HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-19, Page 6• • PAGE SIX KIND QU►H - Mr• Kari ".,o .. aBoyleLondon. vis• ted over the week -end with rel_ ;fives here. .• Mrs. 'Milton • Walsh visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Wan, ",Clayton at Goderich.. Mrs, L.. 'Swan went 'to. Harris- ton to. spend a while . with her • 'ion, Mr, Clarence Swan, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeHalden'by Spent Saturday evening with Mx, and ':Mrs. Clare Sparlir g at Walk-, erton; : Mr, and; Mrs.: ,George Colwell Of Kincardine spent Sunday,: with Mrs, . John; Colwell • Mr,. and Mr's. `Ed Schaeffer naive purchased a house in Kiri 'feardirie which they Will turn in. to a cor}valeseent nom 'known as; `:The Sunnyside Villa". They hate Sold their farm to . William ,Ilaldenby"'who, will have Posiesst. aon early 'in 1Vlay, ' . : The, Sr. W. A, ;tint on Thurs- day 4,afternoon at thea horn of Mrs. J.' W.:.Colwell with. a• good attendance. Mrs. Torn . Hodgins ' • presided. The opening hymn ,was *`Pass me not 0 Gentle'aviour Mrs: Wm.. Wall read the Scrip -.Uwe.' Prayers followed Minutes, were read and the . roil call was "Disciple": Mrs.' Tom .Hodgins in- : vited the ladies to. her home for ':the May meeting. •when 'atfree • will 'offering will be taken for the; work -' of the Colun, bia . Coast Mission. The :hyx i "More love to' Thee": was. then . sung. 'This be- ing a devotional meeting all the' ladies took part in the program:. `The ,closing hymn' was `Softly. and . tenderlyeJ su`s -is Calling"; • and the 'meeting.: closed with the W.' A. Litany. "A ` dainty lunch; was' served, by the hostess. I, UCKNI SENT> NEL, T.UCKNQW, ONT'ARIQ AY, APRIL 19th, 1951 • PURPLE GROVE. Mr. John Fair. and' Mr. Charles` Collins visited last Tltursda3l at `London 'M'rs.. John Emerson along with a group of • other 'delegates : • at- ,•:tended the - 37th, annual. meeting. •of. the Women's Missionary.,Syn- • odical.:Society in St ' Andrew's. •:`Presbyterian .church in Sarnia' on• ;Tuesday, Wednesday;'.Thursday of last;: `week. Presbyterial reports , • were submitted fron•i, Maitland, Huron,.. Sarnia, .:Bruce and;: Owen Sound:, A pageant -depicting:, the .organization of St. Andrew's Missionary SOCiety; in 1876, ''a' compliirien.tary dinner was served by . Sarnia ,'Presbyterial to 'deleg'' gates and a tour . of the city was ;planned for the visitors; ;•Dele.' nutrilbering approximately' I00• registered • Mr.. and Mrs. Henry Needham- ,of-Bervie-visited-at=.the home --of • FAREWELL PARTY AT BLAKE • HALL On :Thursday evening, April 12,• th.e members of Blake's corn nun- ity .gathered in Blake's Hall tq. bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Ross. Henry who axe. moving to their" new home . south' of Dungannon.' The social ' took the form ' of 'a, progressive crokinole game with ten, table$,' playing, .„ high prizes, being won by Mrs.. Chris Cook and. Glen Campbell . and, low by. 'Renie. ° Logtenburg `;and, . Isaac Cranston; After • the ..games a short . program was given; con- sisting of readings, , by Howard Blake, Mrs: Woolley and ; Wixi; Buckingham. Then Mr and Mrs.; Henry y were balled • :`to the front and ;the following address -read by Russell. Irvin• Dear. Bernice . and RRoss:. We, your,friends :arid neighbors have gathered, here. this. evening. to ')bid you adieu. W.e• are, sorry. you are leaving this .conimunity,: but after .all, .our loss; will : be an- other's gain. We ..hope you. will enjoy your , new• home, and as you :are not �goinig. too •far away,, We trust,you will often come and visit with us. .As a: token of ".our!' friendship. we 'would ask . you to accept this • gift,. with our . best wishes,' en behalf Of .your 'friends and neighbors:' •' • ' Jerry Cranston and, Russell Ir' yin, • At the proper mo hent Jerry presented' the• couple With .a •sum :of ° money. .Ross thanked .: their. friends with a few suitable words and :the evening closed. With re-• freshments. r Mr:. John Fair. ' Mr, and Mrs.. ".Brindley' of Riv erssdale.visited with their ctaugh- ' ter, Mrs. Frank Dore, . on Sunday. Mrs, Donald McCosh 'attended the executive :districrt .directors' meeting at the home` of Mrs. E. 4. Rose at Kincardine last week. ' Mrs. Victor : Gawley and Mrs. Donald McCosh attended a meet- ing '; at Mrs. John Colwell's last •Thursday . Mr end' Mrs. • Burton Collins, Mary .Lou and John .viited with Mr. Glen Young , of •Kingarf on: Sunday. . Mr.• Edbert BuslieIt of Clinton spent the week -end at his honie'� here. • Does your label read ``51`"?' An; Open Meeting.' of the Wo; -- men's fnstittiteWes, held in the- Community .unity . Hall ' on Thursday evening, April 5th withi Mrs,' Bar - bow.; the president, in the ,chair, The roll. call Was respondedto by the .paying of fees. Receipts for.donations were read from the Folio ,Fund and •the.. Easter Seal, campaign'; A. letter :regarding the spring .convention: in; Guelph on May • 3 and 4 Which the conven ers of Historical Research and Coxnrnunity. AetiVities are' pprivil- eged •to attend was read and Miss. W,:. D. Rutherford, Historical, Rei search tcorivener`•, plans. to attend; ItWas * announced that a one -day course. on `The, Canning of Foods'. would beheld in the church • on, April •30th and Mrs. Ricekwas ap-: pointed to assist the .. le°Oaader of' the course. All reports were left oyer until the May meeting. Mrs; Charles McDonald ;took the chair for the '.election. of officers. Miss Jean. 'Aitchison presented the. re- port of the nominating'eomrnitltee .whicht was .accepted • ,as follows Pres., Mrs. E: Barbour, •• lit vice; 'Mrs. Chas. McDonald, 2nd vice;; Mrs.' Jas.', Curran; ,assistant, Mrs; Fred• : McQuillin; , pianist,. .Mrs, Chester Taylor; assistant, Mrs. W. Rutherford; district rep., Mrs. G. MacPherson,: ,auditors, Miss'Jean Aitchison, ,Mrs. Fred .McQuillin; conveners of standing, commit- .tees: citizenship and. education,' Mrs. Lorne °Woods; agriculture &: 'Canadian. in'dustr'ies,. Miss M. Murray; : home ' econonnics ` ,and. health, Mrs. Barvey. Webb; corn- muni-ty- =activities, ;public re1a-: tions, Miss, Elizabeth , McDonald; historical research, Cur r e rnt events, :Miss:. W D. .Rutherford. Bob .Carbert of; CKNX, kWimg- -0 LIVET !. The Olivet W M S; met in the -church :with, Mrs. J. lV1acTavish presiding, The roll call was :ans- wered by a sentence. prayer. Mrs. 0.. 'MeCharles and herlgroup had charge; : of the; pragraan _ which took the • forrri of .a .court of re- vision on Japan with . Mary ,Roul- stop, Jessie MacCharles•, Mrs. W. Wylds. and Mrs. Don MacTavish Service and Satisfaction;. in aiad Heating ' NOV AutoinAtie 011 Furnaces. Installed=Now In • Stock FURNACE REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs . SEE THE OIL RANGES EAVETROUGIING . • MR' CONDITIONING ArtG1m�re, R . R. 3, LUCKNOW 'Phone 61-r.-13, Dungannon ham, was the .guest• speaker, and gave, a most interesting 'talk :o.n., current events. with; 'relation ''to farming' at the present time. Mr.'. and Mrs; E. W... Rice favored with a ° duet* with' Mrs.,Andrew Gaunt accompanying. ' Community sing ing was enjoyed ' after • which 'lunch eras served by the ladies..: 1Viiss Eileen Sparkes of; London *as`a week -end `visitor with her aunt, :Mrs.,' 'Fred MCQuillin and Ms.:'McQuiLlin: aping 'part ;Interesting slides, ere shown by Rev: D. A; Ory - don. Mrs. 'W. McGuire closed the meeting with ,prayer. Lunchwas served and a 'social • hour enjoy ' • 1Vtallisoiti One'' a man gets a garment he wears , it Out McCubbin: "When . a woman gets 'a garment, he wears it out once". FOR SALE NOW •AT Drug ;tore .Deliciously Fresh -Tri► ;Them. FOURTH CONCESSION,_.` Lowndes and' son Angus .and Mrs. H. Robinson .of Toronto; ' spent last week at the home of their parents; Mr. and Mrs • Angus. Graham. .: We °a.re. sorry to report the. ill- ness of Mr. Elmer Osborne'. Pupils from our school; • under` the: leadership of their teacher, Miss Margaret MacDonald, took part •in, the , variety` coiicert in Ripley •last'Friday night. •• $on e,of the farmers have start- ed ploughing Mr. and` 'Mrs:. Kerb *ckn to are: 'getting settled in their new ,home. Their children, Marvin &t Billy go to LUcknow school every ( day' on the bus. t Mr, and Mrs.`. Lloyd •MacDoug- all entertained the Senior Young People- of South • It%nlc to church Ott, their home for the April meet- ing ori Sunday night, April 15th, 1 • In these times, it is the duty , of every Canadian to consider first the national safety df our country! It is•,the, duty of every •: young man to do his :part:to'strengthen our armed:forces—to meet aggression -=when-, . ever and wherever it may strike! The .Royal,. Canadian Mr Force cis expanding rapidly.:Morc good men are needed NOW --,in all branches. Particularly is there need, for - hien to ' train ' as skilled aircraft technicians to maintain, the flying efficiency of Canada's military aircraft: • YOUR. ROYAL CANADIAN 41R"FORCE.' • . , HAS IMMEDIATE' OPENINGS FOR MEN_, TO TRAIN.AS' • •t V 1 • INSTRUMENT ,TECHNICIANS ..ARMAMENT. TECHNICIA'NS AIRCRAFT. TECHNICIANS ' A'ERO`''EN�IIr1E TECHNICIANS RA610•=RADAR-TECHNICIANS- SUPPLY TECHNICIANS • aceirota .. �� Ona loll -e o.. . .: A:��� ` BE BETWEEN 1y RAND X10. . it, PHYSICALLY FIT I "'HAVE GRADE "E"Ei oCMI'OM' . BEI A CAtlADIAN1 CITIZEN• ORI BETTER ,. OR OTHER BRITISH SOJECt. , Y SEE Y {t CAREER C'O 1.1811 L Of' AT Y"60•R NsAk1EST it.CYArF',' ..., j, cR`urr'CNG• CEN'YRE' AERd=ENGINE• TECHNICIAN •1" mu is • TRAINING COMMAND,, R.:C.,A. F. • TRENTONe ONTARIO, Please mail rite, wrthowit obligation, f11 pat'ticular, j reg and big enlistment r egutr.enmerrts an�d"ojierrings now a wdl/able in the R. C.A..F. .• INN NI titio NAME (Please Print).,.,• '« STREET ADDRESS b Y wYYTii. ri•.• •t..: .. •• •VNv4.y CITY. ...;:,Y;yeft. i.• vvi"r•IY.. PROVINCE ISUCAT'ION" (bygrade and province)•`r..s. r.i� r.u••,w:,•, Y i a'YV •7v• 44_ 1 + ' •` • ;NISI - - �1V .i �V 1 _Y{Y N .rr♦ �• r. +YVPv rV YY VY ` rr IN .i 1� ." �yM1i •