HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-12, Page 9a THi1RSDA" ' , 0#1:1:4 .iii 12th,, 1051 • OKANG,EMEN. PAY TRIBUTE' T.0 LUNG TIME MEMBER 1z, funeral of Thomas Culber.t,. 95, :of West "St was held from the home of his son, Nelson, on Monday of • last,'week, 'with a ROSEMARY .:THYIyIE larg ht attendance. min.iistere of • •uB `g "If yqur child is:.unmanage- United • Chu'rch,, officiated. Mr.• Culbert's' loyalty to the. Orange able, • switch- his attention", says .Order was.•r.ecognized lby 60 dis,+• a psychiatrist,. In the olden. days trict Orarlernen, who precedes it was .119t phis atteii;t o}i which the ' funerral cortege tq Dungan- was ss 1 ' meter The. pallbearers WAS ed . Thats the editor- non ce �' ial, comxn.ent ,•thatt stirred m ..were Harold- Culbert, George Er- e7rior- . in ton, Toni •Culb.er't; Jr:., Harold, 'les of a conversation we had with r.g! .. Webster, Clifford ` Hackett • and friends: this summer, on that' sub- Benson. Finnigan, The flower , bearers sect. We were speaking of cer- bearers . were Eldon, Harvey'° -and taro Laverne Culbert; Gordon and problems in 'child training, and one • .woman told a :Very •Earl Nivens, .Tom Rivett and Jack m u s n g tale Of an n exp r. ie.w nc1ecDonald :they.had Sh ,.oldit very ..e indeed7144 shan't .do it j'ustrce=. DICK .TRELEAVEN AMONG r R E' though she did., admit that, per- Tor RIDERS •AT HO S _ ,SHOW I haps she• ea agger.ated a bit. "But i • , , my ,husband tell en' son of. Dr: R, you should hear Dick Treleaven; , _ , it , • she. said. Her husband is • l,,• Treleaven; of ;W,00dStock .and head. of :the Uni.versity.' Hospital of Lucknow,, was one 'formerly . rn a certain ''we western rn� ,i...• e city: and . y of the: three. top riders at the .they .,.'had nior'.iXc se Show •held recent- , visiting psychiatrists Ju lecturing there, man .and wife, ly in Toronto :at the M• ajor iCl f both psychiatrists During their - f ord, Sifta es Areiya:'•°stay in the .city; they stayed''. at Dick's big; Canadian' • hunter; -the home ' of Dr.:1VIcG., they.' and Beau' Geste (Carnside Deposit), their children,'The children. were, • • was reserve' .champion of the O show with two firsts" and 'two .f course, not 'to be repressed, ; seconds.. ,Beau Geste :also' won the.but to 'be allowed to •blossom m ` $ trophy arrington and''the Piel their own'• sweet way: However; • when: necessary, the parents ;tried sticker trophy -in ,the hunter hack.' to' "re' -direct, their 'energies". A. and :conform'a,tion :. hack •-classes, . p- parently the visit was enlivened. and Placedsecond- in the pleas Eby a great~ dear of "re-dil ection'':: pleas- ure hack competitign . � I'`,`Now; "Sally;: wouldn't. ,you '•like • 'Dicks horse .was in the second to see what you ' could •do •� with place group :of: three jurripers,'the 'scissors' 'instea"d of 'uting • one to lead acid pair to -follow. I Faul s hammer >'on the • piano. ibonchs'", or, "Paul, don't ,you have Meter'.Mishap th"ink it :would.• be better just to • 'When he ceipe over� a• hill.; while going'.west ;on high'bvays put. the,kitty in' the electric dish washer .instead of trying to drown and 9,:two and a., half 'mi es west :her in the sink?" • or ' "wouldn't, ;'of= Walkerton,' Gordon` 'Huffman, , ' ' or, you like to paint,`:the lamp shades -R. 5, Lucknow, pulled to the' right • instead_ of ,sawing . through. the to pass an: ,approaching car driv- • en by .:Rev.. • W: A. Henderson, minister ' of • Kr ox :Preaby'terian church, 'Walkerton. The rear end • Of, his • car . slid over; 's nas'hi.ng into :the 'cleric's machine. No one. was injured, and Provincial 'Coni stable Hugh, Rutherford, who' in= ;:vestigated, 's a'i,d'. no • •'charges would' ite.'. laid.,= -Walkerton .Her • ald-Tirnes ' .' Held Quilting 'Party, • Mrs. Jacob Hunter of Zion was hostess to a''W.M S: quilting party Thursday,,` April 5th.:Six;teen lad= ies *eree:present;: and a good' por tion of' the quilting was done, on. a • very • pretty appliqued, • quilt: A very dainty tea was 'served by: the hostess, her . two: daughters Mrs. Cliff Menary and Miss Freda,. and. Mrs.' Wes Ritchie: THE' LUCKNO W . SENTINEL, I.TJ? N'OV{T, „ONT RIO • P,GE:' NINE. 1 • TO SUCCEED F#i,ED WILSON:.,. John; Butler, R.. 1, Ottawa, will succeed "''red Wilson as assistant agricultural representaaive • i n Huron .County, will assume his duties on .May.7th, with head- quarters at Clinton, Mr.: Butler is a graduate of I eXnptville Ag- ricultural, Schopl and McDonald College, Bte.. , Anne. ' ,de. Belevu. e,.' •Que• ;, Student: What 4s the name of; those tablets . tt\te ancient Gauls used to write on? • • Helpful roommate: Gaul stones. "Secret of 'a Happy. Marriage" A stimulating. article' in • this. Sunday's (April 15) issue of -The . American Weekly, ' exclusively with `Tlie,'Detroit ''Sunday Times; tells how 'fa make. a happy part nership of. marriage. You'll aiso find other intrigu.ig . rticles, 'in- cluding a-• stirring true mystery "Inside Story of the Watch Dial Tragedy". „Get• Sunday's 'Detroit 'cord?" You'; c,an. see`• a p:arent,:_' working on. this principle, has to' ' ,be full.•:• of ideas ;too! ! Before, I had .a child I :had a :theory. J. had "read books. Make - The ,punishment :fit the. • crime. It: can :be. done, of course, "perha+ps, oftener. than not,• but there • are �times.'when another method: May. work ,betterr. ,,For :instance, When our small,: fr' first. s't'arted: going. away from home. •to. pla'y'. with, other children, 'we had a'' rule. that he` was to. tell'mebefore he went,: so that would, know . where he was. Often he: `forgot", ,and the punishment' that . I•• :usually 'meted. ' out was to make him play in 'his own yard, by hirriself,; for'. sorne „time: ;The result was''that he was resentful .was. inclined .oto. sulk,. +while. I remained • annoyed at: him :,for: having: caused Me..to'., be war -i'• ri'ed about his whereabouts.. For the. whole` •period •"of his." puriish�•_., meet, the,..f eeling between us was nQt ju.4t what ,; ' should have been: And not only .• that, but.the next day he' was quite likely 'to ,forget . again, and', go tearing off •to play , with.: 'Peter,.' while.' I, thonglit he was in' is .own back yard. -Then : `: one day' I switch- ed ,his . • "not -his -attention"; ; He cried, `"of "course, ' but •aS soon at:, he.wa's over that;.:his 'punishment. was over,. • and he 'could 'go out' and play,: ;again. -He forgave me Immediately, -.as I did him; and .we Were better:friends' than ever It certainly had 'the desired` •ef- fect . on his memory; and :retained' the. effect ' for•":weeks, :or .longer. Instead of resenting my: more (,drastic punishment,..he always showed•mare affection'; after, ;;and. 'was, so veryY helpful and anxiout. Ito please. I' spoke of this .ta a friend, Who; had older,''children, , : and she said that she had found I'that• to be' true in: her 'case ;'too: "In .fa9t", she 'said,'."I" used to: wonder if' it Wouldn't have.been a' good idea to" spank them oc", • casionally,•'•just on ' general. grin - doles! They were' such angels for such a; long While after", - Later, I. read -an artice recom mending tlIe: occasional. spanking., ,r. It ••said that in certain circum 'stances it is actually. beneficial!. :The physical ,sub-. ,. slap ,and • >s. sequent ; tears • releases , an 'emo- tional tension°tha,t a scolding or a "' fit=the-crime sort of Punish- ment- tends to build, up. Of 'course, I he is supposed to 'know what he • is being punished foi;r and' meal- ize that he "has .it°• corning,' to i ' you don't' him r And, of coni se, � i ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced. Ai'nfa -Betty, claughMer'.of E:. Leonard and the late Ernest. 'Leonard, London to Norman, Coate, son' of . Mr. ' and :Mrs.' G. Laivis,' LucknoW. •The marriage. to. take.. place at the Church of the -- ; ,redee riser; Landon, May -Ith, . •at GUARANTEED •tterl( To Fit AB Cars, Trucktli Tractors, AT THE kicriii PRICE $4.00 ALLOWANCE On Your Old` ,Battery. Cam bell's: Garan• e- .C:iiladian Tire Corp: 'Store •'WINGHAM; ONT. ra • 4''.y oorf,_n n 04 01�esie, r!�p+�4Nionsemnra�ri!!!10-6l+w:I 1 . ..,c,„. L ;BoY SCOUfi i Waste yi i i. mob, pl4onw.mma.1.v0 0. In . Luclniow at 4,00 p.m. ons. 4 . Householders are asked to. have Newspapers;', •Magazines,:' Cartons,, Etc., at the curb for the Scouts to picl, up. Plea* box or' tie • it securely. • Paper may be"left 1h 'the ifresbytel;ian Church Shed: at arty time.:' PAPER I LABI:E .. S VA U _ SAVES IT '-FOR,'.' THEI SCOUTS ta�tl�l.I�t1�b�O�O�ii�Y!�,t�tl�laM,�ti�.NltNrN,�►S��l,�►tl�t,�1!��>�t��`>• > Tiiartes•. i led oy, 446 districtto;$192;500,,t` Board' figures' will' -New School To Cost $620;040 They. cost of a new 'district high school at Goderich is estimated at use this method to release your .'$620,000, 'or which • government ! .. own temper.! r .• grants reduce the cost tobe car- ': i' mean a levy of 1,37.mills on the district , assessment of $93537,336. Of :this .assessment • Ashfield s ,share is $1,160;525 and West Wa- • wanosh's $948,250. •Y:: • • ie"sure- -e• , ire"•: gunnersof the The Canadian Army,Active Force is on the alert., The highly trained; expert gunners:.of the Royal'Canadian 'n Artillery stand by their eons-�- ready -to defendCaiiada's;freedom: . •'Tie fighting men Of the Royal Canadian Artillery',• are expert. °'sol'diers. They Are:, trained to work and fight in smoothly"co' iordinated teams . and 'proud, of , it i Canada needs more men like these "sure- fire"'- gunners -'-'men"who' prize" Canadian freedom enough to fight for it. You can take your place beside' men. like these— as a member • of a field' gun's crew-by.reporting. r - x immediately for training as a soldier of the Canadian Army Active Force. Canada need you now! Report .today! TO ENLIST YOU MUST.- 1-Be UST1Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 1,7 and and 30 years of 00. • ' 3 ' Be single. �. ° 4" Meet Army test requirements.' S Volunteer for service a'ntYwhero. , REPORT 'RIGHT A.WAY:.'TO; ' i No. 13 P•rsonnil D•no*, Wollis House, Rideau R Charlotte Sts., OTTAWA,. OeS • No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Begot St., KINGSTON,;Ont. No. ¢, Personnel De' of,• Ckort•y6Pork, Dougios- Drive, TORONTO, Ont." No. 7 Personnel Depot,: Wolseley llorrach, • Elizabeth, St.. LONDON, Ont: A203s•a I b':/iW:NF:i�.J►:.ddl•JL:ri'...YI .. N:�1d(.Y►:YL::iiiik: Listen to ."The Voices of .the'.Army" — Wednesday evenings Dominion Network • n4 t •� • ,T,P;�iwr 44 ft 6•;