HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-19, Page 2TRE A LUCKN SENTINEL. L'#l'CKNOW, ' QNTARI .RED CROSS FUND 4'VER OTE GRA ,N t7Ri �S.DA) APRIL 9 . .. I..,th,, ' 1951... 1GOI NG, :.PLACES WENT O E t W:EL A local talent cast with little time, to:; .rehearse and numerous. obstacles to overcome,. staged ' a very . creditable two -night per forxnance. of the musical showy "Going Places". There were feat-- ores • of . the promotional end , of the "show 'which 'weren't popular but there was:'.nothing abut, praise ' for :those who got, 'behind the: show and, took part in . succe'ss fully staging it, The' story �o�f the. play was built .around' Uncle .Billy Watson,` the retiring station., master, ,who 1eaf- ed lback through, xis • diary to the. depot.• The part' Was taken. by Alex. McNay :'.Noss Margaret,: who. played the -leading role. in ,nar.' rating dthe Cinderella story. ,and the ibirthday party scene, •was taken by. Mrs. 'Campbell 'home; son... Cinderella .was enacted' by 'Patricia. Thompson; • the Fairy .Godmother by, Karen 'Carnegie. andxthe.Prince'by George Gibson. The little •knightsand ladies who danced . the minuet were Eliza- beth' Finlayson,; June Purdon., ..Elizabeth:. Henderson,_ Mary A;1= • ]:in, Thom 'Collyer, Tommy Ratti well; Allan McDotgal' and Bobby Brewer.: This ' scene 'ineluding children, from Grades 1: to 4; was ;one of . •,the • highlights of. , the show. DCA,1ation5 to the Lucknowand. Vicinity, Branch of the Red Cross have passecd, the ithodsand dollar mark -41.041 to be .exact. This 600 short. of what was raised" a year ,sago, and the Finance Com- mittee urges donors; Who have neglected this matter to . give it their' ,e'arly .atterntion,, ' .. R. Webster ,SQ . W. L. MacK'e;- zie 5.00; Carman ' Hamilton , 1.00;. Martha Clifton 5.00; Christine. McD nald 1.00; a. T. Douglas. 100; John . A. • MacDonald- 5.00; Leslie -Purves 1.00, Stewart Lavis T 50;, Wm.. Lyons .1.00; L E. Ash- . ,ton,. 2.00; ,George .Orvis 2.00; J, R 'McNaib 10.00,, Wellington^. Nixon 1.00; Wm. Broom 100;• Elizabeth; Ferguson: ':1.00 'Roderick' Ross 2.00; Mrs: F. Mustard 2.00 James Pickering • '2.00;;. R. J. 'MacKenzie :25; Harr t Nixon 2.0Q; Mrs., John 'McLeod 1.00; Mrs. A. Jewitt 1,00;, • Donald J. MoCharles' 5.00;.J: W. Joynit. 15,00; , Mrs.' Edgar Holly_ • man 3.00;' Mrs, John McDonald:' 2.00 Dr W. VI' Johnston . 10.00 • .Ruby A: Grant : 5.00; ' .Clifford :Oraivv'ford-% 2.00,.- `'red , EMberlin ' • 2.00; Mrs: San' Morrison•1.00; . J, ' C. Armstrong 2.00; ' Ken. M w+bray 2.00; ,: Cameron ' 1V1IaoDonald "5:,00; ' W: W. Hill 5.00; Mrs. M. Dudley 1.50;„ Mrs: Sakti' ,Jamieson .2.00' • Elizabeth Reed • 1.00; ;; Katherine MacLennan • 2.00; Mrs'.. Ed 'Hod gins 3.00;. '•Catherine. 'McGregor 5.00; `Alex Andrew 5.00; Mrs 0,. Pedersen .1.00; ; V A: Mowbray 5,00; Anderson., Flax Products. .50.00; Clifford Jolinstori3 00-; Ern.-. est Blalke 5:00, Miss E:::Cummings 2.00, :..Kenneth Canieron Brown Snlythe: 5;00;,:•. Mrs. Essie: Purves' 5"00; Frank Maulden 5.00; • Miss ;Sarah ,Mall'ough 2.00; 'Mrs. N. Campbell 2;00;. Mrs.,R. J: Cam " eron: 1,00; "W . CCT. Htirnphrey ;2..00; Bill ` Pappas: 2.•00.; Margaret,' Flet.- Cher' 0.0 :Mrs.' R. H..McQuillin Z5 00 John McKay 5.00; Wm.' H. Irvin 5,00; Lucks ow Women's In ' sititute '25.00;.. Edgar T Carr : 5.00;• Mxs., Jessie McInnes '2.00; Chas: .Tiffin;, 2.00; , T. J Salkeld • •5 00 C. L. it ' 3:00 Harve• Hous - Sm h y 5.00;' Douglas Graham 3.00; Malcolin; 'Keith' 1.00; 'Arthur Con - gram 5.00; Elliott Congram Allister Hughes 5.00; Ladies Aux - diary 'oto; •Canadian Legion ;10.00; Mrs.:Boy Black 2.00;. Mrs., D. Me T inion 2.00, Ltioknow Fire ' Co. .10.00; Andrew` Gaunt :10'00.; Mrs: Sam 'Reid' 1.00; ,Win. Andre* 5.00; That home of •yours will be a knockout when you'treat:woodwork and furniture to the magic of "PERMA, N Bright, lustrous finish,n' fast drying, beautiful shades. Apply' .by brush,. •roller or, spray. John lumber. Limited Phone 150, I:ucknow,•..Ont.; 1111104.411111.04111.4 i�ts'n Treat the family to ctz TRADE MARK REG Gordon: M(oPhersonL5.00 Clifford. • Kil p!.atrick' • 5.00; • Wallace Miller 5.00; Thomas, Robb 10.00. ea" 501* is almost here' and we are ready with a full. stock 'u • a4 it YI NO. 100 : WHITE FOR. OUTSIDE . USE, GUARANTEED REMAIN'' WHITE; also .:Colors of. 'the Same Quality. SANIFLAT---A • flat paint with : great covering: capacity; •. INTERIOR GLOSS -in beautiful ,shades for Inside painting; • UTILAC ENAMEL Lthe•sarne excellent quality MOORAMET -dries ''hard with a china finish; UTILAC VARNISH and V'AR1fSH. STAIN, .also LINOLEUM VARNISH:• Sixty Yeartt Ago • George Kerr wYio' h 'settled in Lucknow: m 4862,' left for Brantford with, his ,sOn 44e.orge to take over a • gents furnishing business, He wds an ex-reeveof the , village. Mrs. Kerr and fam- ily were arernaining in the village for the time being with James Kerr looking (after. 'the grocery store and.•the' milling business, as the' lease on Treleaven's roller 1:e1iive happenings and doiogs . at. *all d`id` ..not; expire until July: Word *as received of the death of Mrs •-George Grant, who only a 'few weeks : before: had gone to 'Seattle with. her huslband. ' She was' a :daughter of . Hugh Ruther- ford, ... • Kinloss Council . , limited "the number of tavern licenses to fotir at 'a feet of $90 • each., Thirty • Years Ago ... Fi`v e Y , ;Hugh, McCrostie; narrowly miss- ed ed being .'fatallY injured -when ,struck on the, head by a, limb' while 'working in.. •the .bush on Concession' 1`0., West •W.awanosh.: Lieut. Clarence, Spence of.;. the• R• oyal Gar•rison'' • Artillery •was' en IChor " and, ' dance; steps ' .werefurlough at his' home before ail= presented by the 'Going Places Cap Girls: Theyinclud ing for.. England... and Red C p G ,, ` • . ed''Ruth Johnston,; •Mary Jo' Af - Daughters were •b.orn to Mr. • & clerson, Noreen Kilpatrick, Gwen. Stewart, ;Gladys Kilpatrick, $et ty Durnin, Carolyn -Gibson, Edna; Reid; 'Betty Johnston, '• H e' le 'xi Weiler., Marlene MacLennan. and Charlene*Smith. • I s o be 1'' ' MacPherson ,did' • ;a Scotch dance and Frank. MacKenr zie, played 'bagpipe. selections.: .; The Ohing-A=Ling •girls dressed in . Chinese .costumes did ' a song Mrs.' Robert.• Brown and Mr.,: and Mrs. J,.: C, Clark. of Southampton and a 'son to Mr. and :Mrs H. A. Doupe. Twenty Years Ago The : death .'occurred, . of Mary .Belle ' Habkirk, ., 31 -year• -old • dao g . hter of Mr.- 'Wm. liabkirk, of: Teesvwater. , . • 'and dance .,routine. This. group A.' R. Finlayson had been seri- was' comprised of Eunice • Mutton, -coaly ill with pneumonia 1 Joyce Mowbray, Valerie Carneg •` The. Women's Institute was pp - ie; . Ruth Ermiberinr,. 'Ruth Trelea ,pealing for cooperation to . see 'yen and: Edith Marshall, (that all 'names were obtained' ''and , Mrsr ' Thompson presented the correctly spelled ' for ' inscription children's contest awards to ,Don- na, '.Button, :''•as 'duchess; • Donna 1 ,Corrin,; as princess;; Jane Joynt as'queen 'arid Roy. Button as king, 1. With, the' Male chorus' falling through,:. a .group' . of . nine high school boys "saved' . the show",' They had their first rehearsal on Tuesday, :With'. the show• ,*.staged Ton 'Wednesday . and '' '.Thursday, They :did` a sang' and dance num per that went over 'big, :and,. Jack McKi rr' :did.: his first solo 'work,: When. he did Al Jolson'';'' black face ve-rsro of'Marn riy' r i •Johnston' took; •the: Mayor's part and Donald, Haldenhy acted, as. president, of this group .Of "Con= ventionaies" .who included Don- ald ,Stevu°art, Harald Howald, Geo. Anderson; Donald Thompson, Clark Stanley and: Kenneth Nich- olson. The Models, deserve credit • also for . their : part. The costumes were announced , by Mrs. Thompson' and . were modelled as follows: pyjamas'and'':housecoats by Ruth Anderson' and • Pat .. MacMillan;' sun dresses by Jane.'. Johnstone' and :'Shirley, • Johnston, suits by Jean' MacKinnon. and Mrs‘ F, • G, Brewer;' Summer ensembles ;by Mrs, - Alex Andrew.. and. ,Mrs. M.1 H. Corrin; •cotton dresses by' Mrs. i. J. C. McNab • and` Mrs . Jim Hen- dersoafternoon nsem`►bles by- Mrs. :George, Joynt and Mrs: Mor- gan, Henderson; • evening gowns. by Mrs. Baynard Ackert and Mrs; Jack Ackert. • on the honor. rail. Lloyd • Aghow was engaged to do the art' work. The farm:' home of Mr, and M' $, Wilbert Sheane, South Line, Kin- loss• Township, was destroyed by fire. Mrs.- Paul .. Reed, 86, won the. prize at the Women's .Institute. meeting as. the oldest grand- mother present, A .-,-Vaauable •• silver black escaped' ' from: " its pen on • Jehr Webster's farm at, St. ,Helens; • °A farewell party:was- held' for • •Mr and Mrs, W, ,G.,' Reed and mil ho •were' o-' fa .. 'vv m v n �ro the Lanes: cornrnunity. They 'Were_ presented with a "pOrse of money, •Rabert 1,Mawbray had the con. tract for the . concrete' foundationfor tie . waterworks.. standpipe, 'Ten )!ears Ago Clyde 'Reid, who went overseas. '• with the First , Canadiar1 Division was recovering, from' a 'fractured spine suffered,when thrown •from a airotorcycle, Clyde ,was ,at' Dun- kirk and was •evacuatedwith his shaving• kit;. as his sole • posses,- ion. ,Q Doris:Ritchie• enteredtraining. at; .Stratford Hospital. .; Mr W .,'•Spindler was serious - 1y ill from a heart:; attack; and slight stroke•. The •VillaCournc il purchased• the. {Gedde, •1ock8 which had been v'acarlt since 'gutted by, fire.. when: occupied:as Turvey's,:Var- •iety• Store:,' ;.Ill:health• : forced •• the' resigna- •: tion of 'Rev, ;John.Pollock, pastor.' o f Whitechurch Presbyterian, Church. • M •-• • Philip Stewart•'was' attending an , insurance • convention in ., Chi sago . •Mrs. .Arthur MacDon'ald,,,for:- •'` inerly Minnie Bower, was buried at 'South Kinloss. nloss-Born' Doctor . Has Brought ver' :5000; rBabies,:Into: Forty-five years ago a • young fellow, standing.: on the car step of a train that Plated. into Sask- atoon; made a wildjump before the train stopped; dashed over to Jin•>,my Flanagan's hotel,' and was lucky enough: to get .a room. Also in 'stock: Galvanized Pails, all sizes --Tin Dairy Pails and Strainer 'PAIS .McIFFAT'S E4ECTRIC 'and. GAS RANGES 'the oven'avill heat •With Coati, wiled or. electricity: the very best on the Market. • BEATTY'S ELECTRIC WASHERS The new tait• will not amity to the' gOads WeliaVe in Stock. • 'repot, :tucknott, Ont. • • •was Dr, john A; Valens who,' recovering frorn an illness lookint.forWard :to being. active again., not. as a debtor, btit as a spectator of the Passing Isho*. &wing. his Years Of service he CloselY asspciated in those old horse and buggy days, Drs. P. p.. and H. A, Stewart, brOthers, and Ontario: 'rile- „Stewart brothers have pissed On. As a matter' of fact, -Dr. Valens Dever' Owned a horse and buggy. An further, the veteran of the Sanal friend d sometimes even helped ant with the giula bill, admits. that he:, made, hiS City Barri on a !farm' in Kinlass, Township on the 'Sixth, `dances- siori, . young 'Valens -marked .on the parental „farm uritil he •was' Vor-several years, 'he wag too John Ross;acted'as quiz master for a quit of memberv Of the andiencei who right aro, wrong,. were awa,rdecl , chocolate - Most arious act of the shoW was the Wprrieres Institute kitch- en band' parade with, the kazoo- plaYing, !high -Stepping making their stage . appearance With 'all kirads of kitchen uten- Ba.rkwell as leader with a pair • Mr; Everett West presided at 8114 representing musical matru- the plata for the en re precluc- Were Mrs, Rtiss Johriaton, Mrs. Mrs: Ru.SS JohnSton, president WM, bouglas, 'Mrs: WM. McGill, of the Women's Institute, ekpress- Mrs,. Annie .Strpthers, Mrs, Gor- i'ed thanks to thoSe taking ,part dan MrS. Annie, Jewitt, I and to the audieriee:.Mr. R. Rae Mrs, . Burt 1Roach, 'T.' Mrs.' AlgX.Ispoke. briefly the first night, Of' • orld busy on. the; farm. to Igoo to school. a�t'all:He took seven monhs high