HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-19, Page 8WHERE THERE'S THERE'SAD(HOSPITALITY :PAGE ETOHT ` • t11110111 :111,21141W.TellaWailliCEIMIZMIIISTSWIIMANIPT THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, •L1JCKNOW, ONTARIO' T.HUBSDAYi APRIII' 19th,, 951 , moto.*.moster;: OIL made from 'the BEST .GRADE OF PENNSYLVANNIA AILS. at' only •: $1.39 •Per Galion NUGOLD OIL •• at.9gc per gallon. • (Slightly :14ss when sold in case lots.) . Ca pbei1 s Garage Canadian , Tire. Corp. Store' WINGHAM, o$T. A. family plot .• should be' graced with the :shrine -like. beauty of a monument which 'will be everlastingly a„•tribute. to those at rest; We have many .classic • styles 'to suggest, and will work..' with you -'on ' eus- tom designs.. ,Exceptionally low prices. • No canvassing, whichelimin-, ates, sales • commissions. Inscriptions, • ' Repairing Sandblasting Memorials ., 25' Years' "'Experience The latest .in • Portable • • Sandblast Equipment Ali work personally •executed” B'rownlie Memorial Alfred St., .•WINGHAM ' • 'phone 450 or., NEIL MacLENNAN, Ripley, , Ontario. • "Look here, Gladys, this tur- key tastes. like burned=leather!" `What ,strange, things' you must' have eaten ••in • your time, John!" • RECREATIONAl " CENTRE LUCKNOW 1.30 Sharp Legion 'ausp'lces ' _ 16 :Gam'es 'for. $1:00 Specials $500a &k u , 55 Numbers ;TO Be Caped • WERE STY YEARS • JVIARRIE,D„ bN SUNDAY . Mr. and Mrs, John Hughes -of Tiverton and• formerly of Culross Township, observed their 60th ' wedding anniversary .on .Sunday, April `15th , Mr, Hughes, is , a son of the late Thomas and Mary Ann Hughes, and . 1Vtrs. •Hughes' maiden. name. w,as Annie McPherson; -daughter of the late William McPherson. and 'Catharine Orr; They were wed at the McPherson' homestead, Con. 8, Culross, bx the Rey. Mr. Linton o f the Presbyterian -Church, tTeeswater. , After their irarriage they resided -for a thne on :Con; .6, Culross, 'molting. to con, . 2,. Bruce, over 50 years ago. To this, union`` were 'borri four sons, George, ,, London; Thomas, who made klie Stiprerne.sacrifiee for .his country in . 1916; Joseeph, •Sudibury .and William at 'home. Also three . daughters, Mrs. Hai' - old; Thacker,, Kincardine; ' Mrs. Delbert' Shewifelt, Dundas; and Mrs. Christian ,Hansen, Rutland, Vermont • , BORN MOLE—on Tuesday, April 10th at Alexandra Hospital, "Goc`ierich, to Mr: ;and Mrs.. Ben -Mole,, 6th Con. of :Ashfield, a,daughter. NEED 'MORE NURSES FOR HURON HEALTH •UNIT . At a 'meeting ,6f the 'Huron County, Health Board last "week, it 'vas decided to Make applica- ,tion for additional nurses to brim the unit up to the require ed strength. - It • has., been ,und'er,, staffed since: first; organized; There are at;:.:pie-ent only six nurses , to cover the•:County., • ..'Chairman of the .Board is. Frank Sills of Seaforth • .Other members ,present at this meeting were Everett Finnigan, of West. • ,'{Wawa- nosh, J. D Beecroft, of East Wa= 'wanosh'• • W. A. . Galbraith .' of• Winghar ,. and. Earl Campbell:'of Hay Township. AN `UNWELCOME •GUEST It looks as tho' well have to. get. A slerrif and a posse' yet, Before the unwelcome guest's • evicted And old winter's ; might restrict. ed. _ His, 'lsnoeaseY:is up, but he :does, not go And hangs around With ice.and w. We, wishhe.,. would' become.. 're 'pentant And let us get 4tippler •tenant. Bobby "Mother,' •Was, baby sent down from 'heaven?" Mother: "Yes, .Bobby". 9 Bobby:, .."They like to have it quiet up. there, don't they?" • SHOWER IN •BRIDE'S : HONOR Mrs Wilfred Pentland, Dun- gannon, Was hostess ata . miscel- laneous. showier, at . her -home in Ihonor of a recent bride, "Mrs. • T. Carman• Anderson, the . former Louise $abayan, There. 'w a r. e about 35 guests.' The bride's Sia - ter -in -:law; Mrs: Warren •Bamford of Preston, introduced .the •'bride to her, neve neighbors and friends. Norma Pentland carried in bas= kets• of gifts ,and the bride • was assisted. ,by ; Mrs. Bamford in ,opening :the gifts. Contests and• community 'singing were enjoy - 'ed and later a lovely lunch, was ,served . The_bride thanked all very graciously for- gifts '.and. the. social evening..'4 ON COMMONS COMMITTEE O ;STUDY INDIAN+::BILL' bonald' ,H Blue, M.P, fog Bruce, - is one of three,' Western Ontario n.embers• on the Conti -tons Com- rittee to examine and report on the revised nndian Act There are 27 members on the Coininit=• tee, headed by Donald F. 'Bro rn, Liberal member for Essex 'Kest The other .• Western Ontario member is i• John A. Charlton, ' Progressive-Cori$ervat ve mem'b. for, Brant -Wentworth, The Indian report • has been presented tothe Commons by Zion. Walter E. Harris, M.P. for Grey-Bri ee, and ministers of cit- ' en. hip and, immigratio`n:. PROTEST PROPOSED CN'R. CURTAILMENT" Proposed curtailment , by the C;N.Rw of its Palmerston;-Kincar4 .dine -Southampton • pawenger ser 'vice was 'criticized in the House" of 'Comimons last, week Eby Arn- old Darroch, Liberal member for. North Wellington and by Elston Cardiff, Progressive -Conservative member for North Huron. It. was difficult to reconcile the railway's intention . to reduce its, passenger runs, when it was in- tended to continue its freight ser-. vice, Mr. Darroch said.he rail beds would+ have to be mainta}n- ed .just the 'same; •. 'He rapped the proposal to sub stitute three distinct services for the train runs_ e prey by truck, Mail by' truck and passengers by bus. This, ' he submitted, would impose £a burden on the muni-.. cipalities now feeling the pinch of road costs. And • too it was doubtful if this x oad :service• could •be maintained, in • view of. weather conditions in th e district: A 'feature' story in the Owen Sound Sun -Times .'last :week re-' fers to the outmoded passenger facilities ,and'. services offered' on these branch lines, that has driv- en. pro?,pectilv'e business to other means .cif • transliortation. ' Injured In . Peculiar Mishap: • Trimble •Baillie, Cargill garage owner, suffered cuts' to his .• legs, thigh and shoulder and a 'sprain ed 'hand in an:;'odd accident Sun- day, . Mr:; Baillie was transporting .his .canoe •from his garage' to. the mill •pond.; The, canoe was on top.. of his jeep: His daughter •.Pat was driving 'the 'jeep andMr. Baillie was standing on the side,. holding the canoe .'Crossing the --bride, the canoe caught the' sideof the bridge, • throwing Mr. Baillie to the pavement'end. he received the above' . injuries -Walkerton Her- aH -Times • . SOW' OF REV. R. H HALL- DIED' Ihi EDMONTON•' The .many friends. in Ashfield' .and Lucknow of the late Rev: R. 'H: Hail and Mrs. Hall,will re Igret: tit learn. of -:the , death,. of their. •second son•Carmarr 'Joseph Hall,, .'who 'died on April 1st in: University Hospital,, Edmonton.. Mr. Hall, .:who was in his `61st 'year,-is.::stirvived by a son and .two daughters. Also .surviving are .a sister.,''Mrs.:"E, A. Lief (Etta): of Saskatoon 'and .a :brother, •J;ahn W. Hall ,of :Racine; Wisconsin,,. Guide For Future- Parents How mtich 'will it. ,cost to have a 'baby? `Haw can you • cut dawn' on •your expenses? These and. other problems are answered. ,in: ran; , auth.O •tative article,.. `. "So You're Goingto Hale - = aby', an intriguing feature •' 'in this ' Sun day's - (April • 22) issue of the A n- erican. Weekly; great ,magazine, exclusively , with Detroit . Sunday Times. BRUC MEMBER )FLEW TO FORT.. CHURCHILL ' Donald• B. Blue, M.P. for .Bruce, was ane' of a parlimentary party which recently made ,a week -end flight to,:Fort Churchill' to inspect ithe modern . rniiitary camy. arid defence installations there. The party, • selected by . Defense Mini Stier Brooke Claxton, 'made the :flight in a North Star plane .from „Qttawa. ' Morning 'temperatures were zero • at, this ' northern 'out- •poSt__Lon Hudson Bay, whish boasts . •on0` of 'the most modern military cap in the Dominion .Forts' Churchill •' has modern fiaiibor and elevator' faciilties; but its usefulness, in this respect is, quite limited due •to a short nav ig:ation season: , .. THE -VOICE, OF TEMPERANCE . A year , ago the Wingham Arena Committee ' was Making plans for the installation of 'art- ificial ice.: One of the .men re- marked "Our biggest headache is going to be liquor". 'Thenhe drew. as picture 'of drinking . in, the bleachers and bottles • •thrown on 'the the Now the first season on ' rtif,icial ice is nearly over. It is. gratifying.° o, learn that there has been a ver y'taniniurn of trouble because of liquor: This pr'Qyes •:. )i6.o11.tf 101.1- It t0.! tt1.Ai}1.011 "."4. ".41.:t o 4tIll!ltI) peel ri!' ii. l BUYNOW AND. 'SAVE. at the NTIL MONDAY,. APRIL. 30th ,i SPECIAL:. PRICE ON OIL BY THE CASE . is Ford & Monarch. Sales knd, Service' Ford Tractors Dearbourne :I.inlilenients 'PHONE .,40; LUCKNOW f 0:**MikQ nAn 0.1.0411 0111110t111004.'nrn n4.104>0"1101.h"o pe= n+p41rii41•11A. 'HELP Fol Yqua. THC E 4F T.io s WNo RED',CROSS MANVOThert . NEED CON ' IBt/TION : CANADIANS WHEI!t.TNEY - NMEEO r r MppIKG ybu w1141 YdtlWOW -11.661. ESP domv SOLVING THE:GOOO NEIGHBOUR :PROBLEM; that • our young people ' do . ,not ,proves that the .. 'lurid reports of , • need a bottle of` 1iquor:for an drinkingin public are largely evening'senloYment. It alsoloose talk.--2-Advt. . - :1mini■■iMionaea■omOm ulleimuaan,�a inommoein■.u■ua • • Here's. New Car Performance At Used :.Car Prices: . • ■ ■• 1951 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, air; `conditionings . undercoat- • ing, .and'. many . extras. •., 1950 CHEV. •FLEETLINE'SEDAN , , custom radio, air con- ■ ditioning heater. All 1950 .CHEV. DELUXE STYLINE . COACH. •t. 1950,; CHEV. STYLINE SEDAN ■ '4950 CHEV. FLEETLINE . COACH, ■ _111 -1949_ CHEV. `FLEETLINE--SEDAN: w ,: • 1949 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH ■ 1• 949 CHEV.DELUXE' STYLINE SEDAN. , ■ . 1949 CHI V: STYLEL NE SEDAN, black: us 1 It 190 CHEV: FL.EETLINE COACH 2• --1948 CHET, STYLEMASTER COACHES _ 1947 •CHEV. • COACH lvith,' custom. radio. 1 1947, FORD,' 5 -PASSENGER COUPE, =custom radio. •. 1946 CHEW; COACH. . • 01941 MERCURY ' SEDAN, custom radioi• n . 195 •PLYMOU+TH .COACH: for ,$100:00. ■ ■• • ■' • ■ "The Home of Better Med Cars'' ' Cities Service Dealer' a • .. �.:� =.._'• 'Phone 73* Brussels • ■■M awi■s■ i011l a■aru■Mi ■N ii■ a i ■Rio i■■ i.rw runs 1 y