HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-19, Page 5VINISDAY, /Wino latk, 1951,
C R E1/1/ E
'Mrs, S: J. Kilpatrick
ver .the 'Week -and with her
ghter, Mr. 'and. M. Cecil Blake
and children at RuAganhon.
Mr liarVeY Ross and baby.
• dughter are °spending a while
with her 'parent% Mr. PictMrst
Jim. Sherwood •and Norma, •Har-
veY 'sailed from' aoderieh on. Sat-
, urday morning on the Bricoldoc'
for the sailing season
Iverl Riv.att has shoved to the
to his farm 'he bought
. •
, ' e
ttorn Robt,
Mr. and Mrs. Jaek. Curran and
Cannily spent .a' week -end recently
with, Jr. and Mrs. Larry Tremain
at iSpringvale. Her sister, Given
Treleaven, who was practise tea-.
ching at Mrs. Durnin'S. •170141161, in
DungannPh. the 'Week after, East,
er, returned to 'Haniilton Normal
with then and also...Kenneth Tre-
main who hactspent a week ,with
his cousin; Murray Hunter, re-
turned to his home at Sprinkvale.
Mr, LorneEmtriane ,spent a
Sunday , recently with Mr. .and
Mrs., J..» ClArrah;
.! THE LUCKNOF .g.„Ikr111NE14, 1.41-910011V,,..IO
. ••
by .
I :Wish I could serve tomatoes
oftener. John* and I just love
,them, but the man of the house
'doesn't .1cran't, tot)! taste ev4n a.
smell of them. It greatly handi-
caps me, as most .9.i mY. supper
dishes for winter weretouched
up :With canned' tornatees. ' ..
Tomato sauce poUrecl O, v e r
omelet or serambled- eggs; or on,
toast. toped with a poached' egg.
• That's ,what John and I halye fox
lunch Wheri,eve: are alone. ,Two.
cups , steWed, •'tcirnatties,. small
,choppedonion, 2 tablespoons.blit-
.4,ter, . a : tbls. flour, dash. salt and
Pepper. Fry onion in' butter, or.
margarene. Mix flour and apas-
on, ings and,thin with 'tornato
juice. Stir ito Onion and but-
ter, and pour in. remaining tOtn-
atoes. Cook' in double boiler.. ' ..•
Bean Mold With Tomato sauce.
Rub cooked 'beans through a
aeive . until you have. two Cups,
Season to take. Add! 2, ttlsbUt7.
ter: or b'acori drippings And 1 egg
well beaten-:( chopped ',bacon -add-
ed Is also •:gciocl): Butter a .plain.
Mould, coat it. inside with bread
crumbs. Pour' in MiXture, and.
bake 25 minutes. Turn :out 'and
e.11.7e' with' torriatd sauce: ,
Tomato Hash: .Butter bake 'dish.
:,.:,:z.•,:::;,„ :c:ii:i::•• • . I • .9 . ,Put in .• layer tomatoes,layer
. . , choPp e'd meat layer bread
Credit for the purchase of milking machine's
and many other time -saving improvements can often
.,- be obtained through Farm Improvement Loans .
Crumbs,dabs of butter,.: and so.
crumbs on
en until'dish. is full, 'C
. - top. Beat two,..eggS salt..and,
pepper. 'Pour over toil Bake.;
Tomato Rarebit: •Ailelt;two' etas.'
butter, and' when melted • 'add 2
tbls. flour stirring l.well.!; until
blended. .Graduallyadd: three
qUarters'.. cup. Milk,:•-stitring
it begins to thicken , then add 2
cps tomatoes to. which .has.been.
added: .One-eighth teaspoon soda.
Add two cups. grated cheese and
two 7well-beaten . eggs. ;Serve '.on
toast. 7 ,
Mexican Bake: can.cern, 1
tbls: sugar;. 2 4b1s, butter, 2: :Cups
stewed tomatoes,. salt :arid pep-
per:l egg, 1. Small mineed'onion,
.1. Sweet' green . pepper; • grated
clieese. Cornbine. Corn, sugary. but-
ter, •'salt; pepper, , beaten" egg,
Chopped. onion. If .Mixture' aeems.
too dry,:.,depending usually* on.
BANIllirott need farrnInachinery to. speed
.111,0101AIIS y91114:PrOOPctlion, why, not inquire about
a .Farap ImproVement Loan at your,:
XleareSt B of.M branCh. ' 7 . . 1
.0-,F 1YI0 N TR. EAL
ea•ildes.4 70,4t elosi •
• •
Lucknow Branch C.1 L. SMITH; Manager
. .
. '
WORKING .W.14141 1.1:41-7-IfERY SINE 1817
. „
• , '
• what. style .of corn you,,,..use, add;
hale' milk. Pour into .; greased
,---bake dish. 'Sprinkle with grated
cheese, .and bake'lor 20 minutes
in . at moderate oven. • „.
• Tomato jelly -is-, such a good,
salad. 'accompaniment. You may •
make it with gelatin according to '•
the directions given:Or with one
of the red jelly powders, .using.
• ROLLS �N CA.SiiRstl• ‘:
•• NO: 1110:ALL?kTION:
tEsstial *,14ER.
1. • ,
urd1e 8. Son
AsiicKNow, 0N740
. 1
the,. hot juice instead of . water
for the liquid. With • cottage
cheese it has real eye appeal.
Make the tomato jelly,let part-
ly stiffen, pour into mould, then
a tayer of cottage cheese, Mixed
•with finelychopped chives, .an't•
'other layer of 'tomato jelly., Most.
colorful. And, of course; delisioits.
• Meat pang in Tomato Sauce;
11/2lbs. ground beef, 1 beaten
egg;', 1/2 Cup milk, 1/2 cup uncook-
ed rice, 1% tsps. salt, 1/2 chili ,
powder,. 21/2 cups tomatoes, 11/2 •
caps water; 11/2 Ibis. chopped '
onion. Combine meat, pa, mins,
'/ cup rice, salt and chili powder.
Form, in .two inch gballs; roll in.
• remaining':,rice,. Place in:3 quart
casserole.' Combine • tomatoes, D 5,7
• • •
X, -1
E M4.X
go PI 0
z A
Ir -Ti
rn •
,o 74 • .
Water,'onion, .and salt to taste:
.fleat._to boiling. Pour over meat
Cover, .Bake in mOderate.
Oven 45, minutes. 'Serves 6. •• •
Tomato juice ' cooked the
double boifer, with 'a bit of Chop-
ped, onion and' enough
:taniO.' ea to make it as thick :,as
youT,Cleire it,', usually 1/2 cup of
tapibca to three cups liquid, salt,,
makes .a• nice hot vegetable dish.
Sust'before serving 'sprinkle' with
chopped chives or parsley, and
dab of ,bUtter.:
* *
• heinerri.ber Me telling youi'thai
watth, strap with liquid nail pol• -
ish. Dip the end of• linep,thread
M. liquid' nail polish to, make a
needle 'to. atring . pearls :on or
'nutmeg and. 'Place got, along SO other fine beads. Xt can also .be
well together? They should, they oted for mending cOsturne,jelvel-
heloneto Same fafrmlY tree, lrY;.1' have. re -set stones in 'ear'
just.diseovered,.. The nuthipg rings*and »pjns With irt; Or you
is the heed, an0-t,he.. 1/1,0e, itg tan, paint yhite earring's, or but-
toveTing; • with ,it, . that thek look
, .• jtiat likednetq ones. I have even.
• Did yoUknOW thiS? Glaze th painted the strips ' of leather in
inside:. Of. yOur leather . Wrist sqede shoes, makes alitough
face: tjiit Stands A. .lt ot wear.
' •
SOARING , TAX rates ,appear
general. Clinton's rate, will be up
thits year by .8 mills. to 55 Mills.
In Walkerton there will be a
ten mill' jump in the 1951 levy
to A .rate » of 70 mills. School,
arena, land sewer debentures and
a three mill deficit ,lak, yearare,:
chiefly aCcouritable for 'the Coun-
ty Town's 10 -mill hoist •. 1 .
' , V,
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