The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-12, Page 10PAGE TEN' LUQ .Spring, Is CURTAIN. TIME 'Dress up your. windoo acts ely and add:charm. e 1 your FRILLY CURTAIN'S --fine marquisettes; puffy dot, 451' wide, • FRILLING CURTAINS --fine• dots, 35'•" ,and 46" :wide: •• BEAUTIFUL . LACE CURTAINSwideictth for graceful draping. Lots of fulness -to' hang in folds. 45" wide. MARQUISETTE; ,CURTAIN MATERIAL ---by .the . yard, in all ivory, white, or white ground with' colored.`dot., ;Mar quisette with frills: (ELA14.1i1SE - CURTAIN lV1ATFiRIAL with 1." hem ` on either', edge, PLASTI` . CURTAINS & .PL'A STIC igy THE YARD. • DEBATE WELL (Continued from _ page:. 1). meet with them here. ' • • Explains Reservoir Plan was asked by Reeve "MeNab to. explain 'his plan.' Council Rob- ertson replied that it was -too big a question. for , the Council • to de-. Gide; and '.preferred' a public meeting, and have Dec. Berry: Councillor S. E. Robertson; come up: When Mr. Kirk said who at a •previous meeting had ihewould: be .glad 'to listen , Mr. suggested : the' sinking III :a . res- ++ Rdbertson • again outlined -his ervoir adjoining the: No. ` 1 well, l plan of ;.em+ploying a clam digger- toS make an excavation approxi-: mately 30 feet, by .:ten feet :ad= gestiol .Blue Bennet "Deluxe" Margarine Lb. 48c .Four. 4 pound prints, individ- ually wr.apped,. ndividually'wrapped,' with•color. wafer. Eatmore Wheatberries Special' 5 Ib bag 39c Lyons . Tea liitigs Special! 30. bag size 39c • Aunt 'Dinah Molasses Special!, 16 oz. bottle 190, o Cox's . Gelatine: .Pckg 15c Maxwell House Instant Coffee Special! ' • jar 69c 'MeLaren's -Pancake Syrup Special!'' ........ 16 oz. bottle •29c - T MPS The Store, Of' FriendlY SerViee 'Phone 82 •-- We Delisier r. joining , •.:the. No 1 • well, which' ',would have a reserve capacity of,. '14,000 ;gallons to supplement` .the' flow cif the No 1 well, .which is of .;eepectional quality ` Mr Rob ertson •;explained' his , plan '.for cribbing the excayatiori. 'Mr. Kirk said the plan ' might .be. Carried old but; it • might . fbe- come . a "problem sof economics"; and he couldn't see how the sed_ imeitt ':would not clog - up event wally the same as it did the original ,well. .• Mr. Robertson replied that 'be- cause • of the ' .quality' of the water that, they .do ' know . exists, . the, ratepayers would be willing to spend some money to save ' it; and lie did not feel -the cost .would be excessive., If itdid clog up in 10 or' 15 " years.. they could. dig in - other well then. • ' ' when Councillor . Robertson was asked "why he ..had not men- tioned 'this before. the test •drill-• ing and other work had been done, he replied that hes had re- ceived' "no audience and had "gone alongwith the rest of the Board". ' Reeve McNab repeated his 'sten r ihat; he was .,through#lr the No..1 well. . It, was , .pointed out .that the 'No. 2 well had been. stepped up for a trial brit' that turbidity still �` exits • in. this well if , pumped four higher volume' SENTINE LUCIQiQW, 'ONTAR,IQ. L' SEE. BY THE p. SE,NTII:NEt, - (Continued from:page 1) THAT P. M. Johnston recently received-deilvefy of a new Ply - THAT' Bill .LOCIthart has been pinch hitting at the school for Caretaker Pill Stimson who has • been busy the Oast week clear, -Mg up Main Street, which bad and dirt that blew , in dust clouts Or it dried up, last Week, tonight, . (ThUrSda5.9, for the, legion's $500,jackpot THAT: with ' Sucker fishing and, ',Muskrat •trapping in 'full Swing, Alex,Wolfe, game warden from: Kincardine, has been'patrolling streams and 'Ponds in. the shs:- got a goOd 'vpvck- of two white stwans 'had' 'settled on week. Larger thaw. wild geese • 'and with muCh longer necks, the pair. took over gracefully ,.' as Earl approached 'for a close - THAT, the . Huron County .01d hold their aninral .euchre r and bridge' on April 20th at .RobeitsOn's Hall, -137 Avenue THAT ,the ladies of Blake's Un - Church, held .a sueeessful bazaar of home -baking; candy Rooms' Saturday, and a, nico ,stmr. was realized for the W. • THAT Dy; W. J. MumfOrd was in Hamilton on Tuesday' attending tmeetin:g of the Conimittee of • 'Evangelisrn 'and Social Service . which Was draftincresolutions • • to be Submitted to Hamiltbn Conference in May. Rev. Mum- ford is 'ehal7pan of this. corn CHURCH NEWS 'South Kinloss ' The April Meeting of the South Kinloss W.M.S. was held at the Manse. "The „president, Mrs. -Har- ry Lavis was in the chair. The Meeting opened with hYmn .318 followed by the Lord's prayer. After the business part Mrs. Har- ry Lavis read -the -scripture -and meditation, :The roll call wai Mrs. Philip Steer accoinpanied.by Mks. -Allister Hughes was enjby- ed. This being .the Easter Thank - • • y�f I'. • .0 a5 • • Wizard. Glass W. awes Lemon Oil 144 is Old English Scratch pinrer Spic'and Span Id -Mitch 'Cleanser : Ajax Cleanser; Regular 20c for 27c AEA .SPRING TIME IS :SALAD TIME .hone 20 • , CLUBHOUSE OLIVES,:11 oz 53c Hothemade SWEET moctii,,PICKLES 20c. Oranges 20's Doz.. c Texai 'OrapefrUit;: 96's: 4, for 29c • r trJIt R,r S�A'Y, APRIL 12/h, 1951 IT'S NOT TOG LAT • BgTE AR Dresses, -- Printed Silks, nines, Crepes 'and Nylon, All: Purpose Coats and Raincoats, . Shorties -- Twill and Whipcord. Long. Voa,ts''‘,—, Fitted .ind Loose Barks:' , Snits --, GabarclineS,Rayon Gabs, Pie Pie. Umbrellas, Purses, Gloves and3qYIPTIS. in colors to . Guaranteed -for ..00 days. In. all the !latest patterns. .;CARDIGANS, PULLOVERS & .SLEEVELESS SWEATER§, 04t.liOr oats , .t.04'1.AtitEs.•.8i-TEEK-ApOit SizeS 12-18,• 3844; -:-Covert :gahardine, Cheek gabardine.. Boy's and Girl's Gab4raine,, 1..L -WEATHER COATS ' Gabardine that is:Water repellent and .can be used for rain' . or shine. 'Smartly styled 'with double breasted front, raglan slegves. and' slash, pockets. Sizes 8 to 14, PLASTIC, RAINCOATS, sizes 2, 4, 6 $1.4. PLASTIC RAINCOATS, sizes 8, 10, 12 TOT -TO -TEEN and I..ADIES' WEAR 'Piione 89-w Lticknow, Ontario offering Meeting Mri.,Mitchell of iLueltnow was 'the guest speaker for the- occaSion. She brought a very inspiring . Easter ' message. Miss Dean 'MacLeod gaire a .read- ing: Those „taking part in Ole Graham and. Iwo. Chadwick., A vote of thanks to the speaker arid !the hostess • .w,as given -by Mrs. Ted Collyer.. Hymn 373 *as sung the Meeting with prayer. • Winnie Stewart 'PreSident of. the' Oth. :.Reir.. Winn welcomed the ganiten. The Scripture via's read by Ken Di*on. The .Lord's pray: er Was repeated :in imiiiiri after which a group.of girls from Dun- gannon sang •"•gweet Hour. of Prayer": Barbara Witson. am Ken 1V1eAllister favOred 'With. :a piano duet Bruce Darling played. a 1.0-. lin, Solo aciompanieebY Lillian 'Darling on the piano. We Were again favored w4tiv a piano solo. by Ken McAllister. The topic, concerning Revelation,' and the. ;.Scripturesi--waaThread -Iii-Gladys- !Chin and LOis Webster sang a 'asoftloeivtrscioca ,iaanl 'dhoitanr , waaps;reecrijioarded•, Presbyterian Thankoffering The 'Easter ThankOffering of .,the Presbyterian W.M.S. and Ev- ening Aukiliary waS held hi the Sunday ' School roOm. of the chi:troll on Tuesday evening, Apr, Mrs. Jack Campbeltand the tried- itation taken' bY Miss -Pearl Hen-. program inclUded a vocal duet Zetta Mullin arid a ,piatio Solo: by Miss Kathleen' McIntosh. , Mrsp, MeAtileY ,, of Ripley was guest speaker. .S.he 'took the Easter rnesgage, as her theme. Rev,. Winn Closed the meeting With Prayer, Mrs. Roy• MacKenzip of Ripley recently ' Won 'an . electric. refrig- eratcir in •a draw at•ListOwel. But her son Kenneth of -Lisiewel is'. luckier Sta Thrice. in• the past hiin...-to win a $1000 bedroom Suite, -a 207Pound turkey, and a $50 Cash AYLMER CHOICE PASTIiIIELOUR sAxoN or VELVET TOMATO JUICE. YORK FANCY 48 oz. 4in PEAS BROOMS :Polished Handle 4 -String' SO ibS.1 Ail Prices Subject to' Change • Finlayson D. R phohe