithe:cap-
able Chairman for: 'a program
that . opened with one of the
Other, Mernbers of the -Lane •
family.are Mrs.' W. J. 'MacDonald .; „, •
(jean) of Toronto; John R. and .• • -
grand , old hymns- of: the church, Malcolm of Kinlough; Dr. R. P.
joyed when to the ,hose of "Dick'? Lane Of: Toronto; and •• •
' God, go up they said to ,me!', Mrs .' I? H. Alton of LuCknow. A
lowed oy payer by Rev. MOc-. 'brother ' Hugh 'passed away. a
ronnell•,', . • few' years ggo. for the first break
An orchestra. of four violins, in this: faintly' of nine. •
played by Dr Little, CaMeron. , • ": • •.'
TIA'1Yi&oseph' tneand .is 111 with-
: ;prieuirionia at .the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack. England, 'Secand
Concession. Joe will be 86 year's
old the'. latter part of • this
month: ' • • •
'THAT Jim Ptirves Whois sta-
tioned with 'the 'RCAF at: St.
*it. his parents, Mr:and Mrs.
Leslie Purves .• Jim i conval-
escing from .an appendicitis op-
eration , •
THAT p. group of.: eighteen, ',in-
. eluding '‘inerribers of the Zion.
Buy Bee plar•Cast,,enjOired' a
dinner party at the British Ex-
change •Hotel mn Goderieli 'hit
week; and then, attended the
theatre to see "The Prince of
'Peace". . ••• • ,
.aohn, Quebec; spent 1stweek
T AT C:. .:.Smith, manager .of
[. the local branch: "Of the Bank
of .Montreal, is: ifiMontreal for
'... htro-weelcs'taking a 'senior -staff
.:;course.: : , .,,• ., . ,.• „ , ., , ... . . •
"PIA,T1Den414. lYlapbonald,'Who is
%With the, '15tilted States An
r 7
reiee, ' 'leaves shortlY for
Europe, Donald's destination. is
.Mtinieh, aermany,:.iropi where
has been
he will be posted He
spencling;--litS-:7-11.iirongh atLth •
:...homo of Mr, and Mrs .• W. :Ai
Porteotio. - ';' • •: • . •
, ,. - ••,. , '...-0,- 7- : ,, '.' •
7TIAT Miss. Grace Mair'..Who has
taught at "Mtirray'S,School":ih.
KinlossTownShip fOr the ,past
•:. three years', has tendered 'her
resignation effective at the,end
'of this'. terro, . • • . '
, ,. 4........15•7••••, . • 4: ., .
THAT, a display of hobby. items
n-iade by members of the Luck-
' now Cilib PackAts to VI seen
iri Johnstone's litirnitUre Store
Window, .. •• 1
THAT Rev. a. Glenn Carnikell
of Seaforth. Will conduct anni
versary.serviees in the Presby-
,. terian Church o'n May 20th. ,
cDonald, :Elmer Umbach and
Everett West, accompanied • by
Norman Taylor ,at the piano, was -
called upon .at• intervals in. the
program for brim selections. Ap-
propriate readings were 'given
Miss Mary MacLeod and Mis.s, An-
nie MacK4y. •Miss Marion Mae -
Donald and Mrs Cameron Mac-
Donald pang 'A duet: .
Mr ROSS called,. on Reiv. ' Alex
10rnmo of Wingham .who. had
been interim -moderator 9f the
congregation during its v.acaricy
1;innorouS. Manner , as did the.
other -Molting ,ministers present,.
Dr.. Mtitniord and :Rev. Mitchell;
Rer and Mrs. Winn twere then
called to the front and -.Mr. Ross
expressed the good Wishes of the
gathering and on behalf orfh
congregation, ,Mr.. Pickering and
Mr. Gordon Fisher ' 'presented
the 'newlyweds with two occas-
ional chairs and‘ a lamp itable
• •
and he replied in A happy and
• „
,• •
Art Breckles has hold his
erty :3SA. 41treet. to CmMac-- . .
Tavish, who Obtains ' possession .
on • July 1st.: The .13reckles prop-
erty adjoins MacTaVish's '• new '
'sets/ice station .
•, •
A Canada -wide stoaroh for a
Canadian all-male 5 -generation ,
familyis being conduCted by the
Canadian ,Father's ,Day Commit-
tee, in: focusing attention on
Father's:Day, June 17th.
The prize, -.i± stich,-,A group ex -
is a C9mOlete•outfit for each
Memberof the qumntette Is there -
a; 5 -generation family • in' , this
com.rnimity? If so, we'd,like to
and: • lany: Rev . Winn replied
warmly and Mrs. ,Ilt.rinn also , ex -
• '4 •
• ,•.• •
, •
A splendid lunch was served
by the • ladies duringwhich:Rev.
lVfactonneir in a neatspe'ech
posed.a toast to the . bride and
grooni. Iev Nimrno moved a votes
of thinks to the i ladies on be-
half of the +visitors' and this was
Seconded iby. Dr. Mumford,
The happy gatherirfg- was con-
cluded with the singing of Auld
Lang Syne. - - :" •
Meeting On, Tuesday .riight, the,
Lucknow 'Ptiblic • School Board
appointed Stuart Collyer as prin.-.
cipor of Lucknow •Public School
to succeed John. D. Ross who :has
held, the position forthe past 12-
..ea'rs, He is .going to CayUga.
Acceptance of the principalShip
by. Mr, Collyer, leaves, a vacancy
at nthe Second Concession School
where -,he naw teaches. '
Salary • increases of $31.0O haAre
been made to all members of the.
Public School staff,. ,
There 'Avere fourteen applica-
tions, received for, the
• .4'
• ;:)' .
• „ .
• •
• ,
'• • •, • "
•' 3,
• 3 • 3 '• •,
-1 • •
• ., , • .3 •
N •
0 •
• Harry . Elliott o f Blueirale
escaped in the .nick of thne'froin., •
a flaming 'gasoline-. truck ..that _
turned over and buriied at
DiCkie's Hill late 'Monday after- • . 4
noon. • .,. , .."
The trek, • owned 'by Murrayr-
Johnston of Winghani, was: 'en:4
route to Kincardine with. 000 gal,
tons Of gaSoling,:SiX.-cates .of "••
and cae, of gre&se
, • ,
a s. • .. • !**,1
• W"hen a front tire blew out. • ,
while coining down 'Dickie's Hill , 6 ,
the •truck- plunged down a ,•
foot ditch. on the 'north side :of.
'theroad, after knockirig „down'
guard railS, and 'Cable. 'It travell-
ed 100 feet •before turning upside
clown in a Marsh.
The truck 'burst into flames
hninediately, but did not explode
...Elliott eufferecl only a shaking
up and was, able to escape front
• • •• •
' • •
i • . • '
• '
• : •
. • • •. ' •
„ • , .
the cab. with only a :minor butn• .1,
oiTi the 'fade. . •
truck burned for some tittle
and burned off vegetation :rand'
trees in a wide'circle. around the
Mr.. Johnson said the loss Was',
"COvered by insUrance, • •
• ••••.'
• •
t • , •,
• •No'k44,