HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-19, Page 1•
$2.50. Yearly In Advance 50c Extra to U.S.A. •
Low Price Decides M,ee#i.ttg To Ho
Canvass Ta Buy United (hurcl
At a largely attended meeting,
on ,Saturday night—the second of
the week—it was decided that an.
Urban and rural canvass be made
with a view to' raising a .Suffici-
ent fund to purchase thLuck-
now United Church shed and thus.
retain ,it as a cornimunity shed,'
This, action resulted aft e r
reeves ofneighboring rural 'm.
icipalities showed noun?
. inclination
to enter into • .any :'purchase lar-
rangemenit whereby . a taxation
levy. would be required in their
respective. townships, and they
gave., sound ' and reasonable reas
ons for taking this stand.
Ernie Ackert was re -appointed
chairman of the meeting, and.
again pointed out ,that the: shed
'was: now a liability, 'rather than
any use,' to the Church, •but that,
the Board did not. -wish" to.'fake
any action '' to dispose of . it to
private' interests, if .the >commun-
• ity • wished to, retain . it as .a shed.
During the courseof the meet
nig it was ' revealed that the
Church. Board had met the, 'pre
ious evening. and had set a price,
of $1,600 on the •building; only
if it is purchased 'as a commun-
ity ahead. Private, interests .Offer-
ed tq pay More.than .that , for it,
the chairman 'stated; : >
' The price;eaused. Reeve'..Ever
ett Finnigan to•',remark, -;'`,You• are
'not selling it.,:you are giving it
Canvassing This ' Week
After a 'showing of hands fav-
ored: a .canvass 'being made, the.
.following' motion by Everett Fin-
nigan and:J. C. •McN.ab,was Pais -
ed. without a .dissenting vote:
"'That a canvass be ,made of busi-,
iress'; men of ;Lucknow•` .:and, of
farmers, in the surrounding ter-
ritory. for subscriptions to buy
the Lerr,know , United. ; Church
Mr. and Mrs Karl Boyle and
two 'daughters, Carol arid: Mari-
lyn, have taken, up residence
London,' where Vert has bought.
a ,home. Bo:
The . • .f ,. arnn enCno Con-
cession t, Kinloss, was recently;
purchased .by ', Gerald• Rhody •of .
'Hanover., who is now in possess-.
ion..• •
The Legion's, .$50(). bingo jack -
.pat •was'within' three calls of be-
ing w:on ' last Thursday " night,
' Fi,ft four numbers were called
for the jackpot, and .on the 57th
call' Lorraine Elliott of Wirigham
had B'a full card to win the .con-
solation 4prize..
Tonight. (Thursd:ay):' fifty-five
numbers will be . Called. •
Winners of regular games last
Thursday" night; wd're: • (Joe Was-.
riey; Mrs. Duncan ,Simpson, Mrs.
Leonard : Mclnnes), Mrs. Win.
Humphrey, Wm. Eadie,' (Yvonne
Mac /Ii]lan;. Morris ,'Bowler), ;Jim
Mathers, . Frank •Hamilton, • Mrs.: •
Bodden,„ Mrs. p., . Wagner -c --Mrs.'
James Johnston, (Morris Bowler,'
Yvonne MacMillan; Russ. Button),
Mrs.. Ed, Meyers, Mrs • Wm. Mc_•'
Donald,...(Mrs... jeer MacMilland
,Duncan Simpson), (Mrs. Ronald'
Forster, •Gebrge Hassall),: Mrs.
Naison,, Hodgins, Allan -McQuil-'
lin. .
'.Specials:: (Austin Solomon;
Yvonne MacMillan), Mrs. Dennis`
Dalton, (Mrs, Orville Elliott, Mrs.
Nelson''.Hodgins),,: Lorraine 'El
lioatt.. Free game; Tom Howard: '
• EV A. M1TC
. ELI.,•
Mr, and Mrs:.Edward Little :of 'INDUCTED FRIDAY
town celebrated their. 50th wed-
ding anniversary on•Tuesday,•and Rev. A:rthur.,Samuel. Mitchell
were• at home to a host of.friends` rector since mid-January of the
who called to ,extend congratu three-point ; pariah of St. Peter's,.
lations and best wishes: ' Lucknow, St. 'Paul's, Dungannon'
and St.. Paul'sRipley, Was form.:
SUFFERED BROKEN':ARM ally inducted •at an impressive
•service in' t Peter's.- Church 'on
Donald • Johnston;.. 10 -'year-old i Friday evening
i . In •spite. of 'disagreeable weath-.
son of .`Mr; and Mrs. Clifford '... , '
Jonston ''°.of Holyrood, suffered' ; a.
er the 'church Was well' filled for
broken arm' last week, ; hile
the,' ceremony, following which:' a
d la `iiip Y g reception was
held';at'the Recrea- "shirx°' at school. The tional.'Centre.break wasabove
Members of the three,, parishes
'had their 'nun hers.augmented by.
• ' N HELD FRIDAY officiating and visiting clergy-
Qand AV laity" -representative
FOB DEPARTING COUPLE,` of all other village faiths, mak-
ing it . truely • a community gath- : ,
A reception was held in the ering that not only received Rev. ;
Town' Hall on Friday night .for Mitchell as the new parish' incuin ' ,
VERY REV. F. S. MacKENZIE Mr, and Mrs •Ron McLelland (nee, ,bent,`•but• heartily. welco'nned Mr,
�� Agnes.'Conley) who were, married
and MrsMitchell ' as Cnerovcomers.:
Moderator of the Presbyterian. . .A : •
recently;. A large ',crowd was • in
Church in n da 'w'11 -1-A isshf to the villalgle, who as IDr. W J:
Ch rch Ca a ,attend: nce and at intermission ,
field. Presbyterian .Church' —= his' I. 4 Mumford •said at the reception,
y g ple were present- , «will enrich .the.. life of this co271-
the.• onu cou
horn' :church -
n Wednesday ed with,. a liberal purse,' of, money; •mun `,t
react Aril 25th, when he ,will j, i. y and church".Rev. Chas.
•�p .:.'Chas. Webster :sailed' on J. W. A. Winn made sin -Ali comrrient
address • meetings' afternoon and
Joynt, president of the,, ,Sepoy i «
evening.. in saying, Wo are happy to have
Hockey Olub,: to make'. the .res- '
p their'. and fortunate to have inch
entation, and Wes. in ..doing :. so.f •
a fine man: of God"
observed.. that he didn t know i. The :induction °was conducted
what was 'wrong with the boys �.ny the Venerable' J. N. II Mills`,
' here, in:• letting: a chap. from the .of London 'Archdeacon of berth
1 SEE. Blf' THEI
THAT Beverley. MacKenzie, five- side 'n the roam's farm:. .. •
year-old daughter ' of :•Mr. and , • ° groan's'
Mrs. Bruce. -MacKenzie, •had'her
tonsils.'. removed 'in Winighaxn:
Hospital last • Wednesday `•Mr'..
MacKenzie ' is :C;N:R, seetioi.
West isiteal -one' of. the prettiest 1 who;• -as, an.. old friend, commend-.
girls 'from ' our 'mads,. . ed Rev: Mite'hell;-to: 'the parish-
. 'Ron .• expressed • his thanks on •,
1? loners, ..as, 'a• .•devoted ...and �conse- :
behalf ..of he :and . his Wife, ;.• who I crated man°.of . God and besought
would always, cherish, , the merri- ! thee• co-ope ratien of all ' so that ' .'
ory of this ,nighfi.'H.e said • their' ,;the ' arish. Might ' be richly:bless_
home. ' in the' West would always P g t
ed. / ,
be open•to•anyone from this'com Upon'. •his .induction Rev; Mit
triunity.. ' shell ' expressed . his appreciation•.
Mr.. and. Mrs. • McLelland lett:i of•.the ' ' oodwill ,and: welcome` al-
by motor. .' on ;Saturday for Lore- g
ready :extended he.; and ;Mrs..Mit
burn, Sask., wherethey`'; Will..reould °• b e
chell, and said - that'. it. Would
'a rivilege•'to' .be, of service to
anyone 'An ,.any way..
u'hdea n' Mills, assisted,''
: Ai+c aca M 11 . as
iby. Rev. L.' W. Owen „Of South-
ampton, Rural. Dean of Bruce;
.. .. • forman. the
Bishop to the 'Archdeacon. •
. The congregation of Ashfield' Rev. ' K. C.
o B at•or, .to.1•• t
,d• •,
Ashfield Home
Chili who read hmandate from. the
Bolton of 'Walker
S q
Canvassers were ;named as fol •• THAT. Mr.., and Mrs. J: R. Lane .Pre'§b; terian, Church is•". tannin ': `ton read;the.Bislo's. mandate
Y p..,P.
,u gala welcome for'. . native son, to'.the people le. • Rev. F. G,Sherr
a p p
Professor The Very Rev:' Francis Mg.. ..4,1/2 Mount Forest acted as •
'Scott MacKenzie wh. returns• 'to corn a'ii.on-friend to..the. newly:.
lows: Kinloss Dave ' Carruthers The annual meeting of the of K•inlough. quietly .observed g
•Ernie Ackert, Harr ,. Laois and
Y hucknow `'Business Mens• •ASsoci-
their 45th wedding anniversary
George Lockhart, •with ;Douglas ation was held on goodly night',.: last week
Graham tibstitutin for the lat-"O,- • his home -church on:' Wednesday a ointed rector, and th induc
� ,with the chief..anatter of business . '.,F` Y�. pP •W
, ,e ,• .
ter;:' ' Ashfield,Fred ' Anderson , `: THAT Bain Bros.: of Kinloss re :: April ril ' h�ol in the highest 'tib sermon" ..'was ' b '
+, . concerning' the :purchase . of .the • p 25th, d .g it preachedy
-Grant Mc-Diarmid, Wm G. Hun-ited Churc shed,as a con-: ceived delivery of a new. Ford; honor the. Presbyterian.' Chtirch- in . Rev.; E. O. .Lancaster' of• . Wing=.
Un h
ter;'Elrner ;Alton` Wilfred Hack- Shed.. The meetin ap-
. muriity, .. sh g p •
et; . West Wawanosh, •Gordon: proved' the; canvass plan ,to 'pur-
Struthers,. Andrew. Gaunt, Bob chase - the shed ` and . appointed:
Lyons, Clarence Greer; Lucknow, Canvassers .'to '• solicit donations
appointments: to be made b theand industrial es?
Busine M 's ' • i Y from businesst-ablishnents: "
from . Montgomery Motors.
.,w. B Anderson Was appointed Appointed on the North :.side'
treasurer ••of':the 'canvassingg Com-' sereHarvey. Webster and 'Bob;
rnittee;' Canvassers were asked to MacKenzie; ,;South side, Archie
commence their work at ,once and Smith and Jack. Hall;. industrial;
if possible ate. halve the job prett Harold'
• . , P Y Harald Treleaven,, � . .
*ell •. completed this week, ; in W B. Anderson was invited to
Order. to determiner the•• response the meeting' to explain . the back -
the project is receiving ground and the`• course of events
If the fund should: be over. -to date in' conn i wit the
. -ecfon h
•subscribed, a• reserve ''. will be.
established for maintenance of
.the . buildYngd
Tf shed is' purchased under
this Flan it will be de to • he
,,A, be deeded ,t..
municipality a community
shed, •with th Village of Luck-,
now responsible for lookingafter
Rural Municipalities Opposed
I.n, determining the feeling •'of
the rnu.nicipalities. as to :purchas
=--ing; the -`;-b` ti ildin ' co, -o 'eratively,ve. a es dent
g P the exec�iti. , ..
Mr.: Ackert first called .on Reeve Gordon Fisher. continues' as sec.-
• ' ke tt's ' Church ,for Ashfield Ellen ,Stott . and was -born on: the'. r v''ereaus' .•S.t.-: Au �-ustine .-a n .d
J: C. 1VIicN�alb, who said 'the local tie s.. Executive members • ar.e W. Hac tg
board a i astoral 'charge. •12th• Concession, of Ashfield on Phillips', A.u�buxn, •,
while not having officially H. ,Hedley, Eine • p •
g • A. arte.ous, N.
discussed' ' n' ..;Russ -o--r : the farm now owned bv-,hrs•bro One'"�poun.d.. of 'the, powder dis-
the matter, were syn- Crawford, Lloyd Ashto _
Hall; :•'THAT° Wilbert HOdgkinson has Cher Henry.. He • attended.public solved' in 'a gallon of Ovate pro..
pathetic and w'owld ,hear a• tiro•; Button, Lloyd contact :men, ,
THAT in addition tb.'Waste .. paper,
'the. Boy Scouts will collect'. coat elected' Moderator. of ' the` 76th Russell, Rey: Rath Bli ht Rev.
'P g
hangers when they make their General ,Assembly, . and. is ' now B. H., Farr, Rev. D.r. W. J."Mum
salvage__dri e next Z?hursda aring-the: endLof_an-itinerary, ford,- Flev. A._Winn.
Canada can bestow' on him—that • ham, Rural Dean of; Huron.
of Moderator. Other clergymen , in: attendance -
Dr: 1V1ackenzie: was last June «dere Rev: '•J.` L. "Ball,. Rev.`: G: G,
THAT : the,. • Kairshea`` ` Ii'istitute
meeting is being held •this•`af- ` Next Wednesday Dr.: MacKen- the, organ. A: new lace cloth that
ternoon • (Thursday)' in the Re- .'die will address two .meetings in adorned the altar.. was . the gift
creational Centre. It was •er-..Ashfield Presibyterian• . Church. of ,'Mrs: A G: Elliott.
ropeoli4ly ' :advertised for last The congregations of Ashfield and "Dur' the ceremony the keys
week:. Ri ',le 'will be ':hosts' at a 'dinner :of the three arish churches were
• • py.e P
meeting of the Presbytery afi.d �preseted to °the'''new ''incumbent
at 8.00 o'clock- that evening there "
(Continued : on . "pa$e 7) I. ,
will be ,'a public service: •
Dr. MacKenzie : has . returned
frequently to his native. Town- •
ship, when the 'opportunity •' Per-
mitted.' to July • of 1948 he Was
guest; speaker at the morning ser-
vr ;'e in the church of .his ,Youth, The `Township of West Wawa-
*hich at that time observed' the .nosh has this ';year; purchased,
'Centennial ' anniversary. of. the '!warble fly 'owder,' that is -avail-
establishment of• the congrega- wale at no cost to cattle -owners
tion.' •in the Township: The powder '>fs
Dr.. MacKenzie is -a-son of the Obtainable, -at- Dawson'S Store,
late' John Neil MacKenzie and Dungannon; Miller's,' St. Helens;
which has. 'taken ' him coast to
coast , in` connection with the' dut-,
ies'of his office.
. The choir. was , comprised of
members ' of the three., parishes.
Miss Elizabeth Welsh presided at'
Church Board's decision to sell THAT • amon,g .".the --sick ,are Ed:
the shed.: , Purves of St: Helens,; who ' is
• ' Offices -Elected ,
again a patient' .in Wingham
For' the _third, consecutive year • ' Hospital, and Wellington Nixon
the' entire.' slate of `officers was, : ; who was .removed to Wingham
re-eleted, .. with' `Chas. Webster Hospital last week. with 'a
again ed ' severe stroke that has left him
as president,, Who �._
,the, office •after 'other nominees' • without, the:power, of speech.,
The resident. felt,At his . home' in. Kinloss Town-
had • declined.. Th p
how ver that, the job .should be -ship,' George Gilchrist is 'crit'
e b y. with a heart.condition.-
pasfied� 'around. , •� :.. - ically. ill
,Wm: A, , Sch.mid ,was elected tt i °-'
s vicerr `i ''SHAT —H6IY Communion----was-
ommunioxi -•was-
celebrated Sunday mdrning at
' •portionate share if the other A E '1VIeKitn• and , J L NlacMrl-
�bou`;�ht a, home. •n . Windham;
: ,t :nor•
the Hodgkinson -pr aper y
of l the •C.1V.R., has been. bought
once • an ,
i `'' t the uance
property,,south. of; the • "V'iliage.
Pee Wee hockey -teats.
is' item+, entertained tonight
The Playhouse. Theatre by the
;propriettor.; :i •
school at Henilock • city. Mrs, vides a 'sufficient . solution., for
t. Y
tri r •:_ t: ;r .north MacKenzie; also a= native of Ash- brush tr�eata ent, of from. 18 to 24
rcr•palities � .were r detested: ., . _
tori. daughter he 'late t i' ..
Reev' - • lel
:field, is ,a. daughter. of•t - e cattle. I s stated' that the inrush-
e, Finnigan. said West.Wawa • , . That the. half ,holiday shou
no ,b R. B.. ' Qu d John Donald E. McLean.: ing •'of: the,cattle,does ' not, take .
nosh'was as.. not,as there •were, sheds ur sday was the v t d u a » . .
,ue on l Th tin Dahmer has bou h long, and has proved successful ., •
,, out the Township, and, silent assent . of .the mee meeting. + ix combating the Warble.
falling' on 1 .
m,ething by. The 24th'of May, g
' 'So far tie demand for the
t � would Start. sa , _ ..w,• .. . _ 'will ..•
bui'ngilsharein:theLuckri,o �'
Thursday, will be' .full holiday. AT the
setam 11, o'clock
powder has been light, and Muni -
Reeve.Elmer GrahsTrr .. - .. r :
Apraposal to
said ..;-. Saturday' •'nights t ht at . opal officials urge that rt be ob
d that.. only a comparatively .dosing hour Ion. Saturday
1tai'nect and used. Pureha , of the
small section of ,Ashfield.* would ''ciuriri:g the ' Fall and Winter , e
make .. feel ng powder cost about $100 and if not'
use of the she'd, and felt rt. 'ikrougltt no aetiora, a the g
iva r o .,, ,. .. , used this: season is' said.le ,be of
no value next Year. '
` The Township Council has of-
fered t... ;appoint a' warble' fly in•
.s �ect .if .t,wo-third
p o petition ,
of • cattle • owners in the Town=
ship,,is. obtai�ned�,',
end .of June.
• -o•
THAI' the r.`enowned Davies Fain-
., ily, concert artists' `extraordin-,
ary, will present ,;a.mtusical. con-
cert in the Town Hall on Fri,
day afternoon at: 3.00 0"clock.
Arrangements for y the Davies'
visit is Made through the'High
School and'the public is cord'-
tally invited for the nominal
fee of Out •25c,
f the meeting seemed to be that,
to set such hours,
unless they are'to •be• observed
THAT a teacher' is required ' fpr
it was ,useless
x s . a matter �OetWeeri Lucknow
and the farmers interested He
said that Ashfield had esta'blishr•�
• .,..r.,
• `Hol rood �.c
hool at the corn-
ed a Paris, than so 'far', as' nierrcement,'of the ;fol ''term to
p, kat. the Lake, to which 100 , percent, and % y�. Elmer Cocrrtriey
these outside ,the rnunicrpali=ty the 11 o'clock 'cl»Gi'w. mn<t busi succeed 'I' Mrs.
. ', .. .... :i. . '.. r. t) se.
. ;Were "welcome, . without being r,esses .arc closed by that, time (nee• •Joyce Elliott) wlios
i .. • r , during 'the winter. i. • . resignation is effective at the
• (Continx>fed on page' 7> , . lsome Sooner), dt►ring the • • •.,.. � •'� ,